Time flies, and another month has passed.

Chen Yiming left a giant spiritual crystal in the mid-air of Dajiang, allowing countless people to comprehend the idea of ​​crystal meditation for free, and the influence caused has just begun.

Provincial government office area, meeting room.

Secretary Cao Xianghua is reporting to Wang Ronghui: about the changes brought to Jiangnan Province since the announcement of the Crystal Meditation method for one month.

Wang Ronghui nodded from time to time, indicating to the secretary to continue.

In front of Cao Xianghua was a stack of hundreds of pages of materials, and a large pot of Luo Han Guo tea was prepared beside him.

The door of the conference room was almost closed from morning to afternoon. Cao Xianghua had to cough to clear his throat soon after, drink some tea to moisten his burning throat and continue.

It was approaching evening.

"Xiao Cao has worked hard, go back and have a good rest."

Nearly the end of the day's work report, Wang Ronghui said.

"No hard work! No hard work! This is what I should do well." Cao Xianghua responded quickly.

As one of the data handlers, he knows how complicated work is involved.

The sudden increase in the number of warriors led to a sharp increase in conflicts, the reshuffle and merger of martial arts forces, and the re-enactment of security staff standards...

Compared with the specific staff and Wang Ronghui who needs to make decisions, the contribution of secretarial work is undoubtedly much lower.

After Cao Xianghua left, Wang Ronghui's work was not over yet.

He flipped through the collected materials again, and while giving instructions one by one, he fell into deep thought from time to time.

The combination of the crystal meditation method and the place of trial brings too drastic changes to the martial arts world. This is a leap-forward change of the times.

Except for the invasion of other worlds recorded in history, there are no similar examples for reference.

For example, in a long-term stronghold in another world, even if it succeeds in letting human forces take root, the immediate effect is limited.

It is more about taking a long-term view, plundering all kinds of resources needed for martial arts practice from different worlds, and supporting the increasingly large number of human beings practicing martial arts.

When it turned to the statistics of the number of people above the martial artist level in major cities in Jiangnan Province.

Wang Ronghui stayed on this page, looking at the numbers on it, frowning.

Jiangnan City, above martial arts level, 70,345 people.

Jiangdu City, above the Martial Artist Realm, has 34,067 people.

Fanghua City, above the Martial Artist Realm, has 9045 people.

Xishan City, warrior level and above, 2013 people.


He recalled from his memory the corresponding number when Chen Yiming made a move to end the treant war.

About a tenfold change.

What is the concept of ten times?

This is not a large population migration of ordinary people, nor is it a huge increase in the number of apprentices, nor is it even the horror that will lay the groundwork for the next hundred years in Jiangnan Province.

This is a human being who is truly plug and play and masters extraordinary powers.

Inner strength, extraordinary power, is the most important watershed in the current martial arts path.

Taking this step is like a bird learning to fly, like a fish leaping over a dragon gate, like a snake turning into a jellyfish, a qualitative change in all directions from the inside to the outside.

Wang Ronghui took a deep breath, and moved forward the timeline in his memory, before Chen Yiming really rose.

At that time, according to the statistics of the major cities in Jiangnan Province, the number of warriors had shrunk by about five times.

That is to say, four-fifths of the number of warriors were immigrants from other provinces of the Great Xia Kingdom. Jiangnan Province, relying on Chen Yiming's signboard, attracted many martial arts experts to move their residences.

"About a year! Fifty times!"

Wang Ronghui muttered, and the whole person seemed to be absent-minded.

He saw not only good changes, but new and serious problems behind them.

An old saying: A chivalrous man breaks the law with martial arts.

If such a huge number of warriors cannot be properly arranged, the price of goods in the province will skyrocket at the least, and at worst, you will fight to the death for resources.

Ten or twenty minutes passed, and the conference room was silent.

"This matter cannot be hasty." Wang Ronghui shook his head suddenly and whispered.

After giving the 'undecided' instruction on this page, he turned to the next page.


In the middle of Great Xia Kingdom, Jiangcheng, a house.

Above the entrance is a plaque that reads 'Xishan Wumeng'.

The Xishan Martial Arts League is an alliance composed of more than ten martial arts schools. Originally, each family was supported by a martial artist. After the formation of the alliance, the scale is close to that of a medium-sized martial arts force.

There have been many similar loose alliances recently, not only in Jiangcheng, but also in other large and small cities in the Great Xia Kingdom.

