I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 1: Fortune and luck

The Bodhisattva's Dharma emitted a burst of soft light, and then a woman walked out of the light.

She was different from the image of the shepherdess Shen Zhui had seen before.

Although the appearance is 80% similar, the temperament has changed.

There was a cool aura all over her body, like a fairy who could not eat the fireworks of the world.

Shen Zhui was slightly shocked, but he quickly understood that this was the manifestation of Taoism and regained his composure.

"If you are destined to get the heart of this world, it proves that you have passed the test I left behind and become my last disciple."

Venerable Ciyun said calmly: "I have two secrets, one is the "Linglong Buddha Collection", and the other is "The Lotus and the Fruit of the Path".

"Exquisite Buddhist treasure, Lotus Lake Taoist fruit?" Shen Zhui was slightly stunned.

Not long after the world of Ciyun opened, he consulted a large number of ancient books and searched for all information about ancient Buddhism. Of course, he was most concerned about various Buddhist secrets, magical powers, and treasures.

However, I have never heard of these two special skills.

"The "Linglong Buddha Collection" is derived from ancient Buddhist books, improved by my master, King Kue, and created specifically for my seven-aperture exquisite heart."

"After many years of understanding and deduction, I finally transformed it into a special method that ordinary people can practice before I die."

"King of Misfortune? A true god-level powerhouse?" Shen Zhui was secretly shocked.

You need to know that in the world of cultivation, only true god-level powerful people can be kings.

"I wonder what this special method is?" Shen Zhui said secretly.

Like the special method, he actually has two.

One is the formless magical power, which can be transformed into countless forms and disappear without a trace.

The second is the five-sense spiritual transfer method, which is to develop the treasures of the physical body and try to develop the five senses and magical powers.

"This is a special method that is based on the state of mind and cultivates mental power. It has all kinds of mysteries, and you will know it once you practice."

Venerable Ciyun said calmly: "However, this "Linglong Buddha Collection" is too difficult to practice. It was created by my master, King Kue, for my special physique."

"It took me half my life to find a glimmer of possibility before I died, which might allow a normal physique to practice the "Linglong Buddha Collection".

"The seven orifices are exquisite, and the Buddha is hidden in the heart. He lives because of them and dies because of them."

"I specially set up the exquisite chess game to select those with the highest understanding to inherit this special method."

"So it's all because of the "Linglong Buddha Collection"?" Shen Zhui was secretly shocked.

From the scene where the magic appeared just now, Shen Zhui also learned that Venerable Ciyun's Exquisite Heart with Seven Apertures had a heaven-defying effect.

Otherwise, the young monk who was seriously injured and dying would not be able to survive, and it would even become the only way to rescue the princess.

"The "Linglong Buddha Treasure" requires at least a mental state of 'fixed mind' before there is any chance of practicing it. If one has a perfect state of mind, there is a 30% chance of practicing it."

Shen Zhui's breath suffocated.

Are you only 30% sure of achieving a perfect state of mind?

This exquisite Buddha collection is too difficult!

He felt extremely troubled.

If you want to reach the state of perfection, you must be a practitioner of the state of concentration, and you must go through countless hardships, struggles, and life-and-death struggles before you can achieve it.

However, when reaching perfection, there is only a 30% chance of successful cultivation.

At this moment, Venerable Ciyun spoke again.

"As for this "Lotus Flower Dao Fruit", although it is also a special method, it is not that difficult."

Shen Zhui listened quietly.

""Lotus Flower Dao Fruit" has two chapters."

"The previous chapter is about 'Wang Qi' and 'Gathering Qi', which is the way to practice the source of blessing and luck."

"People have three disasters and nine tribulations, three lives and nine constants. Good fortune, misfortune, good and bad fortune all have their origins."

Shen Zhui's brows moved slightly, and he suddenly thought of Murong Qingxue, a woman who was born with bad luck.

“The sources of blessing and luck vary from person to person, and they are unevenly obtained due to the cause and effect of good and evil.”

"By cultivating this door, you can see the good and bad luck of all living things. This is called 'looking at Qi'."

"Taking the energy of all living things and using it for your own use is called gathering energy."

"If you are a disciple of Buddhism, you should have heard of similar methods..." Venerable Ciyun said.

Shen Zhui remained silent, but there was a wave of excitement in his heart.

When Venerable Ciyun mentioned the source of blessing and luck, he remembered his original conversation with Wei Wenhe.

The central court established temples in various places, and various gods were responsible for their duties.

Among them are the divisions of increasing fortune, longevity, imparting merit, and rewarding salary.

Zengfusi is to act on behalf of heaven and reward and punish the subjects.

As a result, good people can have good fortune and prosper, and turn bad luck into good luck.

However, even with Wei Wenhe's background, he only knows what is going on but does not know what is going on.

