I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 4: If you raise your head three feet, there is a god

"The reason why Houtian warriors are divided into nine levels is because there are nine key acupoints in the body that hinder the smooth flow of meridians."

"With strong vitality, every time you break through an acupuncture point, you can open up a meridian, and your strength will increase by one level, increasing your strength by a hundred kilograms."

"By clearing the nine major checkpoints and connecting the nine major meridians to form a cycle of the heaven and earth, you can reach the peak of the acquired warrior. After that, you can feel the power of heaven and earth and transform your vitality into the innate true energy. You will even enter the realm of the innate warrior."

Shen Zhui pondered in his heart and started to operate the "Blood Burning" technique that he had practiced for three years.

The "Burning Blood" technique was given by the imperial court. It is named after the Qi and blood in the body boil when it is running, and the practitioner feels as if the blood in the body is burning.

Each of the first three articles corresponds to the early, middle and late stages of the acquired warrior.

When all three chapters are completed, you can reach the peak of acquired heaven, comprehend the power of heaven and earth, and become an innate warrior.

The first three chapters of "Burning Blood" are the most basic exercises issued by the imperial court, aiming to cultivate the strength of the most basic warriors. One of its biggest advantages is that it can be achieved quickly!

When breaking through the first acupoint level, the vitality in the body will break through the small meridians around it, which is equivalent to forcibly expanding the capacity of the meridians, accumulating a larger amount of vitality, superimposing a layer of additional vitality, and impacting with a domineering and fierce attitude. Next acupuncture point.

"Compared with the secret techniques of other wealthy families, the "Burning Blood" technique progresses very quickly in the early stages of practice, and may even allow people to break through the original talent barrier. However, its shortcomings are also obvious, that is, when it reaches the back, The greater the power, the more and more small meridians will be damaged at the same time."?

Therefore, it is more difficult to break through the innate warrior than ordinary disciples from aristocratic families.

However, Shen Zhui made it clear about the pros and cons of this technique as early as three years ago when he entered the martial arts room, so he naturally wouldn't complain.

The Dharma should not be taught lightly. He was poor and humble at the time. If he had not practiced the "Burning Blood" technique, it would have been impossible for him to embark on the martial arts path. He might still be an ordinary poor man to this day.

"Now I have started to practice the third chapter of the "Burning Blood" technique and have broken through the seventh acupoint level. If I can break through to the eighth level of acquired skills, I can take on higher-level cases and accumulate more good deeds."

Shen Zhui took out a small bottle containing Xiao Huan Dan from his arms, poured out one pill, swallowed it, and started to run the technique.

"Bang bang! Bang bang!"

Everything was quiet around him. When Shen Zhui began to concentrate on running his skills, all he could hear was the sound of his own heartbeat.

The vitality slowly flows through the first seven acupoints, gathering and condensing.

Under the control of Shen Zhui's mind, he rushed towards the eighth acupoint!



All the vitality hit the eighth level, but it seemed to have encountered an indestructible invisible shackles.

"Sure enough, we still have to rely on pills." Shen Zhui smiled slightly.

Then he picked up a small pill and put it into his mouth to strengthen the vitality in his body.

"Boom boom boom~!"

The waves in my mind were like waves hitting the rocks, hitting the invisible barrier again and again.

But no matter how Shen Zhui attacked again and again, this eighth level was always as solid as a rock, preventing him from breaking the mirror.

"This eighth acupuncture point is really difficult to open." Shen Zhui was secretly shocked.

He has hit it no less than a hundred times, and he has taken twenty small pills!

I even felt the slightest bit of pain, but still couldn't break through!


An elite, round, dark green pill appeared in his hand.

Big return pill!

It is made from dozens of precious medicinal materials and is worth five hundred taels! Shen Zhui originally planned to save the ninth level, but the eighth level was still unsolved, but he couldn't bear it anymore.

After swallowing it in one gulp, a huge amount of vitality instantly poured into the body, flowing mightily through the seven major acupuncture points, and merged with the vitality staying in front of the eighth level.


In extremely severe pain, Shen Zhui controlled the torrent of vitality and slammed it away...


Finally, a crack appeared in the eighth level.

Once you have the crack, it will be easier after that.

Shen Zhui's restrained energy hit the barrier again and again...


"The eighth level is broken! The eighth level of acquired warrior...is one step closer to the innate warrior!"

Shen Zhui couldn't stop sighing. This "Blood Burning" technique is actually not difficult to practice. The difficulty lies in the pain caused when hitting the level.

And the pain increases exponentially as you get to later levels.

Like this time when he hit the eighth level, he almost fainted from the pain the moment the mirror broke.

"The eighth level hurts so much. The ninth level and the innate breakthrough level are simply unimaginable."

Of course, it is worth paying all the price.

As acquired warriors, each time they advance to a higher level, their physical strength increases by a hundred kilograms.

