I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 471: The Beginning of the Empire

The new residence of Blue Star humans has a length and width of thousands of kilometers, and a height of hundreds of kilometers. It can be adjusted in the future, or it will be smaller and more hidden, or it will be larger to accommodate more people.

With the current technological system, only a large number of high-rise buildings with hundreds of floors need to be built, and the living of billions of people is not a big problem.

The essence of the secret realm of different space is that it has become an affiliated relationship with the wild world, and it is actually located in the turbulent flow of space. Therefore, after the influence of turbulent space is isolated from the outside, it will not be affected by any natural disasters inside.

Even the common day and night on a planet, wind and rain, including the content of air components, etc., these natural factors have to be artificially simulated by high-tech equipment.

Otherwise, the secret territory of the different space would be an almost eternal environment, with no life activity, no vitality, but a dead silence.



A series of invisible ripples oscillated.

The practice environment in the secret realm of another space suddenly and quickly merged with the wild world, and a large number of substances that help living beings to practice appeared in the air, which became extremely suitable for living beings to practice.

Gao Shuai stepped on the ground a few times with his feet, and all traces disappeared completely.

The earth made of yellow mud was formed by Chen Yiming using the magical powers in his sleeve to cover the secret realm of a different space at one time, hundreds of meters thick mud mixed with gravel.

Just now, Gao Shuai buried the last crystal with formations engraved inside, and built a series of source energy arrays, which can allow the substances that help cultivation between heaven and earth to flow into different spaces outside the entrances and exits of different spaces.

Next, in addition to building high-rise buildings that are enough for billions of people to live in, this secret space in a different space is initially transformed into an environment suitable for living beings to practice in seclusion.


Chen Yiming sincerely thanked Gao Shuai.

If it weren't for the great help of the handsome man, it would probably take a long time for the Blue Star humans to truly come to the wild world, and there may be various twists and turns in the process.

Billions of people have settled down smoothly, and Chen Yiming can also put it down easily. At least he doesn't need to worry too much about the base camp, which is threatened all the time.

"The fairy gate came to Beiling City, but it brought a lot of good things."

With a smile on the corner of Gao Shuai's mouth, he flipped his left palm, and a circular imprint appeared on his palm. This was transformed by the space fetish of Tiantian City Lord, which played a huge role in the melee between gods and immortals.

Chen Yiming harvested the starry sky teleportation boulder, and undoubtedly took the best thing.

Gao Shuai harvested the Xianmen garrison, and did not participate in any battles. He was like a white wolf with empty gloves, and he definitely made a lot of money.

At this time, in the secret territory of the different space, more and more exclamations broke out.


"This... this is too incredible!"

Some people break through the extraordinary bottleneck on the spot, and break through from quasi-warrior to warrior, and the extraordinary power of inner strength naturally arises in their bodies.

Even the number of warriors has ushered in an explosion. A large number of people who have reached the peak of warriors on the road of practice and have never been able to resonate with the natural force suddenly feel the natural force clearly.

This is due to the gap in the cultivation environment between heaven and earth, which leads to the lowering of the threshold for cultivation, which invisibly broadens the path of cultivation for those with insufficient talent.

You must know that in the wild world, supernatural is at the bottom, and many children have mastered superhuman powers from birth. Only true gods can barely be considered a big shot.

"By the way, it is said that someone within you proposed to build an empire based on this secret realm of different space, and gradually conquer the wild world." Gao Shuai asked casually.

After several generations of the imperial system, it is easy to cause the entire country to decline rapidly due to various problems, but if the first emperor has a life span that is almost eternal, then these problems will no longer be a problem.

On the contrary, because of the concentration of power and the strength of the first emperor, the entire empire exploded with amazing action and endurance, which was more conducive to expanding the territory.

In this way, they will not change their direction due to temporary setbacks, and they will have a great advantage in facing relatively loose and free opponents, such as Xianmen, Alliance, Zongmen, etc.

Chen Yiming had no interest in being emperor, so he asked back: "Your Gao family didn't build an empire, even if a star field-level overlord is like this, Blue Star humans still need to build an empire?"

Gao Shuai heard this and said with a smile: "Who said that the Gao family didn't build an empire, it was just hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the ancestor is still alive, and he is practicing in seclusion in the ancestral land."

After finishing speaking, he continued to introduce the Gao family, the history of this star field-level overlord force.

It turns out that the first emperor with the surname Gao was born in a life world similar to Chen Yiming. Of course, others were not born in the lowest life world like Blue Star.

