I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 55: Jiaolong Lake

After flying out of the East City for a full hour, Shen Zhui heard the reminder from the Holy Word Order that he had reached the Wanyao Ze area.

In front of us is a vast swamp, with many tall reeds swaying in the water waves.

There were a lot of huge auras flickering under the water waves. Shen Zhui immediately put away the Ruyi warship and flew in the air.

For adventurers like them, the map outside Shangqiu City is completely foggy. Each time a mission is completed, it is equivalent to expanding the map outside the city.

Now Shen Zhui has explored the five hundred miles outside Shangqiu City, and this mission to Wan Yao Ze is the furthest he has ever flown.

"Young Master Yan Hui said that there is an army stationed in Wanyao Ze, I don't know where it is?" Shen Zhui's consciousness spread like a tide, searching for the existence of the Zhenwen Human Race.

Compared with Zhenwen monsters, the aura of Zhenwen humans is more pure and orderly, while Zhenwen monsters are huge and chaotic. It is easy to distinguish between the two as long as they are carefully sensed.

"Huh? To the west." Shen Zhui's figure quickly cut through the sky and quickly flew towards the sensing area.

The inland land of the swamp meets the lake, and there are pieces here and there, rarely connected together. They grow wildly, and even the reeds are as thick as thighs. As Shen Zhui advances, the roars and hisses of the monsters below are getting louder and louder. Big, the aura is getting stronger and stronger.

Soon, Shen Zhui discovered a long and narrow black soil area with very little vegetation. It had obviously been cleared, and there were low buildings. These buildings seemed to be based on the trees and reeds in Wanyao Ze. Their colors He blended in well with his surroundings. If he hadn't observed it carefully, Shen Zhui felt that he might have missed it.


When he was still five kilometers away from the black land, Shen Zhui felt his body stagnate, as if he was caught by something, and then he suddenly became enlightened again the next moment.

Shen Zhui knew that there must be a restrictive barrier in a place like this, but it was not offensive at all. It seemed to be just a warning circle.

Within a second of breaking into the barrier, Shen Zhui sensed waves of pure breath erupting from the reeds, and at the same time a voice came over:

"Who dares to trespass into the Ten Thousand Demons Lake?"

Accompanying this voice was a team of about a hundred people. The leader was an old man with a snow-white beard, wearing dark black armor. The accompanying guards beside him were much younger, all in their twenties and thirties. The appearance of a young man next year.

Shen Zhui found that he couldn't sense the old man's aura at all. As for the two silver-armored guards beside him, it was not uncommon. The two royal guards were both at the sixth level of supernatural power.

As for the remaining hundred soldiers in blue armor, they were all at the fifth level of supernatural powers.

Seeing this kind of lineup, Shen Zhui was secretly frightened. Naturally, he would not make the same mistake as Zhou Qi. He immediately saluted politely and said: "My fifth doctor, Shen Zhui, has come to Wanyao on the orders of Shangqiu City Yan Shangzao." Ze."

Showing the fifth doctor's silver rope seal, Shen Zhui clearly felt that the expression on the other side had softened a lot and was no longer hostile.

Before the old man could speak, a voice came from the reeds behind:

"It turns out that on the orders of Young Master Zao, the five officials are invited to come in."

When a group of people heard this voice, they immediately bowed their hands respectfully and responded to the order, then waved to Shen Zhui and said, "Please."

"This Wan Yao Ze is indeed not simple." Shen Zhui suddenly became serious in his heart. Under the leadership of the old man and two silver-armored forbidden soldiers, he immediately walked into the reeds.

I saw that the originally dense reeds suddenly moved to both sides, automatically branching out into a path, and then as soon as I walked in, the back automatically closed.

As soon as he came, he took it easy. Shen Zhui didn't show much surprise, but quietly looked inside.

After walking for about ten miles, the vision in front of me suddenly opened up. I saw a tall palace in front of me, and there were rows of standard houses around it. Rows of soldiers were walking back and forth, busy.

After entering the tall palace, Shen Zhui saw a tall young man sitting on the main seat. He was wearing a white robe. He looked very peaceful while sitting there gazing down. The light inside the palace was also very bright. It is sufficient and makes people feel very comfortable, which is completely different from the majesty of the young master.

However, what surprised Shen Zhui was that the young man in white was not wearing a battle armor, but a Confucian uniform. What was placed in front of him was not a map, but a chessboard.

If the old man Shen Zhui could sense the unfathomable aura before, then Shen Zhui couldn't sense the person in front of him at all, just like an ordinary young man.