Until the ninth level of the day after tomorrow, the maximum strength of 999 kilograms can be achieved.

At the same time, every time you upgrade to a level, you can condense an essence of vitality. The essence of vitality can be attached to weapons, and can also be used to strengthen the strength of your limbs, bursting out extra strength in a short time.

"Blood Burning Technique", assuming that the third chapter is completed, the strength is also 999 kilograms. This is the ultimate limit for acquired warriors.

But when hitting the acupoints, the Burning Blood Technique will forcefully penetrate some small meridians.

Allowing warriors who practice the blood-burning technique to have stronger combat power. It can condense the essence of eighteen rays of vitality!

"Now that I am the eighth-level Houtian, I am afraid that I will soon be able to condense sixteen sword energy. Although the strength is worse than that of the ninth-level warriors, I still practice the ruler technique of the Great Accomplishment. I can kill the ninth-level warriors. For warriors, it shouldn’t be difficult. As for the acquired peak, I’m afraid it will be difficult.”

"However, you can still try to answer the murder case of the ninth level the day after tomorrow."

Shen Zhui thought carefully.

The weapon skills such as swordsmanship and swordsmanship learned by acquired warriors are basically divided into four realms: entry, small success, great success, and perfection.

The first realm: only when the weapon does not harm the body can one get started.

For example, if you use the whip method to fight against an enemy, but instead of hitting the enemy, you hurt yourself, then using a weapon is not as good as using bare hands. In the entry level, the most basic condition is that weapons will not become a burden.

Except for relatively rare weapons such as whips and flying hammers, the entry level can be mastered in as little as a few days or as long as several months.

The second state: if the arm directs it, it is a small success.

When the weapon is used like waving an arm, the power of the move is considered to be a small achievement.

To reach this state, it usually takes several years of hard training, and even those with low levels of understanding can only achieve a small level of success after spending more than ten years.

The third realm: the integration of man and machine, the trend has been achieved!

When weapons and people can communicate with each other, and their physical strength and techniques reach an extremely high level of refinement, as if they are one body, a 'momentum' will be formed.

For example, in swordsmanship, "no water leaks", not even water can pour into the space around you.

The whip shadow in the whip technique, the overlapping shadow of the sword light in the sword technique, etc.

It will give people a strong sense of oppression!

This is the power of the sword, the power of the sword! It is beyond the realm of Dacheng.

If you want to reach this state, hard training is secondary, and understanding is more important.

The fourth realm: harmony between heaven and man, perfect technique.

This realm first requires the warrior to have perfect control over his or her own strength.

A hundred punches must be thrown out, and the strength of the punches must be exactly the same without any deviation. Secondly, when the sword is swung out, the sword must strike at the same position without any deviation.

Finally, and most importantly, strength and techniques are in line with the cycle of heaven. This state is already close to the Tao.

It is difficult for acquired warriors to perfectly control their power, let alone the unity of heaven and man. Therefore, acquired warriors can only reach this state unless they are founders of techniques or geniuses with great understanding.

"The combination of man and machine creates a momentum, and with the help of the system's comprehension time, one day can equal the hard work of others for a year, and it has been three years of training. Find the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com "

"I don't know how to unite heaven and man..."


The next day, the county government.

In a quiet and secret room, Shen Zhui put his waist badge into a groove made with mysterious patterns, and then scenes like water curtains appeared in front of him.

The text on it is clearly visible, and there are even images of the criminals involved in each case.

"Establish Taoism to supervise the world, and abolish obscene sacrifices to enshrine the gods. The Taoism in this world is magical, and I don't know how to do it..."

Even after seeing it many times, Shen Zhui still couldn't help but sigh.

Why is it that their martial arts squad room can arrest people accurately every time, and they are always outside the city?

Because there is a god three feet above your head!

Every city is equipped with a magic circle, and every city supports gods.

Any case, as long as it occurs in the city, cannot escape the supervision of the gods, Taoism and law!

Even outside the city outside the scope of the gods' Taoism, sacrifices will be performed every few years to invite the gods to expand the scope of supervision and inspection.

As long as something harmful to nature or contrary to the laws of the Zhou Dynasty happens, no matter how long it takes, the information about the perpetrator will be clearly presented.

I have truly achieved the goal of holding my head high and looking up like a god! Let people not dare to touch the law easily!

Of course, the longer the time lapses, the greater the cost of this kind of presentation, and it is impossible to say that everything is missing.

"It is said that there are gods at the top of their heads, but I am afraid that those wealthy clans may be able to avoid this kind of supervision. To make these methods useless, we can only rely on people to investigate. As long as people investigate, there will be Take advantage of the opportunity.”

After sighing for a while, Shen Zhui shook his head and started to look it up.

"Look at the files on acquired ninth-level warriors."

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