The reason is that even if the martial arts forces in other provinces of the Great Xia Kingdom did not relocate their bases to Jiangnan Province, the place of trial was still a must-go place every once in a while.

However, Jiangnan Province has sucked a lot of blood from its brother provinces, and the earliest to enjoy the improvement brought about by the Land of Trials and Crystal Meditation.

As a result, the average level of martial arts in Jiangnan Province surpassed that of other provinces by a large margin, which led to unprecedented fierce internal competition, and a wave of greatness swept across the country.

Those martial arts gyms that were originally supported by a martial artist would not even dare to enter the place of trial if they did not merge or join in accordance with the changes of the times.

Enter the house.

More than a dozen middle-aged men and women are discussing the method of crystal meditation.

There is a high-definition TV in front of them, and the picture is frozen in the giant spiritual crystal in the middle of the river. There are more than a dozen hand-painted drawings on the left wall, and more than a dozen hand-drawn drawings are also hung on the right wall.

The hand-drawn drawing on the left gives people a natural feeling and is very comfortable. As for the hand-drawn drawing on the right, the artistry is obviously not at the same level.

"Old Wu, what the hell are you painting? It's just like a primary school student. You can't deliberately trick me!"

A middle-aged woman said in a joking tone.

"Okay! It doesn't count, so I'll just tear it up."

Hearing this, Old Wu snorted and was annoyed by the ridicule, so he got up and took action.

Most of the normal martial arts practitioners believe in their own fists, so how many of them like to draw this thing, it is already very good to be able to draw the giant spiritual crystal down to the correct proportion.

You know, those three days cost Lao Wu a lot of brain cells, and he has never been tortured like this in all these years of martial arts.



The others hurriedly held down Old Wu, but the smile on their faces could not be suppressed, but no one made fun of Old Wu's hand-drawn drawings anymore.

The hand-drawn drawing on the left was made by a martial artist and painting master in Jiangcheng, and the Xishan Martial League bought it back at a considerable price.

Old Wu is the one with the most outstanding martial arts talent in the Xishan Martial Arts League, so he was recommended by everyone to go to Jiangnan City to learn crystal meditation a month ago.

The Xishan Martial Arts League has taken a multi-pronged approach, combining the videos taken on the spot, the paintings of Lao Wu on site, and the paintings of Master Hua Dao to prevent the practice of crystal meditation from being wrongly practiced.

A month later, besides Lao Wu, two more people in the Xishan Martial Arts League have practiced crystal meditation.

The other people who haven't practiced yet have progressed above 90%, and what they lack is only a small detail. It won't take long, and there is a high probability that they will be able to practice.

These original martial arts masters didn't expect to break through to the warrior realm before, and after their potential is exhausted, there is still the possibility of breaking through again.

But after the emergence of the crystal meditation method, it has become different. The peak of the warrior state is still a luxury, but I still have confidence in the impact and control of the changes in the form of internal energy.


Outside Donghu City, in a forest tens of kilometers away.

The dense forest is a common hiding place for strange beasts on weekdays, but now the dense forest is still the original dense forest, but there are no strange beasts at all.

In the past month, the wilderness areas in Jiangnan Province have once again ushered in great changes.

Since the invasion of other worlds, countless wild beasts have evolved into alien beasts, occupying the territory that originally belonged to humans, and humans were forced to defend the city.

Since Chen Yiming's rise in Jiangnan Province, the overall level of martial arts has been continuously improved, which has greatly reduced the danger in the wilderness area, and strange beasts can no longer become popular.

At present, the number of warriors has increased ten times out of thin air. Everyone needs different animal meat to supplement their body energy in daily practice.

Now, the strange beasts in Jiangnan Province have completely become the hunted side, almost being hunted to extinction.

"Brother, I really feel that I have made great progress this time. After entering the trial ground, I will definitely be able to quickly grasp the changes in the form of wind attribute internal energy."

Chen Yingying fired three arrows at once, hitting three boulders placed in disorder in the distance.

It shattered with a bang, dust flying all over the sky, and the scattered wind blades cut off many surrounding trees.

Chen Yiming put his hands on the back of his head and walked leisurely beside him. He glanced at the excited younger sister, who seemed to be a little swollen after practicing the crystal meditation method.

Immediately gave a heavy blow, and said: "Your brother and I entered the Wanxiangmen library once, and it will be fine when we come out. There is no need for universal blood or crystal meditation..."

At the same time, Chen Yiming rolled his eyes, showing a look of disgust, and said in his heart: Chen Yingying, you are still tender.

