I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 13: The Purpose of the Universe

Shen Zhui understood its meaning. For the original will of the universe, as long as normal death occurs in the universe, it is not death, but just another transformation of energy.

Therefore, preventing strong people from exploring, seeking knowledge, and stepping outside the supreme rules is a kind of protection, not harm.

But for life itself, it is difficult to accept this kind of alternative 'protection'.

The original will of the universe said: "What's the point of doing this?"

"What's your meaning?" Shen asked, "What is the original purpose of the universe."

The cold voice did not answer, and a trace of human emotion finally appeared on his face. Shen Zhui felt that it seemed to be a trace of panic.

"You can go back." The original will of the universe said.

"You haven't answered me yet."

"You can go back."

"You don't know." Shen Zhui smiled, "You don't know what your purpose is."

The origin of the universe shook his head and said: "Yes, I don't know."

At this moment, Shen Zhui discovered that the expression on its face was very rich, as if it were a real human being.

"How could I possibly know." The origin of the universe muttered to himself.

The war is over.

Victory in a battle with the second soul, successfully absorbing the opponent, facing the original will of the universe, and touching the supreme rules also made Shen Zhui understand one thing.

That is...the original will of the universe cannot threaten him, because even if it creates another life, it cannot stop Shen Zhui's breakthrough.

Level 13 is the Creator of the Universe!

Although Shen Zhui has not reached the thirteenth level now, it is only a matter of time, because he has a system, and he can reach that level after a period of practice.

He has no bottleneck, and he has achieved great success.

In a sense, the plan of the Lord of Nine Netherworlds was successful.


After the battle, Shen Zhui summoned the ship of hope and waited quietly in it.

At this time, the devoured system, or another small origin of the universe, finally awakened its consciousness.

"Master." The origin of the small universe sent out a thought.

As the origin of the universe, he possesses wisdom from the beginning of his birth, but all of this will be under the control of Shen Zhui, because his consciousness must override the origin consciousness of the small universe.

Shen Zhui carefully sensed the status of the system and immediately smiled.

Now, I can completely control the origin of the small universe.

"How do you compare to this universe now?" Shen Zhui couldn't help but ask, "It's still not as good as it."

"However, in terms of growth, this universe has begun to decline. Although it will take a long time, I don't know how many epochs... but I am new."

"I have all the abilities it possesses, such as creating three thousand magical powers, such as modifying the supreme rules, all based on the owner's thoughts."

"In other words, the new universe after growth is completely under my control?" Shen asked.

"Yes." The original will of the small universe said, "When this universe is completely weakened, I can still absorb the energy released by it. By then, the master will become stronger."

Shen Zhui nodded. Now, he is sure of breaking through to the thirteenth level, but is there a higher realm beyond? All this is unknown.

"Where are you from?" Shen Zhui asked. He was asking on behalf of the Lord of Nine Netherworlds. As a curious person, the Lord of Nine Netherworlds might even dream of knowing these secrets.

"I'm from outside the universe."

"A broader place, where there are almost endless universes, different sizes...even the operation of the supreme rules is completely different."

"There will be hundreds of millions of original universes born in seconds, and many universes will die in an instant. As for why, I have no way of knowing."

"Just like this universe doesn't know where it comes from or its purpose, I don't know either."

"Outside the universe..." Shen Zhui couldn't help sighing, "Old Jiu, you really guessed it right."

Isn’t it the secret outside the universe that the Lord of the Nine Nethers is thinking about?

Unfortunately, he can't see it now.

"Master, I can swallow the origin of the great world from which the origin of this universe was born."

"This is the fastest way to grow, and it is also the way that allows the master to quickly reach the thirteenth level and break through the barriers of this universe."

"However, this will accelerate the decline of this universe."

"Oh?" Shen Zhui said thoughtfully, "It's not urgent."

He doesn't want to leave here so soon yet. After all, the war has just ended, and Dazhou is still in a mess. How to place relatives, lovers, and friends is also a problem.

"It's time to go back." Shen Zhui smiled and started to return.

