Taking advantage of the three-tailed giant tortoise's playfulness, Chen Yiming glanced at the bottom of the tiankeng.

The bottom of the tiankeng is slightly larger than the entrance. The ground is covered with mossy rocks and overgrown weeds. There is a water pool more than 100 meters wide that leads directly to the underground river.

At this time, because of the constant stirring of the three giant tails, the mist dispersed at the bottom of the tiankeng dispersed, exposing a strange small tree in the center.

The whole body of the strange little tree is purple and more than one meter high. The body of the tree is covered with strange red lines, just like the blood vessels and meridians of the human body.

On each forked branch, there is a half-red and half-green fruit, more than ten in total.


The giant three-tailed tortoise opened its mouth, revealing rows of disorderly barbs on the upper and lower jaws. These barbs had a metallic luster, and there were still flesh and blood stumps on them.

A jet of blue water sprayed out from his mouth, like an enlarged and strengthened high-pressure water gun, pointing directly at Chen Yiming.


Dazzling blue lightning resounded throughout the sinkhole.

Chen Yiming fully released the inner energy of thunder and lightning, and his nerve reaction speed was greatly increased.

With a sway of his figure, he easily dodged the sweeping water column, soared into the sky, and galloped towards the top of the tiankeng with the help of the rock wall.

Around the original cave, there appeared a gap twenty to thirty meters long and more than ten meters deep.

Seeing that Chen Yiming was about to escape from the maximum distance of the attack, the three-tailed giant tortoise crossed a distance of tens of meters in one step, and the three giant tails burst out at the same time, hitting the path ahead of Chen Yiming's escape.

The giant tail was more than three meters thick, and the surface was covered with metal barbs. The three together completely blocked Chen Yiming's way forward.

Chen Yiming didn't want to test the strength of the giant tail with his body, so he did a backflip and fell to the bottom of the tiankeng.

"Hey! Don't let me go, I'm going to grab your fruit."

In mid-air, he shouted loudly regardless of whether the giant three-tailed tortoise could understand or not.


A beast's roar responded, followed by another jet of water, which sprayed towards Chen Yiming who was in mid-air.

"You forced me, don't regret it." Chen Yiming shouted.

At the same time, thunder sounded in vain, and the inner strength of thunder and lightning exploded beside him.

The falling direction of his body was forcibly changed to avoid the sweeping water column.

As soon as he landed, Chen Yiming did not rush to grab the fruit as he said just now, but released his inner strength of thunder and lightning with all his strength.

The bottom of the tiankeng is extremely humid, and there is a thick layer of water mist all the year round. After being dispersed by the three giant tails, the ground almost turns into a puddle of water.

The thunder and lightning's inner strength split into thunder snakes, starting from Chen Yiming, they continued to swim along the watery depression, and bit the three-tailed giant turtle in the blink of an eye.

All of a sudden, the body of the three-tailed giant tortoise was covered with jumping electric arcs, changing from a water turtle to an electric turtle.


The giant three-tailed tortoise uttered a roar as it suffered from pain.

This intensity of lightning internal strength, for the three-tailed giant tortoise, is equivalent to being bitten by an ant on the skin of an ordinary human being.

A layer of blue water film instantly appeared on its body surface, and all Razers were isolated from the water film and could not enter an inch.

The water film is formed by the inner strength of the three-tailed giant tortoise, which belongs to the level that has mastered the shape changes of the inner strength.

The Thunder Snake released by Chen Yiming just used the special environment of stagnant water to create a powerful momentum effect, and there was a qualitative gap in the level of internal strength between the two sides.

However, the special effect of lightning's paralysis still had an effect, and the three-tailed giant tortoise lost its strength for a short moment.

For the speed of the warrior level, the relatively small battlefield at the bottom of the tiankeng is enough to go from one end to the other.

Chen Yiming naturally planned in this way. The moment the three-tailed giant tortoise was bitten by the thunder snake, he rushed towards the strange little tree.

When the three-tailed giant tortoise released its water film to drive away the Thunder Snake, Chen Yiming held three larger fruits in his hands.

"Hey! Who told you not to shoot with all your strength from the beginning." Chen Yiming laughed loudly.

The whole person soared into the sky again, and jumped onto a wide area on the rock wall.


The three-tailed giant tortoise was in a hurry and caught up with Chen Yiming in one step.

A jet of water burst out from the mouth again, combined with the smashing of three giant tails, four attacks were launched simultaneously.

"No." Chen Yiming laughed.