Now, this Venerable Ciyun actually told him that this technique can take away the blessings and luck of all living beings?

"Is this the reason why the imperial court abolished obscene sacrifices, annihilated evil gods, and eradicated foreigners?" This thought came to Shen Zhui's mind.

Venerable Ciyun said it in a very ordinary way, because the era she lived in was the ancient times.

However, more than 30,000 years have passed since ancient times, and Shen Zhui immediately felt the benefits of this special method.

"...If you can practice the Qi gathering in the previous chapter, you can form the Qi Luck Lotus Heart in the Qi sea."

"When the lotus heart grows and forms the Taoist fruit, it can help you eliminate disasters and turn misfortune into good fortune."

"But every cause has its own effect. If you use the Lotus Fruit to take someone else's luck, you will have to repay him."

"If we plunder by force, there may be disaster."

Only then did Shen Zhui suddenly realize that he had gone astray.

If you can plunder other people's blessings and luck at will, wouldn't this "Lotus Flower Path and Fruit" become a magic method?

"With these two methods, Venerable Ciyun actually died. I don't know what kind of enemy he provoked..." After hearing Venerable Ciyun's last words, Shen Zhui suddenly felt a little emotional.

Venerable Ciyun herself is a ninth-level Venerable, and her combat power is comparable to that of a true god-level warrior. She also has a master, King Kue, who is also a true god-level warrior.

Such forces all died at the hands of their enemies. Shen Zhui could not imagine how many powerful enemies Venerable Ciyun had provoked.

"Destined one, now you know my two special secrets. Now, it's time for you to choose." Venerable Ciyun suddenly changed the topic.

"Choose?" Shen Zhui was a little confused.

"My enemy cut off my eight destiny, but he didn't expect that I had already formed the Tao Fruit and my soul is immortal."

"Now that the heart of the world has seen the light of day again, it will also be the time of my resurrection!" Venerable Ciyun said.

"W-what?" Shen Zhui was shocked.

"Venerable Ciyun, there is still a trace of his soul left, and he is still alive today?"

Endless years have passed, even the cave world has been shattered, but you can still be reincarnated?

Shen Zhui felt like he was listening to fantasy.

In the realm of supernatural powers, if the physical body is destroyed, if the soul exists, it can be reborn.

However, this has extremely strict conditions. The first and most important point is that the time of losing the physical body cannot be too long.

But how long has it been since Venerable Ciyun... fell?

"The world is so vast and full of wonders. Maybe there is something strange about this venerable person." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

After a pause, Shen Zhui cupped his hands and said, "I dare to ask how I can help His Holiness."

Venerable Ciyun's voice suddenly became louder: "It's very simple. All you need to do is cultivate the Lotus Fruit and find for me a woman in the Spiritual Bridge Realm who has deep blessings and has never done anything."

"Use the spirit attack method to destroy his soul but preserve his body, and then let Zen Heart refine a treasure using secret methods and bring it into your cave world, so that I can initially revive my soul."

"Zenxin cannot learn "Lianhu Daoguo". He is a puppet of a divine weapon and has no cause and effect to bear. And I must rely on your power to conceive and raise him for several years."

"But don't worry, this matter will not be detrimental to you at all, and my presence in your cave world can speed up your absorption of the heart of the world."

"In addition, the Zen mind can completely lift the ban and can help you without limit."

Shen Zhui frowned and said, "What if I don't want to?"

"Huh? If you don't want to, then my inheritance has nothing to do with you." Venerable Ciyun said coldly.

"Everything you have gained before will be completely erased, and the Zen Heart will immediately fly away with the Heart of the World."

"You might even get hit hard by it!"

Shen Zhui looked calm and unmoved.

Venerable Ciyun continued: "If you can accept the inheritance, your cultivation must not be weak. You only need to agree to this small request, and you will immediately receive endless benefits. Why not?"

"Promise, agree, these two unique skills and the heart of the world will be yours immediately..."

"You will become a powerful venerable, admired by the world, and possess endless glory and wealth!"

"I refuse." Shen Zhui still stared at the illusory figure quietly, shook his head, unmoved.

"If you don't agree, you will die now!" The shepherdess's face suddenly became ferocious, and she rushed towards Shen Zhui with her teeth and claws bared.

The figure carried a huge coercion that made people's hearts tremble, and they soon arrived in front of Shen Zhui.

"Huh~" The figure of the shepherdess passed through Shen Zhui's body, but turned into a huge flow of information and crashed into his mind.

There was a trance, and in front of Shen Zhui's eyes was still the statue of the Bodhisattva sitting upside down. Where was the shepherdess?

"Huh?" Shen Zhui noticed that the couplets carved on the two pillars slowly disappeared.

At the same time, a vague spiritual thought came into Shen Zhui's mind.

This is a soft female voice filled with infinite melancholy:

"My last disciple, treat her well..."


