Which of the big men in the second stage of the Warrior Realm is not a man of influence in the province. The violent lion, violent bear, and golem are also blood warriors, which makes their status half a level higher.

The six big brothers joined forces, except for important resource places like Kirishima, it is impossible for the world to see them on weekdays.

"When you catch the opponent, don't rush to kill, let me step into a meatloaf."

Goblin Xu Changxiong turned his head and laughed.

"What's the hurry, let me practice boxing first, my hands are itchy recently."

Violent Bear Zhang Dingkai, with a face full of flesh, also laughed loudly.

Seeing this, most forces at the edge of the valley shook their heads and sighed.

No matter how strong the same realm is, there is a limit. Facing six people at once, they still want to resist.

"Follow up as soon as possible."

As soon as the words fell, Yu Changliang, the mad lion, accelerated violently, turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the masked man.

At the same time, with a roar, the muscles all over his body began to shake, and a mysterious force erupted from his body. This mysterious power is the ability of blood warriors, animalization.

In a short moment, Yu Changliang changed from running upright with both legs to running on all fours.

In addition, the whole body has also undergone tremendous changes. Spiky brown hair grows naturally, and the metallic lion tail keeps shaking to keep the balance while running.

Judging from the appearance alone, this is a living lion-like beast.

Finally, a pair of bright red armor covered his body, as if his whole body was burning with flames. This is the result of Yu Changliang's inner strength, the attribute is to comprehensively increase physical strength, agility, and stamina.


Accompanied by a substantive roar of the beast, the lion's claw covered with inner strength armor waved towards the masked man.

This is a tyrannical body that is no different from a beast.

The lion's claw spanned a distance of several meters, breaking several air barriers in succession, causing a bang bang bang bang.

In the face of the wild lion Yu Changliang's surprise attack, Chen Yiming's expression did not change a bit. The blood warrior involved his future plans, so he only condensed a normal twenty-meter giant sword, and did not intend to smash the opponent into a pulp with one blow.

The thick and hard brown light bloomed in the right hand of the masked man. After the giant sword solidified from the void, it turned into a slash that cut everything, and hit the lion's claw head-on.


The giant sword and the lion's claw wrestled head-on as expected.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise like thunder, and an invisible air wave swept across the four directions. Bright red and brown were intertwined, covering the outcome of the wrestling in a short moment.

The next moment, the sound of shattering glass came from it. Like Wang Xielong's thunder and lightning armor, the armor transformed from the mad lion's inner strength collapsed after only holding on for the same amount of time.

"Will the Wild Lion lose so easily?"

Many bigwigs on the edge of the valley suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Although the combination of the violent lion, violent bear, and golem is equivalent to the middle level among the three levels of forces on the scene.

But taken alone, it is also a bit stronger than Wang Xielong of the Thor Mercenary Corps. After all, blood warriors are not weak, and beast transformation has a strong boost to the physical body.

"Don't underestimate me, die for me."

Yu Changliang, the wild lion, withdrew his strength at the moment when the lion's claws collided with the giant sword. Although the armor transformed from inner strength was broken, he only suffered minor injuries because he didn't really wrestle with the opponent.

At the same time, the lion's tail glowed like metal, and the tip of the tail reflected dazzling light.

While all the attention was on the lion claw and the giant sword, it suddenly stretched a large length around the masked man's back, turning into a spike and piercing the vest.

"Beautiful fists and embroidered legs."

Chen Yiming let out a low snort, feeling the sound of the wind breaking behind him like a light on his back, and a brown shield appeared on his back in vain.

This is the result of his condensed internal strength with great strength, without too much refinement, just relying on the strength of his internal strength, just waiting for the lion's tail to attack.

next moment.

Click! There was a crisp cracking sound.

Without the piercing power of the lion's tail and the expected stalemate of the shield formed by the internal strength, everything is like a toothpick stuck in a diamond. The strength of the lion's tail is far from breaking the strength of Chen Yiming's internal strength.

