"Shen Zhui is committing murder in the street, go ahead! Catch him!" Yang Wu's face turned red, he waved his hands and shouted angrily.

This Shen Zhui was not dead and actually attacked him in public.

"Be careful, this guy is very fast!" reminded the yamen servant who fell to the ground. He raised his hand to block it, but he didn't block it. He was kicked directly to the chest. Now he feels weak and in great pain.

"Shen Zhui, you are dead!" Several government officials were also from the martial arts squad room. Two of them were still at the seventh level of Houtian. They were not familiar with Shen Zhui, but they did not dare to be careless. They surrounded him from left to right.

Shen Zhui had already rushed to his adoptive father Shen Shan and helped him up. Before he could speak, Shen Shan said: "Zhui'er, I'm fine. Be careful of them!"

The remaining four attacked at the same time, and Yang Wu also drew out his iron ruler, hoping to take the opportunity to kill Shen Zhui.

"Don't overestimate your own capabilities!" Shen Zhui glanced at them and quickly judged the strength of several people. Although he didn't pull out the iron ruler, he didn't need it to deal with these people!

Shen Zhui turned around in an instant. With the blessing of Dachengjing Shenfa, his calves cut through the sky like lightning and swept across the waist of the person who came by.


His legs and feet actually brought up a seventh-level phantom, and Shen Zhui actually used his legs and feet as weapons to use the move of the ninth-level Iron Ruler.

"Oops!" The seventh-level hunter the day after tomorrow quickly blocked with both hands.


There was a sound of bones breaking, and the man felt as if he was being pressed down by a mountain. He stepped back involuntarily, and his arms suddenly lost feeling.

Just this time, his arm was broken and he fainted from the pain.

"What!" Yang Wu was shocked. He and Shen Zhui were both at the eighth level of the acquired world, but he definitely couldn't do it. He kicked a seventh level acquired person to death with just one kick.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three more dull crashes were heard in succession, and in the blink of an eye, those who helped Yang Wu all fell to the ground.

Now that Shen Zhui's body and foot skills are both great, even the acquired ninth-level warriors are no match for him, let alone people like Yang Wu?


too fast!

The attack was so fast that they couldn't react at all, and when their body skills couldn't keep up, their attack on Shen Zhui was no different from standing still and letting Shen chase him.

"This is impossible!" Yang Wu was also frightened.

There were five people following him, two of them were at the seventh level and three were at the sixth level, but none of them were Shen Zhui's enemies.

Shen Zhui hasn't even used a weapon yet. If he charges forward like this, can he really win?

This Shen Zhui is a ruthless character who can kill even the ninth level warrior the day after tomorrow!

"Yang Wu!" Shen Zhui stared at him with eyes blazing.

"Shen Zhui, don't act like this!" Yang Wu panicked and backed away. "This is a county town. It's a serious crime to commit murder on the street. Don't break the law!"

"What a man who knows the law and breaks the law!" Shen Zhui gritted his teeth, and recalled the scene where he was intercepted and killed before. In all likelihood, it was Yang Wu who informed him, and he almost died outside the city.

"Are you worthy of asking me for advice? You hurt my adoptive father, and no one can save you today!"

"Your foster father? Him?" Yang Wu deliberately pretended not to know.

He said loudly: "Don't be so messy. It was your adoptive father who accidentally fell to the ground. I didn't touch him at all -"


Shen Zhui was as fast as lightning and directly kicked Yang Wu in the chest, causing Yang Wu to bend in pain.

"You dare to quibble, kneel down!" Shen Zhui grabbed Yang Wu's neck and kicked Yang Wu in the crook of his legs.

"Kaka~" A subtle sound of bone friction sounded. Yang Wu's legs softened and he immediately fell to his knees in the direction of Shen Zhui's adoptive father.

"I, I..." Yang Wu was choked, and even breathing became difficult, and he could not speak.

Shen Zhui's chest rose and fell violently. In anger, he increased his strength and was about to strangle Yang Wu to death.

"Shen Zhui, let him go!"

An angry shout came from afar, and a dozen or so people from the martial arts squad room were seen hurrying over, led by an old man with a black face and thick eyebrows.

Shen Zhui glanced at him and saw that the leader was He Tong, the deputy leader of the Wu squad room.

This person had advanced to the innate realm in his early years, but later, for some unknown reason, fell back to the acquired peak.

