I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 547 Speculation on sci-fi products! Planning to make stronger ones!

Chapter 547 Speculation on sci-fi products! Planning to make stronger ones!

Minister Lu nodded when he heard Academician Dong's words.

Although they can't decipher it themselves, at least others can't decipher it either.

Moreover, this jade concubine ointment can lead the world for at least 20 years, so it can do many things, not just for medical treatment.

Minister Lu was thinking, when a phone call came in suddenly, it was from Yuan Shan.

This made him look happy, and he connected immediately and asked, "Academician Yuan, is it the result of the trial of tea to treat cancer?"

This matter is only on his mind.

The two tea trees cultivated by Boss Qin are the focus of their Hua* Institute.

The tea that can cure any cancer will cause even more sensation than Yufei ointment.

If it wasn't for those two tea trees, who would have thought that there would be such a magical tea tree?

Now let's see if the tea strains transplanted and cultivated by Qinglin's laboratory can have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects.

If the transplantation of Qinglin's laboratory is successful, then they have this product. In a certain sense, it is no less than having nuclear bomb-level strategic materials.

Yuan Shan's words came back immediately: "Minister Lu, it's not about the tea, it's about the jade concubine ointment."

Minister Lu was taken aback by these words, and then he discussed the jade concubine ointment with Academician Dong.

So, he immediately asked: "Academician Yuan, what's wrong with Yufei Gao?"

Yuan Shan explained: "Minister Lu, Boss Qin has used a lot of medicinal materials from previous years to prepare a more effective Yufei ointment. It can be said that the effect of this newly prepared Yufei ointment can crush the previous Yufei ointment. .”

"So, now Boss Qin and I want to try out the effect of the new Yufei ointment. You don't need to try it for removing scars. The previous one already has such a miraculous effect."

"Now we want to test the effect of the recovery of the lost tissue, preferably the one that has just completely severed the limb. None of the three hospitals in Youcheng have such a patient. I hope Minister Lu can help arrange it."

Minister Lu was surprised when he heard the news: "I will arrange it as quickly as possible."

After hanging up the phone, he said to Academician Dong: "It seems that the effect of our Yufei ointment is more than that. Boss Qin used the medicinal materials of the previous year to prepare a better Yufei ointment. Now it needs to be treated. experiment."

Academician Dong's eyes lit up, and he said, "Minister Lu, this is possible. The medicinal materials have higher medicinal properties, so the ointment prepared will also be more effective."

"Theoretically speaking, as long as the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials are not limited, the effect of Yufei Ointment is also unlimited. Even if the body is amputated, as long as the medicinal effect is sufficient, it can be restored to its original state."

"Naturally, this is just a theory, because it is impossible to have medicinal materials of such an age. If we want to achieve this effect, we must decipher the ingredients of this jade concubine ointment and make a new research breakthrough."

"That's the only way to achieve that kind of sci-fi-like effect. Moreover, it may take 20 years. By that time, we old guys won't be able to do it anymore. We can only hope that there will be some young talents who can do this kind of thing." gone."

Minister Lu nodded, and said: "Now go and send the patients to Boss Qin and Academician Yuan. Academician Yuan said that the effect of the new Yufei Ointment prepared by Boss Qin can crush the previous Yufei Ointment. I'm curious that the effect is so strong. To what extent."

"Let's go together." Academician Dong was equally curious.

Severed hands and feet are also a common disability in modern society. Modern industry is advancing relatively fast, and many mechanical operations require manual operation.

When manual operation and mechanical operation are not coordinated, it is easy to cause broken hands and feet.

Some accidents are also easy to cause severed hands and feet. With the current medical situation, some severed hands and feet can be recovered.

Just like the soldier who was going to have his limb amputated before, after the treatment of Yufei ointment, he only saved his hand and did not need to amputate his limb.

But if it has been completely disconnected, even if it is reconnected, it can only meet the basic living requirements, and it is impossible to restore it to the original state.

The bones, blood vessels, and various tissues in the arm are too complicated.

Now Academician Yuan actually wants to find a patient who has completely lost his limbs to experiment with Boss Qin's newly prepared Yufei ointment, which shows his confidence in this Yufei ointment.

Qinglin Manor.

Yuan Shan quickly received a call from Minister Lu, and immediately went to find Qin Lin: "Boss Qin, Minister Lu has contacted, and will transfer two completely severed hands and one completely severed foot from Ming City and Fujian Province." The patients are coming, we are now going to prepare the ointment for the treatment."

