I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 18: Turn the situation around!

"Shen Zhui, this Si Hai Sect seems to have a lot more innate peak combat power." Zixuan's flying knife came out from the body of an innate warrior covered in blood.

"I noticed it too." Shen Zhui was full of murderous rage and leaned against Zixuan. "These people don't seem to be at the true peak of innateness. They don't have spiritual roots in their bodies, but their defense and strength have increased several times."

"If I guess correctly, this is a forbidden art of self-inflicted harm, and it is an extremely cruel blood-forbidden art." Zixuan looked at the shadows of the two Spiritual Bridge Realm masters outside the mountain gate. "It allows the user to increase their combat power in a short period of time, but the price is that no matter whether they are defeated or not, it will be difficult for these people to survive in the end."

Shen Zhui nodded with an ugly expression. He had never seen such a scene before. An innate warrior had half of his body chopped off. He still held up his sword and made a sound like a beast's roar, fighting endlessly.

"Brother Lin is in trouble." Zixuan said softly.

"No, don't talk nonsense." Shen Zhui frowned. This was Lin Ze's first battle after becoming the commander. It was extremely important. He didn't want to hear such depressing words.

"I'm not making random guesses." Zixuan pointed to the road ahead. "In the area we flew over, Brother Lin mobilized the team members 1,360 times within one stick of incense!"

"And before you received the order to rush to the front battlefield, he was mobilized only two hundred and sixty-nine times."

"He has drafted 26 people from both sides of the innately high-level team."

"There are also fifteen peak innates who, under his mobilization, traveled back and forth to both battlefields thirty-six times."

"If the situation hadn't been critical, he wouldn't have so frequently deployed the innate peak main force that should have been steadily advancing!"

Shen Zhui's face turned pale instantly. When Zixuan said this, he also felt something was wrong.

He didn't know what happened to others, but he himself had received several orders from Lin Ze within the time of burning incense.

Some of these orders, even when he was rushing to support a certain battlefield, he changed his mind midway and went elsewhere.

Although Lin Ze's voice was still stable and nothing could be heard, it was already obvious.

He had to admit that this guess was correct!

"Is there any way I can help?" A trace of anxiety flashed in Shen Zhui's eyes.

"There is no good solution, this is war." Zixuan shook her head. "No matter how clever the strategy is, no matter how exquisite the command is, it will be of no use when the gap in strength widens."

"Unless he takes action now and kills the two Spirit Bridge Realm masters, he must also defeat the leader of the Sihai Sect at an extremely fast speed."

"As soon as the battle of the Spirit Bridge Realm begins, unless he can crush the three Spirit Bridge Realm masters, even if he can fight one against two, the remaining Spirit Bridge Realm master will massacre our Xiantian Realm masters. "

"Either, if I let the Xiantian realm win a great victory and unite as a group, it is possible to fight against a Spirit Bridge realm master."

Shen Zhui's heart sank, so to speak, there are only two ways to reverse the situation of this battle.

First, one's own innate realm remains superior, and losses cannot exceed a certain range.

The second is that Lin Ze can crush three Spirit Bridge Realm players with absolute strength.

Now that Lin Ze has not taken action, the second method is obviously not feasible, otherwise Lin Ze, who has an overview of the overall situation, should have taken action long ago.

Zixuan sighed and said, "You can't blame him, but sometimes success or failure only depends on the result. I'm afraid the higher ups will intervene in this battle."

Shen Zhui picked up the knife and left.

Zixuan was stunned, "What are you going to do?"

"Kill!" Shen Zhui shouted. "I will never allow Brother Lin to fail! Zixuan, go find Fu Liang and the others."

"Are you crazy? There are so many innate peaks, can you kill them?" Zixuan shouted.

"Brother is stronger than you think. Let's see how I can turn the situation around!" Shen Zhui laughed boldly, with light shining in his eyes, which made Zixuan's heart agitate.

"I'm with you!" She flew over.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Hmph, I plan to see how you can turn the situation around and collect your body by the way."



Dragon head tower boat, sampan.

Lin Ze was surrounded by clouds and mist, and the shadow of the Lingqiao faintly appeared behind him.

At this moment, his spiritual consciousness has reached its peak, but no matter how hard he tries, the balance of victory is still tilting towards Sihaimen.

"Brother Lin, inform me of the positions of all the innate peaks of the Sihai Sect." Suddenly a spiritual message flew into his mind.

"Shen Zhui." Lin Ze sounded tired. "No, let's retreat."

Shen Zhui quickly sent a second spiritual message: "Have you lost more than half of the innate realm?"

"That's not true."

"But you can't deal with three Spirit Bridge Realm masters?"

"of course not!"

After a moment of silence, Lin Ze heard a burst of curses.

"Asshole! Since it's neither, how do you know there's no miracle happening? Don't talk nonsense, believe me, and inform me of all the peak innate positions in a timely manner!"

"You..." Lin Ze was shocked speechless by Shen Zhui for a moment.