"This is impossible!"

The mad lion Yu Changliang who was closest to the masked man subconsciously yelled.

After personal experience, he couldn't accept the powerlessness of being an apprentice compared to a warrior in the same realm. This was too shocking to people and beasts.

The animalization ability of blood warriors can usually improve their strength. For example, Yu Changliang, the mad lion, is the same as Wang Xielong of the Thor Mercenary Corps purely by realm, but in essence, Yu Changliang and Zhou Xuesheng of the Vientiane Gate after the animalization at one level.

Seeing that the bloodline fighters are in the same realm, for Chen Yiming, such a small increase, the lion's tail thorn on the shield is many times lighter than an ordinary person being bitten by an ant.

Chen Yiming was extremely disappointed with the blood warriors. Apart from being able to change a person's martial arts talent, it seemed that he didn't have much potential.

When the mad lion Yu Changliang was stunned for a moment, Chen Yiming dropped the huge sword in his right hand and blasted out with his left fist.

This punch was unremarkable, without any traces of moves, but Yu Changliang gave the crazy lion the feeling that it was as thick as the sea.

"If you get hit by this punch, you will die!"

This is the intuitive feedback of Yu Changliang, the wild lion. He doesn't need to analyze or think about it.

Just when the wild lion Yu Changliang was on the verge of death.

"Eat me with a punch!"

A mighty roar came.

Out of the corner of his eye, Chen Yiming saw a violent bear standing up like a human.

Violent Bear Zhang Ding opened his head and grew to about six meters taller than his human form, equivalent to the height of a two-story building. Compared with him, Chen Yiming's whole body was only about the same leg as the opponent's, and he was like a little sheep in front of Violent Bear.

In addition, Violent Bear Zhang Dingkai's whole body is covered under a pair of brown-black armor, which is the result of the change in the form of internal strength.

The only difference from Yu Changliang, the violent lion, is that although the internal strength attribute of Violent Bear Zhang Dingkai also increases the body, it is not a balanced increase in strength, agility, and speed, but the main increase in strength.

At this time, due to the cover of the light from the explosion of inner energy, the violent bear Zhang Dingkai only knew that the wild lion Yu Changliang could not break through the opponent's tortoise shell, and had no idea that the crazy lion Yu Changliang was in the moment of returning to the light just now.

Seeing that Yu Changliang, the wild lion, was about to be punched by the masked man, Violent Bear Zhang Dingkai did not hesitate, and confidently met the masked man's fist with his fleshy fist.

"Kneel down!"

At the same time, the roar of the goblin Xu Changxiong came from above Chen Yiming's head.

A golem taller than a bear raised its forelimbs. The golem's height was close to seven meters, and its two forelimbs were extremely developed, like two steel pillars.

The entire golem was bathed in a jet of black light, and the black armor transformed from inner strength added a stronger sense of oppression to the golem.

Moreover, the golem's body completely blocks the sunlight from the sky, and its whole body is like a heavy truck tilted at forty-five degrees.

In addition, the internal energy attribute of the golem is more extreme than that of the violent bear, and it almost only increases its strength. There are almost no opponents in the same realm of terrifying giant strength, and this is how the title of golem comes about.

If it is stepped on by the golem Xu Changxiong, the golem's body strength, gravity blessing, internal strength boost, and the huge force of the three-fold superposition, often cannot withstand the internal strength of non-amplified body protection.

Therefore, what Xu Changxiong, the goblin, loves to do most is to trample his opponent into meatloaf with great strength. This kind of crushing pleasure makes him never tired of it.


Chen Yiming sighed again.

With his left fist covered by the huge inner strength, he didn't hesitate to hit the violent bear who helped the wild lion to break free.

In addition, the right hand was held empty again in an instant, and the giant sword gradually solidified from empty to solid, before it was fully formed, it stabbed at the golem above the head.

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