I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 8: Man-made disaster

"What should I do?" Shen asked.

"Kill, try to kill some Yin demons for Murong Qingxue. The more Yin demons you kill, the safer she will be, and the more luck will be fed back to you." Zen thought.

"Okay!" Shen Zhui quickly flew over the bamboo forest, stepping on the bamboo tips and flying towards the evil demons.

"Shua~" The Zangyuan sword technique was activated, and the God-killing sword carried the hazy sword energy and instantly cut through the bamboo forest.

Large tracts of bamboo forest collapsed, and dozens of miles of open space appeared in front of them. A gully formed, and all of them were broken.

"Huh? What's going on?" Shen Zhui's expression changed.

He found that when he slashed, he didn't touch anything except bamboo, and the evil demon threads seen by the Qi-gazing method were not damaged.

"Innate magical power, Demon Soul Roar!" Shen Zhui immediately transformed into a Shadow Demon Leopard, opened his mouth and roared, and black ripples spread out along the space.

However, the same doesn't work!


A dark wind blew by, and Shen Zhui looked up and saw a troll in the sky, stepping down on him with its big feet.

Shen Zhui subconsciously flashed, but the big foot passed directly through Shen Zhui's body, as if...it didn't exist at all!

After continuous attempts, Shen Zhui found that he could not encounter these evil spirits at all.

Telling the Zen mind about this situation, the Zen mind also started thinking hard in the cave world.

"I understand... this is the emanation of Murong's misfortune. The disaster is naturally directed at her, and no one else can interfere."

"What should we do?" Shen Zhui's heart tightened. Can Murong Qingxue resist so many demons?

"It's not that you can't intervene at all, it should be only for a very small period of time, or restricted." Zen thought.

Shen Zhui was stunned for a moment, but he immediately figured out the key.

If this body of doom can be saved so easily, it may not be too easy.

"How to judge?" Shen Zhui asked while retreating.

"I don't know, you have to judge for yourself. I have never seen anyone with a bad luck constitution. I just heard some conjectures mentioned by my master when talking to friends." Zenxin shook his head. "You have to decide for yourself."

"I understand." Shen Zhui took a deep breath.

Relax your mind and carefully observe the differences between these demons.

At the same time, they are also looking for ways to attack the Yin Demon.

After searching for a while and trying many times, Shen Zhui never found a way.

"If it doesn't work, we can only use the barrier of merit to overcome it." Shen Zhui sighed inwardly.

The merit barrier is the simplest and crudest method.

However, after nine transfers, he now only has more than 30 million good deeds left.

If it was true as Zen Heart said, these demons were transformed by pure black luck, Shen Zhui felt that even if he had hundreds of millions of good deeds, he would not be able to stop them.

Endless, invisible heads, how many evil demons are there?

To resist with the barrier of merit alone is only a drop in the bucket.

However, if he really couldn't find a way, Shen Zhui could only use this stupid method.

He couldn't just sit back and watch Murong fall at the last step, it would be a pity.

Just when Shen Zhui was at a loss what to do, a voice suddenly came into his mind.

"You really want to save her?" The voice was very calm, and there was no emotion at all.

Shen Zhui was slightly startled, but at this moment he didn't bother to look for the source of the sound, but nodded quickly in response: "Yes."

"Why do you want to save her? What's the purpose?" For the second question, the emotion can be heard in the voice, which seems a little excited and harsh.

"Because she is my friend, she once saved me, and she is also my personal soldier. She cannot just sit idly by and ignore it." Shen Zhui replied quickly.

"Do you know her life experience?" For the third question, the voice seemed to be calm again.

"I know." Shen Zhui nodded and added at the end. "I mean her real life experience."

Strictly speaking, Murong Qingxue is the granddaughter of Liang Wang Xia Wudao!

Although this matter is very secretive, Shen Zhui happens to be an insider.

There was silence for a long time, and the voice seemed to disappear. Shen Zhui didn't care so much and continued to look for a solution.

About seven or eight seconds later, the voice reappeared in Shen Zhui's mind.

Only two words:


then? Pick up what? Shen Zhui looked confused.

But he soon knew what he was getting into.

As soon as he finished speaking, a small black crack suddenly opened above his head, and then a red stream of light flashed out and went straight into Shen Zhui's arms.

Shen Zhui subconsciously took the thing in his hand, and when he took a closer look, he saw it was a dragon-shaped jade carving.

This jade-carved dragon has red beads in its mouth. It is very small and looks like a decoration. However, the yellow dragon body and the bead that exudes warm light prove that this is no ordinary item.

