I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 93 A virus outbreak in the alien mother bug, Lu Jie's purpose! (34 for subscription!)

"However, that is for the future. If you are now, you should do the right thing."

Immediately, Lu Jie calmed down and smiled lightly.

He came to this world for several purposes.

The first purpose is to verify the compatibility of genetic medicine and veterinary medicine. So far, it has been as successful as he expected.

After all, the veterinary medicine is the inferior version of the inferior version of the genetic medicine 4.0, but there is still one thing in common.

The second purpose is to set off a biochemical apocalypse in this world.

The human beings who persecute this world are also on the path of genetic enhancement.

In this way, it is verified whether the huge meteorite will become radioactive, so as to completely determine some things.

The third purpose is to verify whether orcs will be affected by radioactive substances.

The fourth purpose, optional, must be verified in the final stage.

That is, to verify whether the human who has been injected with the veterinary drug "707" will die or be greatly affected when the body of the alien mother worm dies.

Lu Jie's eyes flashed slightly, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.

Xuanguo, Zijin Pavilion, the Great Elder who was dealing with government affairs froze suddenly, and looked solemnly at the figure shrouded in black mist not far away.

"World Observer..." The elder took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile.

"Lord World Observer, what are you doing here?"

The Great Elder stood up and asked in a respectful tone as much as possible.

As for the first elder's bodyguard Li Wei, his body was stiff and he didn't dare to make any movements.

"This world is about to explode into a doomsday, so be prepared to meet it.

Lu Jie spoke indifferently.


Elder Xuanguo's pupils shrank, his heart twitched, and his scalp felt numb.

"Why?" Xuanguo Great Elder was silent for a while, then said with a wry smile.

"You don't need to know, it's enough to do what you need to do."

When the voice completely fell, Lu Jie's figure had already disappeared.


Elder Xuanguo sat back in his seat and smiled bitterly.

In the end, is it still this day? The world has finally become a complete experimental field.

At the beginning, when the World Observer appeared and gave those potions and viruses to Lao Zhao, the two of them had this feeling, and it really turned out to be like this.

Curious, curious.

Just because of curiosity, is it forcing humans to move forward again?

The elder Xuanguo lost his focus and felt powerless.

Originally, the Great Elder had formulated a plan for the continuation of the human race.

Since those two human plans in the Alien Mother Bug Moon Explosion are useless.

Then, let's use the controllable nuclear fusion technology as a guide to develop the kind of starship made by Skynet in Skynet Storm and Space Wandering.

This time, the elders did not hide their secrets, and informed the countries of the controllable nuclear fusion technology to develop the starship together.

In these sixty-four years, I will try my best to develop starships as soon as possible, and then make more starships to escape into space.

In this way, they can also keep the fire of human beings.

With controllable nuclear fusion technology, it is very promising for the starship to slowly accelerate to fifteen percent of the speed of light.

It took another thousand years or so to migrate to some habitable planets.

As a result, the World Observer is out again.

Biochemical doomsday...

Elder Xuan Guo heaved a sigh of relief and began to call Elder Zhao.

During these years, they are not without any preparation.

They were already prepared for what might happen.

To this end, a large number of genetic agents 1.0 and the highest-grade veterinary agent 3.0 have been developed and stored in the cold storage.

Its weight is enough to support the injection of everyone in Xuan Nation.

It can even be distributed to other countries.

As for the weakened version of the virus serum? They have already developed it, and even most people in the country have already injected it.

The elder Xuanguo also gave some of the MR virus and the production method of weakened virus serum to Xingguo and other countries. Also presented some genetic medicine 1.0.

Their high-level executives have also been injected with Gene Medicine 1.0.

The vast majority of citizens have also been injected with a weakened version of the virus serum.

The only trouble is the uncivilized areas in the Black Continent.

Well, when the weakened version of the virus serum and genetic medicine 1.0 spread, it caused a great stir.

After all, the influence of these things is too great. After thinking about it, people can guess what happened.

After all, no one is a fool.

At that time, it took countries a long time to calm down the riot.

When countries around the world began to give full force to early warning.

Lu Jie also came to the star country and directly destroyed their biochemical laboratory.

The MR virus and the mutated MR virus began to spread wildly, causing great riots within the star country.

After all, although the mutant MR virus cannot immediately infect people who have been injected with the weakened version of the virus serum, if the subject is physically weak, there is a risk of direct infection...

At the same time, if you are bitten by a zombie, you will also be infected.

Whether it is Xuan Kingdom or Xing Kingdom. There are always areas in the world where the weakened version of the virus serum is not popularized.

For this reason, riots appear, which is normal.

There was a riot in the Star Nation, which made the Star Nation's elders furious, and the whole world started a red warning.

For a time, everyone was nervous.

The Internet was even more lively, but the people of Xuanguo were much calmer than expected.

"Alas, at the beginning I guessed that there might be a biochemical doomsday. It did.

"Countries around the world are still studying taboo things."

"Haha, it sounds like you weren't ecstatic when the weakened version of the virus serum came out.

"The weakened version of the virus serum, you should know how many cancer patients and how many people tortured by the virus have been cured. It is too immoral to criticize biochemists from all over the world here. 99

"Yeah. One thing to say, since the country dares to study it, it must be prepared. There is no need to worry. After all, the reason why the biochemical doomsday series will cause such a terrifying doomsday scene is because the country was caught off guard."

"Well, calm down.

Lu Jie glanced at the speeches of the group and smiled.

The purpose of his outbreak of the virus is not to destroy human beings, so what's the point of that. In the end, this is just a necessary condition for validating the thoughts in your mind.

However, the people on the Internet were calmer than he thought, which surprised him a little.

"System, continue to accelerate the timeline from 0.1." Immediately, Lu Jie said.

[After the host caused the virus crisis, the world's major powers had some riots one after another, but it was harmless, and they were quickly suppressed. Only the poverty-stricken and backward Tanzhou had major riots. But it was swept away by countries all over the world. The world soon returned to normalcy. However, the number of people who were injected with genetic medicine 1.0 began to increase dramatically. After all, only Gene Medicine 1.0 can more effectively immunize against MR virus. At the same time, the beast chemical 3.0 also began to appear in front of the world, causing an uproar. 】

[A large number of humans are excited that the fantasy of the beast ear girl can be satisfied. But it's just an interlude. Although human beings have entered the road of genetic enhancement of the whole people, they have not gone too far. The main goal of mankind is still to manufacture starships and continue the fire of mankind. It was really helpless to give up Blue Star, but he had to do it. 】

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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