I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 11: The Li family’s counterattack!

Li family, in a luxurious hall.

There was a blazing charcoal fire in the bronze cauldron, and there were two rows of low tables on the left and right sides of the hall. Dozens of people were sitting on their knees, accompanied by young and beautiful maids, who kept serving delicious food.

Because the head of the Li family, Li Mingtai, was out of seclusion, all the powerful people with some status and strength from the Li family were present.

Li Mingtai sat in the main seat, toasting to the retainers and elite disciples from time to time. Between changing the cups and cups, Li Mingtai got a general idea of ​​what happened during the retreat time and the information.

"So, the third child died in Hongye Villa because of that traitor's rash action?"

After hearing the report from a steward, Li Mingtai slammed his wine glass on the table with a gloomy expression.

The old steward turned a blind eye and was impartial. He reported the affairs of the young master Li Ming exactly as they were before going down.

"Brother, after all, Ming'er is thinking about the family. Brother, please don't be too harsh." On the first seat under the main seat, a middle-aged man who looked roughly like Li Mingtai spoke.

"Fifth brother, I have my own sense of proportion."

Li Mingjing nodded and stopped admonishing, just drinking.

Halfway through the banquet, Li Ming finally arrived belatedly.

As soon as he entered the hall, he quickly fell to his knees.

"The child welcomes his father out of isolation."

"Hmph! You traitor!" Li Mingtai waved his hand violently, and a blood-red wind rushed towards Li Ming's chest like lightning.

"Dang!" Li Ming's body instantly flew backwards and hit the bronze tripod in the middle of the hall.

All the retainers watched silently, with their eyes and noses watching their hearts, and no one dared to speak out to persuade him. Some people even had a flash of joy in their eyes.

"Pfft~" Li Ming spat out a mouthful of blood, but immediately got up again, knelt down for a few steps, and knocked his head on the ground.

"Father, the child is guilty."

Li Mingtai stood up in a hurry, pointed at Li Ming who was kneeling below, and said angrily: "You are a mere acquired warrior, and you actually caused my Li family to lose two elite teams, and even caused Cang Hai to be seriously injured. Your third uncle was killed cut."

"Now I have offended Wu Anjun, causing people to come to investigate, causing my Li family to lose face!"

"Before I went into seclusion, I repeatedly told you to think twice about everything, and to consult the elders of the clan when you are in doubt. Now that the situation is like this, there is no point in keeping you, a traitor!"

After saying that, Li Mingtai walked down the steps. A bloody blade appeared in his hand. He waved his hand and slashed at Li Ming.

"Master, no!"

"Brother, no!"

"Clan leader!"

For a moment, several innate masters took action and stood in front of Li Ming, blocking the bloody blade.

"What are you doing to protect him?" Li Mingtai said, and was about to rush forward.

"Brother, please calm down." Li Mingjing quickly stopped him. "Of course Ming'er is at fault, but he is also thinking about my Li family. The fault for this matter is not all on Ming'er. It's because Wei Wenhe and Wang Long bullied others too much!"

Seeing Li Mingtai being stopped, all the retainers and clan members also angrily tried to persuade him.

"Yes, Master, the young master is not at fault for this matter."

"That Wang Lung is so despicable!"

"Damn River Welwyn!"


Seeing that his goal was achieved, Li Mingtai glanced at his fifth brother Li Mingjing, who immediately let go of his clothes, and the two returned to their seats.

"Everyone, since you all plead for this traitor, let's spare his life for the time being. However, our Li family and the retainers share weal and woe. This traitor has caused the lives of the masters in the clan. He can be spared the death penalty, but he cannot escape the crime of living!"

Li Mingtai said coldly: "I'll whip this traitor to death for forty times and lock him up in an ancestral hall to repent. Apart from daily food delivery, he has to have no contact with anyone and is not allowed to step out of the ancestral hall. If he is not born, the ban will not be lifted!"

"The child knows his crime and is willing to accept the punishment and thank his father." Li Ming's heart trembled.

Blood whip forty, whip whip to see blood. This punishment can be considered an extremely serious punishment within the family.

What's more, if it is not innate and the ban is not lifted, it means that he will lose his freedom for a long time.

"Shen Zhui, damn Shen Zhui!" Li Ming secretly hated him. He never thought that killing a mere ninth-level Houtian would cause such big trouble. The point is that the killing is not done yet.

It made him suffer like this now.

"Take it down!"