His strength is even more terrifying than the peak acquired the day after tomorrow. He is the top master in the martial arts class and the well-deserved number one among the innate ones.

"You have the courage to pursue me and you still won't let me go?!" He Tong shouted angrily. "The county magistrate already knows about this, don't make a mistake!"

Shen Zhui's heart moved slightly, he hesitated, snorted coldly, and threw Yang Wu out.

"Catch him!" He Tong waved his hand and breathed a sigh of relief. A dozen people immediately gathered around him and clasped his shoulders, followed by a wrist-thick iron chain to restrain his hands.

"Shen Zhui, I'm offended." Zhao Hu, the one who detained Shen Zhui, said softly.

"It's okay, Brother Hu, please send someone to take my adoptive father to see a doctor first. I'm afraid he's injured." Shen Zhui warned.

If an incident in the city alarms the county magistrate, then he must know everything about the incident from beginning to end.

There is no such thing as a trial, just a direct judgment according to the law, and then the testimonies and oral confessions can be backed up and archived afterwards.

The top priority, Shen Zhui is more worried about the injury of his adoptive father Shen Shan.

"Okay, I will arrange it." Zhao Hu nodded.

"Zhui'er, are you okay?" Shen Shan also walked over anxiously.

"Don't worry, foster father, you can rest in peace and recover. I will come back to see you soon." Shen Zhui smiled reassuringly. There was a reason for this incident, and he would definitely be punished, but the county magistrate was not willing to punish him severely just for someone like Yang Wu.

"Boss He, I, I didn't do anything. Shen Zhui hurt me for no reason. This is a big crime, a big crime!!" Yang Wu was being helped by someone. He couldn't even stand firmly at the moment, but he was still miserable. He didn't forget to throw dirty water on Shen Zhui.

He Tong frowned and gave him a disgusted look.

"The county will decide how to judge this matter, so you don't need to worry about it, just take it away!"

"Yes." The Wubanfang yamen officer agreed with a bang.

Shen Zhui glanced at Yang Wu and put his palm across his neck with no concealed threat.

"Shen Zhui." Yang Wu lowered his head with trembling heart, not daring to look at each other, roaring in his heart. "Shen Zhui, you actually came back alive, but you can't escape, you definitely can't escape!"

"Just wait, my master will definitely avenge me, you are dead!"


County government, law enforcement hall.

Waiting for them is Mr. Liu with a straight face, looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com and Wang Long from Wubanfang.

Chief Liu didn’t waste any time and immediately announced the punishment results:

"Yang Wu from the Wu squadron bullied the people, fought in the streets, and ignored the law. He was punished with a cane of thirty. He was imprisoned for half a year!

"The accomplices Liu Er, Zhang Si, and Li Sang, who are the accomplices in the crime, will be punished with twenty sticks and imprisoned for three months!"

"In the military squad, Shenzhen pursued him and fought in private. He thought his adopted father was injured. There was a reason for the incident, so he was imprisoned for one month and given ten strokes of the cane to serve as a warning to others!"

"What?!" Yang Wu felt extremely unwilling when he heard the verdict. "Why is Shen Zhui sentenced so lightly?!"

You know, his nephew Yang Cheng was sentenced to only one year for beating a servant to death.

It is conceivable that the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty were not actually strict. Especially when it comes to warriors, they are actually a group of privileged people.

Detention for half a year and thirty canes was considered an extremely severe punishment.

If this were the case, that would be fine, but Shen Zhui had only been detained for a month!

"I am aware of my guilt." Shen Zhui accepted the punishment obediently.

"Subordinate, I am guilty." Now that the matter has come to this, even if Yang Wu and others are unwilling to give in, they will grit their teeth and accept the punishment.

In the county town, the county magistrate is God, and they dare not resist or even complain.

There were many government officials nearby. After hearing the punishment, they had different expressions.

In this case, whether the sentence was light or heavy was actually decided by the county magistrate, but they did not expect that Shen Zhui would be sentenced so lightly.

But when I heard that it was Shen Zhui's adoptive father who was bullied and injured by Yang Wu, I immediately felt that Yang Wu deserved it.

Many people knew that Yang Wu and Shen Zhui had something bad to say, but it would not harm their family, especially as an eighth-level warrior in the future, bullying a weak old man would be a waste of time.

"Bring me the stick!" Wang Long snorted and waved his hand.

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