I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 289 Transformation into a giant first battle

After buying ten pairs of boxer briefs, Chen Yiming returned to the barracks from the street.

The stronghold is threatened by the secret Western martial arts state. When the villain is dispatched, he can't stay away from the stronghold for the time being. With nothing to do, he plans to continue to supervise his sister's archery practice.

On the wide training ground, more than ten square formations, about 10,000 soldiers were lining up, and a burly officer stood in front of the square formation and gave a speech.

These soldiers have just been transferred from Jiangnan Province to another world. Each of them is the elite of each unit. After a simple assembly training, they will soon be sent to the battlefield on the rocky plain.

My sister's archery teacher, Wu Youjia, trotted over from the formation, and the burly officer followed Wu Youjia.

"My lord, this is Master Wei." Wu Youjia introduced.

Master Wei was smiling and respectful at this time, not at all as strict as he was to the soldiers just now, just like a gentle elder.

"What's the matter?" Chen Yiming looked around and asked.

"My lord, without you sitting in the stronghold in another world, there would be no good situation today. The soldiers admire your demeanor very much. Can you go over and say a few words to encourage them."

When Mr. Wei spoke, he felt a little guilty.

He knew that the Western Consortium set up a lore-killing situation against Chen Yiming, and there was no specific news about the Western Martial Artist who was in charge of the killing.

Whether it has been killed by Chen Yiming or not, at least it can be judged that the martial artist state is not easy to use.

Such a strong man has actually transcended the shackles of the country, and there are almost no means of checks and balances, so he can't help but be careful.

Faced with this request, Chen Yiming refused in his heart.

It seemed that these soldiers were going to be thrown into the battlefield on the rocky plain. He was speaking to the soldiers at this time, and all the scenes would damage his image.

It would be too unfair to reveal some insider information to forces other than the military. You must know that even the Vientiane Gate is in a state of stocking.

He looked up at the three glowing spheres in the sky: "Forget about talking, I'm still in a hurry."

Mr. Wei smiled and said: "It's okay, you go to your business first, if you need help, you can ask Xiao Wu to do it at any time."

When Chen Yiming heard the words, he immediately became vigilant.

Ever since he possessed the peak combat power of the Warrior Realm, he no longer needs to hide it. The only disadvantage is that his private affairs must be secretly concerned by all parties.

No wonder he would arrange a hot archery teacher for his younger sister, so he must not fall for it.


Return to the residence arranged by the military for the teachers and students of the martial arts academy.

Zhao Meijing and Cai Xihe, two martial arts teachers were surrounded by students, chattering non-stop.

Chen Yiming heard from afar that a group of students were arguing to leave for the Rocky Plain.

Chen Yingying ran over quickly, and asked excitedly, "Brother, I went out for breakfast this morning and saw a lot of martial arts students from other cities. When are we going to leave?"

Chen Yiming couldn't help but rolled his eyes at his sister, and said, "Why are you going there? You don't lack cultivation resources."

Chen Yingying's small eyes stared round at first, then she hesitated and continued: "But... everyone, I also want to see the big scene of the war."

"Your brother and I still have something to do, so we can't leave the stronghold casually, why don't you go by yourself?" Chen Yiming still had a solid idea of ​​his sister, and asked back.


Chen Yingying murmured, but stopped talking.

What a joke, the creatures in the other world are disgusting and cruel, how dare she run around alone. Most of the thought of going to the rocky plain was extinguished at once.


After handing over his sister to Wu Youjia, the archery teacher, Chen Yiming left the stronghold and stopped in an open space three or four kilometers away.

He thought of a clever plan. It is not convenient to transform into a giant in the stronghold, and there are no suitable enemies around the stronghold, but can the ring space work?

Last time, the female spirit body couldn't help being a villain. Now that his spiritual power has completed the transformation, and he has the blessing of immortality, even if he gets hurt a little, it's not a big problem.

If it really doesn't work, it's a big deal to exit the ring space.

Chen Yiming entered the ring space for the third time, and it was still empty. He knew that the real situation in the center was covered by fog.

Now that he has become stronger and more courageous, his substantive mental strength has directly turned into a big fan, slapping madly at the center.

The fog was broken without any suspense, revealing the gold and silver vortex hidden in it, as well as the bound female spirit body.

The moment the fog cleared, the female spirit body opened her eyes, her eyes were full of murderous intent, her long hair that dragged the floor floated out of thin air and half-suspended.

