I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 46 Angry Wu Yan! (65 Plus More For Collection!)

To this end, secondary officers sent fighter jets to kill.

However, the exaggeration is that the tyrant zombie directly resisted the missile, and even shot down the fighter with bone spurs.

This terrifying scene made the scalp of the second-level officer numb, and he reported it. He was ordered by the elder Xuanguo to destroy the tyrant super zombie at any cost and bring back the sample.

For this reason, the second-level officer immediately gathered all the military forces to launch an attack, trying to annihilate the tyrant super zombie.

However, it ended up being wiped out.

In addition, a large number of superhumans have been infected into intelligent super zombies, and they have lost completely.

However, under another attack from the World Observer, a third-rank officer escaped and took the sample with him.

In this scene, Wu Yan was in a heavy heart, and he saw a lot of doubts in his heart.

When they next saw that the elder Xuanguo understood the series of decisive measures after the mutated MR virus harmed, and did not hesitate to use the intercontinental missile to kill the tyrant super zombie, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Great Elder, you must have insight into the conspiracy of the World Observer.

They prayed.

However, as the audience, they obviously cannot control the development of the established plot.

The plot is still going on.

A month later, the super zombies brought millions of zombies to attack the mainland of Xuanguo and fought against the army.

In fact, the super zombies used millions of zombies as bait to attract large troops, thus rushing into the Xuan Kingdom.

The super zombies who can use the tiger to leave the mountain trick make Wu Yan and others numb their scalps, and they also realize the next harm.

As they expected, if the super zombie didn't get to a place, that place would become a dead place.

Super zombies rushed into the city. That city became the center of turmoil, and a large number of humans were infected into zombies.

However, humans cannot use intercontinental missiles to bomb cities, and can only use superhumans to form elite teams fully armed to carry out clearing.

This tug of war took place directly for five years. Humanity lost a lot of territory.

However, under the leadership of the Great Elder, five giant steel survival bases were also established. The base is surrounded by steel walls up to two hundred meters high.

The remaining less than 100 million people linger in it.

The super zombies seem to feel that the time has come, and they have gathered a group of 2.5 billion zombies within a year to lay siege to the three major bases.

This terrifying scene made Wu Yan's scalp numb.

The zombies that can't see the edge at a glance are enough to make people desperate.

Human beings were forced to use nuclear bombs helplessly. For a time, the scene of the nuclear bomb explosion appeared crazily, and the number of zombies was greatly reduced. Humans can also resist the remaining zombies.

However, a new problem arose, because of the nuclear radiation, the virus evolved again. As a result, the zombies also began to evolve again.

Humans have begun a more difficult road to resist the J virus.

The follow-up Gene Pharmacy 2.0 and Gene Pharmacy 3.0 appeared one by one, and they fought a hard war with the zombies.

The population is falling like crazy.

This bloody and protracted war made Wu Yan and others hold their breath, dare not blink, and looked extremely heavy.

The plot of this film is undoubtedly more shocking than the previous three.

Originally, it was the struggle of a small number of humans.

This time, it was a racial battle between the entire Xuan Kingdom and the zombies. All kinds of hot weapons are thrown out.

Even the bombing of nuclear bombs without money, the scene is extremely shocking.

But they will not be excited by this exaggerated picture, only heavy.

They saw the birth of the zombie king, and the human sacrificed tens of thousands of new human superpowers to repel him.

Continued and saw the birth of Gene Medicine 3.5. The emergence of a large number of zombie kings.

The elders painfully forced the soldiers to inject, and a large number of elite soldiers died, only to give birth to a small number of transcendents with short lifespans.

Through transcendence and nuclear bombs, human beings have the power to fight against the zombie king and even the zombie king step by step.

Because of the protracted war for many years, the losses of the soldiers who spawned transcendence were too heavy. The elders gritted their teeth and wanted to give birth to more than 100 transcenders at one time, annihilating the zombie king and the zombie emperor at one time.

This choice, rationally, is undoubtedly correct.

Wu Yan and others also felt the same way.

However, the next episode silenced everyone.

Forced to inject Gene Pharmacy 3.5, and survived by luck, the transcendent who was repressed to the extreme actually rebelled and led the people of Xuandu Base to carry out a so-called uprising. They shot and killed the first elder, the second elder, the third elder, and the fourth elder. Force Zhao Lao to develop Gene Medicine 4.0 within half a year.

Only the five elders fled to other bases.

Humans began to confront each other and began to fall into decline in the war with zombies.

After half a year, the transcenders began to die from side effects one by one. The last transcendent even madly killed Zhao Lao and other biochemists.

Seeing this, Wu Yan and the others couldn't help but closed their eyes and clenched their fists, a little afraid to look at it.

Should he call the transcenders anti-bones?

If they were forced to inject medicines with a one-thousandth success rate in that oppressive environment, they would also have a lot of negative emotions. Not to mention, even if it succeeds, its lifespan is extremely short, and it has to fight to the death with the zombie king and the zombie king.

Finally, they took a deep breath and continued to watch.

Seeing that the fifth elders vomited blood and fell into a coma after knowing that the hopes of Zhao Lao and other human beings were slaughtered, they felt very uncomfortable.

Next, human beings were completely defeated in the war with zombies, and all three major survival bases were captured.

Only a small number of human elites fled to the extremely cold continent with Zhao Lao.

They had predicted this kind of plot before, and when they really saw this scene, the corners of their eyes couldn't help but feel a little astringent, which was indescribably complicated.

The human civil strife in the last episode was smashed by a meteor before the chaos started.

This time, when humans struggled to resist zombies, civil unrest broke out. It resulted in the tragic death of tens of millions of people and cut off the last hope of mankind.

In the end, they saw the scene of the five elders laughing madly and sadly when they watched the huge meteorite falling from the sky in the extremely cold place.

Under the impact of the meteorite, everything was lost.

Even the zombie emperor who could destroy the city with one blow could not resist the impact of the meteorite.

When the movie was over, Wu Yan and the others were also unable to regain their senses and stared blankly at the computer.

"Ji Ruifeng, the surpasser who killed Mr. Zhao and others, deserve to die 10,000 times!"

Wu Yan said through gritted teeth.

The rest of the uprising transcenders, they can also wash. The last surpasser, Ji Ruifeng, is really damn good. Actually killed Zhao Lao and others.

If Zhao Lao and others are still alive, there is still hope for mankind to continue to survive.

Not only to resist zombies, but also to rely on new transcendence to cooperate with nuclear weapons to resist meteorites.

Everything was ruined by Ji Ruifeng.

This guy actually madly killed the hope of Zhao Lao and other human beings.

(ps: ask for collection, ask for reward, ask for flowers, ask for ticket support, QAQ~!)

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