I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 217 The Immortals Enjoy! Go on a pilgrimage to Qinglin Villa!

Chapter 217 The Immortals Enjoy! Go on a pilgrimage to Qinglin Villa!

Qinglin Villa.

Ancient Ginkgo Courtyard.

Qin Lin and Zhao Moqing came here again.

Lin Lanzi is leading people to adjust the newly purchased outdoor recording equipment.

A shelf was set up, and the radio was placed directly on the two ginkgo trees. Moreover, in order to achieve the best radio effect, there are a total of more than a dozen radios.

This set of recording equipment is not cheap to buy, and the price has reached 30,000.

Qin Lin knew that the sound of trees singing was very effective, but he never thought about trying to record the sounds of trees singing.

It's not that he's stupid, but that people's energy and thinking are limited, and their focus is different, so it's hard to cover everything.

Once the recording equipment is set up, it will be turned on directly.

After a while, the wind blew up and the trees rang, and the sound began to be recorded on the recording equipment.

When the number of recorded sounds of tree singing was about the same, Lin Lanzi had someone move the equipment back to the multimedia room, and then asked the editor to start processing the recorded sounds.

The editors of the villa are graduates of computer technology, not only know how to edit videos, but also have learned these operations.

As the recorded tree chirping sound was imported into the computer, he began to eliminate the noise, import the pure tree chirping sound, and convert it into high-quality sound.

Then, choose different wave tones for splicing.

This process is somewhat similar to the light music composed of the sound of wind chimes created by the island country.

This kind of light music that is not artificially played belongs to the natural light music.

Soon, a piece of light music fragments of the pure sound of trees chirping was spliced ​​together.

Lin Lanzi immediately ordered: "Play and watch."

The editor nodded, and clicked to play the spliced ​​tree song.

A piece of natural light music sounded the next moment.

Editors are not professional musicians, and the stitching level depends on preference, but with the blessing of system attributes, it doesn't matter.

In an instant, surprise appeared on Lin Lanzi's face.

Although it is still far inferior to the effect of listening under the tree, the recording made by this professional recording equipment is indeed much better than the previous recording with a mobile phone.

"Give me a copy." Qin Lin also ordered in surprise.

Naturally, he wanted to enter the game to see the notes of the recorded tree song.

Although the recorded sound of tree chirping is far less shocking than the one heard under the tree, this spliced ​​light music still has the effect of relieving body and mind and relieving stress.

Coupled with the melodious attribute, it makes the light music of the sound of tree singing very pleasant.

Moreover, that kind of effect is definitely not comparable to the light music produced by those music masters and musical talents on the Internet.

In other words, those music masters and musical geniuses are not as good as two ginkgo trees.

When the editor heard Qin Lin's words, he immediately began to operate, and then copied the sound of tree singing into a USB flash drive and handed it to Qin Lin.

Listening to the music, Zhao Moqing also ordered: "Sister Lan Zi, you should also make the promotional video of the Ancient Ginkgo Academy as soon as possible."

Lin Lanzi nodded, and said again: "There is a problem. If this audio is uploaded to the Internet, it will be spread soon, and some music talents may even steal it. After all, there are many such talents in Luo Copy."

Qin Lin smiled and said, "Director Lin, let's spread the word out. We can even actively upload it to platforms like QQ Music for people to download."

"However, the name of the music should be named after: 'Sound of Trees Singing in Qinglin Villa', and add a sentence: 'Welcome everyone to listen to the sound of trees singing in Qinglin Villa'."

"In this way, people who listen to the music will know about Qinglin Mountain Villa, and they will remember Qinglin Mountain Villa because of the sound of the trees. This is a better publicity than anything else."

These words immediately made everyone look at Qin Lin in admiration.

The boss deserves to be a graduate of tourism major, the pattern of this publicity is great.

They already know the effect of the sound of tree singing, people who are stressed and irritable definitely need this, it is a must-have in the playlist.

But now in this impetuous society, the most indispensable thing is people who are stressed, irritable, and burdened physically and mentally. All kinds of bad things can make people feel bad and explode.

