Chuanwu Hall, next to Tianya Road Teleportation Square, is one of the halls closest to Tianxin Hall.

It is not large in scale, but it looks majestic and majestic.

"I heard that this Chuanwu Hall is the holy place for Wu'an army to practice Taoism and martial arts. If you want to enter this Chuanwu Hall, you need a certain threshold of military merit. The Taoism and martial arts inside are all-encompassing, and even Wu'an Hou's unique skills can be learned ,Do not know is not true."

Shen Zhui landed on the square outside Chuanwu Hall and looked at the building in front of him. Speaking of which, this was his first time coming to Chuanwu Hall.

There was a tall archway in front of the Chuanwu Hall, with the two characters "Chuanwu" written in flying dragons and phoenixes on it. Shen Zhui's mind was immediately attracted by the two characters above.

"The fonts above actually contain Taoist spirituality and can refine spiritual consciousness. No wonder there are so many people gathered at the edge of the square." Shen Zhui looked at it for a while and then came back to his senses.

At this moment, many people gathered in the square, starting from the lowest level in the Xiantian realm, and many in the Lingqiao realm, looking at the tall archway.

Among them, most are warriors, and very few are Qi practitioners.

"By tempering your will and enhancing your spiritual awareness, you will not be afraid of the will impact of mountain spirits, wild monsters, and ferocious beasts and monsters. You will also have stronger resistance when dealing with those sect disciples who pretend to be gods and ghosts and like to play with people with illusions." Shen Zhui guessed right away. , the purpose of erecting this archway.

But after feeling it for a while, he continued to move forward. The upper limit of the will training in this gate building is the first level of Lingqiao.

For him at this time, it didn't have much effect.

"Buzz~" When approaching the Chuanwu Hall, there was an invisible barrier blocking him, but after sensing the Jinwu command order on Shen Zhui, he quickly let him go.

Shen Zhui stepped into the door. In an instant, the world was spinning, and the surrounding scenery changed. He suddenly appeared in a tall and spacious hall. The ground was as smooth as a face, and the roofs above were hundreds of feet high. In the air, there were small standard-sized buildings. The house floats according to a special pattern, and people come in and out of the house from time to time.

The walls of the main hall are like mountain walls, with portals on them leading to who knows where. The entire space is like a huge honeycomb. Shen Zhui took a quick look and found that the space inside such a main hall can accommodate at least 100,000 people!

"Sure enough, just like Tianxin Palace, there is a cave inside." Shen Zhui sighed with emotion.

From the outside, the Tianxin Palace is only a thousand meters in area, but once inside, it's completely different.

"Dear Commander Jinwu." Suddenly a young man in black appeared in front of Shen Zhui and saluted respectfully.

"I am the weapon spirit in this martial arts hall. The leader can call me No. 93."

Number ninety-three? A puppet controlled by a weapon spirit? Shen Zhui took a look at the other person, and sure enough, there was no spiritual power fluctuation at all on the young man in black. His whole body was made of some special materials.

"According to the information, it is your first time to come to Chuanwu Hall, so I will guide you."

"I see." Shen Zhui nodded. The space in the Martial Arts Hall is huge, and it also involves changing directions. If there is no one to guide you for the first time and you wander around, you may not be able to find what you want in a long time. .

"Commander Shen has six opportunities to enter the inheritance space for enlightenment. Each time is limited to one day, and he can choose three skill secret books for free." No. 93 introduced.

"I wonder if the commander wants to choose secret books or enter the inheritance space to comprehend?"

"Choose the secret book first." Shen Zhui said without hesitation. Now that the fourth level of Thunder God Technique training method has appeared, what he lacks is the spiritual consciousness training method.

Whether it is spiritual scriptures or the five-sensory magic method, improving spiritual consciousness is only incidental, not the main thing. He has never learned the pure spiritual consciousness cultivation method.

"Please follow me." No. 93 respectfully extended his hand, and then flew towards the standard houses in the sky.

Shen Zhui immediately took to the air and followed closely behind.

The small wooden houses are wrapped in barriers and float in the space of the main hall like bubbles.

Shen Zhui followed No. 93 and soon came to a wooden house.

"Commander, this is the test space for the secrets of the exercises." No. 93 stood in front of the wooden house and said with a smile.

"Test?" Shen Zhui was slightly stunned.

"Yes, the selection of secret books in this Chuanwu Palace is different from that in Tianxin Palace." No. 93 explained.

"The secrets and techniques in the Chuanwu Hall will be tested by the leader, and then based on the leader's performance, the most suitable technique and secrets for the leader's practice will be selected from the vast sea of ​​Ruyan's secret techniques."

"For example, someone was originally good at the water movement method and practiced the "True Meaning of Frost", but he is actually more suitable for the earth movement method, but he did not realize it."