A warm feeling came from the tentacles, and red light quickly spread throughout Shen Zhui's body. His whole body was surging with power. Shen Zhui saw these two beautiful words carved on the dragon's body.


Princess Anning? Shen Zhui was slightly stunned.

"Don't tell her." The voice came to Shen Zhui's mind again, seeming a little weak.

Just as Shen Zhui was about to ask what this thing did, the sound disappeared without a trace.

But Shen Zhui soon understood the purpose of this dragon-shaped jade sculpture.

Because at this moment, all the Yin Demon's slow progress suddenly stopped, and all turned their heads to look at Shen Zhui.

The endless demons focused their attention on Shen Zhui. To be precise, they focused on the dragon-shaped carving on Shen Zhui's hand.

"Hoho~" came an overwhelming howl.

Shen Zhui felt that the world around him suddenly turned on some kind of switch, and countless voices and gloomy auras came through.

Now he can not only 'see' these demons, but he can also actually feel them!

All the demons suddenly gave up their progress in an instant, turned around, and roared towards Shen Zhui.

The endless ocean of demons drowned Shen Zhui in an instant...


On the other side of the Canglan River, there is a dark and dense forest.

The defensive strength deployed by the sectarian alliance here has become several times stronger than the original strength after two wars.

At this moment, in a frontline military city in the sect alliance, hundreds of Qi Practitioners wearing fiery red robes with patterns of alien animals embroidered on them were kneeling in one direction, muttering something in their mouths, as if they were chanting some kind of spell.

And in the center of the circle where hundreds of people gathered, there was an extremely tall altar, with a red and black ball on it that was constantly expanding and contracting.

Finally, at a certain moment, the ball suddenly expanded, then spread out, forming a dark red portal in the air.

Immediately afterwards, figures carrying huge black wooden coffins came out one after another.

After a moment, the sphere dissipated, and six tall figures carrying long coffins, shrouded in black robes, appeared on the altar.

"Welcome the Holy Envoy." Hundreds of Taoists shouted in unison.

The six figures, without saying a word or even looking at these people, silently jumped down from the altar and sank directly into the ground, disappearing quickly.

Hundreds of Taoists were admitted to the cave world, and the bloody portals were floating in the air on their own.

It's like this never happened.


Cold, dark, and endless killing.

Shen Zhui stepped on a white bone as thick and huge as a hill. Various corpses piled up underneath, and black blood gathered under his feet to form a black lake.

The black mist rose, and the bones of the evil demons kept disappearing and defeating, but they quickly emerged from the black lake.

Shen Zhui numbly drew out and sheathed the sword, relying on the blood source armor, and continued to persevere, seemingly endlessly.

"This group of Yin demons gathered together seems to have the characteristics of the netherworld. There is even a demon lake of reincarnation and birth. How many people are going to be killed?" Shen Zhui defeated the bone warrior who was biting next to him with a knife, and then Rising from the ground.

The demons crawled and piled up under the ground, forming a terrifying mountain of demons under his feet, spiraling upward.

In the sky, there were black warships, constantly attacking Shen Zhui.

Even though he had killed thousands of Yin Demons, looking up at this moment, Shen Zhui found that around him, the number of Yin Demons was still endless and their attack was inexhaustible.

"If this continues, the Bloodborne Divine Armor will be fine, but my soul will be unable to bear it." Shen Zhui frowned.

Although the blood source armor can block the invasion of Yin demons, it is a bit bleak at the moment. No matter how small the damage is, when accumulated, the damage to the soul is considerable.

Shen Zhui lowered his head and glanced at the dragon-shaped jade sculpture in his arms. The red bead had turned into the size of a grain of rice, and the yellow dragon body had gradually become crystal clear and bleached, with numerous cracks appearing.

"Benefit barrier!" Shen Zhui shouted, and immediately expanded the merit barrier to a range of ten meters.

At this moment, his good deeds were quickly disappearing at a speed of 300,000 per second.

"Buzz~" The yellow halo exploded, sweeping out like a shock wave.

The evil demons within ten miles around were immediately swept away, and there was a brief period of tranquility.

But soon, another group was born from the demonic lake...

"Kakaka~" The cracks in the dragon-shaped jade carving expanded, and the red beads the size of rice grains brightened for a while and then dimmed quickly.

"Peng~" The jade sculpture was completely shattered.

The next moment, Shen Zhui suddenly opened his eyes.

"Shen Zhui, Shen Zhui..." Zen Xin's voice appeared in his mind. "You finally woke up. What just happened? Why are you motionless?"

"Just now..." Shen Zhui frowned and looked at his palms.

He opened his palms and saw a small amount of white powder appearing in his palms, which was quickly blown away by the wind.

"It's okay." Shen Zhui shook his head.

