The sky was covered with dark clouds, covering almost all the moonlight, making the surroundings dark, and you couldn't see your fingers.

There were waves of heat in the air, and all the heat accumulated in the body after running turned into sweat and flowed out. Concubine Mo Yan's clothes that had just been dried were soaked in sweat again.

Sultry, dark clouds, this is the prelude to summer rainstorms.

Chen Yiming and Concubine Mo Yan stood by the river. The sound of the river slapping against the shore, and Mo Yanfei's beating heart almost matched each other.

A young man and a mature beautiful woman came to the wilderness at night, and this situation inevitably gave birth to a trace of charm.

Although the time and place were favorable, Chen Yiming immediately lost interest when he smelled the sweat on the other party's body.

"I'm actually from Yungang City, that dangerous place is..."

Concubine Mo Yan was about to tell the location of the dangerous place after she got the promise, but she was interrupted in the middle of speaking.


There were clear footsteps.

A middle-aged man with gray hair walked slowly forward step by step from the darkness.

The middle-aged man is well-proportioned, only a little stronger than ordinary people, but the aura of walking makes people feel the invisible pressure tens of meters away.

This pressure Chen Yiming had never encountered before. Compared with the military warriors he encountered just now, it was the gap between a tiger and a lamb.

"Leave people behind." Ren Pingsheng said flatly.

He knew that no one in East Lake City could stop the masked man except himself, and in order to prevent the battle from spreading to the city, he followed him more than ten kilometers away before showing up.

Chen Yiming's face darkened, not because he was worried about his own safety, but because of Concubine Mo Yan.

The battle between warriors can easily spread to a range of several kilometers.

If Concubine Mo Yan died here, where would he find the location of that dangerous place.

"Find a place nearby and wait for me." He turned his head and arranged for Concubine Mo Yan.

Concubine Mo Yan nodded, without any nonsense, she chose a direction to leave at random.

Seeing this, Ren Pingsheng did not stop him, but quietly waited for the person to go away.

Both of them are extremely confident in their own strength, and they are not afraid of Concubine Mo Yan running away at all.

"You don't seem to be afraid at all?" Ren Pingsheng said calmly without rushing to act.

"The last two people who spoke to me in this tone did not end well." Chen Yiming's face remained unchanged, and he just stood there.

The opponent is only one person, even if he is defeated in the end, he can still resist the opponent's attack and escape by relying on the recovery ability of the first-level indestructible body.

So he took his time and waited for a breakthrough to get the field back.

"I am Ren Pingsheng." Ren Pingsheng revealed his identity.

"I've never heard of it." Chen Yiming realized the identity of the visitor, but still pretended not to know and replied.

When Ren Pingsheng heard the words, he remained calm on the surface, but a trace of anger arose in his heart.

As the city guard of Donghu City, he overwhelmed dozens of warriors in the city, making everyone dare not change their minds.

In addition to his own special status, it depends on the internal strength of the first stage of the Warrior Realm, mastering the shape changes of internal energy.

In terms of energy structure stability, the original internal strength is analogous to loose sandy soil, while the internal strength after mastering the shape change is equivalent to solidified soil after mixing with water.

The difference between the two is not just this.

After mastering the inner strength after the shape change, it can be easily integrated into the blood, while maintaining a stable state.

Afterwards, it is transported to all parts of the body along with the blood, soaking into the bones and internal organs. The body that has reached the bottleneck can continue to be tempered and become stronger.

In addition, the martial artist with great inner shape not only has a qualitative improvement in the strength of internal strength, but also has a stronger body than ordinary warriors.

After the body is stronger, it is equivalent to a larger water tank to accommodate the inner strength, and the amount of inner strength in the body also increases accordingly.

Logically speaking, Ren Pingsheng completely crushed the masked man in terms of internal strength and body.

The masked man was out of his mind, so he didn't want to find an opportunity to escape, but played tricks with him instead.

"Young people, you must know how to respect your predecessors."

After finishing speaking, Ren Pingsheng raised his right hand and spread his five fingers.

His movements were neither hasty nor slow, and a guru's spirit emerged spontaneously, as if everything was under control.

Immediately afterwards, the golden inner strength lit up from the palm and the palms of the five fingers at the same time, emitting golden rays of light, connecting them into a golden net.

The dazzling golden light emitted by the golden net illuminates the surrounding mountains, forests and rivers, just like a scene of the setting sun.

"Six-star capture dragon palm!"

A low heck came out.

The golden net left the palm, changed from the size of a palm to a diameter of more than ten meters in an instant, and covered Chen Yiming.

Unlike ordinary internal energy that quickly collapses and disintegrates after leaving the body, the golden net is always golden and prosperous, without any sign of decay.

"Break it!" Chen Yiming roared.

The inner strength was released without reservation, and the whole person was surrounded by silver light all over the sky.

At the same time, dozens of sword shadows carrying piercing inner strength pierced out instantly.

One-on-one, his internal strength is hard to match the opponent's internal strength, but dozens of one-on-one, quantity can make up for the difference in quality.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ...

Dozens of sword shadows collided with the golden net, and there were continuous explosions.

The golden net was instantly deformed by dozens of punctures, like a piece of thorny fur.

Everything was as Chen Yiming expected, after a moment of stalemate, the two sides exploded and disintegrated into the air at the same time.

The internal strength after the change of form is still internal strength in essence, but it has a stable structure through a special arrangement.

And once the upper limit of endurance is exceeded, this stable structure is not impossible to break, and the moment the structure is disordered, it will also collapse and disintegrate like the original internal strength.

In the first round of the fight, the two sides drew a tie.

The surrounding obstacles were flattened by the shock wave blasted by inner strength, revealing the two people who stayed in place.

"Interesting." Ren Pingsheng laughed.

He didn't expect the masked man to crack it in such a way, and resisted his blow with dozens of times the consumption.

But this way of coping, he didn't think the other party could last long.

"Why don't you continue?" Chen Yiming put down the words without showing any weakness.

He is not bluffing, he has a level 1 indestructible body talent, as long as he is not crushed, it is worthwhile to try to consume him.

"Hehe! How long can you last with this level of consumption?" Ren Pingsheng raised his palms and hit two big golden nets at once.

Two large golden nets turned into two arcs, one left and one right surrounded Chen Yiming.

"too slow!"

With a low heck, Chen Yiming turned into a silver light and soared into the sky before the golden net encircled him.

Hundreds of silver sword shadows fell from the air like a rainstorm.

"It's useless." Ren Pingsheng said with a smile.

He raised his hand and shot out two layers of golden nets, facing the sky full of sword shadows.

With the superposition of two layers, the defense has an effect of one plus one greater than two.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ...

There was a louder explosion than before.

Hundreds of sword shadows disintegrated and were easily blocked by the golden net.

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