I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 133 Murder in the Night Part 1

Linghuai County.

It is located in the west direction of Pengzhou City, about fifty or sixty kilometers away.

Chen Yiming went alone, and it took only ten minutes to arrive near the county seat.

He stood on the top of a mountain a few miles away from the county seat, overlooking Linghuai County, which was flattened by the beast tide.

At this time, although the sky had turned completely dark, the situation in Linghuai County still could not escape Chen Yiming's eyes.

There is no light in the entire county, and there are almost dilapidated and collapsed buildings where the eyes sweep.

But it wasn't the dead and desolate look as expected, but there were teams operating in the county in each of the four directions of southeast, north and south.

They have a clear division of labor. There is a team responsible for fighting the alien beasts left in the county, a team responsible for searching for property, and a team responsible for transporting property.

The team was roughly divided into four forces, tacitly not to conflict with each other, and the remaining property in Linghuai County was gradually being transferred.

"It turned out to be a group of forces who were taking advantage of the situation behind their backs." Chen Yiming frowned and said in a deep voice.

The main strength of the human army is in the war with other worlds, and the control over the wilderness is far inferior to that of the city.

Many martial arts practitioners who committed crimes in the city escaped from the city to live in the wilderness. Over time, forces that lived in the dark appeared one by one.

Most of these forces are composed of criminals, who make a living by robbing transport convoys, accepting assassination missions, smuggling controlled items, and so on.

Chen Yiming jumped and fell from the top of the mountain to the ground.

At the same time, the villain in the spiritual world turns into a black mist artistic conception of the Mantis and Snake Swordsmanship.

The inner strength of the black mist is continuously generated from the body, and then covers the whole body, making the figure gradually disappear in the air.

Human eyes rely on the reflection of light to see things, and the inner strength of the black fog has the ability to swallow light, which can be integrated with the night environment, which can be regarded as a kind of stealth ability to a certain extent.


The air is squeezed out, creating vibrations.

Chen Yiming tapped the ground with his feet, and like a ghost in the dark, he headed for the gas station in the north of the county.

The roof of an abandoned small building on the edge of the county seat.

The two security guards kept scanning their surroundings.


One of the young men sensed something was wrong and was startled by the sound of the air vibrating.

"What's the matter?" Another companion came over two or three meters away and asked.

"I heard a strange noise just now." The young man frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Where is it?" the companion asked in surprise.

The distance between the two was only two or three meters, but he didn't feel anything.

"It's over there." The young man stretched out his hand, pointing his finger forward.

The companion looked in the direction of the finger, and saw a dark street, dead silent.

"You must not be overly nervous and have auditory hallucinations." The companion laughed.

"I believe my ears, something just passed there." The young man said bluntly.

His ears are much more sensitive than ordinary people since he was a child, and he has almost never made mistakes in judgment.

"Do you want to report it?" the companion asked.

The young man paused, then shook his head.

Like a commercial company, the faction he belongs to has a set of assessment standards.

An unknown person in charge of security, reporting with empty words and no evidence, could easily be considered an undercover agent.

In a shadow tens of meters away.

Chen Yiming stopped where he was, and he heard the conversation of the two men.

"The movement process will inevitably cause the air to vibrate, and the inner strength of the black mist is not a perfect invisibility ability." He came to a judgment in his heart.

After a simple test, Chen Yiming turned and left.

A few minutes later, he came to the gas station north of the county seat.

At this time, in the gas station, a middle-aged man was directing more than a dozen people to pack the fuel in iron barrels, and then carried them onto the trolley next to them.

"Hurry up, everyone." The middle-aged man Liao Yong urged loudly.

A young man who was loading an iron bucket onto a trolley said with a smile, "Second Uncle, our team has completed this trip, and I'm afraid we won't do anything for the next three months, and we don't have to worry about the task targets."

"Concentrate on your work." Liao Yong glared, and a smile appeared on his face instantly.

No force will support idlers for nothing, and if they fail to complete the corresponding task indicators, they will be punished.

"Second Uncle, Pengzhou City actually left us alone, and moved to Linghuai County without any action. I always feel that it is not true." The young man was optimistic just now, but suddenly worried.

"That's a matter from above. We just need to finish our work and leave as soon as possible." Liao Yong said seriously.

"I'm just complaining." The young man nodded.

Chen Yiming stood tens of meters away, waiting quietly.

He estimated in his mind the amount of fuel the team needed, and it would be best to fill it up at once, without staying here for too long.

Because things might not be that simple, he walked all the way and saw that these forces had taken sufficient precautions.

Either there was a trap set up in Pengzhou City, or the beast horde could go back at any time.

About half an hour later, more than a dozen trolleys were fully loaded, with a total of about fifty barrels.

"Everyone follow me, come again, and call it a day." Liao Yong shouted.

No. 10's subordinates were shocked. No one thought it was easy to pick up such a bargain. Although they didn't say it, they wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"That's not enough fuel."

Suddenly, a voice came out.

Then, there were continuous footsteps from far and near.

Everyone, including Liao Yong, felt a thump in their hearts, and all looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

The moonlight sprinkled on the ground, making the surroundings present a dim environment, so that it would not be invisible at all.

However, where the eyes looked, there was not even a human figure, but the sound of footsteps could be clearly heard.

"Ghost!" Someone was frightened in an instant, turned around and ran away.

The others reacted and prepared to follow.


There was a sound of breaking wind.

The first person to turn around and run away clutched his neck in the blink of an eye and fell to the ground.


Others who just took a step and were about to scatter and flee, their legs softened and retracted their legs.

At this time, the light flickered in front of everyone, and a figure appeared.

The figure is Chen Yiming who has retracted his inner strength from the black mist.

"Those who don't want to die, continue to fuel me." Chen Yiming glanced across and said in a deep voice.

At this moment, his voice was as terrifying as a devil from hell, and the words made everyone in front of him feel difficult to breathe.

Everyone's heads were buzzing, and their bodies froze in place.

Most people rejoiced that they were lucky just now, but something went wrong in the blink of an eye.

"Can't understand?"

The voice fell, accompanied by a flash of sword light.

The wall in front of the gas station was blazed with sword light, and a finger was cut off from the middle.

The wall was shortened out of thin air, but the upper and lower parts still fit together and did not slip and collapse.

It took Liao Yong a few seconds to barely recover, and urged: "Everyone get moving, go to the warehouse behind the gas station and find empty iron barrels to fill with oil."

The rest of the subordinates finally came to their senses when they heard the familiar captain's voice.

Facing the terrifying invincible strongman, everyone lowered their heads, obediently obeyed the arrangement, and went to find an iron barrel for oil.

When more than a dozen of his subordinates took action, Liao Yong came over and said flatteringly: "My lord, don't worry, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Chen Yiming nodded, but did not reply.

"..." Liao Yong was left on the spot, not daring to raise any objections.

A few minutes later.

"My lord, our team belongs to the Hong family." Liao Yong spoke again and handed over a token.

Chen Yiming glanced at the token, on which was the familiar word 'Hong'.

At the Huanshi Reservoir, he beheaded a group of people who stole guns from Sushui City, and then killed the team that connected with these people.

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