I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 157: I’ll give you a fortune, do you dare to ask for it?

Jiuyou King Shen Zhui is released to the outside world, has six-star authority, and has the right to form an army. As soon as this news was released, it immediately exploded in the Virtual God Realm.

"What? You mean Jiuyou King Shen Zhui? He actually has six-star authority? Oh my god..."

"With six-star authority, you have to be at the fifth level of Hedao at the end, and the highest is the ninth level of Hedao. Having a six-star authority is equivalent to entering the class of top god kings!"

"Nine Nether King Shen Zhui, I haven't heard any news about him for so long, and now he has such an honor right after he came out?"

"It is said that he has been in seclusion for a hundred years, so he must have gained something."

"Hmph, no matter how much you gain, it's just that you have just broken through the God King, and now you have six-star authority? I really don't know what the big shots above think!"

"The Nine Nether Legion, tsk tsk, is really enviable."


As soon as the news came out, there were mixed reviews.

Some people think that Shen Zhui is simply not good enough to take on such a big responsibility, while others think that Shen Zhui has this potential, but it still needs to be tempered, and he should not be granted such a high authority.

"Jiuyou King Shen Zhui, six-star authority, this is too much. And he also has the right to form a legion. This is simply a treatment only for super strong people." In the virtual god world, some god kings are dissatisfied and very jealous .

It should be noted that the benefits of forming a legion are great.

For example, in the competition for the core treasure land of the Shamin Star Territory, only the commander of one army is qualified to occupy a piece of land. Even if the others have this strength, if they don't have this name, even if they win, this land cannot be regarded as yours and they are not qualified to occupy it.

But if you have this name and land on an unclaimed treasure land, you can immediately summon all the strong men in this place to use it as your own and rule it. Of course, you must also have the strength to protect it. Otherwise, being killed by the enemy would make people laugh out loud.

"Commander of the legion, if you capture a star field, it will be legally protected by the Great Zhou. But if not, then you will occupy an outer world at most. If you want to expand, you will not be recognized, and there is a danger of being taken away at any time. If you dare not From now on, it’s a direct sentence of clan crime… This fast brand is so easy to use.”

"Alas, I have been struggling for so long but I don't have the qualifications. The Nine Nether King won this honor as soon as he broke through to the God King. It is simply biased."

"It can't be said to be partial. Maybe he has the strength."

"Hmph, even if he is not weak on his own, what's the use? It's a complete waste. It's better to give it to an established God King who has been in business for many years."

"Look, he can't build the Nine Nether Legion at all, and even if he pulls the team together, it has no fighting power. Who among the masters will serve under him? He hasn't even lived a thousand years, and he wants to grow up and become a deep-rooted super being. , he’s still very early.”

"I heard that many Hedao realms have visited Qinglong Star."

"Oh? Let's go and ask around."


On the Qinglong Star, Shen Zhui was sitting in the main seat of the palace.

Feeling the messages conveyed in the Fugue Order, Shen Zhui couldn't help but shake his head.

Since he spread the news, there are quite a few people in the Fugue Order who want to come and serve. But... there are not many masters.

"Up to now, seven days have passed, and there is not even a god king at the fifth level of the Hedao Realm. There are only two people at the fourth level of the Hedao Realm. They are all approaching their end and will not live for a few thousand years..."

"There are a lot of uncoordinated god-kings, but there are too many people with mixed views, and the basic base has not been improved. Recruiting these people will be a drag."

Shen Zhui couldn't help but feel helpless.

His Jiuyou Legion is neither popular nor popular. There are a lot of people watching the excitement, but only a few people are really serious about doing things.

"Didn't King Ali give you a list?" Zen Xin asked.

"I personally wrote letters to all the people on the list, inviting them to visit the Virtual God Realm, and planned to visit them. But now, they have either declined or heard nothing from them." Shen Zhui said in a deep voice, "I guess it won't be for a while. I’ll be able to get it.”

"Perhaps I didn't see it and didn't have time to reply." Zenxin said with relief.

"Maybe." Shen Zhui shook his head. I don’t even believe this.

Indeed, God King Ali gave him a list, and there was no one below the fifth level of the Hedao Realm, and there were even some who were at the sixth or seventh level of the Hedao Realm. But it is also difficult to recruit these people. If he could be invited, he would have been recruited by someone else, so how could he get his turn?

