I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 534: The White Sturgeon Induced by Youcheng's Climate Change! Beluga derailed?

Chapter 534: The White Sturgeon Induced by Youcheng's Climate Change! Beluga derailed?

One night after the news of the white sturgeon appeared in Youcheng, the attention was extremely high.

Moreover, not only Qinglin Villa and the diving platform found the white sturgeon, but someone also found the white sturgeon in the river area 10 kilometers away, and even took a video and uploaded it.

Obviously, after Qin Lin released those white sturgeons at that location, some of them wandered there.

After all, the tributaries of the Minjiang River connected to the entire reservoir are so long, it is beyond Qin Lin's control to put the fish in the river and swim in which direction.

Naturally, the hottest thing is that a white sturgeon rescued a middle-aged man with swimming cramps.

Seeing the scene of the white sturgeon carrying the middle-aged man back to the shore, everyone was surprised, okay?

"Sure enough, everything has a spirit, and the white sturgeon will save people."

"Isn't it strange that white sturgeon save people? This is obviously what dolphins should do?"

"Upstairs, it's superficial. Everyone knows that dolphins are Teddy in the sea."

"I understand the explanation upstairs. Did the white sturgeon cheat, or did the dolphin change his mind?"


This video obviously attracted a lot of attention, even if the middle-aged man in the video repeatedly stated that he did not have poor swimming skills, but was startled by such a big fish, which caused his cramps.

Qinglin Manor.

Qin Lin was also paying attention to this matter in the office.

After all, he was the instigator of the white sturgeon. When everyone was amazed by the white sturgeon, he had already caught some more white sturgeon in the game in his mind.

If he wanted, let alone the extinction of the white sturgeon, he could directly let the white sturgeon flood.

Next to him, Minister Lu and Senior Chu Qingfeng sipped tea, still unresponsive.

The two stayed last night, and this time they have a week's vacation.

For Minister Lu, spending a week at Qinglin Manor is definitely a kind of enjoyment.

Leaving aside the delicacies in the manor, the tea leaves alone can make people linger.

If it weren't for his status and position, this tea must be extremely expensive, and he would like to ask Boss Qin for some.

"Boss Qin, how did you read the information on the jade concubine ointment last night?" Chu Qingfeng asked curiously.

It's actually a bit impolite to ask like this, after all, the information was only given out last night.

It's just that he was facing Boss Qin. He still remembered that when they cracked the secret formula before, so many of them worked together to crack one, but Boss Qin cracked three by himself.

The key point is that each of the three secret recipes that Boss Qin cracked is stronger than the one they cracked together.

With this understanding, he felt that Boss Qin should have made progress tonight.

In fact, Qin Lin didn't study the materials and secret recipe at all.

He needs to see, needs to study?

Naturally, it is not necessary, as long as you pass Dr. Dot's BUG and click OK.

Just hearing Chu Qingfeng ask this question, he also pretended to say: "Mr. Chu, I have been researching last night, but I don't have a clue for now, it may take some time."

Chu Qingfeng nodded when he heard this, and felt a lot better inexplicably.

If Boss Qin really cracked the secret recipe in one night, it would be a real blow to people.

From this point of view, even if this Boss Qin is an evildoer, he has a limit.

While chatting, Gao Yaoyao came and Hui reported: "Boss, Chen County is here, and he brought some people to say that he wants to see you."

"Let Chen County come in!" Qin Lin said immediately.

At this time, you don't need to guess and you know it must be for the white sturgeon.

Chen Li soon arrived at the office, followed by Qi Kaiyou and those experts on white sturgeon.

"Chen County, you are going to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing!" Qin Lin got up and greeted Chen Li.

Chen Li immediately explained: "Boss Qin, you should know about the white sturgeon. This is Mr. Qi. He brought the experts on the white sturgeon who came down from above. The white sturgeon that appeared on the pontoon project of Qinglin Villa At most, so I want to borrow some lifesaving kayaks from your villa."

"Boss Qin, please." Qi Kaiyou also said modestly.

He didn't know much about Boss Qin, but he knew that he was highly valued by his superiors.

"Mr. Qi, you are being polite. This is a trivial matter." Qin Lin agreed with a smile.

Life-saving kayaks are also something that must be prepared for many deep-water water projects.

The viewing area of ​​the pontoon bridge in the villa is naturally prepared, and because there are a lot of tourists in Qinglin Villa, there are still a lot of kayaks prepared.