Sure enough, after listening to it, Chen Yingying immediately no longer felt that practicing crystal meditation was something to celebrate.

Soon after, an adventure team came from a distance.

A pig-like beast was screaming. It was broken and tied up, and four people carried it forward.

"Captain, you can't go on like this. There was no need to bring the beast back alive before."

"It is indeed necessary to make changes. The wilderness here is completely gone. After most of the day, I hunted a prey. This profit is unacceptable."

"I think you can take more risks to go hunting in another world, and plan the time to go back and forth between the trial ground and the stronghold in the other world."

"Our team is not strong enough! Why not go to the wilderness areas in the surrounding provinces."

A group of people discussed while walking.

There are many adventure teams that are forced to make changes, because the internal competition environment in Jiangnan Province has intensified.

"Brother, the universal blood will be used up soon."

When the two of them walked away from the adventure team, Chen Yingying suddenly remembered, and continued.


Chen Yiming responded.

On the surface, he was calm and expressionless, but in his heart he felt a little regret.

If he had known that the last time Wu Weiguo came to visit with him, he would have bought more from the other party, so he would not have faced such a predicament now.

He looked down on others, and he was not interested in Wu Susu's personality, so it would be very embarrassing to meet again.

If it doesn't work, I can only find someone to take it instead.


The place of trials.

Adventure teams can be seen everywhere, and the number of them is much larger than before.

It is said that the aberrant monsters in the outer region are no longer enough to kill. An adventure team came up with a way to capture alien beasts from the wilderness area, drive them into the depths of the trial ground, and let the ghosts possess them and turn them into aberrant monsters.

The formation mechanism of ghosts is still a mystery, but one thing is certain, most of them will not be too far away from Wanmi's corpse.

This also caused the core area to be gloomy and gray, with a large number of ghosts gathering, as if it were a real ghost land.

Arranging the spirit villain to follow Chen Yingying secretly, Chen Yiming walked directly to the core area.

Along the way, whether it was a deformed monster smelling the breath of a living person, or a ghost hiding in the shadows, anyone who dared to take Chen Yiming as prey would shatter into powder and dissipate as soon as they appeared.

Looking at the skill point requirement in the sword skill talent bar on the talent panel, which decreased from time to time, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

After giving the ghosts more than a month, they must have accumulated a lot, and they have to harvest them hard today.

He eats meat and all the other adventurers drink soup, which was planned from the start.

Enter from the outer zone to the inner zone.

Some martial arts masters began to notice that there was something strange in the place of trial. One of the paths had a gloomy and cold aura, as if it had met the all-pervasive scorching sun.

A wave of heat spread out in all directions, and the deformed monsters and ghosts seemed to have encountered natural enemies along the way, just like how humans in the past encountered deformed monsters and fled desperately.

"That... is indescribably huge blood!"

A long-clothed swordsman stood on a rock, looking at the blurred air on the abnormal path.

He can't see clearly, but he can be sure that it's not a distortion monster or a ghost, it must be an extremely powerful creature, but he doesn't know if it is a human being, a strange beast, or a creature from another world coming from an unknown space.

"Retreat first!"

In an elite adventure team, the captain holding a big ax said in a deep voice.

With a keen sense of danger, he has always been able to make the most correct choice.

When the other team members heard the words, no one objected, and no one asked why. This is the trust injected into the players by correct choices time after time.

Soon, this elite adventure team retreated to the edge of the trial site before stopping, and then found a high point to look out, and retreated immediately if the situation was not right.

When Chen Yiming came to Wanmi's corpse, the ghosts in the core area had already summoned the deformed monsters that could be summoned, and they all merged into one.

What awaited him was a mountain of meat, which could also be regarded as a suture monster.

"In a month's time, it will grow to a size similar to those of the three incomplete treants." Chen Yiming looked at the huge stitch monster in front of him.

It was indeed a bit of a surprise, he never thought that in the underground of the different world, all the ghosts that had been killed would still hide such hidden dangers.

Chen Yiming was puzzled: "It's strange! It seems that powerful life forms in different worlds have the ability to split."

Due to the small number of samples, it is still impossible to be sure that they were all encountered by him by chance, or that it is a fact that it is a natural ability of all creatures in other worlds.

This natural splitting ability can be activated when it is strong enough to a certain level.

At the same time, he was glad that he only left the ghost for more than a month. If it was a mountain of meat that had been accumulated and fused in a year and a half, Chen Yiming still felt a little guilty.

That size may not be a little scary, but it will scare him.

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