I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 39: Come out, Xiaohuo!

Seeing the crisis approaching, no one among the four Shen chased them wanted to retreat.

After spending a lot of effort, Shen Zhui Yelan had already used the trick to press the bottom of the box before entering the Wenquan Pavilion. How could he give up so easily?

Not to mention that there are treasures everywhere in Wenquan Pavilion. Even the water in the river contains the power of true text. It is simply a great treasure place!

"Stop, everyone! There is already a master here!" A tall and thin man in the lead shouted at Shen Zhui and others.

"Whoever sees the treasure has a share. Let's go look for it elsewhere. It's up to whoever finds it!" Yelan growled in a voice transmission.

"Okay, then you guys come over and discuss it." The tall and thin man continued to transmit the message.

"Hmph!" Yelan snorted coldly. The speed of the five people did not slow down at all, making it clear that they were not negotiating.

And there is absolutely no intention of letting them go back. In order to ensure that the secret is not leaked, they must kill people and silence them.

"There are so many of them, I'm afraid it will be disadvantageous if we continue to entangle them!" Shen Zhui saw dozens of figures behind the five people, but they did not immediately surround them. He was obviously very confident in the five-person team.

"Don't worry about them yet! There's a lot of space here, let's look for treasure elsewhere!" Ye Lan roared, his wings vibrated, and he immediately flew to the left.

Shen Zhui's wind and thunder escape method was activated, Bakar's scales burst out with a burst of rainbow light, and Niu Tian also returned to his original form and followed closely.

"Stop them!" The five third-level magical powers shouted when they saw Shen Zhui and others trying to escape.

They already regard the treasures in Wenquan Pavilion as their own, and of course they will not tolerate outsiders interfering with it again.

However, Shen Zhui, Ye Lan and others were all talented people, and they were determined to escape, so they immediately left the five pursuers behind.

"Gulong~" Occasionally a bubble appeared in the calm river. The bubble condensed but did not disperse, flying up into the sky with a dense light color. When Shen Zhui and the other four rushed past, they immediately felt extremely comfortable in their bodies and souls.

"Baohe!" Niu Tian was overjoyed. He quickly opened his mouth and swallowed it, and immediately swallowed it towards the river below.

"This treasure river contains the power of the true text. I, my true text has a breakthrough!"

"What?" Shen Zhui's eyes widened, and he quickly flew down the river to collect water.

The cave world opened up, and Shen Zhui simply used the cave world as a bottle to absorb it.

Without saying a word, a large amount of river water disappeared in an instant.

This action immediately made Niu Tian and Bakar's eyes go straight.

It is also absorbed by the cave world, but Shen Zhui's absorption speed is several times that of theirs!

Why does Brother Han feel so much more familiar with things than me? Have you ever done this?

"Leave the river alone!" Yelan yelled. "Get rid of the pursuers first! There are better ones ahead!"

Shen Zhui, Niu Tian and Bakar immediately stopped and continued flying.

However, the water level of the river below was absorbed by several people and dropped significantly.

"Brother Han is so good at drinking!" Niu Tian looked at Shen Zhui with emotion.

Shen Zhui said nothing and continued on his way, all poor...

The pursuers behind saw Shen Zhui and others using their speed to grab the treasure like crazy, and they immediately started yelling and cursing.

"Damn poor guy, he doesn't even spare the river water!"

"No, they went to the secret fruit forest!"

"Hurry up and chase, we can't let them succeed!"

"Kill them!"

The five people chased all the way, and their speed was a little faster.

"Huh? Are you so persistent in pursuit?" Shen Zhui also observed the five people behind him, with no intention of giving up.

"Humph, you are so greedy! You actually want to monopolize such a huge treasure!" Shen Zhui waved his hand, and thousands of thunder nooses suddenly appeared in the void. The nooses quickly created obstacles one after another, including lightning grapples and prison cages. , Eye of the Thunder Dragon...continuously blocking them.

The violent power of thunder immediately slowed down the pursuers behind them, but Cui's five people were not vegetarians. They immediately retaliated, and the fire dragons broke through the space and quickly rushed to pursue Shen.

Bang~ The fire dragon hit the Tujue Shield, which immediately cracked the Tujue Shield and made the entire shield extremely hot.

After all, Tu Jue Shield was only an intermediate level four, so Shen Zhui immediately gave up the interference and ran away with his head down.

"Brother Han, Brother Niu, Bakar, we can't hunt for treasure properly unless we kill these people." Yelan kept paying attention to what was going on behind him.

The four of them still followed the formation of the three warriors who opened the way, and Shen Zhui blocked them with Taoism. However, after running away for so long, the ones behind them kept pursuing them, which also made Ye Lan and others have murderous intentions.

"Yes, kill them!" Niu Tian exhaled two long white breaths from his nostrils, obviously full of fighting spirit.

