The Vientiane Gate, a disciple of the Mantis Snake Academy, Chen Yiming.

The news that this person was about to come to the Mantis Sword Hall in Sanhe City strongly stimulated the yearning for young disciples like Li Chunsheng for the Wanxiang Sect.

Many young disciples were silent on their lips, but they began to ponder in their hearts, looking for opportunities to get acquainted with him.

Suddenly, Fang Xiong, the owner of the museum who had been silent all this time, reminded: "It's all quiet, people are here."

The disciples who were still discussing in low voices suddenly shut up, and many people looked around to find Chen Yiming.

However, on the avenue, the pedestrians and vehicles passing by are still the same as before.

What about people?

They were puzzled, but the owner of the museum said the same thing, no one dared to question it.

For a moment, my heart was like an ant on a hot pot, waiting for a short time in seconds, but it felt like a few minutes had passed.

At this time, a few streets away, there was a rumbling sound like a cannonball.

The rumble was heard not only by the martial arts disciples, but also by all the pedestrians on the avenue. In the blink of an eye, the avenue was in chaos, and amidst the exclamation, the pedestrians hurriedly sought cover to take shelter.

Except for Fang Xiong, everyone in the vicinity, including the disciples of the martial arts school, thought that something happened in Sanhe City, otherwise, how could there be the sound of shells exploding in the city.

Immediately afterwards, all the martial arts disciples were stunned by the sight in front of them.

The rumbling sound gradually approached the direction of the martial arts hall, and suddenly a figure appeared from the end of the avenue, and a vague figure galloped in mid-air where his eyes could see.

The person who came was Chen Yiming who saved time on the way.

Ordinary people in the city occupy the vast majority. If they drive directly on the ground, the strong wind generated during the movement can easily lead to a scene of people turning their backs.

So Chen Yiming thought of this method that didn't hurt anyone and saved time.

Running in mid-air, warriors are usually only briefly used in combat. Because every step needs to let the internal strength explode on the soles of the feet to generate a recoil force, pushing the whole person to run forward.

This kind of unrestrained squandering of internal energy, except for those with extremely deep internal energy talents, few warriors would use it on their daily journeys.

Fang Xiong didn't take it seriously and kept smiling, only thinking that the one who came down from the Wanxiang Sect this time was a disciple who liked to show off, was superior, and held his own identity.

The disciples next to them couldn't be as calm as their master, and couldn't help but exclaim.

"How can it be!"

"How can a person run in mid-air?"

"Did he bring technical equipment to assist flying?"

These disciples were almost stupefied with fright. They stared round and watched the figure approach from far to near, transforming into a soaring cannon, and leaping in front of everyone from a hundred meters away.

This time, there is no need for the gymnasium owner to remind, the disciples of the martial arts gymnasium have already forgotten all the drafts in their hearts, so how dare they talk nonsense.

In the eyes of these martial arts disciples, this is a young man who is about their age.

Although his hair was a little disheveled by the wind, his aura was as deep as the sea, and he felt glaring just by meeting his eyes, and subconsciously avoided the other's eyes.

"Are you an inner court disciple of the Mantis Snake Institute, Chen Yiming?"

Fang Xiong waited for someone to come to him before asking.

At the same time, he was horrified and completely overturned his previous evaluation.

The disciples who came down from the Wanxiang Sect this time are not like ordinary inner court disciples, but like the head of the true disciples.

"That's right, it's me." Chen Yiming glanced at the plaque above the martial arts hall, and said.

The tyrannical strength that has stepped into the third stage of the warrior realm with one foot, stands with the ordinary warrior realm and a group of apprentices.

Even though Chen Yiming had restrained his breath, he still suppressed Fang Xiong and many disciples in terms of momentum.

"You are Fang Xiong who issued the task, right? Where is the disciple who entrusted you to issue the task?"

Chen Yiming's eyes swept over the many disciples in front of him, and finally settled on a boy who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old.

This young man is a bit different from other martial arts disciples, he is much calmer than others, at least not too much panic can be seen on the surface.

