"If I fell into the core of the sun before adding some space anchor talent, with the current level of practice, no matter how fast I recover my physique, I'm afraid I will be burned to black ashes."

Chen Yiming shook his head and let out a long sigh.

Soon, after the Devil Eater fell into the core of the sun, there was no more sound, perhaps it was directly assimilated and became a part of this world.

Seeing this, Chen Yiming didn't stay any longer and fled quickly.

Because at this moment, the solar flares under his feet are not only active, but one has not yet dissipated, and new ones have been formed one after another at the same position.

The world will of the sun made such a big deal, but in the end it couldn't do anything to Chen Yiming. He missed twice in a row, and his anger rose a lot.

The will of the world will not allow a creature like an ant to repeatedly provoke it on top of its head, although Chen Yiming did not intend to provoke deliberately.

But the will of the world will not reason with him, unless the fist becomes harder one day in the future...


The time came a few days later.

A fire man streaked across the starry sky, and the flame dragons chasing after him all the way disappeared one by one, leaving behind a large amount of thermonuclear radiation and the scene of burning the starry sky.

This is a star's world will, chasing and killing a weak creature, all the way to the blue star before it ends.

In the end, maybe it was unwilling to destroy the Blue Star, one of the remaining six planets, or maybe it was some other unknown reason. In short, the pursuit ended when it approached the Blue Star.

With the will of the sun, he voluntarily gave up this pursuit battle.

"It turns out that the star, the sun, has never shown its true face in front of human beings."

An astronomy expert sat on a chair and said in a low voice.

The sun is a star, occupying more than 99% of the mass of the solar system. Compared with the sun, other celestial bodies in the solar system will not be able to cause any trouble if they all fall into the sun. This shows the gap between planets and stars.

However, the Sun is now showing a side that has never been shown before, with a tyrannical, angry, fiery will.

Once the sun is really provoked, the sun will be angry.

This anger was terrible, the entire starry sky seemed to be on fire, directly changing the environment of the solar system.

"Since stars have will, is there real life in them?"

If it weren't for the more important Tinder project and no delay, many expert teams would have to reapply for research topics on the spot, impatient to reveal the secrets of the sun, the oldest celestial body in the solar system.

However, related research plans are already under preparation.

Inside an office.

The top leader of the Great Xia Kingdom, watching the report sent by the expert team, finally relieved his tense nerves, and let out a long breath.

"It's great that people have returned safely!"

"I just didn't expect that in order to solve the blue star's lunar blockade, a series of chain reactions caused the disappearance of two planets, and finally even the sun, the star, became angry."

The process was thrilling, and the impact on Blue Star was irreversible, but after eliminating the constant threats above human beings, Chen Yiming also returned safely.

Generally speaking, the impact on human beings is positive, and another obstacle has been cleared for leaving the blue star and leaving the solar system.

Inside the EU spaceship.

"Minister of Industry, it's been a while since we got this kind of black technology material. Has so many expert teams researched anything?"

The president of the European Union touched the wall of the hull beside him with his hands, his eyes glowed, as if he was looking at a rare and stunning woman in the world.

After a pause, he continued: "The aftermath of the star's anger passed through, and the surface of the blue star was completely burned, but we stayed in the spaceship without being affected at all. It's amazing."

"If we can also produce this kind of black technology material, and then explode the number of spaceships, then how can the universe be so big?"

Hearing this, the Minister of Industry next to him turned bitter and embarrassed.

The black technology material used to make the hull came from a special forbidden object, which was used by the Kuroshio first wave of offensive to besiege and kill Chen Yiming, which shows that it is extraordinary.

Second, deciphering black technology materials that are equivalent to the crystallization of alien civilizations is still far beyond the current level of human civilization. It is a completely unfamiliar new system.

In ten years, we can find the entry point; in a hundred years, we can get a preliminary overview of the general system contained in it; in a thousand years, we can produce similar results.

This is already a relatively optimistic guess by experts. In fact, except for the X factor of Chen Yiming, humans may never be able to complete the analysis of this black technology material only by relying on themselves.

After all, human beings face different systems, such as the remnants of other civilizations on the blue star, which have not been fully understood for many years.

"Although I understand that as the president of the European Union, you know that you have a great responsibility, and every step in the future may be heaven or hell, but scientific research is really urgent!"

The Minister of Industry was silent for a while, and added in his heart.