"The chief concubine, this is the person sent here by Young Master Zao Yanhui." The old man introduced.

An eighteenth-level concubine! When Shen Zhui heard the name of the white-haired old man, his heart suddenly trembled. This was a person three levels higher than Yan Hui!

Shen Zhui did not dare to be careless, and immediately bowed respectfully to the young man in white and said, "Fifth doctor Shen Zhui has met the great concubine."

The young man in white smiled slightly and gently put down the chess piece in his hand, showing his white teeth. "You are here, sit down."

"Huh?" Shen Zhui was a little surprised by the kind attitude of the chief concubine, and at the same time he felt a faint sense of familiarity in his heart, but he quickly sat down as he was told.

"Thank you, the great concubine, for giving me a seat."

"Doctor Shen has gained Yan Shangzao's appreciation so quickly. Do you have important business to come to Wan Yao Ze?" The young man in white looked at Shen Zhui with a smile.

"The great concubine is wise, and his subordinates are indeed here under the orders of Lord Yan to help eradicate the great demon Wan Yao Ze."

"Well, you came at the right time. The Wanyao Ze is a vast area and it is exactly when manpower is needed. Especially in the area of ​​Jiaolong Lake, there is a demon dragon that has become a spirit and leads a group of water demons. It harasses our army from time to time. It is also extremely cunning and hides its head. Zangwei’s has brought great trouble to the clean-up work and given me a headache.”

A bad premonition arose in Shen Zhui's heart, and he asked tentatively: "The chief concubine has many capable people under his command, so can't he deal with the water monster?"

"Haha, of course there would have been no problem in the past, but now the military's key cleanup work is in the rocky reef area in the south, and manpower cannot be spared. That's why I say Doctor Shen came at the right time."

"I wonder how powerful the monsters in the Jiaolong Lake area are that put the great concubine in such a difficult position?" Shen Zhui was furious. The great concubine looked like he wanted to assign a task to him. The question was, how could the unfathomable concubine be so embarrassed? Can you handle the things that have always bothered you by yourself?

"Not too high, not too high. Except for the dragon whose magical power is at the eighth level, the water monsters in the Dragon Lake area are basically at the sixth level."

"It's just because I can't spare any manpower, and those water monsters are extremely cunning. They always scatter in all directions and can't concentrate their actions, so it's been delayed until now. Fortunately, Doctor Shen is here now. Since the young master has made Yan Hui I sent you here, I believe that the incident at Jiaolong Lake will not be a problem for Doctor Shen."

"Of course, Doctor Shen came from Shangqiu City, and this task should have been done by my own people. It is a request of mine. If Doctor Shen wants to go elsewhere, that's fine. I just don't know if Doctor Shen is willing. Are you willing to lend a helping hand to me?"

It’s so deceiving! After listening to this, Shen Zhui couldn't help but complained crazily in his heart.

Yan Hui's mission requirement is that he must kill a hundred monsters, and his cultivation level must be at the seventh level of supernatural power!

However, now, the chief concubine, who had been killed halfway, sent himself to Jiaolong Lake to deal with a group of water monsters with sixth-level supernatural powers.

Completely contrary to the mission!

Let’s not talk about the strength of this water monster that gives even the common people a headache, and whether it is easy to kill. Let’s just talk about the number of this group... the delay time is probably ten days and a half at least, right?

If you don't kill a hundred big monsters in a month, you will lose two levels in a row!

But what if you don’t agree?

This is a great concubine! God knows what the consequences will be if you reject this great concubine?

"That's a good thing. Instead of reaping the benefits, it's a big problem." Shen Zhui suddenly felt a little troubled.

Originally, when he came to the legion, he wanted to see if he could use his status as a ninth-level and fifth-level doctor to obtain some privileges, such as asking for help from experts or mobilizing some magical-level guards.

Now, instead, we are faced with a problem.

As for prevarication by saying that he has orders from his superior, this is absolutely impossible!

The order given by the young master is an order, but the request from me, the chief concubine, is not an order? Don't you want to take the chief concubine as an official? !

Such an answer is certainly not feasible, otherwise there would not be such a section.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind. Shen Zhui quickly prepared and said carefully: "May I ask the chief concubine, how many water monsters must be killed by my subordinates to help the chief concubine?"

"Get rid of the three hundred and fifty original water demons, as well as the most important demon dragon!"