Waiting for Li Ming to be taken away, Li Mingjing added at the right time: "Brother, now Wei Wenhe has begun to secretly send people to inspect our properties in Anyang, Hekou, Panshan and other places. The temples in various places have suffered several attacks and losses. It was so tragic that three temples were destroyed.”

"Previously, my eldest brother was in seclusion, and we didn't dare to act without authorization. Now that my eldest brother is out of seclusion, I have to ask my eldest brother to decide how to act."

Li Mingtai did not answer directly, but smiled and said: "Everyone, I have two pieces of good news."

"The first news is that the situation in the DPRK has changed. The action of destroying the ancestral temple and abandoning the temple has been resisted by many princes. I heard that the emperor has vague thoughts of overturning the previous decree and wants to rebuild the temple and cast a golden body. To appease all parties.”


"This is true!"

"The Emperor has really changed his mind?!"

"The ancestors bless you, and the gods open your eyes."

Everyone immediately started talking, and some old men were even moved to tears.

Wei Wenhe has overwhelmed the two major families within three years of taking office. Why?

Isn’t it because of the emperor’s will?

In the past three years, more than thirty families, large and small, have had to succumb to Wei Wenhe's decree.

Even when treating a humble slave, one cannot punish or scold him at will, for fear of being caught and thrown into jail.

Even within the two major families, there are different voices and they dare not confront Wei Wenhe.

As a result, the power and territory of the two major families are now less than half of what they were three years ago!

Now that they heard that there was a decree coming, even if it was just a little bit of news, they were all overjoyed!

Because it has never been mentioned in the court, and now there is suddenly a rumor, how can it be easily suppressed?

I’m afraid it won’t be long before it will be implemented everywhere!

In this way, whether the good clothes and fine food are preserved is the second priority. The important point is that those invisible acts can continue to be concealed!

When the discussion subsided, Li Mingtai said again: "The second good news is that I have entered the Spiritual Bridge Realm after leaving customs this time!"

"Congratulations to the clan leader!" Everyone raised their hands in congratulations.

This news is even more exciting than the first one. In the final analysis, the foundation of a big family depends on the strength of the strong.

The will is still far in the future, but now that Li Mingtai's strength is even better, it is right in front of him, which is a real benefit!

This means that it is even more difficult for Wei Wenhe to eradicate the Li family!

"Since Wei Wenhe wants to get things done, we don't need to be polite anymore. Now, it's time to return the favor!"

Li Mingtai's eyes were cold and he began to issue orders one by one:

"Send the order and go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and send people to watch all the gates and exits of the county. Wei Wenhe dares to send one person out of the city to handle the case. One person will be killed, one will be killed, and two will be killed! Especially the ninth-level warriors the day after tomorrow, send The innate master leads the team to intercept!"

"Throw all the heads to the city gate!"

"Sixth brother, you go to the 14 villages and towns including Hekou, Panshan, Anyang, and Tongxiang. Select 30% of the tenants under my Li family's name and come to the county seat. Say that the county of Wei Wenhe has an order, and my Li family cannot If we don’t take back the fields, let them come to the county magistrate Wei Wenhe to beg for food!”

"Seventh brother, you stop all the river transportation at Wei River and Baiyun Port outside Heyuan City, and all the ships and caravans owned by my Li family. At the same time, you buy all kinds of medicinal materials and grains.

Within a month, I want to see the prices of food, cloth, fruits, vegetables, and medicinal materials all doubled in Heyuan City! "

"Uncle Fourteen, go to Liangzhou in person and manage the officials up and down, asking them to remain neutral in the triennial official evaluation. If possible, ask them to write a letter to impeach Wei Wenhe for his poor governance."

"Fourth brother, please contact the Yang family and ask them to cooperate with us. Remember, you must meet the head of the Yang family in person!"

"In addition, fifth brother, please arrange for someone to spread the news in the county, saying that I have broken through the Lingqiao realm, and send out invitations to all the families in the city to come to the banquet."

"I want everyone to know that Wei Wenhe is just a paper tiger that is only useful but useless!"

As soon as the orders came down, everyone in the hall took action quickly.

Li Mingtai looked at the sky outside the door, a trace of blood flashing in his eyes.

"Wei Wenhe, I want to see if you can still sit still after a month, when public resentment outside Heyuan County is boiling, an order of accountability is sent from the state capital, and your subordinates are killed one by one! Do you still have the confidence to continue following? My Li family is against me!"

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