"After passing the test space judgment, you can modify the "True Spirit of Breathing Soil" and follow the path of earth walking. Perhaps the upper limit of your cultivation level can be increased in the future."

"Or maybe someone has been judged by the test space to be most suitable for practicing fire-based skills, but after wandering in the ruins, he encounters a lucky source, takes the treasures of heaven and earth, and his body is more suitable for taking the path of a warrior, and then returns to the test space, he will It is recommended that the leader take the path of a warrior."

"Of course, there is a huge gap between a real Qi practitioner and a warrior. It is generally rare and usually just a change within the same lineage."

"However, just as the leader is unwilling to modify, he can also refuse the test inside and directly choose the technique he wants."

So it turned out to be the case, Shen Zhui suddenly realized.

"Commander, please."

Shen Zhui nodded, opened the door and went in.

After being lost for a moment, Shen Zhui was in a spacious hall. Behind him was a large door, and in front of him, there was light. Through the sparse pillars in the hall, he could actually see the blue outside. Sky.

Huh~ A figure appeared in front of Shen Zhui, but it was a middle-aged man wearing military boots.

"Commander Jinwu Shen Zhui, you have three opportunities to choose the secrets of martial arts for free. Please choose the category you want to learn. It is limited to those below the magical power level."

Shen Zhui thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "I choose the spiritual consciousness cultivation method."

"Please choose whether to conduct the test." The man in military boots asked again.

"Test." Shen Zhui nodded.

"Please hold these two magic sea beads and focus on the beads." The man in military boots waved his hand, and immediately two light blue beads floated in front of Shen Zhui.

"The longer you persist, the stronger the skills you can learn."

"Yes." Shen Zhui did as he was told. Then hold the two beads in your hands.

As soon as I took the two Magic Sea Pearls into my hands, a slightly cool feeling spread to my palms. After that, Shen Zhui focused his attention on the Huanhai Pearl.

There seemed to be water droplets inside the Huanhai Pearl, rippling constantly. Shen Zhui suddenly became curious.

Because he was sure that his hands were motionless and not trembling at all, but the water droplets inside were constantly swaying left and right.

He looked intently and saw a pool of spring water in his mind.

The two beads in my hand suddenly gained weight!

At the same time, the edge of the pond quickly expanded. As the beads in his hand continued to gain weight, Shen Zhui felt more and more strenuous, as if he was actually holding two ponds in his palms.

"Buzz~" The sound of the swaying water became more and more obvious, and soon it turned into a huge lake, and the momentum of expansion continued.

The weight of the two Magic Sea Pearls in his hands had increased to a frightening level. Shen Zhui felt that it was difficult to maintain balance with his hands, but he still persisted.

"Wow~" A moment later, the lake had transformed into an ocean, and waves of turbulent waves arose in the world in the pearl!

"Kaka~" Shen Zhui felt his hands and feet trembling, his bones seemed to be under heavy pressure, and his breathing became rapid.

He is an innate in the extreme realm, his strength is close to 200,000 kilograms, but he can no longer hold on.

There was a trace of surprise on the expressionless face of the armored man, and he looked at Shen Zhui.

There are three levels in the Illusion Sea Pearl test: one is spiritual consciousness like a pond, the second is spiritual consciousness is like a lake, and the third is spiritual consciousness turns into a sea.

It is difficult for Qi Lianzhen to reach this level when he is in the Lingqiao realm, but Shen Zhui cannot reach the Xiantian realm and is barely close to the third level.

Shen Zhui felt that his golden bones were about to crack, his skin was congested, and his muscles were bulging, as if a ball was about to burst, and he subconsciously let go of his hands.

"Clang~" The Huanhai Pearl fell to the floor, making a crisp sound.

Shen Zhui woke up suddenly. He lowered his head and looked at his palms. He saw that all the bones and skin of his body were intact. Are there any scars?

Everything just now was actually his imagination!

"That's right. Since I chose the secret book of spiritual consciousness skills, it is of course to test the strength of my spiritual consciousness. How can it make my physical body feel uncomfortable?" Shen Zhui suddenly realized.

The man in military boots smiled and nodded: "Yes, the Xiantian realm has reached the point where spiritual consciousness turns into the sea. Your current spiritual consciousness intensity is barely comparable to the top of the primary level of Spiritual Bridge realm."

Shen Zhui was a little surprised. He was not surprised that his spiritual consciousness was powerful, but he was surprised that the threshold for practicing the fourth level of Thunder God Technique was so high that he could not even cultivate the consciousness intensity of the first level of Spirit Bridge.

So how high are the requirements for the fourth level of the Thunder God Technique? Shen Zhui frowned slightly.

"Shua~" Tens of thousands of phantom sea beads suddenly appeared densely above the head of the military academy man.

"Please use your spiritual consciousness to control these phantom sea beads. If the beads turn red, the control is successful. The greater the number, the stronger the technique."