Nodding, Shen Zhui said in a deep voice: "This subordinate has just arrived. I wonder if I can ask the chief concubine to send a strong person to lead the way? For example, the elder who led the way just now, I think it is very suitable!"

A smile flashed in the eyes of the boy in white, "I'm afraid not, Tianyi has other things to do."

"My subordinates are alone and weak. If there is no one to guide us, we can go boldly if we have soldiers and weapons to assist us."


The boy in white immediately glanced at Shen Zhui.

This guy really never misses any opportunity to get benefits!

Seeing that the boy in white didn't speak, Shen Zhui had no choice but to bite the bullet and keep silent and keep holding his hands.

Are you kidding me? There is no benefit and no help. You want me to risk the failure of the mission to do things for you? Not to mention the concubine, not even the prince!

Shen Zhui also made up his mind. If the concubine really had nothing to lose, then he would have no choice but to refuse.

Although it may be beneficial to complete the mission of the concubine, he cannot take risks and gamble on unknown benefits and give up the existing mission!

Since this is the restored real world of Daxia, even the concubine and elders cannot unreasonably embarrass the fifth doctor Shen Zhui.

"Hahaha, I was careless." The boy in white suddenly broke the silence with a smile.

"Shen Zhui, I will send you forty forbidden troops for your deployment."

Shen Zhui secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although the forty forbidden troops were still a drop in the bucket compared to the more than three hundred water monsters and dragons, they were much better than before.

The only pity is that it seems that there is no habit of getting rewards first and then completing tasks here.

"In that case, my subordinate is willing to go and help you clear up the trouble."

Bai Yi was very happy after hearing what Shen Zhui said, and nodded: "The demon dragon's lair is hidden on the two islands in the center of Jiaolong Lake. He will go to the island's lair to rest for a period of time every day. If Doctor Shen goes there, he can choose this place. The period when the dragon is separated from the water monsters may reduce stress.”

Shen Zhui said: "In this case, I will do my best to relieve your worries."

"Okay, without further ado, the forty forbidden troops are ready to go. Doctor Shen, let's take action now!" The young man in white said with a smile. "Tianyi will give you a ride."

"Yes, yes." Seeing that the other party was so fast, as if he had been prepared for it, Shen Zhui couldn't help but have a bad feeling, but now that the matter was over, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Cross-level missions are not easy to accept, Shen Zhui now understands this deeply.

The white-haired old man re-entered the palace, and then chased Shen outside, where forty silver-armored forbidden soldiers were already lined up.

Shen Zhui was about to ask what "giving you a ride" meant when he saw the white-haired old man Tianyi wave his hand, and a ray of light flashed across him and the forty silver-armored forbidden soldiers.

The next moment, all forty-one people disappeared outside the palace.

"It's a coincidence that you came early..." In the palace, the young man in white smiled slightly and fell down.

"Pa~" After the move, the boy in white turned into a middle-aged man with a red face in the blink of an eye. The palace seemed to be dimming with the change of the boy in white.

And all this, the people around seemed unaware of it, as if it was taken for granted.


After feeling dizzy for a while, Shen Zhui found that he had left the palace among the reeds and was standing over a sparkling lake, with forty forbidden troops behind him. Other than that, there was nothing else.

In the distance, there is a small black dot in the center of the lake.

"This is Jiaolong Lake? Three hundred and fifty water monsters are really deadly..." Shen Zhui sensed this and felt helpless.

"Buzz~" Suddenly the Holy Word Ling in his arms trembled slightly, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaowhuyuan.com to transmit the heat.

next moment.

"Bang!" There were several loud sounds, and there were seven or eight sounds of water breaking, and then several huge tentacles suddenly rushed into the sky from the water droplets below, sweeping towards Shen Zhui's position.

"Shua~" Shen Zhui reacted quickly and immediately swung out his knife to cut off the tentacle that was hitting him.

Behind him, there were forty forbidden troops, and their formation was scattered. However, the silver armor erupted with light, but no one was injured.

Shen Zhui took a closer look and saw that it was an octopus-like water monster. What he had just chopped off was the tentacle as thick as a bucket.

"One of the targets, an eight-clawed water monster, with sixth-level magical power? The tentacles are tough and can spray poisonous ink." Shen Zhui discovered that there was a message from the Holy Word Order, which was information about the strength of this water monster.

"I was looking for you, and I came right here to kill you!" Shen Zhui's expression turned cold. How could he let this eight-clawed water monster escape? Forty forbidden troops were immediately ordered to dispatch.

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