I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 17: Yuan Mizhu!

"The time for enlightenment is over."

When the system beep sounded, Shen Zhui's movements on his hand froze, and the trace of harmonious artistic conception suddenly disappeared, and the notes became chaotic again.

Weeds and dust are no longer orderly, but flying everywhere.

"Cough cough...cough, cough cough." Shen Zhui covered his nose and coughed, looking disgraced.

"This enlightenment time is really magical." Shen Zhui couldn't help but sigh. As soon as the enlightenment time ended, he seemed to be thrown into the sea again.

He was panting, sweating profusely, and extremely tired, as if he had fought a fierce battle with a powerful enemy.

After that, no matter how hard you train, it will be difficult to reach the state of harmony between man and nature.

However, Shen Zhui also knew that this was normal. He had a direction and successfully entered the realm of harmony between man and nature. After practicing more, it would not be difficult to master it again.

After the first time, there will be a second time and countless times. The next thing to do is to practice diligently.

While Shen Zhui was in a daze, a shout suddenly came:

"W-what are you doing?!"

Shen Zhui looked up and saw a frightened and ferocious face illuminated by the fire. I saw a government servant with a scar on his face, pointing a long knife and a torch at him.

Shen Zhui was also startled when he drank this and waved his hands quickly.

"What are you-"

"Yeah!" When Scarface saw the opponent raising his hand, his already tense mind was suddenly stimulated, and he raised his knife to chop.

"What are you doing!" Shen Zhui was also speechless. He was staying well in the cell. What does it mean when he suddenly rushed in and chopped me with an indignant look?

Fortunately, the opponent was only a seventh-level Houtian. Although the sword struck him, Shen Zhui easily dodged it by turning sideways, then hit the opponent's wrist with a palm, grabbed the long knife, and clasped the opponent's wrist with his other hand. Neck.

The whole movement was natural, and the opponent was easily captured in one confrontation.

"Scar, why did you break into my cell? You are crazy..."

Speaking of this, Shen Zhui was also stunned.

No, where is the door?

Only then did he realize that the iron gate had collapsed and the hardwood fence was broken into more than a dozen sections, as if it had been cut off.

And he himself was disheveled and disheveled.

When Shen Zhui realized something, he immediately looked embarrassed and quickly let go of Scarface.

Scarface took a few steps back in horror. Shen Zhui reluctantly hit the torch next to him and lifted up his hair.

"Shen, Shen Zhui?" Scarface was surprised and unsure.

"It's me." Shen Zhui smiled, trying to be kind so as not to be misunderstood again.

Unexpectedly, his smile turned a bit creepy in Scar's eyes.

"You are a human or a ghost!"

"..." Shen Zhui was speechless.

After a while, Scarface realized that he had asked an idiot question and asked awkwardly: "Brother Shen, what's going on with this door..."

"Just now……"

Just as Shen Zhui was about to answer, two figures suddenly appeared outside.

Wang Long exuded a faint white light and said to Scarface: "He Jiu, please step aside first. You have nothing to do here. Go and appease the prisoners in the cell."

"County Lord, Squad Leader Wang. Yes, I'm resigning." Scarface left with doubts.

Just as he was about to retreat, the county magistrate shrouded in azure light suddenly spoke: "He Jiu, there was a small problem with the prison formation today, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Scarface listened obediently. He knew in his heart that the matter was certainly not that simple, and it must have something to do with Shen Zhui. But if you can get to the top of the cell, you will naturally know what to say and what not to say.

The county magistrate has set the tone, so even if there is another hidden secret in this matter, it can only be a matter of the prison circle.

"Shen Zhui has met the county magistrate, Team Leader Wang." Shen Zhui saluted quickly.

Wang Long nodded and looked at Shen Zhui: "It's the ninth level the day after tomorrow, not bad."

The green light dissipated and Wei Wenhe revealed his true face. Shen Zhui took a look and was slightly surprised.

This was the first time that he saw the true appearance of the county magistrate, but he did not expect that he was so young and looked like a scholar.

Wei Wenhe looked at the grass sticks here and thought so.

"Shen Zhui, I sentenced you to ten strokes of the cane and one month of imprisonment. Do you have any complaints?" Wei Wenhe did not ask what happened, but instead suddenly mentioned the conflict between Shen Zhui and Yang Wu.

Shen Zhui quickly shook his head and said: "Although it was Yang Wu who deceived my adoptive father first, it was a bit excessive for my subordinates to seriously injure several people in the street. Your Excellency enforces the law impartially, and I have no complaints. It's just that I don't know something, and I don't know what to do." It’s inappropriate to talk about it.”


"Yang Wu has ulterior motives and has a close relationship with the Li family. I encountered an accident outside the city before, so I'm afraid I have something to do with this person. I wonder why you kept him here?"

This is a knot in Shen Zhui's heart. The execution of Wubanfang inevitably requires him to leave the city to handle the case, and his whereabouts are difficult to determine.

