I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 540 It is possible to recover from severed limbs!

Chapter 540 It is possible to recover from severed limbs!

It was getting dark.

Because of Minister Lu's sudden arrival, Qin Lin made a special treat for the emperor's supreme medicinal meal. Naturally, Academician Yuan's share was not lost.

But when it was time for dinner, Academician Yuan did not show up.

For this reason, Minister Lu made a special phone call, but the answer he got was that he was not available right now.

Minister Lu was stunned.

Boss Qin has personally made the emperor's supreme medicinal meal, is there anyone else who is not free?

But he could also hear that Academician Yuan's voice was full of eagerness, as if he had encountered an unbelievable look.

He guessed that it might have something to do with the jade concubine ointment, which also made him wonder what happened to the jade concubine ointment.

So, after eating the emperor's supreme medicinal meal, he made another phone call to Yuan Shan.

This time, no one answered the phone.

"Still testing?" Minister Lu was puzzled, but did not continue to fight.

If Yuan Shanzhen had detected the critical moment, his constant phone calls would also be a form of interference.


At noon the next day, Minister Lu called Yuan Shan again, but this time he was directly informed that the phone had been shut down.

This made him unable to hold back any longer, and went to Youcheng County Hospital.

When he saw Yuan Shan, Fang Zheng muttered to himself in front of a machine like a nervous system: "Chinese medicine is too good. The compound ingredients of several medicinal materials can't be deciphered by Western medicine."

While talking, Yuan Shan immersed himself in the operation again.

Minister Lu stepped forward and saw that Yuan Shan already had a pair of dark circles under his eyes, and his face was also full of exhaustion.

Apparently stayed up all night until now.

Minister Lu frowned and asked, "Academician Yuan, have you been up all night?"

Seeing Minister Lu coming, Yuan Shan said excitedly: "Minister Lu, I'm planning to report to you later. The jade concubine ointment that Boss Qin cracked is really amazing."

"This Yufei ointment can not only remove new scars, but also restore wounds, and it is also effective for old scars. More importantly, this thing has an ingredient that can restore damaged tissues. The effect is very strong, far more than beautiful The potion from the country."

"Restore the damaged tissue?" Minister Lu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and asked, "Is it the cost value of 3.5 million U.S. dollars, and you plan to exchange it with us for the medicine with the formula of Changchang Guiyuan Powder?"

Restoring damaged tissue is not the same as removing scars.

Many people have been injured, not only leaving scars, but also damaging tissue and nerves, and even causing inconvenience in movement, or necrosis of blood and flesh in the area.

It can be said that in many cases, the effect of restoring damaged tissue is much greater than that of removing scars.

In theory, as long as the effect of this ingredient is sufficient, even if the finger is cut off, when it is reattached, the use of this jade concubine ointment may restore the finger to its original state without any impact.

Does Yufei Ointment actually have such an effect?

Even, Yufei ointment has the effect of removing scars, even the traces of severed fingers will not be left.

If so, it would be terrifying.

Naturally, this is only a theoretical effect, to what extent Yufei ointment can achieve, clinical trials are needed.

"Yes, that's the one!" Yuan Shan said with a smile: "Pretty Country researched that potion and used it as a treasure. They must never have imagined that we would have this jade concubine ointment by accident."

Minister Lu couldn't help but nodded with a smile.

You must know that the cost of a tube of medicine with the ingredients developed by the beautiful country is 3.5 million US dollars.

This also shows how valuable the effect of this ingredient is.

Before, Pretty Country proposed to use this potion in exchange for Intestinal Guiyuan Powder, but the higher-ups have been debating whether to change it, and discussed with the other party several times.

In fact, if this formula is changed, the cost price is 3.5 million US dollars, and not many people in China can afford it, and the biggest effect can only be used for further research.

I didn't expect this Yufei ointment to have such an effect, and there was no need to change it with others.

Thinking that the other party's cost price would be 3.5 million US dollars, Minister Lu subconsciously picked up his mobile phone and called Qin Lin.

He also didn't know how much the jade concubine ointment cost.

When the phone was connected, Minister Lu hurriedly asked, "Boss Qin, how much does it cost to prepare a serving of Yufei ointment for the secret recipe you cracked?"

Qin Lin's voice came from the mobile phone: "The medicinal materials that were configured yesterday cost about a few hundred yuan!"

"Only a few hundred yuan?" Minister Lu suddenly showed surprise.