The ancient temple disappeared, and Shen Zhui's figure was torn apart instantly.

Opening his eyes, Shen Zhui found himself in a mansion in the cave world.

Next to him stood Venerable Douzhan Zenxin, and the two stars in front of him were rotating around him, giving off a cheerful and close atmosphere.

It wasn't until this moment that Shen Zhui felt that the heart of the twin worlds truly belonged to him.

"Congratulations, Shen Zhui, for passing the master's final test." Venerable Douzhan knelt down on one knee and crossed his chest with both hands.

"Zen Xin, get up." Shen Zhui waved his hand and said with a smile.

Zenxin nodded, stood up and looked at the two stars, full of nostalgia.

"The master has really left this time." Zen Xin said sadly.

As a puppet life, it also has its own emotions.

"The teacher really has a trace of spiritual thought left in the heart of this world?" Shen Zhui asked.

"Yes." Zenxin nodded.

"It's just that this spiritual thought is one with the heart of the world. The master can no longer leave, nor can he be reborn."

"The first two tests are one for understanding and the other for combat strength."

"Only this final test will start at a certain moment after the inheritor obtains all the treasures and returns to his true nature."

Zen Heart sighed: "The last test is the character of the mind."

"In order to prevent the inheritance of treasures from falling into the hands of evil spirits."

Shen Zhui nodded and asked, "What will happen if I agree to the request?"

Zen Xin said calmly: "The moment you officially start taking action, that's when I will kill you."

"Hiss~" Even though he had expected it, Shen Zhui still broke into a cold sweat when he heard the reply.

No matter who gets the Master Dou Zhan, it is impossible not to take it with him.

Moreover, Venerable Ciyun specifically stated that it must be refined by the secret method of Zen Heart, so...

No matter what, when Shen Zhui agreed and decided to do this evil thing, he couldn't avoid Venerable Douzhan.

And a sudden sneak attack by a Dou Zhan Venerable, for Shen Zhui's state, it is impossible to dodge, and death is almost certain!

"Teacher, you really worked hard..." Shen Zhui couldn't help sighing.

The shepherdess, who was Venerable Ciyun, was betrayed by the young monk.

Now, she is here again, setting the same test.

If a person in the demonic path hears such a request, killing people is a common occurrence, and there are many benefits, and nine out of ten people will agree.

However, it was impossible for Shen Zhui to agree.

Because the conditions given by Venerable Ciyun were completely based on the conditions of ‘Zixuan’ in his mind!

In the spirit bridge realm, women have never done evil things...

The moment Shen Zhui reacted, he immediately refused.

It's simply impossible for him to kill Zixuan.

Not to mention that Shen Zhui was not willing to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Just because Zixuan met the conditions, Shen Zhui would subconsciously refuse.

"The conditions set by the master may change, but the final result is that the inheritor is required to kill an innocent person."

"The master does not have to require his disciples to be great virtuous people. He cannot kill anyone, but he cannot be a great evil person either."

"Shen Zhui, fortunately you passed the test. Otherwise, it would have been dangerous." Zen thought.

Shen Zhui nodded. Among the 360 ​​disciples of Venerable Ciyun, some of the inheritance left behind include some overbearing and powerful techniques, some extremely demanding and weird inheritance requirements, and even some techniques that are both good and evil.

Shen Zhui didn't believe that those people were all sad people, masters who would never kill.

Even the magical puppets in Buddhism, who fight in the name of fighting, are obviously not the kind of stubborn people.

However, there is a bottom line!

The bottom line of Venerable Ciyun is hidden in this last test.

Do not kill innocent people indiscriminately for your own selfish gain.

"Shen Zhui, now you should have obtained the master's two special skills, and you can try to practice them." Zen said in his heart.

"There's no rush." ​​Shen Zhui smiled slightly, "Zen Xin, please come out for a moment."

"Huh? What's wrong?" Zen Xin was stunned for a moment, but he soon appeared in the outside world. Find Shuyuan www.zhaosshuyua.com

A ray of yellow light flashed across Shen Zhui's body, and at the same time it enveloped Lord Dou Zhan.

Of course, Venerable Huang Guang Douzhan couldn't see or feel it at all.

As the saying goes, it is essential to be on guard against others. When the merit barrier opened, it immediately swept through the entire body of Lord Douzhan!

After a while, Shen Zhui quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" Zenxin asked in confusion.

"It's okay." Shen Zhui smiled. "You can go in."


"It's really inexplicable!" Zen Xin muttered, and entered Shen Zhui's cave world again.

Shen Zhui smiled and studied two special skills in his mind.

"The "Linglong Buddha Treasure" and "Lotus Flower Dao Fruit", let me see how difficult it is to practice." Shen Zhui took a deep breath, immediately closed his eyes and began to comprehend.

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