I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 499 Weakened Version! The main medicinal material is common weed?

Chapter 499 Weakened Version! The main medicinal material is common weed?

【Hey, this seems to be a very good recipe, please wait a moment...】

When Qin Lin saw this reminder, his face couldn't restrain his joy.

For several days in a row, he nestled in the office to compile recipes, failed again and again, and he almost lost weight.

Now finally the hard work paid off, allowing him to successfully make up a useful formula.

In Qin Lin's anticipation, the reminder sounded again:

[Congratulations, the analysis and restoration has obtained a formula for pet healing potion No. 06 (weakened version)! 】

Seeing this prompt, Qin Lin clenched his fists instantly.

Finally got a useful recipe.

Although it is said to be a weakened version, it is indeed the No. 06 formula of pet healing medicine.

He didn't insist on the original version, after all it took so much time and effort to get this weakened version.

If we are insisting on the original version, who knows how long it will take, and time is very tight now.

Qin Lin immediately controlled the game character to return to the ranch, but accidentally locked the door of the office, an idea entered the game.

He also immediately saw the remarks of this recipe:

[Pet Healing Potion No. 06 (Weakened Version) Formula]

[This is a special healing potion formula for pets, which can make a weakened version of pet potion No. 06! 】

Originally it had a very strong effect, but the weakened version became a great effect.

Anyway, it works.

[Whether to use the No. 06 formula of pet treatment medicine? 】

Sure enough, the choice is.

Needless to say?

Sometimes the system asks mentally handicapped questions.

Following Qin Lin's choice, the pet healing potion No. 06 (weakened version) formula turned into a little bit of light and dissipated, and then drilled into his mind.

Information about this formula flooded into his mind instantly and was deeply imprinted in it.

At the same time, the production technique and proficiency of this recipe are the same as those of the previous recipes, directly imprinted into his muscle memory.

After receiving everything about this recipe, Qin Lin also immediately exited the game, opened the door of the office, and rushed directly to Qinglin's laboratory.

This pet healing potion is different from ordinary Chinese medicine.

This potion is used for injection, and it is to extract the ingredients of medicinal materials and combine them. It is very troublesome to buy such tools from outside. The laboratory has extraction equipment, which can be used just right.


There are so many animals in the pasture, especially those ducks with a lot of beauty. He can't do it by himself, so he still needs the help of the researchers in Qinglin's laboratory.

After arriving at Qinglin's laboratory and undergoing the examination, Qin Lin went to the laboratory where the medicine was tested before.

Inside, Li Kai and those researchers are still struggling with the seven compound substances.

The researchers who were divided into 7 groups were all very serious, but they kept sighing, obviously all the tests had failed.

Li Kai noticed that Qin Lin was coming, and complained: "Brother Qin, who prepared this potion? Is this substance crackable? No one can crack it in such a short time, okay?"

Qin Lin nodded, then went to a computer, wrote down the formula in his mind, and said, "Brother Li, let the laboratory prepare these medicinal materials. I want to prepare the medicine and test it."

Li Kai was stunned for a moment, looked at the dozen or so medicinal ingredients that they had detected together on the formula on the computer, and said, "Brother Qin, have you cracked it?"

After speaking, he had a look of shock on his face.

More than a dozen medicinal materials were detected together by them before. If this is the case, those new medicinal materials must be medicinal materials that they cannot decipher.

"Prepare the medicinal materials first!" Qin Lin said.

Li Kai nodded, and immediately called Shen Li.

I still need Shen Li to handle this matter.

Shen Li didn't dare to delay when he received the call, and dealt with it as quickly as possible.

in the laboratory.

Li Kai looked at the medicinal materials on the formula with a face full of disbelief.

Those researchers also gathered around, equally shocked. .

They teamed up to crack it, but it was difficult to obtain those composite substances, and there was no result at all.

Now my boss cracked it all by himself, and came up with a complete formula?

"Brother Qin, how did you do it?" Li Kai couldn't help asking curiously.

Faced with such a situation that they are helpless, others can easily solve it. Some people are envious and jealous, while others are curious and curious.

Li Kai is just curious and eager to know.

Qin Lin explained: "It's all solved by traditional Chinese medicine."

"Chinese medicine still has this ability?" Li Kai couldn't believe it.

Qin Lin made it up and said, "Brother Li knows too little about traditional Chinese medicine, a cultural treasure that has been passed down for thousands of years."

Chinese medicine continues to take the blame.

