I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 60 The toughness of the Xuan Kingdom, the retreat of the nations, and the change of the gian

"Haha, have you finally torn your face?" Xuanguo Great Elder mocked.

He had long expected that this group of people would do this.

After all, the impact of controlled nuclear fusion is too great.

So big that this group of people didn't even conduct military exercises, and they directly threatened to tear their faces away.

"However, do you really think that the current Xuan country is still the former Xuan country?" The elder Xuan country's face was indifferent.

When they were researching the controllable nuclear fusion device, they made a safety measure.

"Let's start announcing to the whole world." Immediately, the elder Xuanguo said with a calm expression on his face.

"Yes." Elder Xuanguo's assistant nodded confidently.

Soon, the following people were also notified.

For a time, all the TV stations, so the pages of the live broadcast network, all became live broadcasts of the speeches of the great elders of Xuanguo.

For this reason, the people of Xuanguo and "June 33" all over the world are closely watching this scene.

They need to know what choice Xuanguo Grand Elder will make. For this, I am very nervous.

"Elder Xuanguo has only one choice." Only Lu Jie, the calm one.

Just kidding, through so many copies, he clearly understands the person of the elder Xuanguo. A complete hero. Make him flinch, that doesn't exist.

"Xuanguo, you are not afraid of war. If you want to fight, then fight. If the world is destroyed, what does it have to do with me."

The Great Elder faced the camera with a calm expression, but he spoke incomparably overbearing words.

Then, the live broadcast page disappeared.

However, the world is quiet.

Everyone was shocked by the words of the elder Xuanguo.

"Fuck! F*ck! The elder is awesome! This speech is really cool!"

‘Domineering, too domineering, super awesome. From now on, I will be a loyal fan of the great elder! 35

"Hehe, I can already imagine how dumbfounded the foreigner is.

"Wait, aren't you afraid of a real war? If there is a war, we all have to die. Hurry up and stop the elder. Rather than die, it is better to share information and live together."

"The one upstairs is a traitor, and it's over. Share your mb. Why should we share what we have researched. Rather than living, labor and capital would rather die standing up!

"Yeah, some scumbag traitors and soft eggs have begun to show the lower limit of IQ. 35

"Hehe, those idiots thought that sharing information would have a good time. Once you back down and lose your only advantage, then wait to be bullied to death by the nations.

"The elder's approach is correct. Rather than shrinking, it is right to be tough. Come on. Die together, who is afraid of who! Only this tough attitude can make other countries shrink back.


When there was a sensation all over the Xuan Kingdom, and many people's blood boiled, the people of Xingguo and other countries panicked.

"What does the country want? Don't try to die. I don't want to die yet.

"March, protest! No war, we want peace!

"It's ridiculous to die because of the civil war when there is a solution to the future meteorite crisis. We're going to march in protest. Stop the stupidity of the top of the country!

For a time, the fishing reels in these countries showed a one-sided trend.

Originally, the protest was wanton mocking Xuanguo, but now his position has suddenly changed.

Originally, they thought that there was hope for Xuan Kingdom to submit, so they naturally expected and stood on the side of the country.

But now it's different. Xuan Guo's attitude was too tough, he wanted to die together. They don't want to die.

Not to mention, this is under the premise that there is a chance to solve the future meteorite crisis.

Who wants to die? No one wants to die unless it's a lunatic.

For a time, many people decided to march to protest.

Not only that, those high-level executives of the small country began to encourage the citizens to kneel and lick Xuanguo crazily and scolded the major countries, which made the people of Xuanguo burst into laughter.

Star country here....

"How dare he do this!?" The elder of the star country looked extremely ugly, hammered down the desk, and said angrily. "Then fight! I don't believe he really won't give in!"

"Elder, we still give up. The star country that has developed controllable nuclear fusion technology. If you want, you can wash the surface of the Blue Star with the energy brought by controllable nuclear fusion. At that time, human beings will premature death.

The assistant smiled wryly.

"Even if we want to force the war, the citizens will not agree. The elders will not agree. They are afraid of death. Now the fishing boats have shown a one-sided trend. A large number of citizens plan to protest.

"Damn it!!!" The elder of the star country distorted his face and hammered the table again.

They have lost their dominance and can only be slaughtered.

Not only the elders of the Star Country, but also the senior leaders of the Lion Country, Xiong Country and other countries are all black, but they feel powerless...

It would be fine if the Xuanguo elders were weak people, but the elders of Xuanguo were heroic characters, and the rest of the elders of Xuanguo were all ruthless characters, and their intimidation and threats were completely useless.

In the end, this turmoil gradually calmed down after the elders of the Star Nation and other high-level leaders from various countries apologized to Xuan Nation in public, and then promised to compensate Xuan Nation.

Of course, it is said to be calm, but it is actually more lively.

All the people of Xuanguo have glowing faces, full of self-confidence, and they are not cool.

Sure enough, a tough attitude is the last word.

Look, look, the kingdom of stars, the kingdom of bears, the kingdom of lions, the kingdom of high dogs, the kingdom of water goose, the kingdom of red sun, these once mighty great powers all lowered their arrogant heads and surrendered to the kingdom of Xuan.

One word, cool!

Two words, very cool!

Three words, so cool!!!

"It really turned out to be like this." Lu Jie smiled.

The Great Elder is still your Great Elder, and this style of conduct has been deeply rooted.

"However, the crisis is coming. Xuan Guo won't be happy for long." Lu Jie teleported to the giant insect's underground lair again and smiled playfully.

The resources of the deep mountains and old forests have been exhausted. It has also grown enough and is ready to start doing things.

For example, he began to send soldiers and insects to the surrounding forests to hunt animals.

And ten kilometers away from the mountains and forests, there is a third-tier city. A little closer, there is a village near the outskirts of the forest.

The time when the Zerg was discovered was very close. It's time to watch a good show.

"Well, system, speed up the timeline.

Lu Jie touched his chin and then spoke.

[In the blink of an eye, three days have passed. Xuan Guo was still immersed in joy. Countries around the world began to compensate Xuan Kingdom. Xuan Kingdom's depressed economy began to recover, and even showed a trend of skyrocketing. At the same time, when Zerg's big soldier was hunting animals on the outskirts of the forest, he was discovered by a villager. He escaped back to the village by chance and reported the incident. For a time, the village head of the village reported the incident. Following the reporting layer by layer, the Shuidu super-ranking officer knew the news! 】

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!),

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