"Whoosh whoosh~!" The figures of the four people suddenly stopped in mid-air and turned to face the five pursuers.

Five opponents and they only had four.

Looking at each other, they immediately knew that someone should stand up.

"I'm coming!" Niu Tian roared angrily, and a giant ax appeared in his hand. The handle of the ax was surrounded by secret patterns and had a gilded color, and his momentum immediately increased.

"Cui's lackey, come here and fight Grandpa!" Niu Tian's body was burning with flames, and he immediately enveloped the two third-level magical powers, one against two.

Shen Zhui also took the initiative to choose one of the strong men with swords, and took him aside with a flying noose.

The two sides immediately started fighting.

"Don't even think about escaping." The strong man in armor, with a red and ugly face, smiled ferociously at Shen Zhui. With a flick of the sword tip, hundreds of thunder nooses were instantly destroyed.

"Hmph." Shen Zhui activated the Wind and Thunder Escape Technique and quickly stepped back. His current identity is a Qi practitioner who is good at Taoism. Of course, he has to perform a full set of tricks to avoid giving the opponent a chance to close the distance.

"Die!" Harsh laughter sounded, and a sword light struck Shen Zhui's head.

"Condensation!" The dazzling purple thunder light was like a catastrophe, constantly surrounding the sword light, forming a noose barrier in front of Shen Zhui and the strong man, so that the sword light could never break through the area blocked by the noose.

"Brother Han, be careful, there is a very fast warrior among them!" Yelan said via voice transmission. "He's very fast. I'm afraid he wants to kill you first. I can't stop him!"

"Good at speed?" Shen Zhui was actually very easy to deal with the man in front of him. He didn't even use the fourth form of the Thunder God Technique, leaving the man in a panic.

"Yes. In a team, Qi Practitioner is basically the biggest threat...ah, be careful-" Yelan exclaimed.

Shen Zhui suddenly saw a spear being passed behind him, with a cold light flashing, heading straight for his head!

"So fast!" Shen Zhui's expression changed slightly. This man's speed almost reached the speed of five thunders, which was faster than the original one using Wind and Thunder Escape, and comparable to the speed of Feng Xing's clone.

"Ding~" The God-killing Sword appeared in Shen Zhui's hand, and he immediately slashed with his backhand to block the blow. The powerful and heavy blow made Shen Zhui keep retreating, but the crisis was finally resolved.

"Huh? He was able to block Cui Feng's shot. It's not easy for this Qi practitioner." The strong man with the sword facing Shen Zhui suddenly felt his heart tighten, and the murderous intention in his heart became stronger.

"In a moment, he was able to block my Cui Feng's Wind-breaking Spear!" Cui Feng's figure appeared on the left side of Shen Zhui, looking down at Shen Zhui.

"Ye Lan, leave him to you, and leave Cui Feng to me." Shen Zhui quickly exchanged opponents with Ye Lan.

"Okay!" Ye Lan also hurried over and exchanged words with Shen Zhui.

"Alien beast!! You are looking for death!" Angry and harsh screams resounded throughout the world. On the other side, the two people entangled with Niu Tian burst out with a burst of piercing roars, seeming to be greatly stimulated. Fiery red fireworks descended from the sky, spinning to form a huge flying disk, burning and distorting the space.

"Hahaha~~~ Grandpa Niu's axe, don't you feel good? Try my 'sky-splitting' move again!" Niu Tian laughed wildly.

Niu Tian fought against two people alone, but he was not afraid. The body of a bull-headed man made him more than ten meters tall. Every time he dropped the ax, he forced the two third-level magical powers to retreat. The Sky Splitting Style seemed to really split the sky into two halves. Although two people were attacking, they were as trembling as ants under the power of this axe.

Cui's two people could only grit their teeth and block, but there was no other way. Although Niutian was big and not very fast, his ax moves were extremely powerful, so they could only block it head-on.

"Bang bang bang!" The impact of the spiritual energy immediately flattened the surrounding mountains, and the huge fluctuations affected the rest of the people on the battlefield.

"Cui Feng, Cui Shan, Cui Shui, Cui Huo, hold them back until the young master and the others come over!" Cui Mu, the strong man holding the sword, suddenly shouted. "As long as the young master and the others come here, they won't be able to escape!"

"Come on!" The four Cui brothers also shouted in unison.

"Want to delay time?" Shen Zhui immediately increased the intensity of his attack, but Cui Feng's speed was not slow, which really made Shen Zhui a little difficult to deal with. Previously, the opponent had the purpose of killing people, and Shen Zhui could easily catch up with him.

But now they were delaying and hiding. The speeds of both sides were almost the same and even Cui Feng was better. Shen Zhui was immediately left wondering what to do.

Unless Shen Zhui uses his clone to display the Five Elements Conferred God Formation.

On the battlefield, things were changing rapidly. Just when Shen Zhui was about to use his trump cards to deal with Cui Feng, the situation of the battle changed.