Hearing this, Li Kai asked with some expectation: "Brother Qin, can you teach me? I will try to decipher these 7 substances by myself."

The other researchers also subconsciously looked at Qin Lin.

They can't research the same thing, and they want to know the same thing. It's all an urgent thirst for knowledge.

Qin Lin turned on the computer with a smile, and searched for basic TCM materials, basic TCM pathology books, and basic TCM medicinal materials...

There are more than a dozen basic books related to Chinese medicine.

Qin Lin continued to make up: "Read these basic Chinese medicine books first, and memorize them by heart, and then I will let you read other advanced Chinese medicine books. When you reach a certain level, I will tell you how to do it soon... ..."

Li Kai looked at those books, tried to click on a Chinese medicine book with the mouse, tried to read two pages, and then shook his head with a headache.

I can't see it at all.

The other researchers also retreated one by one.

Chinese medicine books can be said to be the most obscure kind of books, and also the most difficult to learn.

It’s not like there’s a saying that if you study Chinese medicine, if you haven’t learned the basic books, the older you get, the less you can read the books.

It is very difficult for Li Kai and the others to learn to read this Chinese medicine book.

Therefore, this is also the best way for Qin Lin to throw the blame away.

Anyway, if you want to learn this cracking method, you must at least have the ability of traditional Chinese medicine of senior Chinese medicine.

As for having enough Chinese medicine ability to ask, I'm sorry, you need to have scientific research ability at the academician level.

Anyway, no solution.

Unless you're good at both, don't put your intellectual curiosity on display.

Shen Li soon came to the laboratory and brought the medicinal materials Qin Lin needed, but two main medicinal materials were missing.

"Why are there two different herbs?" Qin Lin asked.

Shen Li immediately explained: "Dr. Qin, most of the medicinal materials pharmacies can buy the medicinal materials you want, but there are 2 kinds of medicinal materials that are not available in medicinal materials stores, and there is no place to buy them."

"The owner of the pharmacy said that these are just two kinds of weeds in the wild, and they are generally not used for medicinal purposes. I can only entrust the manager Yu of the villa to lead someone to pick them. The people in the laboratory are not good at identifying this."

"Which two herbs are they?" Qin Lin asked again.

Shen Li explained: "It's gray linen grass and double sickle grass. The pharmacy owner said that it's not hard to find them in the mountains in the south of us."

Qin Lin nodded.

In the formula given by the system, two of the main ingredients are not medicinal materials, but common grasses on the mountain, which seems a bit unbelievable.

As for whether it is true or not, we will have to wait for these two kinds of grasses to be sent to prepare the potion before we can know.

Qinglin Villa.

Yu Shui had already led two people towards the outside of the villa, and also brought a small hoe and a small scythe for digging.

He didn't dare to neglect the matter entrusted by Mr. Shen at Qinglin's laboratory, so he decided to go there himself.

Although he is not affiliated with Manager Shen, he belongs to the Qinglin Company anyway, so he still has to give him some face.

Besides, he often helps Qinglin's laboratory to try to grow things, and everyone sees them when they look up.

"Old Yu, where are you going?" Chen Dabei was patrolling the situation with several security captains, and asked curiously when he saw Yu Shui.

Yu Shui returned with a smile: "President Shen of the laboratory, please go to the mountain to dig two kinds of grass and send them to him. I will take someone there myself. The laboratory is in urgent need."

When Chen Dabei heard this, he thought of something: "Old Yu, let me go with you, it happens that nothing happens, I also want to climb the mountain."

"Are you okay?" Yu Shui asked.

"It's okay, just check the security situation, the inspection has been completed!" Chen Dabei said, ordered several security captains to do things by themselves, and set off with Yu Shui.

Yu Shui and the others left Qinglin Mountain Villa and entered the mountain under development. They quickly found gray linen and double sickle grass, and then led people to start digging.

Chen Dabei asked suspiciously: "These are just two kinds of common grasses, right? Why do you want to dig this grass in the laboratory?"

Yu Shui explained: "Mr. Shen said what medicine he wanted to prepare, and I didn't ask too much. You know that many of the medicines in the laboratory are confidential."

Chen Dabei nodded, and began to help dig up gray linen and double sickle grass.

When the quantity was enough, Yu Shui went down the mountain again, and then went to Qinglin's laboratory with the two kinds of grasses he dug.

After Chen Dabei returned to Qinglin Villa, he took out his mobile phone and called his wife.

