In Donghu City, west of the city, there is a brightly lit mountain villa.

Soldiers with guns can be seen everywhere near the villa, constantly patrolling and guarding around.

This auction invited all the forces of the Martial Artist Realm in Donghu City to participate, so whether it is security or specifications, it will be conducted according to the highest standards.

Ordinary middle and lower martial arts forces, not to mention participating, are not even allowed to approach.

In the hall of the villa.

Jade-like seat lamps are inlaid on the walls on both sides, and the crystal chandelier hanging above the head emits white light like daytime.

The guests who arrived in advance gathered together in twos and threes, enjoying the pastries and drinks provided by the organizer, and chatting in low voices.

Wan Ya mingled with a young man in the crowd.

"Xiaoya, why did your family suddenly arrange another marriage for you? This is pushing you into the fire pit abruptly, without considering your thoughts at all?" Gu Chen asked with a frown.

"Brother Chen, don't think about it until the matter reaches that level, it's just a simple meeting." Wan Ya replied in a low voice.

Gu Chen nodded and smiled again: "It's not what it used to be, a month ago I was a quasi-warrior, so you didn't dare to disclose our relationship with your family, and you were forced to temporarily agree to delay your marriage with Lin Yixuan.

But now that I have broken through to the Warrior Realm, no one can stop us anymore, we will go see your father later, and let that blind date go away obediently. "

"Brother Chen, don't worry, the Kunshan School and the Vientiane School are hostile forces after all, let me communicate with my dad in private first, there is no need to directly conflict with the family." Wan Ya persuaded.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Gu Chen said in a deep voice, "But there's no need to delay the blind date this time, you directly and clearly refuse."

Wan Ya's complexion changed slightly, and he said hesitantly: "Listen to my father, the person who introduced me is only eighteen years old, and he is already a warrior.

If you refuse directly in person, it is not to offend people severely, it is unnecessary. "

Gu Chen's face was suffocated, and he paused for a moment: "The breakthrough time of the martial artist level is measured in ten or twenty years.

Even if that person's martial arts talent is stronger than mine, we will still be at the same level in a short period of time, so we don't have to be afraid of him at all. "

Wan Ya pondered for a while, and explained: "Brother Chen, that person is my father's disciple after all, I think it's better not to antagonize the family because of such a trivial matter, after all, it's just a blind date, not an engagement."

Gu Chen took a deep breath.

He also knew that his girlfriend's actions were sensible, but anger still accumulated in his heart, and he even felt a little aggrieved.

The reasons are, firstly, because the Kunshan faction and Wanxiangmen are hostile forces, and secondly, their own strength cannot reach the level of breaking through all obstacles.

Wan Rong, as a member of the Vientiane Sect, agreed that the chance of him marrying Wan Ya was very small, unless he was willing to abandon the connections he had accumulated in the Vientiane Sect for decades.

"Brother Chen, avoid it for a while."

Wan Ya suddenly reminded in a low voice.

She had been paying attention to the flow of people at the entrance of the hall, and suddenly saw Wan Rong walking in side by side with a young man.

"Then I'll leave first."

Gu Chen knew in his heart that now was not the time to act impulsively, so he replied and walked away naturally.

After Wan Rong and the young man entered the hall, he walked out of the hall directly behind them.

Wan Ya let out a long breath, calmed down her nervous expression, and walked towards Wan Rong.

"Dad, you're here." Wan Ya smiled.

Chen Yiming glanced over and saw a young woman walking towards him.

The woman is wearing a pale yellow corset with a black belt around her waist, long hair shawl, and transparent gauze long sleeves on her arms, revealing her fair skin faintly.

With a pair of watery eyes and a sunny smile on her face, she looks like a big sister next door.

When Wan Rong saw the person coming, he turned his head and introduced, "Yiming, she is my youngest daughter, Wan Ya."

Chen Yiming nodded.

Wan Ya's first impression on him was not that of a wayward little girl.

In this way, things will not be so difficult, and there is much room for both parties to negotiate.

"You young people have a good time communicating. I'll go find old friends first to catch up." Wan Rong said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked away without waiting for a reply.

After Wan Rong left, Chen Yiming and Wan Ya chatted briefly and got to know each other for a while.

At this time, a large number of guests entered the hall one after another, and the conversation became more and more intensive, and music was also played.

The two chatted as usual, and they needed to be close to each other to hear clearly.

Soon, both of them walked out of the hall on the pretext that they didn't like the noisy environment of the hall and went for a walk on the cobblestone path in the courtyard of the manor.

Both parties have the meaning of probing the other's true thoughts.

The garden path is quiet and there are almost no people. There are a lot of landscape trees on both sides of the path, and there is a street lamp every ten meters to provide faint light.

As a relatively passive party, Wan Ya took the initiative to bring up the topic: "I have been practicing martial arts for almost ten years, and I was already in the realm of quasi-martial arts three years ago, but so far I still haven't made much progress in the outline of my artistic conception.

I heard that after just one year of martial arts training, you broke through to the martial arts state like a bamboo shoot, can you teach me some experience. "

Chen Yiming frowned.

The spirit villain automatically completes the outline of the artistic conception map. He has never learned about other warrior realms, and what obstacles he encountered in this regard.

Just like climbing a mountain, others need to constantly look for a relatively flat location and climb to the top of the mountain step by step.

On the contrary, he just jumped over it directly, without paying attention to the steepness of the mountain at all, and naturally he didn't know how to solve the difficulties encountered by others.

"Calm down and persevere for years and months." Chen Yiming said casually.

Wan Ya said with a smile: "The elders in the division also said similar things, but it didn't seem to have any effect on me. Many times I wondered if my martial arts talent was not enough to support the breakthrough to the warrior state."

"It's just that the martial arts talent is too poor."

Chen Yiming made a judgment in his heart.

In the outside world, his face remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "Let it be, maybe one day it will come to fruition."

This is his own experience, waiting patiently for the accumulation of skill points, and adding the talent level, without thinking too much.

Wan Ya was not angry after hearing this, and turned to the next topic: "The true disciple of the Twelfth Academy of the Wanxiangmen, that is, the level of the martial artist, are you planning to join the Wanxiangmen?"

"It's currently under consideration." Chen Yiming said calmly.

This is not a lie, he is different from other warriors, modifying other exercises is as simple as drinking water and eating, there is no dilemma of giving up more than ten years of accumulation and starting again.

If there are other kendo sects who offer better conditions, it is not impossible for him to consider it.

Wan Ya laughed again and said, "Maybe we will be in the same school soon, but I major in Feihe swordsmanship, and there is a high probability that I am not in the same inner courtyard as you."

The twelve inner courtyards of the Wanxiang Gate each practice a different sword technique.

The combination of the swordsmanship of the Twelve Inner Courts is the Zhenpai swordsmanship of Wanxiangmen.

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