He remembered that the jade concubine ointment that Boss Qin took out yesterday was quite a lot. If the cost was only a few hundred yuan, it could only be said to be very cheap.

There is a 10,000-fold difference between a few hundred yuan and 3.5 million dollars.

Minister Lu thought about it, and asked Yuan Shan, "Academician Yuan, is there no harm or side effects to this jade concubine ointment?"

Yuan Shan shook his head and said, "There is no harm and no side effects."

"That's good." Hearing the answer, Minister Lu couldn't wait to leave the hospital and go back to Qinglin Manor.

He naturally wanted to get the recipe with Boss Qin.

Boss Qin is still Boss Qin.

There is nothing wrong with handing over the secret recipe of traditional Chinese medicine to Boss Qin, and there is no fear that there will be no gains.

When Minister Lu arrived at Qinglin Manor, he couldn't help but said when he saw Qin Lin: "Boss Qin, the effect of this jade concubine cream is incredible. After academician Yuan tested it, he found that this jade concubine cream can not only remove scars, but also It helps wounds heal and removes old scars.”

"What's more important is that this jade concubine ointment actually has the ingredients to repair damaged tissues. Boss Qin, do you know what this ingredient means?"

"The next stage of medical research is this. If the effect of this ingredient is sufficient, even soldiers with combat disabilities can repair injured tissues and recover."

"At this stage, only the beautiful country has made breakthroughs in this area of ​​research, but it is also expensive, and the cost price is 3.5 million U.S. dollars."

"But Chinese medicine in our country was able to produce such ingredients more than 1,000 years ago, and now the cost is only a few hundred yuan. What kind of treasure have we lost?"

"Is this jade concubine ointment really so unbelievable?" Qin Lin once again pretended to be ignorant and surprised.

But he knew very well in his heart that this was probably a big deal, and most likely it was due to Dr. Dott's contribution.

It's just that he can't say it.

Minister Lu nodded and said, "Boss Qin, it's true. Thank you so much this time."

Qin Lin also knew Minister Lu's purpose, and immediately handed over the prepared formula to the other party: "Minister Lu, this is the formula of Yufei Paste, as long as you follow the above steps and proportions, you can make Yufei Paste. "

Minister Lu almost took the formula with trembling hands. He knew very well that there was an additional ingredient that could restore damaged tissues, and that kind of cost could completely make this jade concubine ointment a strategic material.

Yufei Paste, this is really a wrong name.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Concubine Yang's beauty to deceive the country.

Obtaining this kind of medicine, if Yang Guifei announced it at the beginning, it would have a great effect on the country. Maybe many things may be different now because of this jade concubine ointment.

Minister Lu thanked Qin Lin again and again.

Holding this formula, at this time he didn't know what to say other than to say thank you, and with his position, he couldn't make promises casually.

After that, he was also relieved.

In the face of Boss Qin and others, no reward can express his contribution.

The best way is to protect him.

After Minister Lu got the formula, he couldn't wait to book a plane ticket.

He must go back to the capital as soon as possible, get out the jade concubine ointment on a large scale, and report the good news to the leader at the same time.

In this case, the leader does not have to worry about whether to discuss the exchange of formulas with the beautiful country.

The purpose of Meiguo wanting intestinal Guiyuan powder is actually very simple, isn't it just to use this secret recipe to research other cancer drugs.

Moreover, the rich in the beautiful country are also one of the most serious intestinal problems in the world.

As for the reason, no one knows.

Another important reason is that the drug is worth 3.5 million US dollars, which means nothing to them at this stage.

It is tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

In this case, there is no need to worry about it if there is Yufei ointment.

After Minister Lu left, Zhao Moqing also came to Qin Lin's office and said, "Husband, I heard that an observation station is being built on the reservoir. Let's go and have a look. By the way, we can see those white slugs and white dolphins with our own eyes."

The Observatory is a working building for scientific research and testing.

Many times it is used for scientific research. The establishment of observation stations in reservoirs is naturally due to the establishment of nature reserves. Such observation stations are needed to test and observe the fish and river water quality for the staff.

If there is a change, the observatory needs to find out and report it as soon as possible.

Several such observatories will be built in this section of the Youcheng River Basin.

Qin Lin and Zhao Moqing had no way to go to the pontoon viewing area of ​​Qinglin Villa.

There are too many tourists there now, and he's a celebrity anyway.

Therefore, you can only drive in along the section of the reservoir.

He knew that there were white sturgeon and white-flag dolphins wandering in several places, and observation stations would be built in those places.

