"Hiss! I wasn't dazed, did I, did Lin Yixuan get sent flying?" Xia Yingzhe looked at the three people beside him who were stunned, and said in a low voice.

"Indeed, I can't believe this is Chen Yiming." Zhao Yunrong nodded after hearing the words.

The two of them hadn't met Chen Yiming a few times, and they were brothers on the surface, but they were not familiar with each other at all.

In their inherent impression, Junior Junior Brother should be the weakest of all core disciples.

Now Chen Yiming obviously also has the realm of a quasi-warrior. This contrast is too great to be accepted in a short time.

Suddenly, Zhang Xingfeng next to him said:

"I remember that Junior Brother Chen has only joined the martial arts gym for less than a year, do you think such a talent will..."

He didn't say it clearly.

"No way, Master has already arranged Wan Ya and Lin Yixuan's marriage..." Du Yuan said in surprise.

"The talent is high enough to break everything." Zhang Xingfeng replied.

Wang Bowen and Teng Zhihui were also stunned.

They didn't expect it to become like this. They were ready to take action at any time just now to prevent Lin Yixuan from attacking Chen Yiming.


After a few seconds of silence in the utility room, another loud noise erupted.

A lot of well-packed practice clothes, belts and other sundries flew out and scattered into the hall.

Lin Yixuan came out from the utility room with a gloomy face,

At this time, the black belt used to tie his hair has fallen off, and the long hair that was originally standing high on the back of his head has become a shawl and spread out.

For some unknown reason, the exercise clothes on his body were wetted a lot, and there were several openings, exposing the tight vest inside.

"I didn't expect that you, who were the last to start, would secretly break through to the realm of quasi-warrior." Lin Yixuan said in a hoarse voice, "But that sneak attack just now was your only chance."

A murderous intent appeared out of thin air, and after everyone present felt it, they began to worry about Chen Yiming.

After all, even though Chen Yiming's innate strength is different from ordinary people, his sword practice time is far less than that of Lin Yixuan. Lin Yixuan was trained by Wanrong since he was a child.

They are still not optimistic about Chen Yiming.

"Many people who were cut by my sword have said similar things." Chen Yiming replied, "Do you think that you are invincible as a quasi-warrior?"

"You can continue to argue, let me tell you what a real swordsman is, you reckless man." Lin Yixuan smiled suddenly.

He moved his shoulders around and felt the pain in his chest. He drew his sword and rushed out in an instant. He stepped in front of Chen Yiming and stabbed with his sword.


The sword that must kill is blocked by another sword.

"That's it?" Chen Yiming said sarcastically with calm eyes.

"Looking for death!" Lin Yixuan's expression changed drastically.

Although he is also a quasi-warrior who has just broken through for a few months, he is different from ordinary quasi-warriors.

He didn't deliberately try his best to break through the quasi-warrior realm, but started to practice meditation and outline the artistic conception map very early, so he was announced by Wanrong as the next pavilion master as soon as he broke through the quasi-warrior realm.

His cultivation method is similar to Chen Yiming's at the beginning. He tried before reaching the quasi-warrior state, breaking the last and most difficult hurdle between the apprentice state and the martial artist state.

The difference is that when Chen Yiming transformed his body six times, he completed the outline of the artistic conception map.

Lin Yixuan is now in a state of finishing touches, and the hurdle of sketching the artistic conception map is almost completed.

A sword was blocked, Lin Yixuan quickly changed his moves.

I saw that his figure began to become erratic, going left, right, up and down, completely contrary to the habits of ordinary people.

This is a movement method that Lin Yixuan seldom uses in front of people. It is called phantom phantom. It is only used when encountering difficult enemies. It happens that Chen Yiming belongs to this category.

From the time he was beaten to the side, he knew that pure hard work was no match for him.

The two exchanged dozens of moves like lightning.

Within ten meters around Chen Yiming, Lin Yixuan's figure kept appearing. Lin Yixuan was trying to disrupt the rhythm of Chen Yiming's sword strikes, and seized the loopholes that appeared in a short moment.

However, Chen Yiming's complexion remained unchanged from the beginning to the end, and the position of his feet did not change, he just saw the tricks on the spot.

"Is there any other way? If not, it's my turn." Chen Yiming said calmly while defending.

He has been abusing food and having fun all the time, he has no pressure at all.

In Lin Yixuan's quasi-warrior realm, the combination of Mantis Snake Swordsmanship and Phantom Shadow Body Technique really has a complementary effect that one plus one is greater than two.

For other quasi warriors, it may be difficult to parry, and Lin Yixuan will find the weak point, but Chen Yiming can easily see through all the opponent's attack methods with his martial artist level eyesight.

"You asked for it yourself, don't blame me if you die." Lin Yixuan stepped back instantly to distance himself, and said sternly.

After speaking, he took out a small bottle from his arms, threw out a pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Drugs?" Chen Yiming asked suspiciously. He was not in a hurry to start.

"Are you afraid?" Lin Yixuan said ferociously.

At this time, his face was flushed with a hint of madness, completely gone from the coldness of the ancient handsome man before.

In the space of a sentence, the pill starts to work.

A series of black lines crawled out from Lin Yixuan's chest, and gradually covered his lower limbs. These black lines took root on the skin like tree roots, and his whole person looked full of evil intentions.

"This is a weakened version of inner strength, which can greatly increase my speed." Lin Yixuan was not in a hurry to do it, but directly mentioned the effect of the pill.

"..." Chen Yiming didn't know how to answer.

When he first obtained the cultivation method of the artistic conception map, he also cultivated something similar by relying on the realm of six body transformations.

"Junior Brother Chen, not only is the speed greatly improved, but you must be careful not to be touched by the black stripes." Wang Bowen shouted anxiously. He knew how powerful that kind of power was, and the apprentice level couldn't resist it at all.

If it is touched, the milder will be seriously injured, and the severer will be disabled.

"Too late, suffer death."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yixuan didn't give Chen Yiming a chance to speak, and turned into a black shadow, rushing forward.

His speed is several times faster than before.

The core disciples who had transformed their bodies six or seven times before could barely see clearly. After the weakened version of inner strength strengthened their legs, there was only a black shadow left in their eyes.


There was a loud sound of a fist hitting the flesh, and then a figure flew out.

This time, the figure didn't just fly in the direction of the utility room, but flew in the direction of the martial arts gate at a faster speed.


A whole piece of glass was smashed by the figure, countless glass shards scattered on the ground, and the iron door frame broke in response.

When Lin Yixuan used the weakened version of internal strength, he was beaten flying horizontally again.


For the other disciples around, including Wang Bowen and Teng Zhihui, it was like a dream, and once again refreshed their understanding of Chen Yiming.

Chen Yiming's reaction speed crushed Lin Yixuan. He dodged lightly, perfectly avoiding the lower body covered with black stripes, and then punched Lin Yixuan's upper body without black stripes.

What kind of talent is this? It took only one year to get started, surpassing Lin Yixuan who was raised from a young age. Not only that, Lin Yixuan still lost again after taking drugs.

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