When countless people listen to the light music of the sound of trees and feel comforted physically and mentally, and then learn that this is only a weakened version, listening to it under the two ancient ginkgo trees in their villa will be even more shocking. How many people will Come to Qinglin Villa with a pilgrimage mentality?

Don't doubt, there will be countless people, and this effect is permanent.

Qin Lin returned to his office with the USB flash drive, locked the door, then entered the game, looked at the USB flash drive in his hand, and got the note:

[U Disk: Common]

[A prop for storing data. At this time, there is a piece of natural light music stored in the U disk, you can check the information! 】

Qin Lin focused his attention and chose to check, and the message of checking the sound of the tree singing popped up.

[Sound of Tree Singing: Quality 1]

[This is a special tree sound, which can give people special enjoyment effects after playing: pleasant +1, peace of mind +1, physical and mental relaxation +1, stress relief +1. 】

After recording the sound of tree singing, only the quality 1 effect remained, so it's no wonder the effect gap is so big.

Knowing the information, Qin Lin also exited the game, connected the USB flash drive to the computer, uploaded the light music of the sound of tree singing to his computer and opened it.

A piece of melodious soft music sounded immediately.

Qin Lin also got up, and lit the Qinan incense to the side. As the fragrance spread in the office, he sat down on the red sandalwood tea table and soaked wild Tieguanyin of quality 2.

At this time, he is definitely a real fairy experience.

The sound of tree singing: melodious +1, peace of mind +1, physical and mental relaxation +1, stress relief +1,

Qinan incense: strong fragrance +2, promoting body circulation +2, calming the mind +2, regulating qi and opening up the orifices +2, relieving dizziness and fatigue +2

Wild Tieguanyin: tea aroma +2, sweet aftertaste +2, eliminate greasy +2, promote digestion +2, refresh mind +2, prevent cancer +1

It is difficult for others to experience any of the three things, but now he is enjoying them at the same time.

Who else?

If this is not the enjoyment of the gods, what is it?

the other side.

Lin Lanzi is also leading the multimedia department to make a promotional video for the ancient ginkgo courtyard. With the sound of the tree singing, they will also shoot a supporting video.

At the prime time at night, the multimedia department produced a long promotional video, and then released it on the official account of the villa.

The official account of Shanzhuang Multimedia is obviously much more lively than before.

In the past, Zhao Moqing was not professional in managing the account, and she also had to manage the finances and a series of issues in the villa, so it was impossible for her to devote all her energy to it.

Therefore, the videos taken by Zhao Moqing in the past were all supported by the attributes produced by the system.

Now Lin Lanzi is in charge, and there are professional planners, lighting engineers, editors, and photographers. The quality of the videos shot is very high. Moreover, he can regularly shoot some interesting videos of the villa itself and fan interaction videos.

Even the two animals Chimao and Wangcai are often dragged to make videos and forced to operate.

Fortunately, the two little guys are terribly intelligent, and seem to understand the meaning of these stupid humans. When they are pulled and patted, they will make people feel that they have become smart when they cooperate.

This naturally also increased the number of views of fans on the official account. As soon as Lin Lanzi posted the video of the ancient ginkgo courtyard, many fans on the official account saw it.

"Hi everyone, I met you again. Today I want to introduce a new place to you, that is the ancient ginkgo courtyard in our villa. There are two ancient ginkgo trees here."

Then the close-up video of two ancient ginkgo trees began to play.

The publicity about ancient ginkgo apparently did not attract much attention from fans.

After all, the viewing season of ginkgo is after October. What's more, how can this ancient ginkgo compare with the thousand-year-old ginkgo planted by Li Shimin?

Moreover, although the two 500-year-old ginkgo trees in the video have luxuriant branches and look a bit spectacular, there are no such old trees in other places.

Many people saw the beginning video, and couldn't help but comment before the video finished playing:

"Compared with the previous ones, the ancient ginkgo courtyard in Qinglin Villa is not up to standard."

"This time the ginkgo is a bit ordinary and lacks the characteristics of those things in the past. Since this is not the season for viewing ginkgo, it will not be very attractive."

"Don't be too harsh, everyone. These two trees are still very spectacular, and they are still passable for viewing."