His figure fluctuated from left to right, like a flash of lightning, randomly appearing where he wanted to be within ten meters.

Under the attacks of dense water jets and giant tails, he could always evade in advance with his faster nerve reaction speed, and kept escaping towards the top of the tiankeng.

A few seconds later, Chen Yiming rushed out of the sinkhole under the shadow of three giant tails.


The three-tailed giant tortoise stopped after chasing to the top of the tiankeng, roaring at Chen Yiming who was tens of meters away.

It didn't dare to leave the range of the tiankeng, to prevent the aquatic beasts in the underground river from stealing the fruits of the strange little tree while it was leaving.

"Help me see the strange little tree, I'll come again next time." Chen Yiming shouted loudly regardless of whether the other party understood or not.

After speaking, he quickly turned and left.

Hearing this, the three-tailed giant tortoise spewed out two streams of air from its thick nostrils, stirring up dust all over the sky.

Maybe he understood what Chen Yiming meant, maybe he was venting his anger when he saw Chen Yiming's arrogant appearance.

However, in any case, the matter has been settled, and the three fruits were stolen right under their noses.

The reason is that the three-tailed giant tortoise played a hunting game with the mentality of cat and mouse from the very beginning.

If he shot with all his strength from the beginning, the water film would cover his whole body, and with Chen Yiming's level of internal strength, Razer would not be able to produce a slight paralysis effect at all.

However, Chen Yiming had never thought of snatching the half-ripe fruit against the power of the three giant tails. After all, he didn't know the effect of the half-ripe fruit.


Chi Chi Chi!

Lightning flashed across the sky.

A few seconds later, there was a rumbling thunder.

The strong wind was blowing, bringing dead branches and leaves all over the sky, making Concubine Mo Yan have to stop every time she walked a certain distance to identify the direction of Yungang City.

Chen Yiming was unaffected, he was shaken by lightning, and all the obstacles close to him turned into powder.

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry." Chen Yiming urged.

His mind flew to the artistic conception map he just got.

Although the artistic conception map is in a damaged state, he believes in the ability of the spirit villain.

After all, the rainstorm map of Feiyu swordsmanship was just a copied version, and it was also restored to the original artistic conception map by the spirit villain.

"I'm sorry." Mo Yanfei apologized softly.

The external strength obtained from the integration of muscles can also achieve similar effects, but Concubine Mo Yan has abandoned martial arts for a long time, and she can't pick it up all at once.

Chen Yiming looked up at the sky.

It was approaching midnight at this time, and it was still early before dawn, so there was still plenty of time to send people home.

When looking for a place, first cultivate the artistic conception map that I just got, this idea just came up.


The torrential rain that had been brewing all night suddenly fell with a strong wind.

Chen Yiming's inner energy of thunder and lightning spontaneously appeared on the surface of his body, isolating the raindrops that fell on his body.

Concubine Mo Yan next to her didn't have that ability. She couldn't even shake the obstacles around her with external strength. At this time, she was directly drenched by the heavy rain.

Chen Yiming turned his head and was about to propose to find a place to stay. The scene in front of him stunned him for a moment.

At this moment, Concubine Mo Yan's clothes and trousers were soaked in water and tightly attached to her body, her perfect and alluring figure was exposed in front of Chen Yiming's eyes.

Although I have watched it twice before, but the first time I only looked down at a glimpse of spring, and the other time I only saw a body partially soaked in sweat.

There is a huge gap.

"It's raining too much, can we wait for the rain to stop before we go on our way?" Concubine Mo Yan met the masked man's eyes, her face was a little hot, she asked softly.

Chen Yiming recovered from his dazed state with a blink of an eye. He also had this idea, so he nodded and said, "Let's find a place to shelter from the rain first."

Chen Yiming jumped up to the top of the tree, looking into the distance through the rain curtain.

There is a lake a few miles away, and a wooden house near the woods.

The wooden house looks very simple, and it may be used as a temporary shelter by some fishing enthusiasts.

Falling back to the ground from the top of the tree, Chen Yiming grabbed the clothes on Concubine Mo Yan's back, while covering them with inner strength to prevent the clothes from breaking.

He led the people soaring into the sky, and soon came to the wooden house.

"Go in by yourself." Chen Yiming put down his words, turned around and left.


Before Mo Yanfei could speak, the figure had disappeared in front of her eyes.

I saw a human-shaped lightning flashing across the lake, and the figure ran directly on the lake, leaving ripples where it passed.

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