By the time Ian and the two arrived at the auditorium, it was already lunch time in the kitchen, and he immediately pulled Hermione to sit on the long table belonging to Ravenclaw.

He tapped the empty plate with a spoon, and bacon, waffles, bread, lettuce, tomatoes, French fries, and a portion of hot pumpkin porridge appeared in front of him instantly.

"Hermione, what class do you have this afternoon?"

Ian was also eating and chatting with each other.

"One lesson on History of Magic and one lesson on Potions. But I'm more looking forward to Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration lesson, but that has to wait until Wednesday. By the way, Ian, is Potions difficult in third grade?"

Any topic related to class always piqued Hermione's interest.

"Ha, it seems I forgot to tell you that I am now taking classes with the first graders to make up for the basic knowledge I once had.

The professor told me that if I didn’t do this and took the third-year courses directly, it would be a mistake for me…”

After a slight pause, he continued: "By the way, if you don't mind, we can exchange notes so that we can study together, what do you think?"

Ian found an opportunity to express his inner thoughts. After all, he urgently needed to increase his strength, so Hermione's help was also indispensable.

"Oh my God! I don't know this yet. Of course the notes are fine, and we can also agree to go to the library to do homework together."

Hermione was talking excitedly, looking forward to something.

She was a little arrogant, but that didn't mean she was stupid. She could clearly feel that the Gryffindor freshmen in the same grade were alienated from her, which made her even more proud.

In fact, she was looking forward to having a friend who could accept her, but she had been struggling to have a deeper connection with Ian. Now that she knew that Ian was also a first-year class like her, she was extremely happy.

Since the rest time was limited, after having lunch with Hermione, they returned to the common room. After a short rest, get ready for the afternoon class.

The days passed in such a leisurely manner, and half a month and 15 days flew by.

During this period, besides taking regular classes, Ian spent the rest of his free time either in the library or in an abandoned classroom practicing magic and preparing simple potions.

Ian is not going to touch upon the Room of Requirement for the time being, not because there are Crown Horcruxes there, but simply because the entrance is on the eighth floor.

It takes about ten minutes to climb the stairs and back, which consumes energy and wastes time, so the gain outweighs the gain.

And he didn't have any so-called "achievement check-in system". Finding an abandoned classroom nearby in the castle during class time was the most cost-effective option.

Of course, Ian is not unconventional in terms of interpersonal communication. He just adheres to the Ravenclaw's "nerd" persona and tends to be quiet.

On the third floor of the castle, in an abandoned classroom, this is where Ian often practices magic alone.

"Total petrification"

A ray of white light suddenly shot out from the tip of the wand and flew straight to the desk in front of him. With a "bang", the abandoned desk began to rapidly petrify to a degree visible to the naked eye.

Finally succeeded, Ian, who had been sweating profusely, closed his eyes tightly at this moment, carefully feeling the flow of magic power in the body after successfully casting the spell.

"Whoever says that magic is all about idealism in the future, I promise not to beat him to death..."

After practicing hard during this period, he finally understood one thing. The so-called 'idealism' was limited to transformation and increasing the power of emotional spells, but it was not helpful for releasing magic for the first time.

Regarding the release of magic, Ian himself concluded that there are only the first time and countless times.

After the first release is successful, it is basically like burning it into the soul. It is easy to release again later, so for wizards, the first time is often the most important.

After countless practices and attempts, Ian was finally able to successfully release the petrification spell today, which made Ian visibly relieved.

Silently looking at the hourglass countdown in my mind: 73 hours, 44 minutes and 15 seconds.

"Now that we have the ability to protect ourselves, the next step is to reserve supplies. It's also time to ask Dumbledore for help."

"Clean up!"

After half a month of diligent practice, Ian became proficient in some simple magic.

Relatively simple spells such as fluorescent flashes, clear water like springs, lock-opening spells, and floating spells are all at your fingertips.

After using magic spells to clean away the dust from practicing magic, Ian planned to go to the principal's office on the eighth floor to talk to Dumbledore.

New book ~ Please collect, please recommend, please invest ~

Thank you all readers~Thank you~Thank you~Thank you

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