As the saying goes, speaking too early and commenting too early is easy to be slapped in the face. Halfway through the video, the voice sounded again:

"Everyone should have heard the legend of the sound of trees, right? It is said that there are more than 500-year-old trees that can make a pleasant sound of trees. The two 500-year-old ginkgo trees in our Qinglin Villa can make the sound of trees. .”

"We recorded the sound of two ancient ginkgo trees, and please enjoy the sound of the tree."

Hearing these words, the people watching the video were obviously stunned.

The sound of tree chirping?

Many people have never heard of this term.

Those who have heard it are very curious, because the sound of tree singing is indeed rare, and most people will never have the opportunity to hear the sound of tree singing in their entire lives.

But no matter who knew the sound of the tree singing or not, everyone was stunned next.

A soft and pleasant voice sounded in the video.

This sound is very strange, it doesn't seem to be played by any musical instrument, but it is very pleasant to hear. The key is to hear this music, and everyone feels that their mood has gradually calmed down, their body and mind are also slowly relaxed, and their mental pressure is relieved. Slowly gone.

At this moment, it seems that there is only one thought, which is the true meaning of light music.

But this also shocked countless people.

Everyone has heard light music, it is to relieve mental stress and relax the body and mind. As for the effect of light music, it varies from person to person, but no matter what the effect of light music is, it is definitely far inferior to this, and it is crushed into scum .

Only at this time did someone react and hastily commented:

"Is this the sound of the tree singing? Is it played by the tree?"

"I'm superficial, the previous comment has been deleted, these two ginkgo trees are amazing!"

"Damn it, I can't believe it. I was so irritable because of my thesis that my whole body was about to explode. When I heard this music, my irritability slowly disappeared, and my body and mind relaxed."


Apparently, as expected, the sound of tree singing surprised everyone.

And suddenly, the music stopped, and everyone felt a little uncomfortable at that moment, as if the air conditioner was blowing cool in the hot weather, and suddenly cut off the power for you.

At this time, the human voice in the video sounded again:

"Presumably everyone has already experienced the sound of tree singing, and you should not be disappointed, right? But what I want to tell you is that listening to the sound of tree singing under two ginkgo trees is definitely more enjoyable than this recorded sound, then It hits the heart and the spirit."

"However, the ancient ginkgo courtyard has limited capacity to receive guests, and not everyone can come to listen to it. Only tourists who have booked a bridal chamber and VIP visitors can get a ticket to the ancient ginkgo courtyard for free, while other tourists need to get it through a free lottery. Every day There are only more than 100 opportunities."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

The piece of light music just now was amazing, but now it is even more enjoyable to listen to the sound of the tree singing under the ancient ginkgo tree?

This made many people who saw it subconsciously click on the reservation link on the official account of Qingli Villa.

They originally intended to travel to Qinglin Mountain Villa, but now they couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to go under the tree to experience the effect mentioned in the video.

But when they entered the reservation link of Qinglin Villa, they found that there was no room to book.

There are only more than 150 bridal chambers in Qinglin Mountain Villa, because the special sandalwood incense that helps sleep has long been difficult to book, how can it be possible to book one in this situation?

If you want to book, you have to watch and refresh all the time, and then you have to fight with others when there are vacancies.

Many people who watched the video at the first time found the Easter egg letters at the end of the video: the recorded sound of the tree singing has been uploaded to the QQ music platform, and you can download it by searching "Qinglin Mountain Villa's sound of tree singing".

Seeing this, many people hastily logged into QQ Music. The sound of the tree singing just now was not enough to enjoy, as long as there is a place to download it.

Xiao Huihui is a small planning employee of a company, the kind who will be called around by the supervisor at the top, and will be recognized as the granddaughter of Party A at the bottom.

Her work pressure is very high, and her biggest wish is to wait until she accumulates more vacations, and then wait for a serious trip every May.

She has already made plans for her travel in May this year. At the beginning, she chose a lot of places she planned to go to, such as West Lake, Dali, Qinglin Villa...and other scenic spots.