"Xu Zhang, come here." Fang Xiong called to the boy Chen Yiming noticed.

Xu Zhang walked out from among the many disciples, and said respectfully: "I am Xu Zhang, and I will leave it to you to return to Donghai Province. Afterwards, the Xu family will thank you very much."

After greeting Fang Xiong and his disciple Xu Zhang, they were about to tell Chen Yiming something about the Xu family, but they were ruthlessly interrupted.

"I'm still in a hurry, let's go straight away." Chen Yiming urged.

There is no exact opening time for Kirishima in the East China Sea. It only waits for the forces participating in the willow heart competition to gather, and the overall strength is stronger than that of the entire Kirishima willow, then harvesting will begin, and competition will also occur at the same time.

Compared with Zhou Xuesheng's departure time of Mantis Academy, Chen Yiming was half a day late.

If he doesn't hurry up, by the time he arrives at Kirishima, the willow heart may have been harvested completely.

Xu Zhang was at a loss when he heard this.

This disciple of the inner courtyard of the Mantis Snake Academy was about to leave without any discussion, which completely disrupted the plan in his mind.

He originally planned to start from the meeting, lay the groundwork and gradually seduce him step by step, and then negotiate the final terms of the transaction before entering Donghai Province.

Seeing this, Chen Yiming understood that Xu Zhang was just like that. He had pretended to be calm just now, but if something went wrong in the plan, he immediately lost his position.

Fang Xiong was not too surprised, many disciples who practiced hard on the mountain were like this, so he opened his mouth to help Xu Zhang out: "Hurry up, it's the same if you talk about it on the road."

When Xu Zhang came to the side, Chen Yiming grabbed his collar directly, like twisting a small chicken, jumped up, and rushed towards Donghai province.


The off-road vehicle had already been prepared by the side of the road, and a middle-aged man immediately opened the door and got out of the vehicle, shouting at the two people who gradually disappeared from sight.

At the entrance of the martial arts hall, not only the remaining disciples, but also Fang Xiong was confused by Chen Yiming's behavior.

This disciple of the Vientiane Gate going down the mountain had to walk on foot instead of a car, although Wu Zhejing was much faster than a car in the wilderness area, and he could walk across mountains and ridges in a straight line.

Isn't he afraid of being ambushed and attacked by someone who consumes too much internal strength?

The truth is that Chen Yiming dislikes driving too slowly, and when he slowly arrives in Donghai Province, if the battle for Willow Heart in Kirishima is over, it will be a waste of work.

After all, he has fully understood the black mist artistic conception map, and the cloud mist fruit is of no use to Chen Yiming at all, it is just something used to deceive people.


During a short break on the way, Xu Zhang took the initiative to tell Chen Yiming about the situation of Xu's family.

Xu Zhang is the eldest son of the current Patriarch of the Xu family in Xizhu City, East China Sea Province. He was trained as an heir and sent to the Mantis Sword Academy in Sanhe City, Jiangnan Province to practice martial arts, with the goal of entering the Vientiane Gate.

However, the world is unpredictable, after his father Xu Ao was attacked by three warriors and lost his arm, his third uncle Xu Kai broke through to the warriors inexplicably.

Although Xu Ao's combat strength has been weakened due to the broken arm, he is not afraid of Xu Kai as he is also a martial artist.

The fundamental problem is that Xu Kai took the lead in splitting the family and sold himself to a disciple of the Yunhai Sect in Donghai Province. The Yunhai Sect and the Vientiane Sect are both big sects of the same level, and the Xu family was overwhelmed.

At this time, Xu Zhang patted his chest and promised: "As long as you can come out and stand on my father's side, the Xu family promises to take out two more cloud fruits as a reward afterwards."

Yunwu fruit is helpful to all smog-attribute exercises, which is also the main reason why Xu Zhang first entered the Tangsnake Sword Hall, and then entered the Wanxiangmen Tangsnake Academy as his target.

Chen Yiming glanced at it, not very interested: "The Xu family found a heterogeneous plant that can produce cloud fruit in the East China Sea?"

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