"Minister Lu?" Qi Kaiyou came in but saw Minister Lu at a glance, and stepped forward to say hello respectfully.

Minister Lu also responded with a smile: "Xiao Qi, you will definitely come if you know about the white sturgeon. I didn't expect you to come in person."

Qi Kaiyou immediately explained: "Minister Lu, you know, before we announced the extinction of the white sturgeon after going through various inspections, and now there is a white sturgeon appearing suddenly, this is too amazing, so I have to come and take a look. "

After chatting for a while, Qi Kaiyou and Chen Li left.

After all, business is important.

Moreover, the news of the rediscovery of the white sturgeon also made him impatient.

Chen Li took Qi Kaiyou and other experts to the inner area of ​​the pontoon viewing area in Qinglin Villa.

You can see a lot of kayaks tethered in this area.

After Chen Dabei received the order, he brought people here a long time ago.

He would go into the water with Chen Li and the others, all of them were well-watered security guards, and all of them were wearing life jackets.

"Chen County, these kayaks are ready, let the experts put on life jackets first!" Chen Dabei led others to greet Chen Li when he saw him.

There are already people preparing life jackets nearby.

Chen Li and Qi Kaiyou put on the life jackets very cooperatively, and then got into the kayaks one by one under the arrangement of Chen Dabei. Each kayak was steered by a security guard.

Chen Li naturally sat down with Qi Kaiyou.

He wanted to know the latest situation about the white sturgeon. This was an order from Sun County.

After entering the reservoir, Chen Li said to Chen Dabei: "Captain Chen, take Mr. Qi and the others to the place where the white sturgeon appeared."

"Okay, Chen County!" Chen Dabei nodded, ordering people to act.

It is not easy to find the white sturgeon, just row directly to the area on the other side of the pontoon viewing area.

Some white sturgeons were attracted over there, and they seemed to be staring at the food fed by the tourists, and had no intention of leaving.

Soon, Chen Dabei pulled Chen Li and Qi Kaiyou to the other side of the floating bridge viewing area.

As soon as they got here, Qi Kaiyou couldn't help but stood up and looked towards the floating bridge.

There are 7 or 8 very large white sturgeon swimming there, each of which is 2 or 3 meters long.

Others may not understand, but those who study the white sturgeon are very clear that such a large white sturgeon must be 70-100 years old.

They would understand if it was one or two such white sturgeons. After all, there had been such a large white sturgeon in the Yangtze River Basin.

But now, every one of them here is so big, including the white sturgeon in those videos on the Internet.

These are a group of long-lived white sturgeon.

Absolutely astonishing.

Qi Kaiyou led others to observe, and someone even took out a special camera and started recording.

An expert was a little surprised looking at those white sturgeons: "Minister Qi, these white sturgeons are really strange, they don't seem to be afraid of people at all."

Another expert also said: "Yes, logically speaking, this does not conform to the habits of the white sturgeon."

Another expert said: "Indeed, there are really so many people, and the white sturgeon has been scared away long ago. Will this white sturgeon be different from the white sturgeon we are familiar with before?"

"Although their appearance is the same, I feel that the skin and fish scales of these white sturgeons are more beautiful, more beautiful, and more ornamental."

Qi Kaiyou felt that what these people said was very reasonable, so he said: "Let's go and have a look."

Chen Dabei also immediately ordered the kayak to be driven over.

Everyone on the pontoon bridge scenic spot saw this scene, and they probably knew that this was supposed to be the person who came to handle the fish. They all looked at it curiously, and some people took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

The kayak soon arrived around the white sturgeon.

Qi Kaiyou and the others were surprised to find that the white sturgeon did not escape.

It stands to reason that such a large kayak must have already fled away from the previously known white sturgeon.

Now that their kayaks were coming, the white sturgeons not only did not escape, but swam towards them, circling their kayaks.

Qi Kaiyou even saw a white sturgeon sticking its head out of the water, looking straight at him.

He had a strange feeling that the fish wanted to be close to him and wasn't afraid of him at all.

At this moment, the white sturgeon shook its head from side to side and rolled its eyes at him, which gave him a very cute feeling.

That's right, it's cute.

Is this fish acting cute?

It is said that giant pandas are very cute, and he suddenly felt that giant pandas are far worse than this fish.

Qi Kaiyou stretched out his hand inexplicably, wanting to go to the white sturgeon.

This made him feel a little ridiculous.

It’s okay if the white sturgeon is not afraid of people, or you can touch it whenever you want?

It stretched out its hand and swam away in fear.

