Boom boom boom...

The roar of the engine broke the tranquility of the county.

The convoy was led by Chen Yiming to the side of the main road in the north of Linghuai County.

A porter was arranged to move the iron drum full of fuel back to the convoy. Chen Yiming and Fang Hongkun stood on a small hillside by the road and waited.

A gust of wind blows.

"Why do I smell a strong smell of blood? What happened to Linghuai County?" Fang Hongkun looked into the county seat and asked solemnly.

"Linghuai County has been chartered by four wilderness forces, intending to evacuate the property of the entire county. I had a little conflict with them just now." Chen Yiming said indifferently.

"But the Hong family, the Mieshijiao, the Blood Sea Fort, and the Brotherhood?" Fang Hongkun's complexion changed, and he asked.

"What happened to these four forces?" Chen Yiming asked in surprise.

"In the Yangtze River Delta region, these four forces have the most notorious reputation. They dare to do almost anything, even cooperating with strange beasts to attack the city." Fang Hongkun explained.

"The Hong family is said to have only ordinary warriors in charge, how can they have such great capabilities?" Chen Yiming frowned, wondering.

There are twenty or thirty warriors in the folk martial arts forces in Donghu City.

It was hard for Chen Yiming to imagine that a force in the warrior realm dared to do such a major event that shocked the whole country.

"Where did you get the wrong information, the four hall masters of the Hong family are warriors, and the current patriarch is the second stage of warriors.

In addition, it is said that the previous Patriarch is retreating and trying to break through the third stage of the Warrior Realm. "Fang Hongkun said seriously after hearing the words.

"I got it from the leader of the Hong family's transportation team." Chen Yiming said awkwardly.

Liao Yong, who is at the apprentice level, only knows a general name for the warrior level.

The specific division of levels in the martial artist environment, I dare not ask random questions and have no channels to inquire.

"Anyway, you've just broken through to the warrior realm, so you'd better keep a low profile." Fang Hongkun gave a blank look and warned.

Chen Yiming nodded.

He knew that Fang Hongkun was also thinking about his safety, fearing that he would provoke forces like the Hong family.

After all, on the bright side, Chen Yiming couldn't compete with the level of the Hong family.

If it attracts the assassination of the high-level members of the Hong family, it will be almost impossible to guard against.

The team quickly filled up the fuel, and many people cheered and shouted.

Chen Yiming and his party didn't stay long, got in the car and continued to drive in the direction of Luoxi City.


At this time, Chen Yiming and his convoy were a few kilometers away.

Zhou Li led more than 30 team members to a small wooden house in the forest.

He is one of the small captains of the Pengzhou Special Operations Team, responsible for encircling and suppressing ordinary members of the Hong family, Mieshijiao, Blood Fort, and Brotherhood.

After Zhou Li tapped on the wooden door, he pushed it open and entered the wooden house.

The facilities in the wooden house are simple, mainly a table and a chair, as a place for temporary rest.

A middle-aged man in loose casual clothes picked up the teapot on the table, poured a cup of hot tea, and then passed it to his mouth to drink it.

The casual clothes on his body were a little damaged, his hair was a little messy, and one side was obviously shorter.

"Minister Zhu, all the property transported by the four forces from Linghuai County has been confiscated in full," Zhou Lihui reported.

"Good job." Zhu Xiaozhang nodded.

"The remaining surviving personnel from the four forces have all been taken to Pengzhou City, but the number is far from the expected number." Zhou Li continued.

In this encirclement and suppression operation in Pengzhou City, the plan is to take ordinary members of the four factions into custody and send them to the front line for labor.

But when the special operations team carried out the encirclement and suppression work, most of them had been chased and killed by Chen Yiming.

"Understood." Zhu Xiaozhang replied.

"A large number of members have no reason..." Zhou Ligang was about to explain the reason.

"This matter has been taken over by others." Zhu Xiaozhang interrupted.