Qin Lin went to take out the jade concubine ointment prepared earlier and gave it to Yuan Shan: "Academician Yuan, these ointments should be enough."

"According to the data I tested before, it's enough." Yuan Shan nodded, took the jade concubine ointment to Youcheng Hospital, and then contacted Youcheng Hospital.

The director of the hospital went to the city for a meeting, so the person who came to meet him was a deputy director named Chen Feng.

Chen Feng said: "Academician Yuan, I don't know what needs you have? The dean said that we will do our best to meet your needs."

Yuan Shan was doing clinical experiments in the isolated area of ​​the hospital, and the senior management of the hospital knew about it, so naturally they didn't feel slighted.

Yuan Shan directly explained the matter to the other party, and then ordered: "Your hospital is ready to receive patients, and prepare the operating room and ward."

"Okay, Academician Yuan." Chen Feng went to do it right away, but he was very curious about what treatment experiment this Academician Yuan was going to do again.

It seems that it is very important, otherwise the other party will not arrange it personally.

Chen Feng arranged the operating room and wards as quickly as possible, and he also received 3 patients one after another very quickly, each of them had severed limbs or completely severed limbs.

Parts detached from the body are protected by a medical kit.

Seeing these three patients, Chen Feng subconsciously thought of Yufei Ointment.

After all, Yufei ointment has the special effect of restoring lost tissue, and the recovery of severed limbs has something to do with it.

Is it possible that Yufei ointment can also treat such completely severed limbs?

With such doubts, Chen Feng actually had a glimmer of expectation in his heart, hurriedly arranged for the three patients to enter the operating room, and informed Academician Yuan at the same time.

If such a complete amputation of limbs can also be fully recovered, then the effect of Yufei ointment will be more terrifying than the live broadcast experiment.

The faces of the three patients were full of anticipation and eagerness.

They are all ordinary migrant workers. When they were in a large hospital, the doctor said that even if their severed limbs were reconnected, they would not be able to fully recover. It would be good if they could be retained. The key is a lot of money.

The point is that they don't have that much money at all.

When they were desperate, they told them that there was an experiment of Yufei ointment and asked them to go, and they could be treated for free.

They have heard of Yufei Gao, and the news has been on the hot searches for so long.

Now that they have the opportunity to receive the treatment from Yufei Ointment for free, they are naturally eager to agree.

This is also their last chance.

After being notified, Yuan Shan also brought the quality 3 Yufei ointment prepared by Qin Lin into an operating room.

The patient was Chen Mo, whose leg was cut in half by a factory machine. Although the bleeding had stopped, the swelling was terrible.

Now the other party has been given an anesthetic, otherwise he must be crying at this time.

Chen Mo really wanted to ask something, especially the question of whether his leg could be reconnected, but the doctor had given him a general anesthesia under Yuan Shan's order and passed out.

Yuan Shan is also very anxious now, and wants to know the effect of this newly prepared Yufei ointment immediately. According to his test data, the effect of this Yufei ointment will be beyond people's expectations.

A doctor next to him had already put on the surgical gown, and began to undo the bandage on Chen Mo's leg, exposing the wound, and at the same time took out the broken foot.

Link restoration of severed limbs is a very precise medical operation. Dr. You Cheng can't do it, and his skills are limited.

In order to experiment with Yufei ointment with the best effect, the doctor was also transferred from Mingshi.

After two hours of operation time, Chen Mo's leg was reattached, and at the same time, Yufei ointment was applied and a thick bandage was wrapped.

The doctor did not know how many such surgeries he had performed. In fact, before performing the surgeries, he knew to what extent the patient would probably recover after the surgeries.

But today is a bit different, because of the Yufei ointment, the doctor is not sure how far the patient will recover in the end.

Yufei Ointment is very unfamiliar even to doctors like them, and it can only be known through the live broadcast experiment, and I haven't even seen the official documents.

At the same time, in the other two operating rooms, the two patients with severed hands had already undergone surgery, and they were sent to a separate ward together with Chen Mo.

Yuan Shan naturally kept an eye on the conditions of the three patients, Chen Mo, and asked Chen Feng, the vice president, to stand by and watch.

After the doctor who performed the operation checked that there was no problem after the operation, he was arranged to rest.

Yuan Shan also received a call from Minister Lu at this time, answered the call and hurried out of Youcheng Hospital.

Minister Lu has already arrived, bringing that academician Dong along with him.

