I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 312 The Miraculous Purifying Grass! Oak planters!

Chapter 312 The Miraculous Purifying Grass! Oak planters!

[Special seed strange stone! 】

[This is a magical seed-shaped stone buried deep in the ground. It seems to contain strange power. The owner of the seed shop has been looking for this kind of stone. Going to the owner of the seed shop can unlock the qualification to buy a special seed! 】


The remark information that Qin Lin saw was no different from what was said in the forum, they could ask the owner of the seed shop to open a special seed purchase qualification.

Qin Lin immediately controlled the game character to go to the seed shop in Mineral Town.

This time, clicking on the owner of the seed shop really brought up the option to open special seeds.

After clicking, a special dialogue will appear:

【What are you holding in your hand? Can I have a look? 】

【yes! no! 】

Qin Lin directly chose yes.

Seed Shop Owner:

[Wow, it is really this kind of stone, can you give me this stone? With this stone I can develop special seeds. 】

Qin Lin still chose yes.

This time, there was no new dialogue, but the option of the seed shop owner had a list of special seed options.

When he opened the list, he saw the names of some seeds.

It is the seedless watermelon seeds, Xiangshui Gongmi seeds, and Bermudagrass seeds that I got before, all with ☆ in front.

These seeds are now grouped into a dedicated list of special seeds.

Moreover, Qin Lin saw a new seed in this list.

This should be the special seed that the special seed strange stone bloomed.

【☆Purification Grass Seed: Quality 2】

[A special seed cultivated by the owner of the seed shop with a special seed stone can grow a very peculiar purifying grass, which has no planting season restrictions, a very short growth cycle, and can grow all year round! Planting requirements: Level 3 land! 】

Purifying grass?

Qin Lin can probably guess the effect when he sees this note, but he needs to plant it to know.

Without hesitation, he directly chose to buy the seeds, and then controlled the game character to return to the pasture, directly uprooted the two watermelons planted on the ground of level 3, and then planted the purifying grass seeds.

Quality 2 watermelons can already be grown and harvested by the villa itself, and he no longer needs to plant them in the game, so they are not afraid of running out of stock.

The growth time of this purifying grass is very short, it is planted in the afternoon, and when it gets dark, there will be a reminder in the game that it is ripe and ready to harvest.

Qin Lin looked directly at the light curtain in his mind, and controlled the game character to go to two level 3 lands to harvest the purification grass.

The appearance of this purifying grass is very similar to that of Fendai Luanzi.

Fendai Luanzicao is a kind of grass with slender green leaves and top-growing cloud-like pink catkins. It is also an ornamental grass with excellent ornamental effect.

Just take a closer look, the gap is still very large.

However, when controlling the harvest of game characters, this time there is a different situation, and there is a selection option:

[Harvest potted plants! Harvest the transplanted lawn! 】

It was also the first time Qin Lin encountered such a situation.

Needless to say, harvesting potted plants, bougainvillea small potted plants are one of the special souvenirs of the villa, which are very popular among tourists.

As for transplanting lawns, he probably understands it, because lawns are planted in many places now, and in addition to sowing seeds, there are also direct transplants of lawns.

This kind of transplanted lawn is a finished lawn that has been planted, with soil and a complete root system, transplanted into the soil, because the root system is complete and can survive well.

That is, the price of transplanting lawns is higher than that of self-seeding and planting lawns, but many high-end and short-term business establishments will choose to transplant lawns.

Qin Lin directly harvested 2 pieces of purified grass from the third-level land and harvested potted plants from one piece! A piece of harvest transplanted lawn.


The two grade 3 lands are empty, but there are many potted plants with purified grass in the yard dedicated to storing plants, and there are also pieces of lawn with root soil and roots wrapped in special plastic film.

Then, Qin Lin locked the door of the office, and entered the game with a thought, and then saw the properties of the purifying grass:

[Purification grass potted plant: quality 2]

[This is a special potted grass plant that can release a special gas substance through photosynthesis. It has a special effect and can purify the air in the surrounding area by +2. In addition, the purifying grass is also very ornamental : Beautiful +2, Ornamental +2, Attractive +2, Being in the mirror +2! 】

As he guessed, this purifying grass really has the property of purifying the air.

Moreover, this attribute is absolutely awesome.

Compared with this attribute, the beauty +2, ornamental +2, attractiveness +2, and entry +2 are not very important.

After all, in modern society, the problem of air quality is becoming more and more serious. It can be said that the air quality of most cities is not up to standard.

Even the air quality in many counties and towns has begun to fall below the standard.

This is probably the reason why more and more wealthy people like to go to the countryside to find places to build villas as villas.

But it's just up to the mark,

In terms of high-quality air quality, there are very few places like this except deep mountains and old forests.