"Okay!" Lin Ze gritted his teeth and said. "Shen Zhui, I believe in you. I will give you a quarter of an hour. Within a quarter of an hour, the power of the marching flag will increase your combat power by 40%, and at the same time ensure that your spiritual power remains abundant. If you can kill ten people At the peak of Xiantian, there is still room for redemption in this battle!"

Shen Zhui did not reply, but Lin Ze discovered that two red dots disappeared without a trace on the light spots on the map. The positions of these two red dots were exactly near Shen Zhui!

Lin Ze's mind was greatly lifted, and he waved the military flag in his hand. Then an extremely pure blue light spread out from the marching flag, went straight into the void, and quickly disappeared into Shen Zhui's body.

"Buzz~" A panoramic view of the battlefield emerged in his mind. At the same time, the cyclone in his body was turning crazily, and the spiritual energy in his blood and meridians was rapidly recovering.

"A quarter of an hour..." Shen Zhui muttered to himself, and then quickly disappeared.



In the sky above the city, Zhao Xian vomited blood and looked at the Sihaimen disciples in front of him in horror.

His sword almost cut the opponent in half, but the opponent seemed to be in pain. His hands and arms suddenly multiplied several times, and he punched him in the chest.

"What kind of evil method is this? It can actually turn people into such monsters!" Zhao Xian quickly retreated, not even bothering to search for the things on the other party, because two more Sihaimen disciples with blood-red faces rushed over. , and the auras of these two people are actually at the peak of innateness!

"Oops!" Zhao Xian felt the condition of his body and secretly screamed that something was not good. "Are you going to die here?"

"Shua~" Seeing the two people attacking from the left and the right, Zhao Xian could only rush to one side desperately, looking for that glimmer of hope!

"Bang!" Zhao Xian's body flew backwards. After fighting for too long, his condition was no longer at its peak. This blow caused him serious injuries.

"It's so damn unlucky to die in the hands of these beasts." His body was sore and his spiritual power was exhausted. Looking at the other party's blood-red eyes that were inhumane at all, Zhao Xian cursed in his heart and closed his eyes.


A gentle spiritual power supported him, and at the same time, a low shout came from Zhao Xian's ear.

"Brother Zhao, it's not time for you to close your eyes yet!"

Zhao Xian looked at the two figures who suddenly appeared in front of him in astonishment.

He didn't recognize one of them, but he had an impression of the other.

"Shen Zhui?" Zhao Xian's eyes widened.

The heads of the two Sihaimen disciples, who were at the peak of their innate abilities, were like overripe fruits, being struck open by Shen Zhui's sword.

"Tsk~" Blood splattered everywhere, and the bodies of the two people suddenly seemed to be deflated, shrinking in a circle in an instant, and then fell from the air.

"For God's sake, he actually killed two innate peaks with one blow!" Zhao Xianyou couldn't believe that he actually survived. What shocked him even more was that Shen Zhui looked like an ordinary innate mid-level person. , unexpectedly killed two innate peaks instantly.

"Shua~" Shen Zhui's figure quickly moved away.

With Lin Ze's help, those peak innate experts were like bright lights in the dark night, extremely conspicuous.

Moreover, he has entered the frontal battlefield, where there are the largest crowds, and he can encounter enemies flying in the sky without having to rush.

"Zizi~" A thunderous noose flew out of Shen Zhui's body, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com, and then released a volume, instantly piercing through the two blind high-level innates.

"Oh~" Another innate peak-level man howled in pain, with blood pouring from his body, but he was not dead, and his figure grew rapidly, and he even broke through Shen Zhui's chains.

"Wow~" Blood flowed from the intestines. This innate pinnacle turned into a ball of flesh bombs and smashed over.

"The devil is twisted." Shen Zhui shook his head, and dozens of thunder nooses turned into a purple palm, crushing the man's arm from a distance.

These people have been dominated by instinct, and only one thought of killing the enemy exists in their hearts.

"That, that's Shen Zhui? The leader of the Baiyunfeng team who stole one hundred and fifty soldiers under my command?" Zheng Biao jumped out of a tower and looked at Shen Zhui's leaving figure in horror.

These three people were actually chasing him just now, but they escaped with the help of a layer of secret techniques to cover up their auras and hide in the tower.

"I, I actually wanted to humiliate him and show him some humiliation." Zheng Biao recalled the previous scene in the marching hall. "Fortunately, I didn't offend him too harshly. Otherwise, with your Shen Zhui potential, I would be in trouble if you became the commander in the future."

Zheng Biao was secretly frightened. The innate mid-level could kill the innate peak. It was almost certain that Shen Zhui would become the leader in the future!

Although he was also at the peak of his innate ability, he knew that without a chance encounter, it would be difficult for him to break through to the Spiritual Bridge Realm.

“Bang bang bang!!”

The same scene kept reappearing on the battlefield. As soon as he saw the target, Shen Zhui would use the Thunderbolt Strike. The noose and the grappler complemented each other. Almost no one was his enemy.

Even if he encounters some powerful innate pinnacles, a grappler with Shen Zhui's current level of 499 nooses can't break free at all and can only die wailing.


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