Zhou Li nodded, knowing that this matter was beyond the scope of what he should ask.

Then, he continued to ask: "The convoy from Donghu City took a large amount of fuel from Linghuai County and is leaving westward. Do you want to take action against the convoy?"

Hundreds of large trucks moved together, and the speed was not fast.

As long as they haven't crossed the boundary of Pengzhou City, they can stop the convoy at any time.

"They have attracted the attention of many four forces for our encirclement and suppression operation, otherwise things will not go so smoothly, and the fuel will be regarded as reward." Zhu Xiaozhang replied.

"Yes." Zhou Li nodded.

After the report work, Zhou Li exited the cabin.

Soon, he left with his team members.

After receiving Zhou Li's report, Zhu Xiaozhang took out the special line and called a secret department in Pengzhou City.

Pengzhou used all its tricks, pretending that there was no manpower to deal with the aftermath, and the matter of encircling and suppressing the Hong family, Mishijiao, Blood Fort, and Brotherhood came to an end.

Each of the four factions sent a martial artist to participate in the transfer of property in Linghuai County. None of the four escaped successfully, and all were shot dead by Pengzhou military masters.

That's why Chen Yiming made such a big noise, but he didn't meet a warrior-level person to stop him.

Generally speaking, the convoy in Donghu City was used by Pengzhou City to cover up its action plan, and Chen Yiming's murder made Pengzhou City lose thousands of laborers.

While both sides got what they needed, they also caused the other side to suffer a dark loss.


After the convoy left Linghuai County, they did not encounter any beast hordes roaming Pengzhou City, nor did they encounter any other accidents.

It took another two days to reach Luoxi City smoothly.

Luoxi City, a famous granary in the Great Xia Kingdom.

It has been supporting other disaster-stricken and food-deficient places in the Great Xia Kingdom all the year round, which has made its status extremely important and its population is increasing day by day.

The motorcade from Donghu City came from other provinces. Even if there were arrangements, they still needed to go through complicated procedures to enter the city.

Chen Yiming escorted the convoy to the gate of the city, politely declined the escort arranged by Fang Hongkun, and went into the city alone.

He had no clear direction and walked directly along the sidewalk of the street.

Nearby one or two meters away, it was crowded with ordinary people coming and going. Compared with the flow of people in Donghu City, it was like the difference between a city and a town.

The shops on the side of the road, customers coming in and out, are almost never deserted, and the consumption power is not comparable to that of Donghu City.

In addition, the music being played can be heard from time to time on the street, which makes Chen Yiming feel as if he has returned to the peaceful era in his previous life.

After Chen Yiming asked passers-by, he came to a high-end sky restaurant.

The restaurant is located on the top floor of a ring-shaped commercial building, more than 200 meters above the ground, and can see the appearance of the small half of Luoxi City.

After ordering the meal, he leaned on the soft sofa and looked at the entire city of Losey.

Glancing over, he roughly estimated the size of Luoxi City, and found that Donghu City was less than one-tenth of Luoxi City.

"Take your parents and Chen Yingying and move to the provincial capital?"

A thought suddenly appeared in Chen Yiming's mind.

In addition to expensive consumption and high housing prices in big cities, the safety is not comparable to small and medium-sized cities like Donghu City, but money is not much different from waste paper to a warrior.

The more he thought about it, the more feasible it became.

In terms of cultivation, it mainly depends on time to accumulate skill points, and then add some talent levels, which is the same everywhere.

It may be easier to find the follow-up cultivation method of the Martial Artist Realm in the provincial capital than in Donghu City.

Gradually, Chen Yiming fell into a trance, until the sound of conversation behind him interrupted his thoughts.

At another dining table directly opposite behind him, two men and a woman were sitting around.

The two men were strong and tall, far exceeding ordinary people, and the woman had a delicate face, wearing a knee-length skirt and a long sword tied around her waist.

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