Just when Shen Zhui was at a loss what to do, several figures with powerful aura suddenly appeared outside the Qinglong Star.

"Huh?" Shen Zhui thought and suddenly appeared in mid-air.

"Senior Xiaoyun, Senior Xingxiu, Mobu, God King Yis, God King Golden Stele, why are you here?" Shen Zhui looked at the five figures appearing in front of him with some surprise.

These five people were clearly the former palace masters and deputy palace masters on the Flame Continent. Among them, except for Mobu, Jinbei, and Xingxiu God King, the other two are at the fifth level of Hedao Realm!

"King Jiuyou is too busy, and he didn't inform us old guys about such a big happy event. We have to be shameless and come uninvited." Xingxiu God King smiled and joked, "I hope it doesn't delay King Jiuyou. precious time."

"These five words are serious. It's Shen Zhui who didn't think carefully. Please come in." Shen Zhui stretched out his hand a little embarrassedly and invited the five people to come in.

Swish swish swish~

Several people appeared and sat down in the main hall of Qinglong Palace, and Shen Zhui immediately asked people to arrange food and drinks.

After a few pleasantries, Xingxu God King went straight to the topic and said: "I heard that the Nine Nether King has been given great power by the God King Palace and wants to form the Nine Nether Army. I wonder how it is progressing now?"

As soon as the Star King opened his mouth, the other four people also stopped eating and stared at Shen Zhui.

"Ashamed, so far, not many experts are willing to come to the Nine Nether Army." Shen Zhui couldn't help but shook his head.

"Brother Shen, I wonder what you plan to do with the Nine Netherworld Army?" God King Mobu from the Tusim tribe asked, "If it's just a show of force, I can immediately recruit a thousand gods from the Tusim tribe. king."

"Of course it's a streamlined and strong army, not a bloated and miscellaneous team." Shen Zhui said in a deep voice.

If he relaxes the conditions now and recruits from the entire Kyushu world and the alliance of hundreds of races, he can directly obtain a share of one million.

But this is not what Shen Zhui wants. Of course, having more people is not entirely a bad thing. There is a war puppet in the God King's Palace, called the God King Hedao Formation. Ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or one million people perform the God King Hedao Formation. The million-level God King Hedao Formation is a condensed war puppet that is similar to the power of the God King Hedao Formation. Breaking the law, millions of god kings, even lower god kings can attack together, gather power through the magic circle, and even the ninth level of Dao realm can be killed!

But... this is too time-consuming. He estimates that only the Nine Supremes have the strength to possess the million-level God-King Hedao Formation, and the resources are not something he can afford.

"I heard that King Jiuyou has just made a breakthrough. I wonder if there is a chance to discuss it." Suddenly, the Golden Monument God King, who had been sitting silently, spoke like this.

"Golden Monument God King, want to spar with me?" Shen Zhui's heart moved and he glanced at the other party.


Seeing Shen Zhui nodding cheerfully, the Golden Monument God King immediately flicked his finger, and a pale golden tombstone appeared on his fingertips, with complex and mysterious secret patterns on it, and several original avenues surging around it.

The golden monument quickly rose to the height of half a man, moving extremely slowly but steadily towards Shen Zhui.

The slow speed also means that people can prepare calmly and see the moves clearly. This proves that the Golden Monument God King does not have any ill intentions, it is just a matter of discussion as he said.

A small stone tablet, when moved, seems to move the entire space. It is ordinary on the surface, but those present are all God Kings at the fourth and fifth levels of Hedao Realm, so they can naturally see the subtlety of this move.

Shen Zhui's expression remained unchanged, and he stretched out a hand with a smile.

The golden tablet slowly floated over and fell into Shen Zhui's hands involuntarily.

The stone tablet sank slightly in his hand, as if a planet was pressing down on it, but Shen Zhui didn't move at all, not even a ripple appeared in the wine glass.

There was something strange in the eyes of the Golden Monument God King, and he flicked his fingers three times.

"Buzz~" Four secret lines appeared one after another on the stone tablet, circulating layer by layer and pressing downward. The stone tablet kept trembling and shaking. But in the end, he still couldn't escape from Shen Zhui's shackles and was held in his hands.