At this time, a broadcast spread across the spaceships of various countries, the content was: "Chen Yiming, come back."



There was a loud bang.

Chen Yiming landed steadily in an uninhabited city in the Great Xia Kingdom. The scorched black skin on his body quickly fell off, and the old skin faded and new skin grew back, and he fully recovered in an instant.

These burns were all caused by the flame dragon transformed by the power of the world. Although the level is high, it is also a rootless source. After leaving the battle, it is directly obliterated.

At this time, the air temperature was as high as 70 degrees, and what came into view was the oncoming heat wave, the vibration of scrap iron falling to the ground, and the dead city.

The human beings in the city have all been transferred to the interior of the spaceship, avoiding the aftermath of the sun's anger and sweeping away the influence of the blue star.

The aftermath mainly came from those flame dragons who chased and killed Chen Yiming.

"In a blink of an eye, Blue Star ran from the glacial environment to the Age of Doomsday Ark."

Human spaceships are similar to the Ark, but much more advanced than Noah's Ark. Noah's Ark was built to deal with floods and can only navigate in water.

Soon, Chen Yiming walked along the streets of the city to the wilderness outside the city.

The wilderness was burned to nothing, and the plants became the biggest victims in the aftermath of this hunting battle, and there was almost nowhere to hide.

On the contrary, the few remaining alien beasts escaped the natural disaster from the sun's wrath by drilling deep into the ground. At this time, they occasionally broke through the ground and poked their heads out to carefully observe the human who appeared here.

"A rat with a burning back?"

Chen Yiming also noticed that the guy who broke out of the ground turned out to be a rat-like beast that could only adapt to the high temperature environment.

Soon, the mouse-like beast sensed the gaze, and timidly burrowed back into the ground.

The impact of the natural disaster has not completely passed, and he is still in a state of fear. Even if it is not Chen Yiming who appears here, he will hide first.

Chen Yiming withdrew his gaze and walked along the seashore. After a while, he came to the original coastline and released his mental power to investigate.

"More than half of the seabed has dried up, and the weapons of war in the trench are gone."

Chen Yiming paid special attention to the deepest trench on Blue Star.

At present, that location is still under the sea surface, but there is nothing inside, not even a trace, as if the weapons of war have never appeared there.

Change your mind to communicate with the spirit villain left in the spaceship.

"It turns out that the war weapon escaped from Blue Star."

Chen Yiming touched his chin and smiled.

Now it seems that the weapons of war, and even the layout of the Kuroshio on Blue Star, must have stagnated after the last offensive was repulsed.

Then, after losing control of the big mouth of the lunar blockade, that is, the Demon Eater, it was no longer able to maintain control on the blue star.

"The framework of the human spaceship has already been established, and the rest is nothing more than more detailed supporting equipment, and various factories can be rebuilt in some spaceships."

Thinking of this, Chen Yiming turned his gaze to a space passage in the distance.

"If we continue to create more chaos in the small woodland world over there and other surrounding worlds, I'm afraid that the Kuroshio will not be able to care about Blue Star."

Chen Yiming had a flash of inspiration, and he was sure it must be like this.

Because the level of the battle with Demon Eater this time is higher than before, first facing the Demon Eater that can devour planets, and then facing the world will of a star.

However, even so, the female spirit in the ring remained silent, unlike the last time when the terrifying creatures broke through, the female spirit took the initiative to communicate with him.

The reason is that the female spirit body is restricted by a special seal state, and she must be more anxious than him when facing the Kuroshio invasion of Blue Star.

There is no movement, which means that there is no problem in the general direction of human beings escaping from the blue star.

His successive actions have indeed caused trouble for the Kuroshio, causing the next wave of invasion to be delayed, or interrupted for a long time.


On the same day, when Chen Yiming returned to Xinghe No. 1 industrial base, the base had undergone a major change, and almost all of it had been transferred inside the spacecraft.

The rest of the outside are more sentry posts, responsible for vigilance and maintaining order.

"Welcome, return!"

The top leaders of the Great Xia Kingdom, together with a group of bigwigs, enthusiastically held a return welcome ceremony for Chen Yiming.

The air temperature at the scene was so high that ordinary people could not bear it. Those who came out of the spaceship to the scene had to be at least a warrior in their personal practice.

A group of multinational journalists with good martial arts skills couldn't wait to come forward to interview, but they were forcibly stopped by soldiers.


