I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 155 Bringing earth to sacrifice to heaven, everyone's happiness! (For a more subscripti

Magical Girl Illya: "And Kailu too, it's just an emoji, so cute."

Saeko Poshima: "Yes. However, the characters in this anime are very cute. It can be said that it is a cute work.

I want to collect all the famous knives: "Nothing to say. 35

Mengmengda's administrator is me: "It was originally a cute work. However, what I want to say most is that whoever becomes the owner of Kekemeng will feel that he will be abandoned. Cover your face.jpg.39

Ordinary elementary school students: "It's true.

Seventeen-year-old young girl: "Hey, Conan is getting more and more excited? Sure enough, his intentions are wrong."

Cocoa: "I'll be careful.

Ordinary elementary school students: "???

Ordinary slime: "Everyone is so interesting! It's great to be able to join the Wanjie chat group and chat with you. Not to mention, there are so many new anime movies to watch, so happy" 600

The old man is a white beard: "Gu la la la, just be happy if you are happy."

Lord of the Void: "Rimuru, can I visit your world? 35

Ordinary slime: "Of course.

Mengmeng's administrator is me; "Pfft, Limuru, don't agree to Aizen easily. This guy is too dangerous, if he goes to your world, there will definitely be many people and monsters suffering. He will be dissected. Research.

Normal Slime: "!!!"

Limuru was stunned.

What the hell, being anatomically studied? Do you want to be so ruthless.

Ordinary slime: "Ahaha, that, I'm thinking about it.

Lord of the Void Circle: "Really, Miss Manager still has a prejudice against me, which is really distressing.

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "Why is this happening, don't you have any points in your heart? You used to be such a dangerous person, not to mention, now you have obtained the new Bengyu."

The oldest and strongest godslayer: "Hmph, if it were me, I wouldn't let Aizen go to my world. 35

Evil Spirit: "Alala, I think so too. 35

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "Look, everyone thinks so (laughs). 35

Lord of the Void Circle: "Hey, I just want to use the sightseeing function. With the sightseeing function, I can't harm the lives of other worlds."

The old man is a white beard: "Gu la la la, everyone seems to have forgotten the sightseeing function. If it is the sightseeing mode, you really don't need to worry so much."

Magical Girl Illya: "Uh, that's right.

I'm Ah Fei: "Let's put this topic aside for now. In other words, I seem to have completed the conditions for offering sacrifices to God."

Konoha technician: "Hey, has Obito finally met the conditions?

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "Surprise, Obito meets the conditions!?"

I want to be a great writer: "It looks like Saeko has been preempted again (laughs). 55

Saeko Poshima: "It doesn't matter. It's okay for everyone to meet the conditions for offering sacrifices to God before me.

Queen Tokiwadai: "Speaking of which, what is a sacrifice to the heavens? 35

Kekemeng: "Well, I have some doubts about that.

Ordinary slime: "Me too."

Seventeen-year-old girl: "By the way, haven't you read all the announcements?"

Witch of the Void: "The announcement has an explanation. But a little bit below."5

Golden Shadow:

Ordinary slime: "I see, then I'll go take a look."

Cocoa Meng: "Thank you for your reminders."

The oldest and strongest godslayer: "Let's go back to the theme. How did Obito get the qualifications for sacrifice? 99

I am Ah Fei: "After ruling the world, I combined the Chakra system to engage in scientific research, construction, and economics. Now that people around the world are prosperous, and real peace has been achieved, I was qualified not long ago.

The master of the virtual circle: "So it is. This is indeed something unprecedented."

The old man is a white beard: "Obito, congratulations. You have become the third person in this group to worship God."

Honjo Kaede, who is fully defensive: "Congratulations! 99

Seventeen-year-old girl: "Remember the live broadcast, I'm still curious about what will happen.

I am Ah Fei: "This is necessary, but I don't know if Lord Wu Song is busy now."

I am the Lord's Xiaosong: "If you sacrifice to heaven now, I can go there."

I am Ah Fei: "That's it, that's great. 99

Konoha Technician: "Hoo, Lin, I can finally be resurrected...

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "Congratulations. The three of you can be reunited again."

I want to be a great writer: "It's quite touching."9

Queen Tokiwadai: "I don't understand what you guys are talking about, and sure enough, I still need to revive my liver.

Seventeen-year-old young girl: "I am also on this point. Those who join the group later have troubles in this regard. I see too little.

Golden Shadow: "However, this is also a kind of fun. You can also make up for it leisurely."

It would be great to plant flowers in the underworld: "I agree with Xiao An. Now I can only wait for new people to join the group and new movies."

Magical Girl Illya: "\(^o^)/, I feel the same way.

While everyone was chatting, Obito started the live broadcast.

This is also what makes everyone look at it with interest.

In the live broadcast room, Obito directly sacrificed to heaven.

Then, a large number of void monsters and even the Houtian Evil God invaded. The most powerful monster even reached nine stars.

But with Wu Song around, these monsters were easily killed.

There were no surprises in the ending. The soil sacrifice was successful, and it was upgraded to the will of the world. The level and strength increased greatly, and a lot of points were obtained.

However, these points were naturally given to Wu Song by Obito, which was equivalent to a reward and a gift for defecting.

Obito also became Wu Song's subordinate, and Naruto World became one of Wu Song's subordinate worlds.

I am Ah Fei: "Thank you, Lord Wu Song, if it weren't for Lord Wu Song, I'm afraid that this wave will have an accident."

Konoha Technician: "I didn't expect that there would be a nine-star existence. Sure enough, this kind of sacrifice to God is full of unknowns and risks. 35

Lord of the Void Circle: "Yeah. If there is no Wanjie chat group and there is no Lord Wu Song, even if we know that there is such a thing as offering sacrifices to the gods, the chance of success is extremely small to 0.6 points. That is very lucky, Invading void monsters are not that strong.35

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "I feel the same way. If there is no Wanjie chat group, and if there is no Lord Wu Song, if you dare to sacrifice to the sky, you will harm yourself and your world, not chance.

The oldest and strongest god-killer: "It is only with Lord World Watcher and Lord Wu Song that the risk of such an extremely dangerous sacrifice to heaven can be reduced to zero. 99

The old man is a white beard: "So, it is really a lifetime luck to be able to join this Wanjie chat group."

Seventeen-year-old young girl: "Everything I want to say has been said by you. I don't know if I can let this girl. Tucao.jpg.

Ordinary elementary school student: "Girl..."

Seventeen-year-old girl: "Hmm? Conan, do you have anything to say?"

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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