The car stopped quickly.

Both Qin Lin and Zhao Moqing saw an observation station that was about to be built, and even when the workers were constructing, there were white sturgeon and white-flag dolphins wandering around.

They are not afraid of human beings working at all, so they probe their heads from time to time, or jump out of the water. They should look forward to when these working people fall into the water.

Qin Lin noticed that a group of people were dragging things from the water to the ground not far away, and a truck was parked on the side of the road to load things.

A wild man with a rough face and long hair commanding beside made Qin Lin take a second look.

Because it looks familiar, it's not that Liu Hua (Chapter 54).

At first, the other party believed that the river in the real reservoir really had albino yellow tigers, so they kept soaking in the reservoir.

During the period, he came in and saw the other party several times, and even found that the other party had raised fish in the river, and the scale was not small.

Such persistent people are really rare.

By the way, the other party's ex-girlfriend Shanshan and Qin Long even have a child now.

Liu Hua looked at the river with a complicated look in his eyes, even a little lonely.

two years.

Does anyone know how he spent the past two years?

After two years of hard work, he still failed to catch the albino yellow tiger.

He even thought for a while that he was being tricked, there is no albino yellow tiger here.

After all, how could a 650,000 fish appear in this kind of river.

But now he believed it.

There must be albino yellow tigers in this river.

After all, there are even white sturgeon, white-flag dolphins, and even so many national treasure fish, so is it strange that there are albino yellow tigers?

It can only be said that his luck has been extremely bad in the past two years, and he has never seen the albino yellow tiger.

Now that this nature reserve has been established, he is not allowed to raise fish at all, and it is impossible to fish, otherwise it will be cold if he is not careful.

It's really hard to part with leaving now.

Two years.

How many two years can be wasted in life?


time flies.

the capital.

Minister Lu returned to the Hua*yuan with an eager mood.

As soon as he returned to the courtyard, his assistant came to the door and reported: "Minister Lu, you are back, and the leader above has sent a medicine. I want you to arrange a detailed test. It is the HKR medicine from the beautiful country."

"Got it." Minister Lu frowned slightly when he heard this.

The HKR medicine is exactly the kind of medicine developed by the beautiful country.

The leader asked them to conduct a detailed inspection, and it seemed that they were a little moved.

This thing is of no help to the people now, and the cost of 3.5 million US dollars is too high, but it does play a key role in the next stage of medical research.

Thinking of this, Minister Lu found the HKR potion sent from above, and took it to find the leader.

"Little Lu, are you here?" The leader smiled when he saw Minister Lu.

Minister Lu put the HKR medicine on the table and said, "Leader, I'm here to talk to you about the HKR medicine."

The leader smiled and said: "This matter has been discussed in a meeting. Although this thing is a bit tasteless to us now, we always have the technology in this area. This is the research direction in the future."

Minister Lu naturally knew this, but the leader misunderstood what he meant, and immediately said: "Leader, what I want to say is that we don't need their HKR medicine at all, because we have better ones, do you still remember what you mentioned earlier?" Have you ever been to Yufei Ointment? It is the one used by Concubine Yang Guifei more than 1,000 years ago."

"The formula of this stuff has been cracked by Boss Qin. This ointment has an ingredient that can restore damaged tissues, and the effect is much stronger than the HKR medicine in the beautiful country."

The leader stood up with joy when he heard this: "Really?"

Minister Lu nodded: "Academician Yuan has already tested it. If the leader is worried, we can make a new one and compare it with that medicine."

"Well, hurry up and make arrangements." The leader hurriedly urged.

Minister Lu didn't hesitate either, and immediately went back to Hua* Hospital to make arrangements, buy medicinal materials, and prepare Yufei ointment.

The test data of this Yufei ointment was similar to that of Yuan Shan's test. Afterwards, he had someone test the HKR potion, and then compared the two.

The result is that the composition of Yufei ointment for restoring damaged tissue is much stronger than that of the beautiful country's medicine.

Minister Lu reported the data to the leaders immediately.

When the leader received the data report, his face was incredible.

This beautiful country has spent countless funds to develop medicines, which are even regarded as the most advanced medical technology, but the cost value is very high.

Who would have thought that this kind of technology existed in our country more than 1,000 years ago, and the effect is even better?

After getting this result, the leader decisively picked up the phone and dialed a number, and directly ordered: "Cancel all the discussions with the beautiful country HKR, and clearly reply to the other party, saying that we are not sexually interested."

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