"Are you okay? Your soul is so weak right now, it's only comparable to the spiritual consciousness of a peak Lingqiao person!" Zen said anxiously. "If you hadn't gotten weaker, I wouldn't have been able to help you."

Not to mention that Shen Zhui hadn't felt it yet, as soon as he mentioned his Zen heart, he felt a weak feeling in his body, and he almost lost his balance.

This comes from the weakness of the soul, just like a strong man. Although the body is strong, the soul is weak and even the body cannot be controlled.

"Swish, swish, swish~" Shen Zhui quickly took out a few blood source crystals from the storage ring and absorbed them, only to restore half of his soul.

Shen Zhui glanced behind him using the Qi-gazing method, and saw that there were still many black-qi Yin demons walking into the courtyard where Murong Qingxue was.

However, compared with before, it has been reduced by more than half.

"I've tried my best." Shen Zhui shook his head.

The Yin Demon has reached Murong Qingxue, and she has to bear the rest by herself. This is a disaster that she must accept, otherwise changing her fate against the will of heaven is empty talk.


Banyue City, in the city lord's mansion.

"The natural disaster has passed, senior brother. From now on, we will be on guard and no one will be allowed to approach the bamboo forest area." Shen Zhui said to Yun Duo.

"Don't worry, junior brother." Yun Duo nodded. "People along the Canglan River are now on heightened alert. No one can cross the river."

"With the temple's array defense, if you want to storm into Banyue City in an honest and fair manner, the sect alliance must mobilize at least ten times the force of Banyue City."

"You still can't be careless." Shen Zhui shook his head.

Having personally witnessed the coming of this 'natural disaster', Shen Zhui also had a deep understanding of the calamity of his special physique.

This kind of level is difficult to guard against, otherwise it wouldn't be called bad luck.

Even though he had the barrier of merit, he could not completely bear these disasters for Murong.

Like the sky thunder and the evil demon, no matter how hard Shen Zhui tried, part of it would directly come true for Murong Qingxue.

"I'll go take a look at the front line again." Seeing Shen Zhui being so solemn, Yun Duo didn't dare to be careless. He immediately took a step forward and disappeared into the city lord's palace.


Underground, in the endless deep space, six people carrying long coffins were walking quickly through the soil.

They did not emit any aura fluctuations, as if they were born to be part of the underground.

Finally, the six figures stopped.

Above is a layer of faint golden light.

"Master has ordered that there is a person with a special physique here. Kill it and make it into a corpse puppet. It has endless resentment and potential, and it is an excellent refining material."

"Remember, once you succeed, run away immediately. As long as you run to the river, Master will pick me up."




Shen Zhui's mind was always a little uneasy. According to reports from everywhere, everything was normal on the other side of the Canglan River.

There were no signs of strong men from the Wu'an Army camp coming to Banyue City to cause trouble for him.

Everything seems to be over.

"Zen Xin, can man-made disasters be controlled, or are natural disasters and man-made disasters just a matter of dealing with one of them?" Shen Zhui asked.

"Not sure, the master said it was possible. After all, few people have seen it and there are few records." Zen Xin shook his head. "But Shen Zhui, her calamitous body has such power, the possibility of man-made disaster is extremely high."

"But once it appears, it is extremely difficult to avoid it. If you can avoid it at will, it is not considered bad luck."

Shen Zhui nodded, and then used the five-sense teleportation method, spiritual detection, psychic compass, and temple barrier to explore the area around the bamboo forest again.

After a moment, Shen Zhui suddenly frowned.

Because among the four detection methods, three all reported safety, and only this five-sense teleportation method allowed Shen Zhui to hear an unusual movement.

"Shashasha~" It was as if there was some kind of creature crawling underground.

"It stands to reason that if the temple barrier is breached by force, it will definitely attract the attention of the controller...Am I overthinking it?" Shen Zhui hesitated for a moment, and immediately tried to blast a blast of divine power into the ground.

At the same time, the earth clone among the seven clones also got into the ground. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com

After this attempt, a big problem was immediately discovered.

Shen Zhui suddenly discovered that there were five extremely weak spiritual power fluctuations deep underground.

Although it was weak, it was lurking towards the top unswervingly.

"There are enemies!" Shen Zhui's expression changed and he suddenly stepped down.

"Who is it? Come out!"

Underground, five figures stopped squirming, and after a moment, the ground suddenly exploded.

"Boom, boom~" The soil rolled and splashed everywhere, and five figures soared into the sky and appeared in front of Shen Zhui.

"Five eighth-level supernatural powers, Corpse Puppet Sect?" Seeing this scene, Shen Zhui's expression suddenly changed.


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