Just when Shen Zhui was returning from victory, in the secret world and the base camp of Great Zhou, many powerful gods and kings, including great emperors, gathered here.

There was silence.

The faces of the God Kings were a little tired. This battle was fought inexplicably. The Human Emperor ordered all troops to move. This was not in the interests of Great Zhou at all.

Fighting against each other with evil forces such as Demon Palace and Yinfeng Holy Land also caused heavy losses to Dazhou.


When Xia Wudao returned and informed the Human Emperor that his body had been taken away, they finally understood why.

But then, there was deep worry.

Although there is a temporary truce, without the strongest person as a backer, it is still unknown where the world of Kyushu will go.

Everything depends on whether Shen Zhui can return successfully.

"Huh?" Suddenly, in the God King's Palace, God King Ali had a thought in his mind.

"What's wrong?" The Purple Scale God King quickly turned his head. Any move at this time would be enough to affect people's hearts.

He just hoped it wasn't bad news.

"I just sensed... that it seems like I can enter the Virtual God Realm again."

God King Ali said excitedly.

"What?" The Purple Scale God King was also surprised and quickly tried.


"The Virtual God Realm has opened again."

"Void God Realm, reopened?"

"At least, there is an opportunity to quickly connect ethnic groups from various territories together."

"God will not destroy my great Zhou..."

The strong men became excited, while Xia Wudao looked into the distance.

He had a vague feeling that the reopening of the Virtual God Realm was related to Shen Zhui.


Within the realm of virtual gods.

The Temple of the God King, inside the Meeting Hall of the Gods.

Whoa, Shen Zhui's figure appeared out of thin air.

"I didn't expect that the Virtual God Realm was actually made of another artifact..."

"The token that Emperor Tianming gave me back then turned out to be the core of the activation."

"It seems that he had expected that he would die." Shen Zhui couldn't help but sigh.

With his current strength, he can naturally repair the damage to the Virtual God Realm, so after the battle, he immediately opened the Virtual God Realm.

"Swish, swish, swish~" Not long after, a large number of powerful people poured into the Virtual God Realm.

And in the vast meeting hall of the gods.

Many powerful men were staring at Shen Zhui at the top.

Many powerful people present knew some of the reasons, but they only knew that the Human Emperor was taken away, and Shen Zhui turned the tide and saved them.

As for the deeper reason, I am afraid only a few people can know it, such as Xia Wudao.

But now, it doesn't matter anymore.

The strong men who came in all had expectations in their eyes, waiting for Shen Zhui to announce the results.

"Everyone." Shen Zhui looked down, a smile suddenly bloomed on his face. "I have killed the person who took His Majesty's body away."

"And all of this is related to a new realm - the Lord of the World."

"The evil Lord of the World who has caused trouble for many years has been killed by me and will never appear again."

"As for the Demon Palace, Yinfeng Holy Land, Sith World and other places..."

"They are all willing to become my vassals, Great Zhou."

At the same time, Shen Zhui appeared outside the Demon Palace, Yinfeng Holy Land, and the Sith World.

The Second Soul killed many great emperors, but there were some that he didn't have time to kill.

Of course, Shen Zhui was also merciless. He directly killed those strong men who had done many evil things, and then supported some strong men who had no deep grudges with Dazhou to rise to power.

Subsequently, Shen Zhui spread the image of the new leader of the evil forces who was willing to surrender to the Great Zhou through the False God Realm.

"This this……"

"It's actually true?"

"Are they willing to surrender?"

All this is changing so fast. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Many powerful people did not react.

But after all, it was a victory, and it was a good thing, so cheers soon began.

When everyone dispersed, only Xia Wudao, Zi Lin, King Ali, Emperor Jin Dou and others were left in the temple.

They stayed with a tacit understanding and looked at Shen Zhui.

Now, Shen Zhui has become the strongest person in the world, and can even be said to be the strongest person in the universe.

The direction of the Great Zhou Dynasty depends on this person’s opinion.

Of course Shen Zhui understood what they were waiting for. He smiled slightly and began to issue many orders.

"Everyone, don't worry now, wait for me to resurrect the innocent people who died because of this battle."

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