I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 103 Lu Jie, who is moving towards the all-powerful level! Ai Lei said that Aizen should give

Ordinary elementary school students:

The old man has a white beard: "Gu la la la, Miss Manager, you've gone too far with this joke. 55

It would be great to be able to grow flowers in the underworld: "Eh, I think so too. Newcomers feel very depressed. 99

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "cough, joking, sorry."

I want to be a great writer: "Ah, I was in a commercial street, and suddenly a middle-aged man had a heart attack and died on the spot.

Everyone: "???"

Saeko Poshima: "Shi Yu, are you serious? Stop joking at this time.

Ordinary elementary school students: ""

I want to be a great writer: "Of course it's true, I don't need to lie."

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "Pfft, the power of death will not really work.

The oldest and strongest godslayer: "Hmph, how could a person from a low-level world affect other worlds through the Myriad Realms chat group, this is all accidental."

Lord of the Void Circle: "Hehe, I think so too, don't make a fuss."

I want to collect all the famous knives: "...The lieutenant general I was chatting with just now had a sudden heart attack."

Everyone: "!!!"

Honjo Kaede, who was on full defense: "Ahaha, shouldn't it really be..."

Magical Girl Illya: "It's scary!

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "Hey, Conan-kun, do you want to leave the group directly? Funny.jpg.""

Ordinary primary school student: "I'm very tired, how do I feel like I've become a scapegoat?

Shi Huangdi: "It can only be said that Ling'er is too impressed with you.

I am the Lord's Xiaosong: "It is impossible for people in the low-level world to affect other worlds, don't think about it. Two consecutive heart attacks are just an accidental event with a small chance."

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "Cough, sister Wu Song is right.

I want to be a great writer: "By the way, Linger, you can also upload anime or movies related to newcomers. I'm very curious about newcomers.""

The old man has a white beard: "Gu la la la, the old man is also a little curious."

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "Okay. Then I will send it."

"Ding, the admin of Mengmeng is that I uploaded an anime "Detective Conan".

Lord of the Void: "A detective? No wonder the manager would say that the newcomer is a person with high IQ."5

The oldest and strongest god-killer: "Is it really an ordinary world? It's a bit boring. However, since the manager is so complaining and calling him a god of death, there should be some merits, and the old man doesn't care about it."

The old man is a white beard: "Gu la la la, there is so much time, watching anime to pass the boring time is not bad, the Marquis's requirements are too high."

I want to be a great writer: "After all, he is a marquis, the oldest and strongest god-killer, and is only interested in power (laughs).

The oldest and strongest godslayer:

It would be great if the underworld could grow flowers: "It's too real.

Ordinary elementary school students: "Anime...?

Magical Girl Ilia@Ordinary elementary school students: "Well, it's anime. However, although it's anime, it doesn't mean that you are just a fictional existence. Anime, movies, etc., it is very likely that the world itself is inspired by a certain A work created by projecting various forms into the mind of the author.

Ordinary elementary school student: "So that's the case... Then I'll go take a look."

Magical Girl Illya: "I'll go take a look too. It's rare to see a primary school student like me! 35

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "Cough, Illya, don't have too high expectations. You are still the only one in this group of elementary school students. 99

Magical Girl Illya: "!!!"

Saeko Poshima: "It seems that there is a secret. However, there is no need to think about it, just read it and you will know."

The First Emperor: "Yes. 35

Afterwards, the chat group became much quieter again, but a few people continued to chat.

On Lu Jie's side, he has completely controlled Hakoba.

Not much movement, unremarkable.

"It's nice to have an infinite multiverse." 5

Lu Jie nodded with satisfaction (beag).

"Next, try the use of points."

After Lu Jie thought for a while, he narrowed his eyes.

From the super-level to the all-powerful level, no one in the void has done it.

There is none of the all-powerful levels on the bright side.

However, points are almighty power, which may make him go further.

Immediately, Lu Jie directly used more than 500 billion points in his own evolution, making himself move towards the all-powerful level.

It's just that the 500 billion points was completely lost, and it did not bring fundamental changes to Lu Jie.

However, it still works.

At least, Lu Jie has a little more almighty power.

This almighty power can do anything within a certain range, which belongs to the true almighty. It's just that the amount is too small to cause a qualitative change.

Five hundred billion points is still too little.

"Points are really useful."

Lu Jie smiled.

The next thing to do is simple.

Collect enough points.

As long as he has enough points, he can truly reach the all-around level.

"Ding, congratulations on taking control of the infinite multiverse code-named Hakoniwa and obtaining 100,000 almighty points. Note: one trillion points = one almighty point.

Suddenly, the prompt of the chat group system sounded, which made Lu Jie stunned.


Lu Jie smiled.

He used to control other universes, but he didn't have this kind of treatment.

But Hakoten has this kind of treatment.

It can only be said that these anime worlds are special. At least, it is a special existence in the Wanjie chat group system.

Only when these worlds are controlled, can they obtain huge rewards.

The stronger the world, the more rewards.

"100,000 almighty points, where can I get to? I'm really looking forward to it."

Lu Jie smiled and entered the state of 'promotion' again.

I'm in a good mood. In his spare time, Lu Jie is in the mood to pay attention to the Wanjie chat group, which has been online for a long time.

At the same time, the Myriad Realms chat group was extremely lively.

Because everyone has probably finished watching Detective Conan.

After watching it, the group of people complained very strongly.

Because this world is outrageous.

The old man is a white beard: "The potion that can rejuvenate people is really amazing. However, what this old man wants to complain about is Kudo Shinichi, or Conan... Really worthy of the name of death. 35

I want to be a great writer: "I thought Linger was exaggerating. Now that I think about it, it's exactly the same thing! It's so scary! It's true that wherever you go, there will be murders. Wherever you go, there will be dead people. .

Magical Girl Illya: "Ahaha..."

Ordinary elementary school students:

It would be great if the underworld could grow flowers: "I think Aizen should give up the position of the god of death to Conan-kun.""

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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