The reporter's sister looked at the soldier's gaze and wished she could force her way through, but after all, she was just thinking about it.

All human beings hid in built or half-built spaceships. Due to the large concentration of the population, the profession of journalists is very serious.

Although they all wanted to be the first to hand the microphone to Chen Yiming's mouth, but if they violated the regulations and lost their jobs, the girls were still unwilling.

After all, the current speed of change in human society can be said to be that no one knows what will happen tomorrow. For example, it took less than a day for all human beings to migrate into the spacecraft.

The Great Xia Kingdom and other big countries with spare capacity dispatched supporting small spaceships to various parts of the world to bring the population back together.

In this way, a stable job is very valuable, and no one wants to be on the dole for a long time.

Of course, Chen Yiming also felt the eyes of the reporters. Among them are the girls who have just turned 18, the 25-somethings who know how to dress up, and the 30-something young women.

"An interview is so grand!"

However, Chen Yiming just wanted to get away quickly, so there were acquaintances in the group of reporters, who were once young and impulsive, and had some unbearable past events.

It's not that he doesn't want to see his old lover, but he still has business to do. The world occupied by the Kuroshio is waiting for him to stir up the situation, so how can he delay because of personal matters.

The welcome ceremony is in progress.

Soon, Chen Yiming took over the microphone from the top leader of the Great Xia Kingdom.

He coughed, cleared his throat, and said, "The special life on the original moon has been swallowed into the core of the sun, and there is no residue left after burning."

"In the solar system, the surviving Kuroshio is deployed behind the scenes, posing little threat to human beings today, and the spaceship can start almost now..."

The sound was vibrated by mental power and spread far away.

Chen Yiming simply disclosed the current situation to all human beings for the purpose of inspiring people, trying to prevent the Kuroshio from collecting less negative emotions here, and all the layouts came to a complete standstill.

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire human race was almost boiling.

Because the ratings had really reached 100%, no one was waiting for Chen Yiming to personally report the results. Even important laboratories were allowed to suspend work, and there were TV equipment in the room that was broadcasting live.

Not to mention ordinary families, many children were directly rushed to practice martial arts by excited parents, and the torch of hope burned even more vigorously in their hearts.

If the new generation of children can become a warrior, they will be able to find a suitable job in the spaceship, have clearer goals, and have a higher ability to resist risks.

There was warm applause at the scene, and the applause drowned out all voices.

Chen Yiming cleverly found, not far away, Chen's father, Chen's mother and Chen Yingying, and the family walked quickly towards the nearest entrance of the spaceship.


The relevant staff were dumbfounded, and there will be a reporter interview session, which seems to be gone. Everyone also hopes that Chen Yiming can say a few more words.

For this reason, the journalists have gone through multiple rounds of screening, from different countries, different age groups, different styles, different heights...

The bosses naturally didn't care about this little thing, and they all walked towards the entrance of the spaceship together, as if welcoming the heroes of mankind home.

The soldiers at the entrance used the controller to open a row of fan-shaped doors, and a passage with a width of more than 100 meters appeared in front of them, and a large group of people entered consciously and orderly.

Ladies and gentlemen of the reporters at the back, there are regrets and annoyances, and a chance to get in close contact has just disappeared without a sound.

However, the leaders above followed and returned to the interior of the spaceship. Although they didn't say it clearly, they could tell that the interview session was over, and the reporter could only follow along.


Not long.

Chen Yiming's family, led by a female soldier, returned to their new home.

The new home is located in the A1 living area, which is also a villa area. The people living in it have extraordinary identities, and the surroundings are surrounded by the highest standard of security forces.

"Why are you here!"

Walking through the corridor in front of the door and opening the door, Chen Yiming was almost startled.

A woman in maternity clothes stood up from the sofa in the living room and walked over. It was Wu Di who was suspected to be pregnant with the Chen family's seed.

At this time, Wu Di no longer wore the green military uniform he used to have. His jet-black hair was coiled up high, his skin changed from wheat-colored to milky-white, and he looked like a mature woman.

Another change is that those unusually wide hips and buttocks seem to have increased dimensions, and the loose maternity clothes can't completely cover them.

Wu Di walked to the door and stood still, not knowing how to answer.

She had discussed with Chen Yiming before that it would not be made public for the time being, but now she came directly to someone else's house.

