On the second floor of the headquarters of the Mantis Sword Pavilion, Wanrong Study Room.

Chen Yiming, who came out of the company, contacted Master Wan by phone, and came to the study to discuss the matter of apprenticeship to Wanxiangmen.

At the tea table, Chen Yiming and Wan Rong sat facing each other.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

The sounds of sword clashes between brothers and sisters in the martial arts training hall on the first floor continued to be heard.


The sound of boiling water came from the teapot in front of him, and a stream of white steam soon rose from the spout.

Wan Rong took a sip of hot tea and said with a smile: "Neither you nor your second senior brother has any intention of being the head of the museum. Your other senior brothers and sisters have been full of motivation in recent days, and everyone seems to have returned to the years when they first started. .”

Chen Yiming turned his head and glanced at the martial arts training hall, and said in a deep voice, "Master Wan, I aim to practice martial arts personally, and I don't want to be bound in Donghu City to cultivate potential disciples for the Wanxiang Sect."

Wan Rong sighed, and said to himself: "Among the remaining disciples, your talent is too outstanding, and the others are not talented enough. I have been waiting for the heir to the position of the master for a year and a year, but I still can't find a suitable one. Candidates for..."

Chen Yiming listened quietly with a calm face.

Originally, Lin Yixuan was a very suitable candidate for the successor of the gymnasium owner. He was trained by Wan Rong very early, and his relationship was much closer than that of Chen Yiming, who had only been in the martial arts hall for a year.

However, things were unpredictable, Lin Yixuan insisted on finding trouble with Chen Yiming, and Chen Yiming was forced to fight back.

Wan Rong said a lot in one breath, and felt a little helpless when he noticed Chen Yiming's silence. If the disciple is too capable, even as a master, it is difficult to influence the disciple's thoughts.

Things went around and around, in the final analysis, it is still a continuation of the Wan family after Wanrong's hundred years.

After all, the master-student relationship only belongs to Wan Rong and Chen Yiming, and Wan Jia's weight in it is too light. The reality is the same, Chen Yiming has never even found out where the Wan family is.

At the end of Wan Rong's speech, he showed his cards and said, "The head of the Mangy Snake Academy of Wanxiang Gate is right now inside the gate, and I don't ask too much of you as a teacher, as long as you leave Wan Ya a place as a concubine."

Wan Rong also knew that sooner or later Wan Ya would not be able to hide what happened privately, so he didn't mention that the matchmaker was getting married.

As long as the Wan family can get in touch with Chen Yiming through the Wanya line, and the Mo family can get in touch with the masked man through Mo Yanfei, there is no essential difference between the two.

"No problem." Chen Yiming agreed.

The concubine is not a regular wife, her status is very different, and the two are in a master-student relationship, so this request is not too much, and it is still within the bottom line of Chen Yiming's heart.

Wan Rong smiled again when he received Chen Yiming's reply.

Solve the problems on the disciple's side, leaving Wan Ya's side. The problem between Wan Ya and Gu Chen is not difficult to solve, Wan Ya does not have the ability to disobey his father's order.

In this way, the two discussed privately and finalized the matter. From the beginning to the end, Wan Ya only had a blind date, and Wan Rong gave his disciple as a concubine.

Wan Rong was in a good mood at this time, and continued: "The fight for the porcelain bowl last night has come to an end, and it was finally snatched from the Kunshan faction by a masked man. cost."

Chen Yiming frowned, pretending to be surprised and said, "It's such a heavy price, no wonder I went to the company this morning and heard about the arrest warrant sent by Kunshan."

Wan Rong poured out the cold tea in the cup, refilled it with hot tea, took a sip, and said with a smile: "The arrest warrant is just a thing to bully forces with no background in martial arts.

However, Donghu City will become an eventful place in the future. You should go to the Vientiane Gate with me as soon as possible to prevent unforeseen accidents. "

Behind the Mantis Sword Pavilion is the Vientiane Gate. It is completely assumed that they don't know about the arrest warrant, and the disciples of the Kunshan School dare not come to ask for it.

Chen Yiming smiled and said, "I can leave at any time."

Wan Rong also smiled and said, "Then it will be tomorrow, and I will inform Chief Zhou later."

With the recommendation of Wan Rong, the owner of the Vientiane School, Chen Yiming was able to bypass the annual uniform school recruitment and meet directly with the head of the school.

This is the purpose of the Da faction to set up martial arts gyms in various cities, large and small, to cast a wide net to salvage disciples whose talents meet the requirements of the Vientiane Sect.

And it allows those young geniuses in small and medium-sized cities to directly enter the inner court to get the best training through the promotion path of martial arts.


at the same time.

Donghu City Government Office Area, a large conference room.

The warriors of the military gathered here, everyone's face was full of dignity, and they communicated with the people around them about the battle that happened last night.

Xue Haichuan was right next to Cao Zhengjun. He turned his head and said in a low voice, "It's really weird. The other gym owners retreated safely, but Lei Bojun of Tongarm Boxing Gym, why did he, an ordinary fighter, get into the siege of Kunshan again? In the battle to send three heads."

Cao Zhengjun let out a breath, and said in a deep voice: "Lei Bojun's body has not been found yet. This is just everyone's speculation about his inexplicable disappearance. Maybe there is another reason for the truth."

There are few people in the wilderness area. Outside the main road between cities, there are only occasional hunting teams passing by in the mountains, forests and rivers.

Lei Bojun's corpse floated downstream with the current, unless it happened to pass through the city, once it stranded in that corner halfway, there was a high probability that it would become the ration of strange beasts.

Even if the remaining skeleton of the corpse is found later, it will become an unsolved case for which no cause can be found.

Xue Haichuan nodded, sighed and said, "The war caused by this porcelain bowl was really tragic. Even the Kunshan faction paid the price of the death of four heads of the school. Fortunately, our military did not participate, otherwise the entire army might be wiped out." fate."

Cao Zhengjun glanced at him, and said in a deep voice: "The city defenders have long expected that the masked man may show up. From the beginning to the end, our mission is to prevent the battle for the porcelain bowl from spreading to Donghu City."

Xue Haichuan smiled wryly: "I'm not assuming this. If it really spreads to Donghu City, we have to go to the first line of defense. Maybe we will be killed by others with one move."

Cao Zhengjun paused for a moment, and reminded: "It's not a single move. It is said that the four capitals of the Kunshan School were beaten to death by the masked men. We were probably killed by the aftermath."

"..." Xue Haichuan patted his head, realizing that he had overestimated himself.

His impression of the masked man was still there.

With the combat power shown by the masked men in this battle, not to mention ordinary warriors like them, even the city guard Ren Pingsheng couldn't withstand a single move from the opponent.

Even if they go to the military martial artist level together, there is a high probability that they are not much different from the apprentice level, and the opponent will die with a single blow.

Another seat in the conference room.

Sun Changbin pestered Su Chengwang.

Sun Changbin joked: "Brother Su, you were bragging to us at the beginning, saying that you almost stopped the masked man, but you were only a one-shot loser."

Su Chengwang blushed when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "It was before, and the speed of the masked man's strength improvement is naturally not comparable to mine. Besides, at that time, the city defender could fight the opponent for a long time, but now you see that the Kunshan faction has four The head of the hospital was directly crushed."

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