Chen Yiming was almost taken aback when he saw this, but the other party didn't really make a move like last time, which made him temporarily relieved.

There was excitement in his eyes, and the consciousness communication belonged to the mysterious power of the giant.


In the next moment, in a blink of an eye, airflow appeared in the space of the ring, surrounding the whole body.

Even the golden streamer that was sucked in from the crack and headed towards the golden vortex was also seduced by the airflow around him, and was absorbed by his spirited body as the airflow surrounded him.

A strange energy circulated in his spiritual body, and then he quickly became taller and stronger. According to the proportion, it is roughly equivalent to a normal person who jumped to a height of 100 meters.

Although this is not a real body, the powerful sense of power has not changed.

Chen Yiming glanced around and found that the transformed female spirit body was not even as high as his ankles, but her head was still far from the top of the space.

He took a deep breath: "This space is full of weirdness. At first glance, it looks dilapidated, but now the size does not match the perceived situation."

At the beginning, there was some inflated confidence, but now he calmed down a little. In this way, the goal has to be changed, and the female spirit body should not be provoked for the time being.

He looked towards the inner wall of the space and punched out.


The entire ring space shook for a while, and incomprehensible symbols immediately appeared on the inner wall, calming down the impact of the boxing.

"This sandbag is good!"

One punch is not enough, Chen Yiming uses hands, feet, and shoulders together, in the simplest and most direct way of attack, kicking, kicking, bumping... Every attack creates a circle of air waves on the inner wall, which is equivalent to a cloud in the outside world. The bomb exploded.

The pleasure of simple violence made him faintly regret that he chose swordsmanship as his first talent, and he should have chosen martial arts with fists to flesh.

On the inner wall of the entire ring space, incomprehensible symbols continued to shine brightly, making the entire space appear golden.

The female spirit body in the center froze there as if looking at a fool.

After venting to his heart's content for ten minutes, Chen Yiming let out a sigh of relief and stopped.

After gaining great strength, the eagerness to try was released, and my whole body felt indescribably relaxed.

He tried again to pass through the cracks in the space of the ring, full of confidence in his heart, turned around and shouted at the female spirit body: "Like last time, come on! Dad is waiting for you here!"

Most likely because of the language barrier, the female spirit frowned, but did not do what Chen Yiming wanted.

Seeing this, Chen Yiming shook his fist at the opponent a few more times, signaling the opponent to attack him like last time, and wanted to test how the transformation of the giant will change under the mental state.

Sure enough, the movement of punching a fist can overcome language barriers, and it is a kind of provocation that is aboveboard.

The female spirit's eyes were fixed, and the entire space of the ring seemed to freeze in an instant, just like the last time, and the pressure of the sky covered Chen Yiming.


With a roar, Chen Yiming greeted him with both fists.

However, as soon as he touched the invisible pressure, he felt that his whole body was about to shatter.

The giant body in the mental state began to retreat steadily, as if the golden cudgel was shortened.

When it was reduced to about half, the gold and silver swirls swirled rapidly above the female spirit's head and under her feet, echoing the strange runes on the inner wall.

At that moment, the pressure like the sky dissipated, and the trend of shortening the giant's body came to an abrupt end.

"I still can't do it, the female spirit body can't be provoked for the time being."

Chen Yiming sat down slumped, his shattered body quickly repaired himself, and after taking a breath, he ran out of the ring space.

Finally leave a sentence: "You wait for me!"


In the outside world, because the vortex of gold and silver was once again aroused, Chen Yiming's location was once again turned into a circle of scorched earth, as if the fire from the sky had scorched a kilometer of land.

A gigantic pterosaur-like creature with two long snake heads hovered high above the area.

It has a pair of fleshy wings stretched out to cover the sky and the sun, at least seventy or eighty meters long, and its whole body is blue-purple, burning with blue-black flames.

Double-headed, green liquid drips from the corner of one mouth from time to time, and the power of lightning flashes from the other.

The whole is similar to the monster in ancient Greek mythology, Chimera.

This strange bird itself is only one step away from the martial artist level, and it is also a flying creature. It can almost be said to be unimpeded in areas such as necromancer cemeteries, ancient tree dense forests, and rocky plains.

Today, I just flew near the human stronghold, and I felt that the natural power of light and heat was attracted, which is the domain of the martial artist level, so I was attracted.

The strange bird hovered in the sky above Chen Yiming's head, its eyes were cold and ferocious, and it stared at the only living creature on the scene.