Shen Zhui's current divine body is transforming into an eternal divine body. After practicing the Yuan Devouring Art, his power has increased dramatically. The divine power is overwhelming and unfathomable. The Golden Monument God King is only at the fourth level of Hedao Realm. This stone monument cannot shake his divine body at all. If you are at the sixth level of Hedao realm, it is still possible.

However, with the last tremor, Shen Zhui suddenly lowered his hand and deliberately slammed it on the table.

At the same time, the Golden Monument God King also waved his hand, causing the stone monument to disappear.

"Hahaha, the Golden Monument God King is really powerful. This move is so exquisite that no one can catch it." Shen Zhui cupped his hands and smiled.

The Golden Monument God King shook his head and said: "It is the Nine Nether King who saves face. He who has learned without prior knowledge is the teacher. If the Nine Nether King does not dislike it, I want to join the Nine Nether Legion and follow you around."

God King Xingxu, God King Xiaoyun and others were all slightly stunned.

The five of them had originally agreed to help Shen Zhui and return a favor. As for joining the Nine Nether Legion, he may have this idea, but he is not ready to express his position so soon.

Unexpectedly, the Golden Monument God King was not subtle and so direct. After a little testing, he lost his previous reserve.

"What happened in that move just now? The Golden Monument God King actually expressed his intention to join in so quickly." God King Mobu and Xingxiu God King looked at Shen Zhui and couldn't help but feel curious.

"With his strength alone, without any use of the secrets of the original laws, he caught the nearly full blow of the Golden Monument God King!" God King Yis and God King Xiaoyun, however, had a higher vision and saw some clues. , "Although this is in the Virtual God Realm and no heavy treasures are used, the Jiuyou King does not have any heavy treasures. The strength reflected in the real world is probably not weaker than the sixth level of Hedao Realm."

"He has just made a breakthrough now. It is the best time to join the Nine Nether Legion at this time!"

Xiaoyun and Yisi looked at each other and nodded slightly.


Half an hour later, Shen Zhui sent Xiao Yun, Xingxu and Jin Bei away.

Just now, the five people had made it clear that they wanted to join the Jiuyou Legion and serve Shen Zhui.

"Five strong men came at once. Shen Zhui, your Nine Nether Legion is finally no longer the mere commander." Zen Xin said with a smile.

"It's still far from what I thought." Shen Zhui shook his head, "The five Xiaoyun God Kings are more experienced in the battlefield. It may be good to let these five people train the entire army, but they are not good enough to charge into the battle with me. Some. At least a strong man at the sixth level of Hedao Realm can satisfy my idea."

"Then in which direction do you want the Jiuyou Army to develop?" Zen Xin asked.

"Create an elite team, like a sharp knife, pierce the enemy's heart and carry out beheading operations!" Shen Zhui said firmly.

He has a great barrier and a formless magical power, which makes him most suitable for hidden assassinations, but it would be too dangerous to break through alone.

It is difficult to support a tree alone and the level of danger is too high, so he needs helpers who can match or even surpass him in strength.

"Where can I find such a person?" Shen Zhui murmured to himself, "No, it's not difficult to find. There are so many powerful people in the Hundred Clans Alliance of Great Zhou. How to persuade them is a trouble..."

For people above the fifth level of the Hedao Realm, ordinary treasures are not very attractive to them. Understanding Yin and Yang and being able to overcome life and death is what they are most concerned about.

"Huh? Enlightenment?" Shen Zhui's eyes lit up, "Enlightenment? Yes, I have the most touching treasure!!"

Shen Zhui couldn't help but get excited.

The system's understanding state can be given away. If I exchange this, can I get those strong people to work for me?

"I still have 30 trillion good deeds. If I can give away good deeds and let the recipient kill those with evil values ​​in a short period of time, the good deeds will be returned to me..."

"In the past, I was a soft-spoken person, and I didn't dare to use this kind of heaven-defying function openly, but now, even if I show something special, it is completely reasonable, so there is nothing to worry about!"

Thinking of this, Shen Zhui immediately laughed.

When he was the Invincible True God, he could be hunted by a strong man like Michus for three days and three nights without dying. What could be more special than this?

With the title of Number One Genius, even if he does something shocking, it is considered normal.

"However, how to make people believe it and how to implement it, we still need to find a safe way." Shen Zhui stood there and pondered.