During this process, she would keep watching the video comparisons of the official accounts of these scenic spots, and then she began to exclude one by one.

She seems to be playing a planning game, whichever scenic spot she will go to if she persists until the end.

But just now, when she heard the sound of trees singing that shocked her, she crossed out all other scenic spots, leaving only Qinglin Villa. She decided to spend her annual leave this year in Qinglin Villa.

Xiao Huihui immediately logged into QQ Music with her mobile phone, searched for: 'The Sound of Trees in Qinglin Mountain Villa', and sure enough, this music popped up.

Moreover, 13,271 people have downloaded it.

Xiao Huihui hurriedly chose to download, but as soon as it was refreshed, the number of downloaders became 16,721.

It's incredible.

Although she is not an illegitimate fan, and she doesn't pay attention to those celebrities' rankings, but the number of downloads should be exaggerated, right?

But the music was downloaded, so she didn't care about it. She took out her earphones and connected it to her phone, and began to listen to the 'Sound of Trees in Qinglin Villa'.

"Welcome everyone to listen to the sound of trees singing in Qinglin Villa!"

Following the opening sentence, a pleasant voice sounded softly afterwards.

Sure enough, it was the sound of the tree singing.

After a while, Xiao Huihui felt that she was slowly relaxing physically and mentally, and the pressure from work, the pressure from Party A and the supervisor also gradually disappeared, and she became more open-minded.

She feels that after listening to it for half an hour before working, the work efficiency will definitely be very high.

She felt that the sound of tree singing should never disappear from her playlist in the future.

This also strengthened her mind to travel to Qinglin Villa in May.

She is going on a pilgrimage to two ginkgo trees.

Suddenly, the angry voice of Suan Sui Nian sounded from the side, and a tall and long-legged girl slammed the document in her hand on the table.

Seeing this, Xiao Huihui asked: "Sun Li, your plan has been rejected by the supervisor again?"

That Sun Li said viciously: "That bastard, he didn't go to treat me because I had something to do, and deliberately punished me. He asked me to change plan A and plan B at once."

"Listen to music, calm down." Xiao Huihui gave Sun Li an earphone.

She naturally knew what that supervisor was. He was full of pimples, and he also liked to treat the female subordinates in the department. Who didn't understand what he was thinking, and who would like that wretched look?

But it happens that such a person is a manager, he is not qualified to fire people, and his ability to put shoes on people is better than anyone else.

Most of the department has been pissed off by him.

Sun Li took the earphones and put them to her ears. She is not from a rich family. In this society, good jobs are hard to find. No matter how difficult the job is, it is impossible to give up the job. Music can only relieve the mood.

But when she heard the beautiful voice coming from the earphones, she suddenly froze.

After a while, she subconsciously asked: "Huihui, what kind of music is this? It's too good."

The same scene happened in many places.

People who have watched the latest video of Qinglin Mountain Villa are all attracted by the effect of the sound of trees, which is the attribute that the system directly acts on in the sound of trees. No one can resist it, and then most people go to the QQ music platform Download the light music of the sound of trees singing uploaded by Qinglin Villa.

This also made the videos of the villa more and more popular, and the download volume of the QQ music platform also increased.

This keeps increasing and fermenting, and then it explodes completely.

On the second day, when countless people took out their mobile phones to watch short videos, they found that the top searches on the entire Internet were all about the sound of tree singing. What is the sound of tree singing? The sound of tree chirping is amazing! …and videos like this are popping up like crazy.

Fermented overnight, the sound of the trees singing in Qinglin Mountain Villa not only became a hot search, but also exploded the traffic pool again. This time, it was even more popular than ever before.

It also made the sound of the trees sing into the eyes of countless people overnight.

Few people have heard the sound of tree singing, and even most people don't even know what it is.

But last night, I don't know how many people heard the sound of trees singing in Qinglin Villa, and they were intoxicated by the sound of trees singing in Qinglin Villa.

Music is the most resonant art, and good music can immerse people.

But the sound of tree chirping is more than just immersive.

No one who has heard it knows how to describe the feeling of enjoyment.

No one doubts that maybe this is the light music that will never be deleted from my playlist.

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