Shen Zhui took a deep breath and used his spiritual consciousness to control these beads.

At this time, the hands are not touching, but there is still a sense of 'weight' in my mind. The difficulty of controlling these beads is about the same as the thunder noose, but slightly more.

"Buzz buzz~" As Shen Zhui became familiar with the process, blue beads in the sky soon turned red.

This speed reaches hundreds in the blink of an eye, and it is still rising!

With the previous test, the man in military boots was also looking forward to Shen Zhui's performance.

The number of beads that turned red finally stopped at 800, and Shen Zhui felt that no matter what he did, he could not make the 801 beads turn red.

"Huh~" Shen Zhui breathed heavily.

"The test is over." The man in military boots said, and then a glimmer of light appeared in his hand.

The glimmer of light slowly sank into Shen Zhui's head, and soon, a stream of information appeared in his mind.

"The secret skill of spiritual defense, "Tower of the Void"?"

After a while, Shen Zhui opened his eyes.

This spiritual consciousness cultivation method only has the first five levels.

After completing the first level, a tower of void is formed in the spiritual consciousness, which protects the spiritual consciousness and can withstand the illusion attack of the primary consciousness intensity of Spirit Bridge.

After the second level of training, the spiritual consciousness intensity is increased to the middle level of Spirit Bridge, and a double-layered void tower is formed, which can withstand spiritual consciousness attacks of the same level.

The third level corresponds to the high level of Spirit Bridge.

The fourth level is the peak of Spirit Bridge.

On the fifth level, the strength of the spiritual consciousness will not increase anymore, but the defense of the five-layer void tower formed can even resist the spiritual consciousness attacks of ordinary powerful people in the supernatural realm!

"It was actually able to withstand the attack of a powerful person in the supernatural realm." Shen Zhui was slightly surprised.

This method of cultivating spiritual consciousness not only enhances the strength of spiritual consciousness, but also forms spiritual defense. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Commander Jinwu Shen Zhui, when you reach the fifth level, you can come here again to learn the follow-up of "Tower of the Void". You still have two opportunities to choose for free. Do you want to choose other skills and secrets?"

Shen asked. "If I reach the fifth level of cultivation and the free times are still there, can I use the times to offset the subsequent cost of this technique?"


"Thank you. I won't choose the other techniques for the time being." Shen Zhui replied.

Now in terms of Taoism, he has the Thunder God Technique.

Warriors practice techniques such as the Chiyang Nine Dragons Diagram, and sword techniques include the Luoxue Knife Technique and the Zangyuan Knife Technique. They are all top-notch existences. Now that they have acquired the "Tower of Void" technique, there is no need to waste anymore times.

"Commander, you're out." Shen Zhui walked out of the testing space and saw No. 93 still waiting nearby.

"Yeah." Shen Zhui said. "Number 93, take me to the inheritance space."

He still has six opportunities to gain enlightenment. Now that he has obtained the secret technique "Tower of the Void", he must make good use of it.



Qilian Mountain, Xiaowei Mansion.

Li Chengfeng sat on the wide chair.

From behind him, two airflows, black and white, appeared, and then formed two clones on both sides, exactly the same as the main body.

One soared into the sky, straight into the sky, and a thick thunder appeared from the void, striking at the clone, making the clone more condensed.

One of them fell into the ground and fell into the netherworld. Countless demons came up with their claws and fangs, and illusions arose, constantly biting the clones.

The clone in the thunder gradually became round and glowing, as if coming out of the dust, and soon landed and returned to its original body.

However, the clone in the netherworld was repeatedly frustrated. In less than a moment, when it returned, only half of its body was left.

"Poof~" After the two souls returned to their bodies, Li Chengfeng spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were red and his face was gloomy.

"Failed again." Li Chengfeng clenched his fists. He had been waiting outside for several months for the spiritual object to mature. He thought he was sure of reaching the magical realm. Unexpectedly, he got stuck at the threshold and could only count half a step. Supernatural powers.

"Under the netherworld, monsters are rampant. As the saying goes, appearances come from the heart. I actually saw the shadow of Shen Zhui. Unless I get rid of this person, my soul and thoughts will not be pure!" In Li Chengfeng's eyes, several demonic figures with teeth and claws appeared, among which Together, they bear the face of Shen Zhui, and their weight seems to be greater than that of the other demonic figures.

"Liu He, get out of here!" Li Chengfeng's shout echoed in the captain's mansion.

"Pfft~" A figure quickly flew into the bright hall and knelt down in front of Li Chengfeng.

"I asked you to keep an eye on people, how's that going?"

"Go back, sir." Liu He was sweating profusely. "Shen Chai entered the Chuanwu Hall."

"Trash!" Li Chengfeng's eyes flashed with light, and then Liu He flew out vomiting blood.

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