【Purification Grass Transplanted Lawn: Quality 2】

[This is a special grass transplanted lawn. It can release a special gas substance through photosynthesis, which has a special effect. It can purify the air in a small area around it +2. In addition, the purifying grass is also very rich Ornamental: beautiful +2, ornamental +2, attractive +2, mirrored +2! 】

Obviously, there is no difference in the attributes of transplanted lawns and potted plants, because the purified grasses are both of quality 2, and the harvested quantity of the two plots is actually the same, both are 50.

Looking at these beautiful purifying grasses, Qin Lin has a plan.

He has been thinking about what kind of potted plants to decorate the interior space of the manor. After all, such a large room cannot be empty.

Now that the purifying grass appeared, he didn't need to waste his brains to choose it.

Just use the purifying grass directly.

Purifying the air and improving the air quality can not only improve the living experience of the guests, but also make the manor more classy.

Beautiful +2, ornamental +2, attractive +2, and mirrored +2 are definitely very good landscapes.

There is also the transplanted lawn, which can be transplanted several times around the manor and decorated everywhere. In addition to increasing the landscape, it can also improve the air quality of the entire manor.

The air quality is better, not to mention the reduction of harmful gases, which can make people less sick, and the feeling of living will be different.

If you don’t believe me, if you live in a place like the capital for 3 days, and immediately live in the countryside for another day, you will feel the difference.

One is stuffy, which makes people want to escape, and the other is refreshing, which will have a very intuitive feeling.

Sometimes, for certain groups of people, the air in those big cities can make them feel suffocated.

The TV series "Hunting Field" in which Immortal Sword Hu participated, it tells the story of a Beijing official named Qu who had to run an air freshener at home 24 hours a day because of his daughter's health. , Escape the air condition in the capital?

Experts have also shown that people who live in a place with very good air quality all year round will live 10-15 years longer on average than those born in places with poor air quality, and their chances of disease will be lower.

Therefore, it can be seen how important air quality is to human survival.

Qin Lin believes that with this purifying grass, the air quality of the manor can rise in a straight line, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to find a place with better air quality than here.

However, these purifying grass pots and transplanted lawns alone are not enough to arrange the entire estate.

Therefore, Qin Lin controlled the game character to go to the seed shop in Mineral Town to buy seeds, and then eradicated all the crops grown in the third-level land.

All the third-level land is used to plant purification grass.

Moreover, the purifying grass potted plants, the pots given by the system are really ugly.

The potted flower pots given by the system must be replaced.

What to do instead is to think about it.

Qin Lin suddenly thought of something, and walked directly to a shed on the ranch. This is the timber room, where the timber is stored.

When you get closer, you can see that a lot of wood has been stored inside.

These are all oak wood specially stored by Qin Lin.

The value of oak wood is much lower than that of huanghuali and rosewood, so the probability of refreshing will be higher.

Because it was planned from the beginning that the wine cellar of the manor was completed, and oak was used to make wine barrels to store wine. Oak is a good material for making wine barrels and has good water resistance. Therefore, he has kept a lot of oak all the time. .

A batch has already been used to make a lot of wine barrels and put them in the wine cellar to store wine, and there are quite a few left over that can be used to make flowerpots.

It is very good to use these oaks to go to the processing machine experience hall to use the wood processing machine to make some flower pots that conform to the simple and ancient style of the manor.

However, this requires a picture of the flowerpot first.

With a thought, Qin Lin quit the game directly, then sat in front of the computer, and logged in to design drawing websites such as Baitu.com and Xinyi.com to look for design drawings of flower pots.

It took some time for him to find more than 10 flower pot designs that fit the simple and ancient style of the manor.

Pay directly to download, then print it out, bring it into the game, and put it in the backpack of the game character.

Quit the game again.

When Qin Lin looked at the game, the characters in the game already had several designs of flower pots.

He immediately controlled the game character to put the oak into the backpack, because there are a lot of oak, even if there is a game mechanism, the backpack capacity cannot be completely put down.

Then, control the game character to go to the processing machine experience hall in Ore Town, and in front of the wood processing machine.

[Please select the design drawings you want to process! Put in the blueprints you own! 】

Still two options.

Qin Lin directly chose one of the design drawings put in the game character's backpack, and then chose to process it.

It took a lot of time, and he brought the remaining oak to the processing machine experience hall in batches, and made them all into flower pots, with a total of more than 240.

These planters filled an open space directly in front of the ranch house.

240 flower pots are enough to decorate the manor.

For quality 2, put a few pots in each room, and put some in the aisles and halls, and then get some other flowers to match, it's perfect.

Naturally, the interior area definitely needs to be placed more.

After all, the inner area will be lived by oneself in the future.