"Minister Lu, Academician Dong." After receiving the two, Yuan Shan went to the area where the jade concubine ointment was tested.

Minister Lu asked curiously along the way: "Academician Yuan, what happened to the jade concubine ointment and the patients?"

Yuan Shan immediately explained: "Minister Lu, the operation has been completed now, and Yufei ointment has been used, and we are waiting for the results."

Minister Lu nodded, and said again: "Let's go and see your test data report on this newly cultivated Yufei ointment."

Yuan Shan immediately led the way and said, "I haven't sorted out the test data report, otherwise I would have sent it back."

The three of them soon arrived at a testing room, where there were testing equipment brought by Yuan Shan, which could do all kinds of medical tests.

Yuan Shan turned on a computer, pulled out the test data file about Yufei ointment, and handed it to Minister Lu and Academician Dong.

Minister Lu is not a professional on these things, so he can only look at a general idea.

Academician Dong is a professional, and he was shocked when he saw the data in the test report.

According to this kind of data, Boss Qin's Yufei ointment made from last year's medicinal materials is more effective than the sky.

At this time, Chen Feng, the vice president, hurried over to report: "Academician Yuan, there seems to be something wrong with those three patients."

"How come?" Yuan Shan frowned, and went to that ward together with Minister Lu and Academician Dong.

We saw Chen Mo's three patients holding on to the arms and legs they had just connected.

"What's going on?" Yuan Shan immediately asked the three of them.

Chen Mo immediately said: "Doctor, my leg is itchy, it's the part where the operation was performed."

"What?" Yuan Shan realized something.

Minister Lu and Academician Dong were also taken aback, probably thinking of something.

This is when the surgical wound begins to heal.

Yuan Shan immediately went to Chen Mo's hospital bed, pressed his hand on his wound, and then asked several questions in succession.

In the end, he was sure: "It's Yufei's ointment that has worked."

"So fast, isn't it not long after the operation?" Minister Lu was surprised by this.

"The effect is too terrifying." Although Academician Dong knew that the effect of Yufei ointment was terrifying after seeing the inspection data, he didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

Where is this Yufei paste before crushing?

This effect is already like a product in a science fiction movie.

The sudden situation made the three of them pay more attention to Chen Mo.

In less than 2 hours, Yuan Shan found another patient with a severed hand who could move his fingers and even make a fist.



We must know that it will take 6-8 weeks to recover such a severed hand, just to recover the wound and flesh, and to restore this kind of nerve function.

this is only preliminary

What do they see now?

The patient has recovered to this level in a short period of time.

the next day.

When Minister Lu, Yuan Shan, and Academician Dong came to the ward again, they were shocked by the scene in front of them again.

A patient with a severed hand was trying to turn a pen with a pen, and it was still very flexible.

To complete this instruction, the nerves and functions of the arm represent that the opponent has recovered a lot.

"Doctor, my leg seems to have recovered a lot!" Chen Mo even took the initiative to report, even lifted his broken foot, and even moved his toes up and down to show Yuan Shan and Minister Lu.

Minister Lu and Academician Dong looked at each other when they saw this scene.

The power of Yufei ointment is more terrifying than they thought. Perhaps the theory that as long as the effect of Yufei ointment is sufficient, the severed injury can be recovered immediately seems feasible.

As long as the factor ingredients of Yufei ointment can be deciphered.

Time ran away again, and when 3 days passed, Minister Lu and Academician Dong were completely numb with shock, and the patient with the severed hand was able to hold a cup with the severed hand.

That Chen Mo was even able to get off the ground, trying to apply force with his broken leg.

Minister Lu hurriedly asked Yuan Shan, "Academician Yuan, can you be sure that this is the ointment that Boss Qin made with medicinal materials from last year?"

Yuan Shan said with certainty and affirmation: "That's right, I have seen the medicinal materials myself, and the age is very high. Moreover, I helped Boss Qin prepare them by the side, and I will test them as soon as they are prepared."

Seeing Yuan Shan's definite answer, Minister Lu didn't want to waste time at all, he took Academician Dong and left directly, even putting aside his original plan to visit Qin Lin.

At the same time, he also made a phone call and ordered someone to buy the medicinal materials of the previous year immediately. As long as it is the medicinal materials needed for Yufei Ointment, the longer the year, the better.

Boss Qin's newly prepared Yufei ointment is so effective.

He wanted to see if he could concoct a stronger one!

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