As soon as the phone was connected, he said inwardly: "Honey, you take my brother and your brother to dig gray linen and double sickle grass on the mountain, or you can give money to find other people to help dig together."

There was obviously a doubtful voice from the other side of the phone: "Honey, isn't this grass the wild grass on the mountain? It's useless, what are you digging for?"

"Don't worry about it, just do as I say." Chen Dabei hung up the phone after finishing his instructions.

Qinglin's laboratory must have had some purpose in digging up the weeds, and when he heard Yu Shui talk about preparing medicines, he thought of the situation of the animals in the pasture.

Everyone knows that the Internet is so hot about the high-temperature coagulation plague (the virus is not allowed to be used, change it to the plague!).

Therefore, Qinglin's laboratory may be for the preparation of medicines to treat this plague.

If so, then the originally worthless gray linen and double sickle grass are valuable.

It is used by the whole country, even the whole world.

Whether it's Qinglin's laboratory or the government, they will definitely buy these two kinds of grass in the end, and they can make a fortune when they sell them.

Naturally, if it is stipulated that it cannot be sold, then he will hand it over directly.

Naturally, the laboratory must first send a batch there for free, so that the laboratory can cure the animals in the pasture first.

Qin Lin soon saw these two kinds of grasses.

He was a little surprised, because he often saw these two kinds of grass when he went up to the mountains to play when he was a child, and they were both disgusting grasses that grew on the side of the road.

It's just that he remembered that it wasn't called this name in his hometown, they were all spoken in Youcheng dialect. Gray linen grass and double sickle grass are the scientific names in Mandarin.

The two main medicinal materials that can treat pet medicine No. 06 are these two ordinary weeds?

Qin Lin didn't think too much, and immediately took action with Li Kai and the others. The researchers were not idle, and began to extract the corresponding ingredients.

It didn't take long before a batch of medicines that could be injected was made, and these medicines could be divided into dozens of injections.

While Li Kai and the researchers were testing, Qin Lin took a potion, went to the toilet compartment of the laboratory, and locked the door behind him. Entering the game with an idea, he saw the property information of the potion:

[Pet Healing Potion No. 06 (Weakened Version): Treatment]

[This is a special healing potion for pets. Although the effect is much weaker than the original version, it still has a great effect on treating infectious diseases of pets. 】

In other words, the preparation of the medicine was successful.

Those two common weeds are really one of the two main ingredients of this potion.

Qin Lin also immediately called Lin Lanzi and asked her to arrange for some infected common animals from the pasture to be sent to the experiment. At the same time, she also asked her to bring Zhang Guizhu and a veterinarian to cooperate with the experiment.

Zhao Moqing had already handed over some matters to Lin Lanzi, and now he called Lin Lanzi to ask her to make arrangements, and also said that Lin Lanzi had officially confirmed Lin Lanzi's succession to Zhao Moqing.

Otherwise, only Zhao Moqing can arrange this matter. After all, Zhang Guizhu is also a department manager, theoretically at the same level as Lin Lanzi.

Lin Lanzi naturally understood this truth, and got things done as quickly as possible.

When the infected animals were sent to the laboratory, Qin Lin asked Zhang Guizhu and the veterinarian to examine the infected animals first, record the situation, and then inject the animals with new drugs.

Because the effect of this potion is not as good as that produced in the game, the effect is not as obvious as that produced in the game.

However, the next day, when Zhang Guizhu and the veterinarian checked the animals again, the symptoms of the animals had improved a lot.

In other words, there was no mistake in the preparation of this potion, and it was indeed effective.

Seeing the effect, Qin Lin also asked Li Kai to lead someone to continue checking for any adverse reactions to the medicine.

This is of course a pretense.

After all, he clearly knew that there was no problem.

At the same time, he also called Shen Li: "Boss Shen, the potion is basically successful, so hurry up and purchase the medicinal materials, have someone dig gray linen and double sickle grass to make potions, and treat the infected animals in the pasture first." Let's talk."

Shen Li nodded, and said at the same time: "By the way, Manager Chen of the villa has already sent a batch of gray linen and double sickle grass, which should be enough to prepare potions for treating animals in the villa."

"Chen Dabei, how does this guy know?" Qin Lin was surprised. Although he knew that Chen Dabei was clever, but with this posture, the other party obviously knew the functions of these two kinds of grass.

However, he didn't want to explore it, because it was unnecessary and human nature.

It's not that if people are smarter, the drivers and nannies of the rich will also be rich.

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