It is a few kilometers away from the northwest of Donghu City, at an altitude of thousands of meters.

Three to four thousand flying birds and beasts lined up to block out the sun, with the distance between the head and tail of the team several miles.

The speed of flying birds and beasts is extremely fast, comparable to the speed of sound, and the sound barrier explodes when they pass by, just like supersonic fighter jets.

At this time, this group of flying birds and beasts, led by three birds and beasts with a body length of more than ten meters, rushed towards Donghu City.

In the four directions of Donghu City, southeast, northwest, each has a garrison army standing by.

Dozens of missile vehicles are parked in front of each army formation, and a missile with a diameter of more than one meter and a length of about ten meters is installed on the vehicle.

After these missiles are detonated, they will shoot a large number of special steel needles to the surroundings, sacrificing the lethality of single-point explosions, and are specially used to deal with ordinary flying birds and beasts.

In addition, there are three military warriors standing in each army formation. They are the leaders of the same level who are responsible for resisting flying birds and beasts.

Four armies.

"Get ready, let go!" The four officers on their shoulders gave orders to the walkie-talkie almost simultaneously.

After a few seconds.


A red light lit up at the tails of all the missile vehicles, and flames spewed out from the bottom of hundreds of missiles, instantly soaring into the sky, setting off a large amount of white smoke on the spot.

In the next moment, these hundreds of missiles formed a large net in the sky, and the coverage area of ​​the large net was about one-tenth that of the flying birds and beasts.

This kind of covering saturation attack is much more efficient than free firing to kill the enemy.

Flying birds and animals within the coverage of the missile net will be attacked by missiles no matter which direction they avoid.


The sound of continuous explosions resounded throughout the sky, like huge fireworks exploding in the sky.

The distance of several kilometers is extremely short for the speed of the birds, beasts and missiles, especially since the two sides are still facing each other, the swarm of birds and beasts has no time to dodge.

In addition, this group of birds and beasts may not have fought against human technological weapons, and most of them only slightly adjusted their flight direction when they saw this, trying to pass through the gaps in the oncoming missile net.

Within the range of the missile explosion, hundreds of birds and beasts with a body length of three to four meters fell from the sky like dumplings to the ground, equivalent to several tons of heavy objects falling from the sky to the ground.

at this time.

A few miles outside the city in the southeast direction of Donghu City, there are three sentry towers that are more than 100 meters high and arranged in the shape of a character.

Hundreds of corpses of birds and beasts jumped across the entire Donghu City and smashed into the area where the sentry tower was located.

The booming sound continued, and the sentry tower fell in response, leaving hundreds of large pits with a diameter of more than ten meters in the mountains and forests.

This is the optimal attack distance obtained by military professionals through previous data analysis.

The bodies of the dead birds and beasts happened not to fall into the city of Donghu City, and the staff of the sentry tower had already been informed to evacuate.


The rest of the birds and beasts all let out ear-piercing screams and flew away one after another. The entire flying team was in a mess, and many birds and beasts collided with each other.

They have lived in a valley in a different world all year round, and have never seen this kind of attack method.

All of a sudden, before the swarm of birds and beasts launched an attack, hundreds of them were killed by the missile swarm, and then hundreds of them were injured due to their own chaos.

Taking advantage of the chaos among the birds and beasts, hundreds of martial arts experts from the military, each leading three team members, appeared in various locations in the city to ensure that every street was guarded by a team.

Each of these martial arts masters in the military has reached the realm of more than six physical transformations, and the team members also have masters of more than three physical transformations.

Such a large-scale martial arts force is the guarantee for the military to suppress the folk martial arts forces.

For example, Mantis Sword Gym, a force with warrior status, has only about ten core disciples. Compared with the hundreds of martial arts experts in the military, it is not at the same level at all.

"It's no wonder that once the war on the Great Lakes in the west ended, all kinds of monsters and monsters disappeared." Chen Yiming sighed when he saw this scene.

Although the martial arts power of the military is only equivalent to the sum of a small half of the civil forces, the power of the military can be twisted into a rope and used in one place.

The folk martial arts forces seem huge, but they are in a state of disunity. Even if a few top forces unite, they are far weaker than the military.

The chaos only lasted for a minute or two. Under the sound of the three-headed birds and beasts that were more than ten meters long, the group of birds and beasts lined up again, hovering in the sky.

At this time, the group of birds and beasts no longer maintained a dense formation, but spread out disorderly and far apart.

The group of birds and beasts was taken aback by the missile net just now, even birds and beasts at the warrior level could not do this.

"\u0026%¥#..." The three leading birds and beasts gave orders at the same time.

The group of birds and beasts hesitated for a moment, but finally obeyed the order and dispersed into four small groups, each with less than a thousand heads.

Three birds and beasts with a body length of more than ten meters led hundreds of birds and beasts to rush towards Donghu City from the northwest, and the remaining three groups of birds and beasts launched air strikes from the remaining three directions of the city.

In the face of the scattered birds and animals, the military did not continue to fire missiles to fight back. Because the price of a missile exceeds one million, a round of salvo will destroy hundreds of millions.

Soon, the group of birds and beasts swooped into the city, and the entire Donghu City fell into chaos.

In a low-rise private house, the doors and windows were tightly blocked with cabinets, tables and other furniture. A family of four hid under the bed and shivered.


A bird or beast landed at a random place, and just stepped on the roof of this family's house. Its sharp claws with metallic luster instantly pierced the roof, and its three to four meter long body directly crushed the house.

Countless bricks, tiles and stones fell down, burying the family of four hiding under the bed.

From the beginning to the end, even though they were choked by the dust and burst into tears, a little boy and a little girl were still tightly covered by their parents and did not make a sound.

Fortunately, the claws of the birds and beasts landed in the hall of the house, and soon flapped their wings and flew up again.

On the edge of the city center, a 40-storey commercial building.

After hearing the air defense siren, everyone scrambled to go downstairs through the emergency passage and the elevator.

However, only a few minutes passed between the sound of the air defense siren and the launch of missiles by the military to attack the flock of birds and beasts. Even including the time when the flock of birds and beasts stopped in chaos, the total was less than ten minutes.

Ten minutes was not enough time for thousands of ordinary people to leave the building smoothly. At this time, more than half of them were still blocked in the emergency passage.

Three birds and beasts with a body length of seven or eight meters. This body length corresponds to the strength of a human quasi-warrior. Dodging the barrage of bullets from the military all the way, and throwing off several quasi-warriors who blocked him.

The metallic beak and sharp claws pierced straight into the building, and the three birds and beasts attacked the upper, middle, and lower parts of the building at the same time.

One of the birds and beasts caught a glimpse of the elevator moving down rapidly. Its sharp beak, which was more than three meters long, pierced through the steel-wrapped elevator with a single peck.

Black smoke from short-circuited wires rose, and the elevator exploded instantly, revealing what was inside.

The person who was pecked in the front was swallowed in one gulp. The legs of the people next to them went limp, and they fell down the elevator passage, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Similar scenes kept happening inside the building. People blocked in emergency passages were slapped into rotten flesh by the claws of birds and beasts, leaving behind countless broken limbs.

There are also people who think they are clever and combine several desks together, and finally seal the exposed part, and hide themselves in it, hoping that birds and beasts will not see him.

Little did they know that the building was being tossed back and forth by three birds and beasts with a length of seven or eight meters. The load-bearing reinforced concrete columns had already broken, and the whole building would collapse in a short time.

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