First of all, on his own side, Niu Tian chopped off Cui Huo's body with an axe. Even his soul was shattered and he died completely. Cui Shui was also seriously injured and lost an arm.

However, at this moment, Cui's reinforcements have also arrived!

I saw two streams of light, one black and one white, flying over, shimmering like a machine. They quickly came to Cui Mu and knocked Ye Lan away with a palm. The pair of wings were broken and he flew backwards, vomiting blood.

"Black and white guards!" Cui Mu was immediately overjoyed.

These are two divine weapon puppets, fifth-level intermediate level, with peak combat power of sixth-level magical power! Moreover, these two magical weapons are a pair, and when combined, they are comparable to the seventh level of magical power!

"The young master is receiving the inheritance in the Temple of Heavenly Medicine, and he can't escape!" the black and white guards said in unison. "Cui Huo is dead?"

"These are the four people. One of them is from the Bull Demon Tribe and the other is from the Jinshi Tribe. I don't know the origin of this human being. I only know that his name is Han Song. There is another person I can't recognize. Among them, the Bull Demon Tribe and Han Song Song is the biggest threat." Cui Mu said quickly. Although it is just a puppet, the puppet is also the young master's puppet and has intelligence. Of course, he must treat it with respect.


Whoa~ The two guards, one black and one white, immediately split up and headed straight for Niu Tian and Shen Zhui.

The battle suddenly became intense due to the addition of black and white guards.

Due to Ye Lan's use of the Night God Talisman, his strength could no longer explode in a short period of time.

Bakar's performance was mediocre and he was not targeted in the first place.

As for Shen Zhui and Niu Tian, ​​the pressure doubled!

"Die!" The black guard rushed over and killed Shen Zhui directly.

His body shape is very similar to that of a real human being, but his body is dark, like an iron man. A soul-calling flag appears in his hand, and his body is wrapped in black energy, as if he comes from the netherworld.

The soul-summoning flag was waved suddenly, and immediately there was an endless wail, which was transmitted along the ripples of space and invaded Shen Zhui's mind.

"Monster puppet, good at soul attacks?" Shen Zhui's eyes turned cold.

This kind of magical puppet is actually a monster that collects the souls of wronged people and messes with people's minds.

"Get out!!" Shen Zhui remained unmoved and was not affected by the wails and roars at all.

Cui Feng took advantage of the situation and fired a shot, but was horrified to find that Shen Zhui was not affected at all, but instead had a thunder dragon tail whipping towards him!

"Poof!" Cui Feng was whipped away by the dragon's tail swing, vomiting blood, and suddenly half of his body was gone.

As a speed warrior, his physical body is not very strong, so this blow caused him considerable injuries.

"What." Cui Mu observed the situation here and was immediately shocked. "The soul summoning flag was not affected at all. Looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and even knocked Cui Feng away?"

He knows the details of these black and white guards very well. The white guards are good at attacking while the black guards are good at soul attacks, and both of them are at the peak level of the sixth level of magical power!

Matching soul attacks can completely render low-level opponents completely defenseless, just like Ruan Shan of the Manka clan was able to sweep across the same level in the arena.

But Cui Mu didn't expect that Shen Zhui's soul strength was already at the fifth level of supernatural power!

Coupled with the will to calm the mind and the protection of the Bloodborne Divine Armor, do you want to rely on divine soul attacks to deal with Shen Zhui? It’s simply a fool’s errand!

"Cui Feng, go and deal with the Bull Demon Tribe with Cui Shui!" the black guard immediately ordered, and then the white guard, who was sympathetic, immediately retreated!

As a magic weapon puppet, he was keenly aware that Niu Tian's threat was lower than that of Shen Zhui, followed by Bakar, and the weakest one was Ye Lan who was in a weak state.

Niu Tian has a strength that is close to the peak of the sixth level, but he used some secret skills to improve it. But Shen Zhui, relying entirely on his own strength, resisted the impact of the soul of the sixth level peak. The two were superior. Judgment!

"Cui Feng and Cui Shui, you are entangled with the Bull Demon Tribe, I will support you in a moment!" the black guard shouted immediately.

"Yes!" Cui Feng and Cui Shui immediately entangled with Niu Tian.

Ye Lan dealt with Cui Mu, while Bakar dealt with Cui Shan.

As for the black and white guards, one on the left and one on the right, they quickly moved towards Shen Zhui.

Two magic weapon puppets that are comparable to the peak of the sixth level of supernatural power! Suitable for both long-range and close combat!

"You think so highly of me?!" Shen Zhui's face turned cold! He had kept a low profile enough, but he didn't expect to be targeted anyway.

"It's like I don't have a magic weapon puppet! Fighting King Kong, come out!"

Whoa~ A fiery red magic weapon puppet suddenly appeared among the black and white guards!

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