The powerful first emperor surnamed Gao first led the empire to conquer the world of life from which he was born, and then began to conquer the starry sky, defeating powerful enemies one after another, occupying life worlds one after another, and expanding the territory of the empire.

With the passage of time, many, many years passed, the blood of the first emperor Gao surnamed, because of his innate talent, gradually spread to all the people in the power.

Later, since everyone in the empire flowed, the blood of the first Gao surnamed emperor simply used the name of the Gao surnamed family to walk outside.

From a clan to an empire, and back to a clan, the Gao family, the current star-level overlord force, has evolved in this way, with clansmen spread across multiple star regions.

After listening to Chen Yiming, he felt that there was indeed a certain truth.

At present, the top human beings of Blue Star, due to external strength issues, rely entirely on Chen Yiming to decide the overall situation. They are completely equivalent to tool people and cannot make any decisions.

Internally, Chen Yiming has a high probability and will not sit in the secret realm of another space for a long time.

A relatively loosely composed half-technical and half-practice civilization is still in a period of rapid changes in the strength of various internal forces. It would be good if it does not fall into long-term infighting and reshuffle. It is simply unable to participate in the battles in the wild world.

In the current Blue Star human society, the mainstream thinking is that Chen Yiming only left a hole card to deal with a strong enemy's surprise attack.

At other times, just like the masters and ancestors of the Martial Dao Sect, the gods and dragons see their heads and see their tails. As long as there is no major event of the Blue Star human genocide, I am afraid they will ignore everything and focus on their own cultivation.

Chen Yiming thought again, the more territory he occupies, the bigger the goal.

What good is it for him? At most, it is possible to gain some faith, similar to the life world invaded by the machine race.

Now the knights continue to provide him with faith, which can be converted into skill points, but the speed cannot keep up with Chen Yiming's demand level.

Today, the skill points required to upgrade a talent are too large, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions are a drop in the bucket.

The topic of building an empire is over quickly.

Chen Yiming hasn't figured it all out yet. An empire is naturally useful in the long run, but it will undoubtedly be more troublesome in the short term.


The entrance to a secret realm in a different space.

The coordinate point is located in the boundary of Lingnan, among the mountains on the far west side, which belongs to a relatively remote area.

There are not many powerful forces in this area, with village-level forces as the largest number, surrounded by mountains and mountains. If you don't fly high in the sky, your field of vision will be relatively narrow.

Chen Yiming and Gao Shuai came out from a secret realm in a different space.

In the distance, there is a team in charge of security, climbing to the top of the mountain, and with the help of a relatively wide field of vision, always monitor whether there are outsiders approaching.

Before parting, the two talked about Origin Stone Workshop again.

Gao Shuai said bluntly: "My housekeeper sent me the news that after the Xianmen forces disappeared anticlimactically, the Origin Stone Square forces began to slowly lose their composure when faced with the blanket search of Wuliang Island's forces. "

Chen Yiming heard the words and understood that Gao Shuai must be fooling people again.

Helping the Yuanshifang forces truly form an alliance and fully confront the Wuliangdao forces is what Gao Shuai has been working hard to do.

It's just that the Yuanshifang forces are still hiding from the world and attracting external forces to intervene, and they don't want to consume too much of their own vitality.

The corner of Gao Shuai's mouth twitched, and he continued: "In short, although it is not very clear at present, how the Origin Stone Square will deal with it, but as long as there are actions, there is no way to truly escape from the world. Wuliangdao will not give up easily."

Chen Yiming nodded after listening.

Indeed, the faction of Wuliang Island is now the only overlord on the border of Lingnan.

Then, there is no reason to give up when the right time, place, people and conditions are occupied. It will only free up more power to find out and annex the Yuanshifang forces one by one.

Soon, Gao Shuai left, and his figure disappeared into the mountains.

Chen Yiming returned to the secret realm of the different space and returned to the temporary residence of the Chen family, a large villa with a garden, a swimming pool, a practice square, etc., with complete facilities.

Along the way, the cultivation environment in the secret realm of different spaces has been greatly improved, and the impact has not faded.

This is a moment that is enough to be written into the history of Blue Star. It is a national carnival that does not need to be organized. The crowd spontaneously took to the streets to vent their excitement.

Even the government didn't stop it, and allowed various construction sites to take a holiday temporarily, and the work of rebuilding civilization was suspended, and they joined the national carnival first.

"Brother, there are rumors outside that you are about to ascend the throne and become the emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom, is it true or not?"

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Chen Yingying running out.