After finishing all the oak flower pots, Qin Lin entered the game and saw the remarks of these oak flower pots:

[Oak flowerpot: quality 1]

[This is a flower pot processed with a special oak wood: color +1, material hardness +1, texture look and feel +1, artistry +1, beauty +1, ancient style and simplicity +1]

Compared with oak, this oak flower pot has more attributes of artistry +1, beauty +1, and ancient simplicity +1 after processing.

This is a new attribute given by the processing machine forged from the design drawings. It is obviously much better than the flower pots purchased outside.

When I got up the next day, a new batch of purifying grass was ripe again and ready to be harvested.

He directly chooses to harvest. After this batch of purified grass is harvested, the potted plants of purified grass needed for arranging the manor are almost enough.

After that, it is necessary to plant the lawn of purifying grass with all its strength, and the number of lawns used for decoration needs to be quite a lot.

Therefore, in the next few days, Qin Lin specially planted purification grass on the third-level ground of the game until the number was sufficient.


Qin Lin got up early again, harvested another batch of purified grass and transplanted the lawn, and then went to the warehouse. This time, after transporting the in-game items to the villa, he immediately drove the truck back to the warehouse.

Then he moved all the purified grass pots and transplanted lawns planted during this period out of the game, and filled the entire warehouse.

Because he couldn't put it down, he even transplanted a lot of purified grass to the outside of the warehouse.

It is obvious that so many potted plants and transplanted lawns cannot be transported back by his truck, so Zhao Liyuan needs to bring a convoy to transport them later.

He drove the truck just to transport those oak flowerpots, and the truck was already full of oak flowerpots from the game.

It was not the first time that Zhao Liyuan had run errands for Qin Lin to deliver things. With just one call, he brought the convoy here as quickly as possible.

Receiving a call from Director Qin is an opportunity to show your face.

This is an opportunity that the other two transportation companies that rely on Qinglin Food Company for food do not have, so even if these two transportation companies are bigger than their fleet, there is no way to squeeze them out.

"Mr. Qin, transport all these potted plants and lawns to the villa?" Zhao Liyuan knew what he was going to do when he saw those things when he arrived, and he waved his hands to make arrangements when he spoke.

Qin Lin handed over those potted plants and transplanted lawns to Zhao Liyuan, and drove the oak flower pots to the manor in a truck.

When he arrived at the manor, he made another phone call, and Yu Shui quickly brought the staff from the planting department: "Boss, what are your orders?"

Qin Lin directly ordered: "Later, a batch of potted plants and transplanted lawns will be sent over. You will lead people to re-transplant these potted plants into these wooden flower pots, and then transplant those lawns to various parts of the manor for decoration."

"Don't worry, boss, we'll leave it to us." Yu Shui immediately patted his chest to assure, and then ordered people to unload those oak flowerpots from the car first.

On the contrary, these flower pots are very exquisite, and they are not comparable to the flower pots that were advanced in the villa.

After a while, Zhao Liyuan's convoy also arrived, bringing over the purified grass potted plants and transplanted lawns.

Yu Shui immediately called out a middle-aged man, and said, "Master Huang, let's see how to transplant these potted plants and lawns."

With the development of Qinglin's planting department, Yu Shui, the manager, naturally asked the HR department to recruit professional talents. Naturally, it needs to become more and more professional as it develops.

This master Huang is good at transplanting potted plants and lawns.

Master Huang gave a lot of suggestions and improvement measures for the transplantation of the bougainvillea potted garden and the daily planting and maintenance of green plants in the villa.

"These are Fendai Chaozi grass?" Master Huang approached, looking at the purifying grass, he was a little surprised, and then said uncertainly: "Hey, it's a little different, and these are more beautiful and attractive, very eye-catching."

Yu Shui was naturally also attracted by these purifying grasses. After all, quality 2 has the attributes of attractiveness +2, appreciation +2, and beauty +2.

However, he also ordered: "Don't worry about these things, what the boss got must not be ordinary things, we are responsible for the transplantation."

After all, it is also a manager position. There are some things to understand, and the most important thing is to do your job well.

"Okay." Master Huang also nodded, and began to study. In a short while, he made the best transplant plan, and then began to lead people into action.

The first thing is to transplant the potted plants. They need to cut the original potted plants to prevent the soil from collapsing. Moreover, the oak flowerpots are different from the original flowerpots and need to be filled with soil again.

These are naturally not difficult.

Master Huang quickly led people to transplant the purified grass potted plants into oak flowerpots one by one.

Qin Lin also ordered the manor attendant to remove the transplanted potted plants for arrangement.

As time passed, Master Huang suddenly felt something was wrong, and muttered to himself: "Why does the air suddenly feel better?"

Not only Master Huang, but also those in the planting department noticed it.

After all, the feeling of breathing is not deceiving.

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