The Taoist cards of the Capturing Order and the Beheading Order both have the effect of hiding secrets, unless the Li family spends great efforts to keep track of him. But this is obviously impossible. This is definitely an internal leak.

Wouldn't it be a disaster for the county magistrate to keep a traitor like Yang Wu in the team to report to the two major families?

"There was a farmer in Qingzhou," Wei Wenhe told a story without answering Shen Zhui's question.

"After sowing seeds in the wheat field and drawing out the seedlings, he found that there were many weeds mixed in. He wanted to get rid of them, but was afraid of hurting the wheat seedlings. When he was in a dilemma, a neighbor asked him to wait a little longer for the weeds to grow. When it's big enough to be removed alone, you won't have to worry about hurting the wheat seedlings."

Shen Zhui listened to the story and pondered silently.

"Do you know the meaning?" Wei Wenhe looked at Shen Zhui with a smile.

"My subordinate understands." Shen Zhui nodded.

It has only been three years since the county magistrate took office. Three years ago, Heyuan County was in a mess.

From the county magistrate to the government officials, almost everyone is related to the big and small families in the city.

Some people are the kind of heinous people who collude with wealthy clans and oppress the people.

Some people's faults are smaller. At most, they just turn a blind eye and fail to do practical things.

These people did not work wholeheartedly for the two major families, but the general environment at that time was such that everyone was at the mercy of the two major families and could only follow the trend.

If the standard is set high and everyone below the standard is beaten to death with a stick, then I am afraid that when Wei Wenhe takes office, there will be no one available.

In addition, Shen Zhui speculated that the county official kept Yang Wu in the county government team with the intention of passing on false news to mislead the enemy.

Shen Zhui couldn't guess more of his intentions.

"The fact that you were intercepted and killed outside the city before was not reported by Yang Wu." Wei Wenhe said thoughtfully.

Shen Zhui looked as usual and did not ask.

Now that he knew that the boss he was following was not an ignorant idiot, but had an ulterior motive, that was enough.

As for other things, if your boss doesn’t tell you, you shouldn’t ask more questions.

Shen Zhui made his position clear.

Seeing that Shen Zhui could actually keep his composure, Wei Wenhe felt a flash of admiration.

Courageous and foolhardy, just a common man! Only those with both wisdom and courage are worthy of Wei Wenhe’s efforts in cultivating him!

Moreover, Shen Zhui joined the Wu Banfang in the same year as him. After three years of observation, he knew very well about Shen Zhui's past and who he had come into contact with. He was definitely not from the two major families!

"The martial arts class uses strength and merit as the criteria for promotion. Now that you have broken through to the acquired ninth level, you can go one step further. However, you are already treated as a ninth level. If you go up to the next level, you will be an innate warrior. I am afraid it will attract criticism."

Wei Wenhe pondered for a moment, turned over his hand and took out something. He opened his palm, and a white bead full of crystals appeared in the palm of his hand.

"This object is called the Yuan Mizhu. It can be carried with you to help people improve their practice. Once the time limit is over, you can go to the official's office and choose any innate skills. The blood-burning skills still have some limitations."

Shen Zhui noticed that when the county magistrate took out the bead, Wang Long, who had always been calm next to him, obviously showed a different expression. He immediately understood that this reward was by no means ordinary, and he quickly bowed and took it without asking any questions. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

The egg-sized bead was warm to the touch, and a stream of heat was constantly being transferred into his body. Just between his breaths, Shen Zhui felt that the vitality in his body became more active, and he said solemnly: "I would like to thank you, sir."

After nodding, Wei Wenhe and Wang Long left.

After leaving the prison, Wang Long couldn't help but ask: "Junior brother, this Yuan Mizhu is not a mortal thing, but it is a rare thing for you and me. Why is it being chased by Shen like this?"

Wei Wenhe chuckled and said: "The Yuan Mizhu is just a dead thing. No matter how valuable it is, it is no different from the current situation. On the contrary, if Shen Zhui can take this a step further, I can get another innate master. Why not for?"

"But he has just entered the ninth level of Houtian, and he is still too far away from being an innate warrior."

Old God Wei Wenhe said calmly: "I only talked about an innate master, and I didn't say that Shen Zhui would become an innate master."

Wang Long smiled helplessly: "Junior brother, you are playing riddles with me again."


After the county magistrate and Wang Long left, Shen Zhui sat cross-legged on the bed.

Wei Wenhe came here because of what happened in the prison, but he didn't ask a word about what happened. Shen Zhui estimated that at least the county magistrate should know that he had achieved the 'unity of man and nature'.

"Sure enough, I guessed it right. The more potential you show, the more resources you will receive for training. However, the person who was intercepted and killed by the Li family earlier was not Yang Wu, but who is it?"

Shen Zhui felt more and more that the situation in Heyuan County was unpredictable, but he knew very little about it. At this time, he was thinking in vain, but couldn't figure out a clue at all, so he could only put this question aside for the time being.

"Yuan Mizhu, this is something that even Bantou Wang is a little envious of. Give it a try."

Shen Zhui adjusted his breathing and began to operate the "Blood Burning" technique.

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