I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 21: Infiltrate!

Heyuan County, Hekou.

The sunshine in the past few days has melted the snow and made the road clear. On an official road leading to the river mouth, five fast horses were galloping quickly.

Shen Zhui, Yan You, Han Mao and other five people left the city and had traveled thirty miles.


Han Mao, who was in the lead, tightened the hemp rope and slowed down. Seeing this, Shen Zhui and others also stopped.

"Cousin, are you here yet?" Yan You followed and asked.

Shen Zhui, Zhao Hu, and Rong Zimo also joined in.

Han Mao looked around carefully, then nodded and said: "We will enter Hekou Town in two or three miles. Be careful and don't be careless."

"I know, cousin." Yan You nodded.

Here, although Wang Long arranged for Yan You, who was at the peak of the day after tomorrow, to lead the team, Yan You was not good at speaking, and he was not as familiar with the terrain of the towns outside the city as Han Mao, so Yan You proposed from the beginning that everything along the way Directed by Han Mao.

"Understood." Zhao Hu and Shen Zhui both nodded.

Along the way, they walked thirty miles of official roads. After the hiding time, Han Mao led them into Hekou Town through a small path. They saw few people along the way and entered smoothly.

If he had followed other people's instructions and walked through the official route with such great fanfare, the five acquired ninth-level people would have been discovered long ago. But now, it's still safe.

Shen Zhui also knew that Hekou Town was the location of the Li family's branch ancestral hall, and there must be a large number of powerful people in charge. With someone like Han Mao who was familiar with the territory, a lot of trouble would naturally be avoided.

"If anyone comes for questioning, kill all the guilty ones and knock out the innocent ones and tie them up." Han Mao ordered. "Although the mission lasts for ten days, it is better to be exposed later."

"Understood." Everyone nodded.

Although the mission lasts for ten days, if they are exposed too early, the people in this river mouth are all the Li family, and I am afraid they will have to live in the open.


Under the leadership of Han Mao, the five people carefully avoided the earthen castles where strong men might be stationed.


In Hekou Town, in a gorgeous manor hall surrounded by a height of four to five meters, three innate masters were sitting on recliners, with two scantily clad maids waiting on them respectfully.

"Haha, it's rare for the three of us to get together this time. Brother Xiangyang, brother Mu, you're welcome, drink!" One of the bald men raised his glass and laughed.

"Heifeng, you feel comfortable." One of the young men wearing a green robe also echoed. "The master of the family has given you three hundred human cauldrons, and they are all of the best quality under the age of six. It seems that Brother Heifeng will be able to break through to the late stage of inspiration just around the corner!"

"Yes, Brother Mu and I are both very greedy. Unfortunately, we haven't made any great achievements. We don't know how long it will take for us to break through." Another man in black robes with bare breasts said sourly.

They are all guests of the Li family. The Li family has a special technique that can help them quickly improve their realm. This special technique requires the blood of young children for assistance.

This young human cauldron is difficult to collect and difficult to obtain without great merit, unlike the Black Wind Taoist who was rewarded with three hundred boys and girls at once.

"Hahaha." The Black Wind Taoist couldn't help but feel proud in his eyes, but he still deliberately said modestly: "Don't envy me, you two. I killed those ninth-order Houtian people who were spying on the branch temple a few days ago, but they almost killed me. old fate."

"Two acquired ninth-level divine powers damaged my vitality. The head of the family took pity on me, so he sent me something to make up for it. My recovery is enough, but there is not enough to break through. Unless I send another five hundred people's cauldron. .”

Taoist Xiangyang and Taoist Mu both laughed and said nothing, secretly cursing Black Wind for being so good at taking advantage of him.

Want another five hundred boys and girls? I'm afraid it's worth their share for half a year!

But they are not as good as Heifeng Taoist, and they are guests, so naturally they have to accompany Smile.

Even though everyone is eating and drinking together with a friendly face, if they turn against each other for the sake of profit, they will be more cruel than the other.

"Come, drink! This fruit stuffed wine is a good thing. If it weren't for you two, I wouldn't take it out to get some." Taoist Heifeng raised his glass again.

"Haha, thank you, Brother Heifeng." Taoist Xiangyang grinned.

"Heifeng, I've almost finished our stay. It's time to go back to the branch temple." The older Mu Taoist put down his wine glass.

Taoist Heifeng said with some dissatisfaction: "Brother Mu, you have ten Houtian ninth-level warriors over there, and two Houtian peak warriors are sitting in charge. What are you afraid of? The county magistrate has been huddled in the city for more than half a month, who can't open his eyes and dare to come? Are we in trouble? You have only been out for half a day, why are you leaving in a hurry? "

Speaking of which, among the three of them, he looked down on the Mu Taoist.

A real Qi practitioner in the Inspiration Realm actually needs to send an elite team of warriors, Sasuke. Doesn't this prove that the family owner doesn't trust his strength?