Then, his hand was accurately placed on the head of the white sturgeon.

"???" Qi Kaiyou couldn't believe it at that moment.

Really touch it.

Crucially, he also felt the white sturgeon rubbing its head against his palm, as if it was trying to flatter it.

This moment made his heart melt.

It was a wonderful feeling.

It seems that fish and humans are extremely close, and it is the blending of humans and ecology.

Other experts also found that these white sturgeons are very cute, so cute that it is easy to fall in love with them.

Like Qi Kaiyou, they reached out to touch the white sturgeon.

Those white sturgeons did not resist, but took the initiative to be intimate with them.

They were even more surprised.

Have these white slugs matured?

Moreover, it is also possible that the longevity fish, which is more than 100 years old, seems to have become refined.

An expert immediately said: "Minister Qi, these white sturgeons are really different from the previous ones. Not only are they more beautiful, but they are also really close to humans."

Another expert also said: "This white sturgeon is still rubbing my hand, as if it is intimate with me, and it seems to be flirting with me. It is incredible."

Other experts also commented:

"This is definitely different from the previous white sturgeon."

"These white sturgeon are more like what a national treasure should look like."

"I remember the video on the Internet, the white sturgeon will save people like a dolphin."

These words attracted the attention of people like Qi Kaiyou.

Indeed, it is really an anecdote that the white sturgeon will save people.

Or before that, it was simply impossible in their cognition.

This is completely inconsistent with the habits of the white sturgeon.

But when it comes to habits, Qi Kaiyou and the others are all taken aback.

It seems that these white sturgeons do not have the habits they used to know.

Qi Kaiyou is an activist, he untied his life jacket silently, and suddenly fell into the water with a thump.

He is naturally a flop.

Moreover, as the person in charge of rare and protected fishery animals, his water skills are very good.

After entering the water, he slapped his hands on the surface of the water in a panic, pretending to be drowning.

Dolphins have the habit of rescuing people. When humans fall into the water, splashing the water like this will attract the attention of dolphins.

Qi Kaiyou felt that this method was a bit ridiculous. Even if the white sturgeon could really save people, the method that worked for dolphins might not necessarily work for this white sturgeon.

But what surprised him happened, he felt a force under his body pushing against him again, and then he rose up on the water.

It was the white sturgeon, which entered the water and carried him up, and really came to save him.

At this moment, Qi Kaiyou was completely subverted. This is definitely not the white sturgeon he knew before, at least some mutations have occurred.

But why these white sturgeons have not been discovered before, and now they appear here in Youcheng?

Qi Kaiyou suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the recent climate change in Youcheng, warm in winter and cool in summer, and the white sturgeon like this climate, so in winter, the white sturgeon in the Yangtze River Basin will carry out some small-scale migration, It does not return upstream until it is time to spawn.

This is actually the reason why many people think that the white sturgeon is extinct, because that power station blocked the migration of the white sturgeon.

But this matter cannot be said, after all, under the special historical background, the power station needs to be built no matter what, and it is in a rising period.

Moreover, the white slugs in the Yangtze River Basin became extinct because of this, so what about those in other river basins? There are no power stations in those places.

But that's not important either.

The important thing is the climate change in Youcheng, which attracted these white sturgeons to migrate here, and only then did they discover these white sturgeons that had been declared extinct.

The point is, given the current climate in Youcheng, these white sturgeon may not leave, and will stay here forever.

Just when Qi Kaiyou was thinking about it, the white sturgeon started swimming on the water with him on its back, which surprised him even more, and he loved the white sturgeon even more.

This is the real national treasure.

These white slugs must be protected, and they must not be allowed to become extinct.

Therefore, a white sturgeon nature reserve must be established here in Youcheng, and, for the highest standard, Youcheng can discuss the establishment of a water patrol team for the reserve.

When the other experts saw this, two of them also jumped into the water, but at the same time, each of them had a white sturgeon swam over and picked them up.

"Minister Qi, these white sturgeon will really save people like dolphins."

"Some people said on the Internet that this white sturgeon has the habits of dolphins, and may have the potential genes of dolphins."

"Do you want to study it?"

Qi Kaiyou and those experts looked at each other.

Although this is a joke made by netizens on the Internet, the probability that fish will form hybrid fish in nature is extremely small.

What if these white sturgeons are mutated for this reason?

"One lays eggs and the other breastfeeds, you can try it!" Qi Kaiyou didn't listen to these people's jokes.

"..." Expert 1.

"..." Expert 2.


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