Chen Yiming was a little annoyed: "I can't afford to provoke a female spirit, how dare you stare at me like that?"

Thinking of this, he hooked his fingers directly at the strange bird in the sky.

The strange bird may be used to killing, and rarely encountered enemies that could fight it. When Chen Yiming simply provoked it, it swooped down from a high altitude in an instant.

The fleshy wings stretched out seventy to eighty meters, every time they waved, they could induce a huge air current, causing a storm before reaching the sky.

Double-headed, one mouth is ready for venom, and the other mouth is lightning flashing.

When Chen Yiming waited for the other party to fly to the low altitude, he said silently: "Giant Transformation".

Immediately afterwards, the sound of clothes and pants bursting was heard.

He secretly thought that he was so anxious that he forgot an important matter, and his eyes became even more angry at that moment, and he put the pot with his clothes and pants on the strange bird's head.

In the eyes of the strange bird, the tiny creature on the ground turned into a creature bigger than itself in the blink of an eye, and it showed an angry look, as if it was going to eat itself.

"What kind of monster is this?"

The strange bird's mind was buzzing in an instant, overturning its cognition from birth to the present. The fleshy wings instinctively swung down with all its strength, and the body wanted to fly back to the sky again.

However, what greeted it was a giant palm. A mysterious oppressive force appeared around the giant palm, and it grabbed the pair of fleshy wings. so-so.

call! call! call!

boom! Boom! Boom!

The venom and lightning transformed by inner energy were vomited by the strange bird in a hurry.

Part of it exploded on the body of Chen Yiming's giant, and most of it fell on the wasteland, corroding a large area of ​​land and blasting out big pits one after another.

"be honest!"

Chen Yiming let out a loud roar, and then flung it violently.

Ka Ka Ka! voice came.

The strange bird let out a scream, and the bones inside its two long necks shifted instantly, from curved to straight, and finally hung down powerlessly, apparently severely injured.

"It's too weak. It weighs less than a small chicken."

Chen Yiming looked at the strange bird whose aura had weakened a lot, and threw it away. The huge monster with a body length of more than 50 meters smashed hard on the ground, stirring up dust all over the sky.

The strange bird seemed to accept its fate, and remained motionless, only exhaling and inhaling through its nostrils.

Before he exerted much strength, this alien creature, which is equivalent to a half-step martial artist, entered a half-disabled state, and the venom and lightning touched his body, which was not even as good as a tickle.

Giants are gifted with unimaginably powerful power. This kind of power cannot be created out of nothing, and there must be a body that matches the power.

Chen Yiming only felt that his body was stronger than ever, but it was a pity that he didn't have a suitable opponent, so he couldn't further judge which level he was in.

"It would be great if there was an opponent at the martial artist level who appeared in front of me."

A thought suddenly appeared in Chen Yiming's mind.

In fact, he thought too much, and he was able to mobilize natural forces, not only on the Blue Star, but one of the few.

The different world is calculated according to its vast area, and creatures of this level are still rare, otherwise the different world would have been tossed into scorched earth everywhere.

In addition, the moment Chen Yiming caught the strange bird, he used a mysterious oppressive power. Afterwards, he experienced it carefully and vaguely guessed the general criterion for judging the combat power of a martial artist.

The moment he made a move, one part of body energy resonated with ninety-nine parts of natural power, and a total of hundred times the power was under his control.

This level of increase creates an insurmountable gap between the Martial Master Realm and the Martial Artist Realm, which cannot be bridged without the blessing of special talents.

Chen Yiming roughly compared the situation when he fought against the barbarian wizard.

The multiple of the opponent's increase should be about ten times, which means that one part of body energy resonates with nine parts of natural power.

A hundred times to ten times, in terms of basic body energy, a barbarian wizard is definitely not as good as himself with a powerful talent, and he might be crushed to death with a single foot.

"Sure enough, it makes sense for the giant to take the path of strength." Chen Yiming thought to himself.

A strong body is the most advantageous weapon. Constantly polishing yourself and running rampant can eliminate almost all enemies. The remaining ones that cannot be easily solved are all races with the same level of talent.

He glanced at the powerless strange bird, intending to save it temporarily, and then return to the stronghold to find someone to see if there is a way to tame it.

If it can be tamed, it is a very good choice to keep it as a guard point, or to use it for scouting. Conversely, it can also be used for barbecue.

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