I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 56 Giant insects with abnormal evolution speed, and the world conference! (410 for subscript

【Host, do you want to continue to accelerate the timeline?】

the system asked.

"Well, speed up. 35 Lu Jie nodded.

[In the next half-day, the 'black hole' will be studied by scientists all over the world and defined as a special space-time wormhole. And that huge worm was identified by scientists as being accidentally inhaled by a time-space wormhole and came to this world. This has received great attention from countries all over the world. The country headed by Xingguo asked Xuanguo to open the door of the country and let them send people to cooperate to capture the giant insect. 】

[For this request, the Xuanguo Great Elder directly rejected it. This is related to space-time wormholes and giant insects with extraordinary origins. The research value is extremely high, and the opportunity cannot be given to other countries. The refusal of the elder Xuanguo made the elders of the star country and other senior officials of various countries unhappy, but there was no way to do it. After all, the location is in Xuan Country, so it is difficult for them to interfere. to this end

They can only send agents over there to do things in secret. 】

[Soon, the elder Xuanguo handed over the task of capturing giant insects to the special-level officers of the Shuidu Military Region. And the super officer also quickly organized the manpower to break into the hole left by the giant worm to see if he could find the trail of the giant worm, or use it to catch the giant worm. However, the depth of the hole was beyond imagination, so the exploration team had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​entering the hole. In turn, the special officers began to track down the giant insects through special biological detectors. Agents from various countries also began to come to Xuan Kingdom one after another. 】

[However, in the depths of the ground that they are hard to find, the giant insect that has been fleeing for a long time has undergone a mutation. 】

The sound of the system stopped.

At the same time, Lu Jie's figure also came to the depths of the ground.

At this moment, the giant worm with green blood all over its body screamed.

Before long, its riddled body began to wriggle. The bullets that remained in its body were squeezed out one by one.

Not only that, but its injuries recovered quickly.

No matter how hard it recovers, all kinds of fine carapaces appeared all over its body surface to protect it.

"Tsk tsk, after being hit by a firearm, did the carapace defense evolve directly." Lu Jie slapped his mouth.

The speed of this evolution is terrifyingly fast.

"Every country in the world regards giant insects as fish on the chopping board, but the situation may be reversed. The ability of this giant insect is a bit interesting." Lu Jie muttered.

When Lu Jie praised, the giant worm burrowed again.

It seems to escape the range of the water capital and go to a safe place to grow.

"This giant worm... is really stubborn. However, this is also a proof of its wisdom. 99

Lu Jie smiled slightly.

"System, speed up the timeline."

Immediately, Lu Jie pondered for a while and said.

[When the host felt that giant insects liked vulgar development, two days passed in a blink of an eye. In the past two days, the giant worms have hid in the big forest far away from the water capital, and hatched a large number of eggs again, allowing them to hunt various animals to absorb their blood and food to replenish their energy and multiply their species. 】

[When the giant insects were developing in the big mountains and forests, the World Conference also started. 】

The system's voice remembered, causing Lu Jie to raise an eyebrow.

world conference. He remembered that after he uploaded the movie "Biochemical Doom·One·Transcendence", all countries were frightened and planned to hold a meeting to form a Blue Star Federation to share the information of each country's controllable nuclear fusion to jointly study controllable nuclear fusion.

However, before deducing this dungeon, he had already given the complete information about the controlled nuclear fusion to the great elder of Xuanguo, and by the way took away 500 billion.

With this change, will the Xuanguo Great Elder really continue to favor joining the Blue Star Federation?

Lu Jie is very curious about this.

Immediately, he teleported directly to the location of the World Conference.

At this time, the great elders, kings and queens of the Xuan Kingdom, Star Kingdom, Bear Kingdom, Water Goose Kingdom, Shidog, Red Sun Kingdom and other powerful countries who are qualified to sit here have already sat here.

In addition, there are some high-level small countries also.

However, they are just here to make up the numbers.

Even if the information is shared, it will not be shared with them. They are not eligible.

Everyone understands this principle, but it is a matter of standing in line.

"I think everyone knows about the huge meteorite predicted in the movie on the Observer website in 64 years. After the 35th meeting started, the elder of the Star Nation was the first to speak, with a serious expression on his face.

"Hehe, don't talk about such meaningless things. Let's go directly to the theme." The elder Xiong Nation, who was not dealing with the elders of the Xing Nation, snorted and said.

"Elder Xiongguo, you are still rude as always." Elder Xingguo snorted coldly, looking at the old enemy unhappy.

As for the elder Xuanguo, he watched calmly, without any intention of expressing his position.

"The purpose of everyone's coming here, I'm not happy to hear your nonsense." The elder Xiong Nation was still scolding the elder of the Xing Nation.

"Both of you, take a step back and go straight to the topic. Regarding the establishment of the Blue Star Federation, whether for, against, or abstain from voting, please press the button ahead. The Poodle Queen sighed.

These words made Elder Xingguo and Xiongguo snort coldly.

Immediately, the two directly pressed the agree button, and the letter of agreement appeared on the small screen in front of them.

The elder Xuanguo also calmly pressed the agree button.

To be precise, not a single person pressed the rejection, not even abstained.

After all, at a time like this, whoever dares to abstain from the vote and give up the opportunity to join the Blue Star Federation will be in a foreign country, and there is no reason to be bullied.

"Next, on the issue of sharing controllable nuclear fusion data for joint research. Elder Star Country, Elder Xuan Country, Elder Xiong Country, Elder 613 Water Goose Country, King Red Sun Country, and Elder Gao Dog Country. ...Do you join the Controlled Fusion Research Alliance. On behalf of the Lion Nation, I am willing to join.""

Immediately, the Queen of the Lion Kingdom spoke gracefully again.

Although it is best to leave this scene to the elders of the Star Nation, but the elders of the Xiong Nation, the elders of the Xuan Nation and the elders of the Xing Nation do not have a good relationship, and it is easy to quarrel, so she can only be dominated by the neutral character.

"I have no opinion." The elder of the star country said with a blank expression. "Xingguo is willing to join.

Although he felt that his own country's research process must be the deepest, sharing it with the rest of the country is a complete loss-making business.

But there is no way, in order to protect yourself and the earth, you can only do this. Otherwise, what's the use of keeping the data in hell.

"I don't mind either.

Immediately, the elders of the Great Bear Country, the Great Elder of the Water Goose Country, the King of the Red Sun Country, and the Great Elder of the High Dog Country also spoke one after another.

The senior management of the small country could only watch admiringly.

"Elder Xuanguo, how about you?"

In the end, the high-level leaders of all countries, headed by the elders of the Star Nation, looked towards the elders of Xuan Nation, who were too calm and had no intention of opening their mouths.

(ps: Ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~! Regarding chapters 57-62, I will try my best to modify it on the 9th. The update will resume on the 10th!).

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