Chen Ma glared at Chen Yiming, and said, "It was detected during the physical examination of the population migration into the spaceship. When did you hide it from the person we arranged, Xiao Wu?"

When she got home, there were no outsiders, and Mother Chen didn't need to worry about the influence. She was very dissatisfied with her son's arrangement, what should I do if something goes wrong.

Father Chen next to him also had a serious face. Before, the Chen family, Chen Jindong and Chen Yiming, were in a state where there was no next generation.

The problem is big and serious.

People who care about this matter, from the Chen family to many bigwigs, can line up hundreds of meters.

It's just that the current situation of mankind is supported by Chen Yiming alone. Compared with the survival of the entire human civilization, all problems have to give way.

In addition, it is normal for Chen Yiming and his lovers not to be born, but it is not normal to be born.

Because of big data statistics, ordinary people and warriors successfully gave birth to offspring, which is much lower than ordinary people and ordinary people, as well as warriors and warriors.

In other words, Chen Yiming's practice level is too high, and it is difficult to find a suitable match among human beings.

Even in secret, many bigwigs often come to Wu Weiguo to drink tea and chat, to test whether Wu Weiguo's daughter has that intention.

Wu Susu, at the level of the inscription pattern, is the person whose cultivation level is closest to Chen Yiming's among the current human beings.


Chen Yiming coughed and used the trick of changing the subject: "How is Yingying's martial arts progress? Maybe a week, half a month, no more than a month at the latest, and there is a high probability that she will start her journey."

At this moment, Chen Yingying was thinking about how she should be surprised when her brother made a fool of herself later.

This kind of opportunity is rare. If you miss this time, you don't know when the next time will be, and maybe it will never happen again.

Facing Chen Yiming's question, Chen Yingying was a little dazed, and subconsciously replied: "Not yet...but it's coming soon. Recently, the mental power is obviously active. I consulted many seniors and said that this is a sign of a breakthrough."

Just finished speaking, my mind is full of greetings.

Why did the topic suddenly turn to her? Shouldn't it be the three armies interrogating Chen Yiming?

Chen Yiming nodded, and continued: "Keep working hard, don't slack off, I found a shortcut in practice."

"In a world where the will of the world exists, a large amount of higher-level power will accumulate at the core of the world, where the natural force is much more active than other places."

"There will be an opportunity in the future to take you into the core of the world to practice for a period of time."

The voice just fell.

Chen Yingying's eyes widened, her small mouth opened in surprise, and she was completely taken in.

Chen's father, Chen's mother, and Wu Di were similar, and their attention was attracted by this practice shortcut.

Everyone knows that the power of nature exists between heaven and earth, and some martial arts experts who have practiced to the half-step martial artist level can even touch it with substantive spiritual power.

However, how to resonate with it is completely a matter of metaphysics, which can only be understood but not expressed in words.

Once you master it, you can freely mobilize the power of nature for your own use like instinct. People who are blocked from the door can only stare blankly even if they touch the power of nature.

But now, according to what Chen Yiming said, entering the core of the world to practice is a shortcut to mastering the power of nature. In other words, when the conditions are ripe, the number of human martial arts masters will change from the past and increase greatly.

"Enter the core practice of the world."

Soon everyone came to their senses and grasped the key point in their hearts.

After thinking about it, how can ordinary people enter the core of the world. For example, in the small world of Mulin, there are many terrifying creatures. A half-step martial artist is trying to spy on the core of the world and daydream.

Another example is the newly confirmed existence of the sun, the star of the sun became active, and almost burned the blue star, and the half-step martial artist did not dare to approach the sun.

Soon, the Chen family closed the door with a smile.

Regarding the matter of not placing Wu Di properly, Chen Yiming just got away with it, and life had to go on. After all, nothing unexpected happened.

That night, Chen Yiming originally planned to go to the small world of Mulin overnight, preparing to break through the blockade and sneak into other surrounding worlds.

But because of some indescribable and irresistible forces, it failed to make the trip in the end.

He has been working outside for the future of mankind for a long time, and his body has accumulated a lot of energy, and this time he was able to release a lot at once.

Wu Di, who used to be nicknamed the "Goddess of War" in the Northland, even if he was a man at the same level, few people could compare with him.

However, in the end, he still couldn't hold on, was completely defeated, and fell into a deep sleep.

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