I can enter Hogwarts in the end of the world

Chapter 67 Contact the publisher

After bidding farewell to Penello, Ian returned to his dormitory. At this moment, Ivy was the only one in the dormitory, and Andre went to have fun somewhere else.

When Ivy saw Ian coming in, he laughed at himself and said, "Have you met Penelo? See how complicated it is for purebloods like us. What a big deal, once purebloods are involved, even if Ravenclaw is powerful All the female prefects feel helpless.”

"It's okay. In the face of absolute strength, conspiracy can only be called a game." Ian finally said what was hidden in his heart.

Ivey shrugged and said with some surprise:

"Oh? Man, I always thought you were just cold-tempered and reticent, but I really didn't expect you to think this way. Yes, strength is greater than power. Therefore, the dragon will never care about those groups of swallowtails dog."

After a slight pause, Ivy then joked: "So, unlike swallow-tailed dogs, will dragons choose ravens as friends?"

"Of course, after all, they are also flying in the sky." Ian replied affirmatively.

"Then what do you think the dragon might need the services of the raven for?"

Ian found that chatting with smart people is really easy. If Ivy seems to be joking, isn't it a kind of trial and investment? Perhaps the Potions Master weighed more than Ian thought.

But at this moment, Ian really felt that there was a reason why the Ministry of Magic was controlled by pure bloods. It was not the so-called hereditary inheritance, let alone Galleons capital, but education and talent.

With hundreds of students in Ravenclaw, how many Muggle-born smart wizards like Penello can be produced? Even a girl with extraordinary talents like Penello still has to carefully test and speculate in the end, and then invest cautiously in contacts in the hope of reaping rewards in the future.

As for the true purebloods, whether it is Ivy at this moment, the first-year Slytherin girl who toyed with Carey's applause, or Percy who led Ian into the Gryffindor common room this morning, no one is simple. character of.

Even Essen Shacklebolt, who drove Kaili out of the dormitory, knew how to take advantage of the situation. Otherwise, how could the idiot Kaili preaching some pure-blood remarks in the dormitory reach the ears of the prefects.

And it wasn’t passed on to the fifth grade, nor to the seventh grade, but it happened to be passed on to the male and female prefects of the sixth grade whose families had been persecuted by pure-blood remarks? Hehe, even a fool can see what's going on here.

This also made Kaili afraid to report the situation to other prefects after he was kicked out, so he could only sleep on the sofa in the common room alone.

Back to business. After hearing Ivy's words, Ian thought for a moment, and then came up with the answer: "So, Ivy knows how to contact the publishing house in the magical world? I happen to have a novel that I want to publish and review."

Yes, after understanding this, Ian still chose to let Ivey help him find a publishing house. The Confucian golden mean in his previous life was deeply rooted in Ian's heart, so he really didn't want to appear too different.

And because Ivey never played tricks on him from beginning to end, there were only outrageously simple temptations and relatively sincere interactions. Therefore, Ian chose to accept his roommate's intention.

This is how the world works. Only when one owes a favor can one repay the favor. Once the debt is repaid, the relationship is initially established.

"Novel? Publisher? I understand. But Ian, are you in a hurry? If you are not in a hurry, I will reply to you after Christmas, and I can help you ask questions during the holidays." Ivy asked in a gentle voice.

"There's no rush, just keep an eye on it for me and I'll have a reply before summer vacation." Ian replied easily.

After all, Ian still has a huge sum of nearly 1,000 Galleons. Even if all the expenses are added up, it will not be spent in a short time, so he is not in a hurry.

He was even planning to let his novel catch on with Lockhart's popularity before school started, so as to increase sales and popularity. After all, no one would have too much gold Galleons.

After a brief exchange with Aiwei, both of them tacitly agreed not to mention this topic anymore. It was enough to just mention some things to the point, and it would be useless to talk more.

At this moment, Ivy turned into roommate mode again and said casually: "Do you have any funny costumes for Halloween this year? To be honest, I always find these activities boring. My favorite is Christmas..."

Ian couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this. "Do you like Christmas? Be honest Ivy, you like the Christmas holiday..."

"Hahahaha, I won't deny it, but the holidays are also part of Christmas, aren't they?" Ivy also shrugged and said indifferently.

"As for the costumes, I don't plan to change them. At most, I will go to Hogsmeade to buy a Halloween mask." Ian answered truthfully.

However, there was still a sentence in his heart that he did not dare to express: "Wake up, kid, starting from the time when the Savior enters school, and every Halloween in the future, if you are lucky enough to eat two dishes, you are considered a master."


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