I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 63 Perverted Zerg, Intercontinental Missile Scrubbing! (14 for subscription!)

For a time, there was quite a storm on the Internet. A group of people complained that this was a war. Some even speculated that it might be killing insects.

Because of the collapse and subsidence of forests and land, a large number of alien bugs were crushed to death or buried.

This also angered the Alien Mother Insect, it made a harsh hissing sound, and actually stretched its tentacles, rushed to the sky, and swept the fighter jets into crashes.

Although his tentacles were also broken, they regenerated at an extremely fast speed.

This kind of ability that can already be called super-speed regeneration is completely a bug.

"Has the alien mother worm specially evolved anti-air means? Or, it has this ability itself, but it was useless last time."

Lu Jie smashed his mouth and muttered.

At this time, the alien mother worm counterattacked in vain, causing all the fighter pilots to be horrified.

They never thought that the fighter jet would be shot down at an altitude of thousands of meters.

Immediately, they gritted their teeth and tried to raise the flying height.

However, at this time, a large number of tentacles stretched in vain and shot down some of the fighter jets in the sky.

The situation here was reported by the surviving pilot trembling to the Shuidu special officer.

"Damn it! This guy actually has anti-air means..." The Shuidu special-level officer's face was ashen.

This kind of monster is too difficult to deal with, reminding him of the tyrant zombie lord in the biochemical doomsday movie.

No, no, maybe this alien mother bug is more difficult to deal with than the tyrant zombie lord.

"Report, a large number of alien soldiers began to climb out of the ground, clearly heading in the direction of the third-level city." A soldier's report came, and the expression of the special-level officer in Shuidu changed again.

"Let the armed combat helicopter group intercept and be sure to annihilate them. At the same time, the army forces form the last line of defense, and no bug is allowed to escape from the forest." The Shuidu super officer growled. "Shuidu Air Force listened to the order, raised to a safe flight height, and detoured to monitor the female insects. 35

After his orders fell, the helicopter gunships went into action, strafing the air with heavy machine guns.

However, something that shocked the pilots of the gunships happened.

Their heavy machine guns swept these soldiers of different sizes, but they didn't penetrate their carapace. Only a small number of soldiers were injured by heavy fire machine guns in places where the carapace defense was relatively weak.

"What kind of monster is this." The pilots' lips trembled. Immediately, he reported.

"Report, our heavy fire machine gun failed to penetrate the soldier's carapace..."

Hearing this report, the Shuidu super officer's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

This is a heavy-duty machine gun carried by an armed helicopter, and it didn't penetrate the carapace of ordinary soldiers? What international joke?

Could it be that after the alien mother insect was attacked by the heavy-fire machine gun of the gunship last time, not only did it evolve its own defense methods, but even the swarms it gave birth to have these defense methods!?

If this is the case, human beings are in danger!

What has been used once will not work the second time. This is a complete monster race.

The Shuidu super officer's face was pale, and it was hard to see the extreme.

He can imagine that if the alien mother worm is not killed this time, the next time the alien mother worm will give birth to the swarm, it is likely to be the monster swarm with defensive machine guns and missiles.

No, this must not be allowed to happen!

The Shuidu super officer gritted his teeth, his fists clenched, his bones creaking.

"The armed helicopter group is evacuated, leaving a few airframes to monitor. The Shuidu Air Force listens to the order. Free 1-10 squadrons to bomb the swarm of soldiers, and the remaining airframes continue to monitor the female insects."5

The Shuidu super officer forced himself to calm down and spoke hoarsely.

All of a sudden, the fighter jets lined up 1-10 all came towards the soldier swarm. After the helicopter gunships left, they were bombarded with missiles.

In an instant, a large number of soldiers were killed, finally preventing the march of tens of thousands of soldiers.

On the other side, the alien female worm also took action, and began to move its huge body, moving towards the direction of the third-level city.

Every time it wriggled, the surrounding earth was shaken by an earthquake.

"Damn, absolutely can't let this group of monsters get close to the third-level city."

The special-level officer gritted his teeth, contacted the elder directly, and transmitted the picture.

"Elder, the situation is urgent. I apply for the use of intercontinental missiles to wash the ground to wipe out the alien mother insects and soldier insects. These insects have the ability to threaten the entire human race.

After reporting the situation, the Shuidu super officer said anxiously.

"Are you using an intercontinental missile..." Zijin Pavilion, Xuanguo Grand Elder also looked solemn.

.....for flowers‥

Now is not the kind of situation in the biochemical apocalypse movies.

The impact of the use of ICBMs is really bad.

However, from the current situation, the alien mother insect is indeed a great threat and must be eliminated as soon as possible.

"Well, approved." The elder tapped on the table, and it was approved in less than three seconds. "Don't save, if you want to blow up, blow up all at once.

He was never indecisive. Use it as you need it, no ink needed.

If you wait for the alien female worm to go to the human city, it will really be a tragedy on earth.

Seeing that the elders agreed, and that he also approved the intercontinental missile to wash the land, the Shuidu special-level officer couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Start issuing commands.


First, get the Army out.

Second, the Shuidu Military Region was ordered to directly use two ICBMs and continue to bomb if they didn't die.

Of course, there is only one chance, if the alien mother worm is severely damaged, it may escape.

Soon, twenty new intercontinental missiles were launched from the Shuidu Military Region, blasting at the alien mother insect and the soldier insect swarm.


Not long after, a violent explosion sounded wildly in the mountain forest, flames and black smoke rushed to the sky, the entire mountain forest was shaking, a large area was razed to the ground, scorch marks were all over it, and even spread to the third-tier cities.

Then, there was the scream of the alien mother insect.

At this time, a certain anchor who had been watching the scene here for a long time has been opening the live broadcast, and the scene here has been broadcast live from beginning to end.

Although because of the long distance, there is nothing to broadcast all the time, only the fighter jets and gunships flying over the sky without interruption.

Even so, it is enough to attract a large number of people to watch.

For this reason, because the picture is still harmonious, but there are still many people watching, and it has not been blocked.

However, when 20 ICBMs exploded in succession, the huge shock wave caused the screen to shake, the anchors screamed in surprise, and when they watched the sky spread out with flames and black smoke, everyone was stunned.

(ps: please customize, ask for everything, QAQ~! 51-62 has been revised, new readers don’t need to pay attention to it. Old readers can go and see, brand new content, delete all poisonous points, QAQ~!) one.

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