After a while, Shen Zhui thought of words and sent a letter to a person named 'Hare' on the list of God King Ali, who was at the sixth level of the Hedao Realm.


The God King's Palace, among the huge palace complex, is a hall full of stars and shrouded in the night sky.

An old man wearing a simple Taoist robe sat quietly. There were six mysterious lines between his eyebrows, and he was comprehending something.



Messages kept ringing out from his fugue order, and the slight vibrations were extremely harsh in the hall.

Originally, God King Hal didn't want to pay attention, but in the end he couldn't help but open his eyes.

"It's this Nine Nether King again, he's really stalking you!" God King Hal couldn't help snorting, his expression extremely dissatisfied.

As early as a few days ago, he had received a letter from Qinglong Star, and it was Shen Zhui who invited him to meet and talk. But what kind of person is God King Hal? He had been famous for a long time and didn't bother paying attention to Shen Zhui's invitation. So Shen Zhui's letter was cut off directly.

But he cut off Shen Zhui's letter, but Shen Zhui found many other people to send him letters, which was really annoying.

"Master, is it the Nine Nether King again?" A disciple on the left side of the hall asked cautiously.

"Not bad." God King Hal said angrily.

"Master, what on earth does this Nine Nether King want to do? He actually went to such great lengths to find you." The disciple asked.

"What else could it be? It's just that he wants to invite me to come out. He mentioned God King Ali many times in his letter and wanted to take the skin of the nine supremes... Humph, I benefited from the two supremes back then, so it's not easy to scold him. Give me a meal." God King Hal said angrily.

"Master, why don't you agree to meet him, otherwise you won't know how long this Nine Nether King will be entangled with." The disciple suggested. "For the sake of King Ali, Master should always give people a chance to come. If he dares to make any excessive demands, it won't be too late to kick him out."

God King Hal thought about it carefully and felt that what his disciple said made sense. After a moment, he nodded and said: "Forget it, let's meet him."


Three days later, Shen Zhui, wearing a white robe, appeared out of thin air outside the Hall of God King Haer. He cupped his hands in front of him and said, "Nine Nether King Shen Zhui, please see Master Haer."

"King Jiuyou, it turns out that King Jiuyou is here. Please come in. Master is waiting in the hall." A disciple suddenly flew out of the hall. He had dark skin, a square mark between his eyebrows, and his aura was that of a mid-level god king.

"Thank you." Shen Zhui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party's attitude was still kind. He was afraid that God King Hal would refuse to even meet him in anger, so he would be unable to do anything with his persuasion.

This God King Hal is one of the top beings on that list. He once had a record of leapfrogging and killing people, but it has never been known to anyone. Only the Nine Supreme Beings know the truth and know that this person's true strength is not as simple as it seems.

"If he all joins our Jiuyou Legion, it will be much easier for the people behind." Shen Zhui said secretly.

Whoosh~ The two of them quickly flew into the main hall.

God King Hal, who was sitting on the throne, stared at Shen Zhui with lightning eyes.

"King Jiuyou, what are you asking me for? If you are invited to join the Nine Nether Legion, there is no need to say more." God King Hal said with a somewhat impatient expression.

When Shen Zhui saw the other party's attitude, he immediately understood that step by step was a waste of words. He immediately took the lead and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, King Hal, I want to give you a great blessing. Do you dare to ask for it?"

Laughter echoed in the hall, and the disciples of God King Hal couldn't help but stare at Shen Zhui in dumbfounded eyes.

He had never seen someone be so presumptuous in front of his master. Looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com What's more, the words he spoke were such arrogant words, which simply refreshed his understanding of this number one genius.

Isn't this too arrogant?

You just broke through to the God King, how dare you say that you will give Master a blessing? This disciple couldn't help but feel angry in his heart and glared at Shen Zhui.

"King Jiuyou, you have just reached the realm of the God King and have never joined the Tao. How dare you make such arrogant remarks and be disrespectful to my master?"

"This is not a place for you to be arrogant!"

Shen Zhui ignored it completely and looked at God King Hal calmly, as if he was sure of victory.

God King Hal took a deep look at Shen Zhui. Although he knew that Shen Zhui was deliberately provoking his interest, he still asked: "Shu'er, let him continue."


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