The parking place is next to a big river, surrounded by a wide plain, with an extremely wide field of vision, which is convenient for avoiding accidents.

There was still some time before dinner was ready, and Chen Yiming, Fang Hongkun and several other responsible persons came to the river.

"The upper reaches of this big river pass through the Nuhe Mountains, so there are a lot of aquatic animals." Fang Hongkun introduced.

Chen Yiming glanced under the water.

One after another, aquatic animals wandered in the river, the big ones chasing the smaller ones, and a tinge of red appeared on the surface of the water from time to time.

In vain, an aquatic beast jumped out of the water, swallowed the hunted aquatic beast in one gulp, and plunged back into the water with a plop.

Judging from its appearance, this aquatic beast evolved from tilapia.

Its body length is close to two meters, and when it opens its mouth, densely packed sharp teeth can be seen.

Seeing this, Fang Hongkun pleaded: "A large number of aquatic beasts flowed down the river, raising a herd of alien beasts on the plain. If a herd of alien beasts attacks the convoy tonight, we will have to rely on Mr. Chen's help."

Martial Artist Realm represents the top martial arts power in an ordinary city, regardless of age.

When Chen Yiming showed the sign of the inner strength of the martial artist, Fang Hongkun, as a high-level executive in Donghu City, should also give him enough respect.

"No problem." Chen Yiming nodded in agreement.

His mission on this trip is to protect the safety of the convoy all the way.

After all, it is far away from the space passage, even the quasi-warrior realm is enough to protect the convoy.

Now that he can use the power of the Warrior Realm to make a move in an open and aboveboard manner, ordinary beasts can be destroyed with a flick of his finger.

During the conversation, a black shadow over ten meters long swam across the bottom of the river in front of him.

"What is that!" Fan Ronghua was startled and shouted.

He retreated subconsciously, and almost fell to the ground in a hurry.

The other people next to him heard the words and looked over, but they were also frightened by the black shadow and backed away.

Except for a few slender species, beasts with a body length of more than ten meters can only be reached at the warrior level.

The black shadow is more than ten meters long. If you don't carefully determine which species it belongs to, it is easy to make a mistake.

"Everyone, don't panic. It's a black snake. The length of a snake-like beast is more than 20 meters, which is the warrior level." Fang Hongkun reminded loudly.

Seeing this, the others breathed a sigh of relief, but they still didn't dare to go back to where they were just now.

A snake-like beast that is over ten meters long is also at the same level as a quasi-warrior among human beings.

People like them generally have six to eight levels of physical transformation. If they were attacked by a black snake, they would not be able to react at all.


The black snake that had swam away turned back again.

It seemed that Chen Yiming, who was staying by the river, attracted the attention of the black snake.

"Am I being treated as prey?" Chen Yiming smiled after witnessing the movement of the black snake in front of him.

At this time, Fang Hongkun, who retreated several meters, said, "Mr. Chen, the snake gall of the black snake can eliminate the toxins left in the body after long-term consumption of different animal meat. It is very valuable."

Chen Yiming became interested when he heard the words.

Reasonable and long-term consumption of exotic animal meat can help temper the body, but this method of relying on external force also brings hidden dangers.

Some toxins that humans cannot metabolize remain in the body.

Chen Yiming didn't need it himself, the inner strength flowed all over his body, and any toxins would be instantly decomposed.

However, a guy like Chen Yingying whose breakthrough depends entirely on external intervention needs the black snake gall very much. This quasi-warrior-level black snake gall is enough for Chen Yingying to use for a long time.

"I just want snake gall, and the rest of the black snake meat is for the team to eat." Chen Yiming said lightly.

After the words fell, he stepped onto the river.

At this time, the black snake, which was suspended one or two meters deep from the river, saw Chen Yiming's speed.


A sound of water came out, and the black snake desperately fled to the bottom of the river.

"Where to run!"

Chen Yiming yelled, and hit the water with his palm covered in black mist.


The surface of the river exploded directly, and a circular waterless area with a diameter of more than ten meters and a depth of four to five meters appeared.

Chen Yiming's hand grabbed the tail of the snake like lightning.

The inner strength of the black mist was only temporarily cultivated by him, and there is a large amount of inner strength in the body.

Even if he didn't release the huge internal energy blessing, his strength is not enough for a black snake at the level of a quasi-warrior to resist.


With an easy tug, Chen Yiming pulled the black snake out of the river.

During the whole process, the black snake resisted desperately, but due to the large gap in realm, it was like a chick being targeted by an eagle.


The black snake spat out the letter, unwilling to let go, and turned to bite Chen Yiming.

The attack speed of snakes is at the upper level among creatures. If the human in front of him is only a quasi-warrior, there is a high probability of being bitten at such a short distance.

"If it wasn't for fear of breaking you, I would have slapped you to pieces just now." Chen Yiming laughed.

He flicked his finger on Black Snake's forehead like lightning.

First, there was a bone cracking sound, and then the entire snake's head exploded, and countless brains were scattered, and the black snake died instantly.

The power of the second stage of the Warrior Realm is terrifying. Chen Yiming has already tried his best to control the strength, trying to stun the black snake.

However, not long after the breakthrough, the soaring strength after his body was promoted to a new level made him unable to accurately grasp it, which directly caused the black snake's brain to splash into the river.

Seeing this, Chen Yiming didn't care too much, and threw the dead black snake ashore.


The black snake's body hit the muddy ground by the river, and the ground shook violently.

The body is more than ten meters long, half a meter thick, and weighs at least several tons.

Chen Yiming returned to the bank of the river in one step, and said with a smile: "I didn't control my strength well, and I wasted my brains for nothing."

For a quasi-warrior-level Black Snake, there is not a single part of his body that is worthless.

Special parts such as brains and snake gallbladder are often much more precious than snake meat.

When the other responsible persons saw this, they felt very sorry, but they didn't dare to say anything. After all, Chen Yiming killed the black snake.

"Fan Ronghua, go to the convoy and find some people to take care of the black snake. Remember to keep an eye on it yourself, and keep the snake gall for Mr. Chen." Fang Hongkun stood up and arranged.

"Leave it on me." Fan Ronghua patted his chest and promised.

Soon, he called a few people to carry the black snake back to the convoy.

Chen Yiming and Fang Hongkun did not follow the crowd back, but stayed by the river.

Looking across the river, he could see countless aquatic beasts robbing the brains of the black snake that had melted in the river.

Under the surface of the river, because of the black snake's brain, a battle between aquatic beasts broke out.

Countless aquatic beasts fought together for the brain of the black snake, bright red streaks appeared on the river surface, and a large number of aquatic beasts were killed by their own kind.

"No wonder no boat dared to sail on this huge river hundreds of meters wide." Chen Yiming sighed after witnessing the battle below the river.

However, all large rivers that flow near the space channel will face the impact of countless aquatic beasts, and human ships cannot pass on it.

"Indeed, the reproductive ability of alien beasts is generally stronger than that of humans. Nowadays, alien beasts have the final say in the sky and underwater." Fang Hongkun also said with emotion.

"What's the current situation of shipping?" Chen Yiming asked.

Traveling to this world, he has never been to the seaside.

"The beasts in the sea are much stronger than those in the rivers and rivers, and the benefits of shipping by sea are completely outweighed by the losses." Fang Hongkun shook his head and explained.

Hearing this, Chen Yiming fell into deep thought.

Between the cities, there is only land transportation and some river transportation left, which shows that the situation of the war with the other world is difficult.

After Donghu City experienced a swarm of birds and beasts attacking the city, its own supplies could not be supplied at all, and it had to rely on other cities for support.

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