Chen Yiming rolled his eyes and said, "What are you thinking? Could it be that you still have a dream of being a princess? Why don't your brother and I suggest that you take the seat? Isn't the empress better than a princess?"

Chen Yingying pouted when she heard this.

It turned out to be fake news, and she didn't believe it at first, because Chen Yiming didn't take much care of it in the past, including the Vientiane Gate on Blue Star and the Vientiane Academy in the spacecraft.

For a long time, it has been a start, and then it is basically equal to stocking and letting it develop naturally.

Of course, whether it is the Vientiane Gate or the Vientiane Academy, they have not encountered any obstacles in the development process through the name of Chen Yiming, and even obtained various privileges along the way.

Soon, the topic changed.

Chen Yiming looked at his sister a few times, and the more he looked at her, the more he felt useless, and he said immediately: "It's too slow, the talent is not enough, and I can't just practice hard, I have to throw it out to experience it."

Chen Yingying's eyes were wide open. This experience is different from the previous experience. There is no comparison between Tianhuang World and Blue Star, and it is really too dangerous.

Not long ago, there was a team of elite scouting soldiers who lost more than half of them before successfully returning to the secret realm of another space. You must know that the team was led by a general in the martial arts realm.

Many people have seen the scene at that time. According to gossip, the people who chased and killed the elite scouting soldiers were just teenagers from a few villages, not the entire force of a village.

In other words, remove Chen Yiming, and then remove the subjugated races, and an ordinary village in the wild world will have a force that is difficult for Blue Star humans to resist.

A civilization is not as good as a village. Blue Star humans are too weak.

In this way, how dare Chen Yingying leave the secret realm of a different space and go outside at will, let alone go out to experience, there is a high probability that she will not be able to beat any living creature.


From the day when the practice environment in the secret territory of the different space was almost the same as that outside, for several days in a row, Chen Yiming began to explain, from supernatural power to simplification step by step, until it came to the practice method of warriors.

He had already completed all these simplifications when he taught some village boys and girls, and it was confirmed that there would be no problems in practicing.

The voice explaining the cultivation method is like the bell of the Great Dao, echoing in the secret realm of a different space, and anyone can hear it, no matter where they are.

For example, Heaven Turning Palm is simplified into a killing technique, which is divided into thirty-six moves.

For the three realms of warriors, for the first twelve forms, above warriors and below gods, they correspond to the middle twelve forms, and gods correspond to the last twelve forms.

In the last twelve forms, no one of the Blue Star humans is qualified to practice at present, but among the subordinate races subdued, the three dragon gods have a slight possibility of mastering the fur.

After all, the combination of thirty-six moves is the complete supernatural power of Heaven-changing Palm. With the talents and realms of the three dragon gods, they are still far from reaching the point of practicing supernatural powers.

After countless people listened carefully, they had a deep understanding, and after finishing the assigned work, they practiced on the spot.

This kind of cultivation method simplified by supernatural powers is completely incomparable with the local cultivation method of Blue Star. Not only the upper limit is more in line with the rules of heaven and earth, but a little understanding of the essence can easily form a trend of crushing at the same level.

A more superior practice environment, a more potential practice method.

The same is practice, the gap between people, under the influence of many factors such as innate talent, explaining the practice method, adaptability and so on, can be quickly divided into grades and grades.

Some people make small gains, some have made significant progress, and some have soared into the sky. The internal forces of the Blue Star Humans, while rebuilding their homes, undergo rapid iterations.

at the same time.

The conflict between the Blue Star human civilization and the forces in the surrounding villages gradually intensified.

For the outsider who appeared suddenly, the village naturally dispatched more people to chase after seeing how weak the other party was.

It's not that the people sent by Blue Star's human side have never tried to communicate, but in the eyes of the village, the weak are not qualified to negotiate.

This is the wild world, the rules of the wilderness that have been formed over countless years. Only when the enemy is completely defeated and surrendered can he enter the stage of begging for mercy negotiation.

Chen Yiming did not take action to clear the villages with a radius of thousands of miles around the coordinate point of the secret realm of the different space.

The first reason is that the village-level forces leave it to the Blue Star humans to practice in battle and quickly adapt to the living environment of the wild world.

The second reason is that when he makes a move, it must be crushed like a Kulla festival, and the forces of Wuliang Island are searching for the forces of Yuanshifang.

In order to hide it to the greatest extent, the coordinates of the entrance and exit of the different space secret realm should not show traces of too strong power, otherwise it will easily attract more attention.

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