Chen Yiming sensed that something was wrong with the other party, but he didn't think too much about it, so he asked directly:

"Can I take my family into this bomb shelter?"

"But... it's already full." Zhong Tianyang replied, his voice trembling, and his speech was intermittent.

Most of the people protected in this air-raid shelter are related households, and everyone has a good background.

Therefore, the standard has been strictly followed, the inside is not crowded, and there is enough space for activities. It will not be like the air-raid shelter outside the city center, how many people can be packed in.

Chen Yiming's face darkened, and an invisible breath spread around.

This wasn't something he did on his own initiative, it was just caused by his emotional changes, but it still made Zhong Tianyang feel an overwhelming pressure overwhelm him.

Although Zhong Tianyang himself is not a quasi-martial artist, he has also reached the realm of eight physical transformations, but he has never seen a quasi-warrior with such a powerful aura, and he is not much different from the chief captain of the city guard's warrior realm.

The ordinary people who stayed tens of meters away were also suffocated, and a feeling of imminent disaster came to their hearts inexplicably.

Rejected by the person in charge of this air-raid shelter, Chen Yiming did not force others. He was not the kind of person who just relied on his strength to have no scruples.

"Let's go back." Chen Yiming turned around and explained to Chen's father and mother.

A group of people are about to leave.

At this time.

A young man next to him poked Zhong Tianyang's arm with his elbow and frowned.

Zhong Tianyang turned his head to look over, he was stunned for a moment, he didn't want to understand the meaning of his team members, and finally realized the next moment.

Before being sent to manage this space channel, the chief of the city guards had warned them that these captains could be flexible depending on the situation, and make an exception for the family members of some powerful civilians to enter the air-raid shelter.

He brought his team members to this air-raid shelter, and specifically explained the matter to the team members, but he was startled by Chen Yiming's face just now, but he himself forgot all about it.

"Mr. Chen, stop." Zhong Tianyang called to Chen Yiming.

Chen Yiming was eighteen years old, and he rarely heard people call him Mr. He happened to have something on his mind that he didn't hear at all, and kept walking.

Chen's father and Chen's mother next to him, in their hearts, Chen Yiming had always looked like a high school student, and they didn't notice that Zhong Tianyang called Chen Yiming.

Zhong Tianyang was in a hurry, and rushed over to stop him in a few steps.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I just made a mistake at work." Zhong Tianyang admitted honestly, "According to the regulations, your family members are eligible to enter the air-raid shelter, but the premise is that you can't go in with them."


Chen Yiming stopped, and without thinking, he understood the purpose of doing this, to let them, the powerful folks, contribute to this air raid.

"There are five people on my side, can they all go in?" Chen Yiming asked. Wang Shiyuan and Wang Rongshan are not his family members, so you have to ask first.

"no problem."

Zhong Tianyang only hesitated for less than half a second before agreeing.

Soon after watching Wang Shiyuan and Wang Rongshan enter the air-raid shelter with Father Chen, Mother Chen, and Yingying Chen, Chen Yiming turned and left.


In the southern suburbs of the city, an industrial park consisting of dozens of factories.

This is the industrial lifeline of Donghu City. If it is destroyed, it will severely impact the city's industrial capacity, and it will take at least one or two years to fully recover.

In the sky hundreds of meters high, hovering two birds and beasts with a body length of over ten meters, they are staring at the large factory buildings on the ground.

In the industrial park below, the workers had already run away, and eight warriors from the military had gathered.

With the existence of this level of Warrior Realm, ordinary birds and beasts dare not approach within one mile, so the industrial park is still intact.

Just when the eight military warriors and the two birds and beasts were in a confrontation, a man wearing a black cloak, a bamboo hat, and a black face mask appeared in a dense forest near the industrial park.

It was Chen Yiming who came, and he used the dense forest to hide his figure.

Now after adding a level 1 indestructible body talent, although Xinjian's consumption of mind and spirit has not been reduced, his resistance to mental fatigue has been greatly improved.