That is to say, he is cautious and considerate in his actions, which is why the head of the family values ​​him.

But in Heifeng's view, this is timid.

"Black Wind." Mu Daoren was still smiling. "The master of the family has entrusted me with this, so I don't dare to be careless. It's about the branch temple, so it's better to be careful."

Taoist Heifeng wanted to give some advice, but Taoist Xiangyang, who was drinking, suddenly looked suspicious and took out an ancient wooden plaque from his arms to look at it carefully.

Taoist Mu also noticed something strange about Taoist Xiangyang and asked quickly: "What's going on?"

Taoist Xiangyang hesitated and said, "Just now, my subordinates from the eighth level of the day after tomorrow gave me orders, but they didn't say anything."

Heifeng suddenly laughed and said: "Haha, brother Xiangyang, your subordinate must have drunk too much and accidentally triggered the token."

"What is this person responsible for?" Mu Taoren advised: "Brother Xiangyang, don't be careless. It's better to ask first."

"Hmph, it's rare to get together. Is it possible that Brother Xiangyang also wants to go back?" Hei Feng was a little dissatisfied.

Taoist Xiangyang thought for a moment, then put down his wine glass: "This person is just the captain of the patrol outside the branch temple. To be on the safe side, I'd better ask."

"Huh?" Taoist Xiangyang frowned. "He didn't even reply."


At the mouth of the river, surrounded by a high wall, Shen Zhui and others put their knives on the neck of a horrified eighth-level Houtian warrior, surrounded by seven or eight corpses.

"Who is this token notifying? Tell me!" Zhao Hu glared fiercely at the acquired eighth-level warrior.

"Yes, it's Elder Xiangyang, the innate master here! Don't, don't kill me. I didn't have time to say anything just now. You can just knock me out. I don't know anything!" The warrior replied tremblingly. With.

"You know the truth." Han Mao smiled. Just now, they made a sneak attack on the outskirts of the manor where the branch temple was hidden. After a battle, no one else was alerted. Only this spineless eighth-level acquired warrior was left.

"Why are you talking nonsense to him? Just chop him down!" Zhao Hu raised the big knife in his hand and was about to chop this man down.

"Brother Tiger, wait a minute." Han Mao and Shen Zhui both stopped him.

Han Mao and Shen Zhui looked at each other. Han Mao signaled Shen Zhui to speak first. Shen Zhui pondered for a moment and then whispered: "Although I stopped this person from reporting the message just now, I'm afraid that the innate warrior was alarmed."

"There are three branch temples here. We can only fight with the innate warriors by inviting the gods. The county master's primary purpose is to destroy the branch temples. The innate masters here no longer have the branch temples. This is a God-given opportunity!"

Although each of the five of them can borrow divine power, and Shen Zhui himself can even ask twice, no one can guarantee that they will be able to kill Xiantian.

There are three mission locations. It would be great if you can destroy the branch temple without fighting the innate warriors.

"Besides, I hope this manor is huge and complicated, so I can let him take us in."

"I can disguise his voice and contact the innate warrior." Rong Zimo suddenly said.

"I'm afraid not." Han Mao shook his head. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com "It's easy to show off your flaws."

"Buzz~" At this moment, the wooden sign on the warrior's body began to tremble slightly.

"Yes, it's an elder." The acquired eighth-level warrior said in shock.

"If you don't cooperate, you will die, do you understand?!" Han Mao shouted. "If you are willing to cooperate, I will let you live later."

"Ming, understand."

"Brother Tiger, let him go." Han Mao made a decision.

The eighth-level warrior the day after tomorrow took a deep breath, and then a burst of vitality in his body entered a part of the token, activating the magic circle.

Suddenly, the wooden sign stopped shaking, but a cold voice came from inside.

"You dare to break into the forbidden area privately, no matter who it is, you can't escape!"

Rong Zi, Mo, Zhao Hu were all shocked, their eyes were about to burst.

Han Mao and Shen Zhui were silent, staring at Xu Laoba quietly.

Xu Laoba took a deep breath and said: "Chief, elder, I am a subordinate."

The voice was silent for a while, and then suddenly shouted: "Xu Laoba, you are so brave, you dare to have an affair with an outsider and deceive me!"

"Chang, hiccup~ Elder, I understand that I have sinned. I shouldn't have drank with my brothers during the patrol, and I also touched the token. Please forgive me, elder! It's really cold, and the brothers can't bear it."

"Then why didn't you reply immediately?"

"My subordinate drank too much and lost his grip for a moment. The wooden sign accidentally fell into the ditch."

I see. Taoist Xiangyang, who was drinking, felt relieved and was about to scold him and interrupt the communication.

But at this moment, Taoist Mu on the side suddenly said: "Tell his subordinate to say a word."

"Huh?" Taoist Xiangyang was stunned, but then nodded. "That's fine."

"Xu Laoba, ask another person to come and talk to me."

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