Even if the heart sword ability is used three times in a row, and the mind is severely consumed to the point where there is only a trace left, it can still make people just feel tired through the indestructible characteristic, and then it will automatically recover after a good rest.

Possessing the level 1 indestructible body talent with excellent life-saving ability, there is no need to hide the heart sword ability.

Chen Yiming knew that he only had one chance to make a call, since he couldn't fly after all. His plan is to find the right time to make a move, one sword kills two.

"\u0026%¥#*" After the two birds had finished flowing, they swooped down instantly.

Their speed is extremely fast, the flying speed breaks through the speed of sound, and layers of air barriers are blasted, turning into white circles and spreading outward.

At the same time, their entire bodies ignite with black flames. This special black flame has more internal energy than ordinary flames, and it can be one or two meters away from the body surface.

"Get ready!" Cao Zhengjun roared.

He jumped up, and punched out while he was still in the air, pointing directly at a bird or beast that swooped down.

At the same time, he fully released his inner strength to cover his whole body, and his whole body was ignited with red flames.

Red and black are both flame-attribute internal forces, and they are about to collide in the blink of an eye.

In fact, there is no need to remind, the other seven warriors released their inner strength at the same time when they saw the birds and beasts swooping down.

At almost the same moment, two warriors in each of the four directions of the industrial park, southeast, northwest, ignited special effects unique to inner energy, and at the same time jumped up in the direction of the birds and beasts.

At a distance of hundreds of meters, the two sides will meet within half a second.

Neither side has the slightest chance to evade, only the head-on confrontation between inner strength and inner strength.

The eight warriors of the military have an absolute advantage in strength, and the goal is to place the location where the internal force explodes after the collision, as far away from the industrial park as possible.

Birds and beasts are not races that are good at defense, and there is no chance of winning in a purely one-on-four fight. The purpose is to fight for injuries and let the aftermath of internal strength sweep across the industrial park.


The sound of dense explosions overlapped, comparable to the explosion intensity of a large-yield bomb.

In the midair above the industrial park, two glaring lights lit up, followed by two mushroom clouds about ten meters in size exploding.

The shock wave generated by the explosion turned into a red halo, which instantly spread around.

"How can it be!"

Eight surprised voices roared out at the same time.

The two birds and beasts were not forcibly knocked back into the air by the eight people as they expected, but turned in circles and smashed diagonally towards the industrial park below.

The eight people were in a hurry, but they were still in mid-air and had to wait until they landed again before they could act.

A flash of lightning flashed across the minds of the eight people.

The reason is not complicated. It lies in the abnormally extended black flames on the birds and beasts. The birds and beasts only slightly adjusted the length of the black flames, and then easily changed the direction.

At this time, the two birds and beasts were also seriously injured, and one of them was pierced with a large hole almost half a meter in diameter.

In the big hole, the blackened and smoking meat wall and necrotic internal organs could be clearly seen. Even though the wound was covered by black fire again in an instant, fresh blood could still be seen pouring out from the hole.

In the other bird and beast, a piece of flesh and blood with a diameter of more than one meter had disappeared at a thigh between the sharp claws and the body, revealing a leg bone entwined with fascial blood vessels.

The leg bones were not intact either, there were three finger-thick cracks on it, and white thick fluid was leaking out.

The only good news for the two birds and beasts is that both wings are intact, which means that the most fatal injuries have not been suffered.


Continuous loud noises came.

The two birds and beasts used their dive and internal strength to explode the accompanying impact, and smashed obliquely into the industrial park.

However, their bodies did not stop. Under the protection of the inner strength covering the whole body, they slid and smashed all obstacles along the way, and did not stop until they rushed out of the industrial park.

Looking down from the sky, the entire industrial park was plowed into two black roads more than ten meters wide. The two roads were in the shape of a cross, destroying nearly half of the factories.

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