I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 72: Shen Zhui takes over the order!

After Hai Qing stayed in Shangqiu City for three days, he did not wait for any more news about Shen Zhui, so he dispersed on his own in desperation, and the negotiation between the two collapsed.

Two days later, Shen Zhui traveled back and forth across the Four Prefectures, controlling a large number of Zhenwen people to gain military exploits, temporarily suppressing the improvement speed of the rest of Daliang Zao.

At the end of September two years ago, Qin Shan, the chief concubine of the Zhenwen human race, died in an offensive and defensive battle at a large boundary passage.

On the same day, Shen Zhui's military exploits exceeded one billion, and he was successfully promoted to the rank of eighteenth-level concubine.

At this point, excluding some of the soldiers owned by the other adventurers, one billion Zhenwen people are nominally required to obey Shen Zhui's orders.

The leaders of the other forces lamented, because they knew that they would never be able to catch up with Shen Zhui, and at best they could only get the reward of second place.

In early October, Shen Zhui delegated his power to Lan Chenguang, Jiang Tianming and others, and only maintained the normal growth rate of military achievements.

Then he secretly entered the palace in the inner city of Shangqiu City.


When promoted to the rank of Daliangzo, all adventurers are given a false position as a palace walker.

The reason why it is said to be a false position is because it is not an official title.

It neither brings additional troop increases nor additional quests to the adventurers.

It seems to have completely copied the historical background of the Xia Dynasty and existed to enhance the authenticity of this secret realm.

Its only authority is to enter the royal city and will not be thrown out by the imperial army.

This is a title that is easily overlooked because it does not bring any benefit to the adventurer's future advancement.

But there are also many adventurers who have been promoted to Daliangzo, and with the mentality of giving it a try, they went to explore the palaces in the four royal cities.

For example, Shen Zhui also took the time to go in before, but there was nothing inside.

There are neither officials nor soldiers. There are only some lifelike stone statues.

In the past, it was usually thought that the Daxia Academy did not dare to offend the dignity of its ancestors, and deliberately erased the existence of the background characters of the 'Daxia Royal Family', leaving only the symbolic building of the palace.

But now when he looked at the empty palace in front of him again, Shen Zhui's feeling was very different!

The empty 800-mile palace, those stone statues, and the heavily guarded silver-armored imperial guards outside the palace all reminded Shen Zhui of one word.


As soon as this word appeared, he could no longer suppress it and filled Shen Zhui's mind.

Indeed, in this situation, this place is more like a mausoleum than a palace!

"Anyone who reaches the level of Daliangzhuo will be given a palace walking position. As long as you find the real palace, you will have the opportunity to come into contact with the great opportunity hidden behind it."

"According to the information from Hai Qing and others, only with the position of chief concubine can one have a chance to find an opportunity in this palace, but there is only a slight chance."

"It's true that he wants to cooperate, but it's also true that he wants to find opportunities to surpass me during the cooperation process." Shen Zhui sighed inwardly.

Hai Qing's so-called mastery method is completely based on luck.

It's just that becoming an eighteenth-level concubine will have better luck.

As for where the real palace is and what tests it will encounter, we have no idea.

But this is normal. If someone had known how to succeed, it wouldn't have taken so much effort.

But the information Hai Qing and the others have is not useless at all.

The eight-hundred-mile palace has countless halls, with mountains and hills like a maze. They have collected a large number of ancient books of the Xia Dynasty.

And there is a high probability that it is locked, and it may be the identity of the owner of this Daxia Cave World.

"Although the Xia Dynasty died in the second generation, when Emperor Xia was still alive, there were more than 3,000 princes."

"However, except for the second emperor Xia Jie, there are only one hundred and thirty-two people who have been truly crowned kings."

"When the second emperor Xia Jie succeeded to the throne, before he had time to canonize his heirs, he encountered many turmoils such as sectarian remnants and barbarian rebellions, and he perished in less than ten years."

"It's so old that we don't know whether these records are true or false. Although Hai Qing and the others have found several kings who are suspected to be the masters of the Great Xia Cave World, trying to find clues based on these things alone is really like looking for a needle in a haystack. ..." Shen Zhui was thinking as he walked.

The early days of the Apocalypse were 30,000 years ago. The history was too long, and there was no image comparison. There was a statue in front of every palace here, but no one knew who was who.

Unable to judge from his identity, Shen Zhui could only use clumsy methods to search from palace to palace.

There are too many halls in the eight-hundred-mile palace city. It is difficult to block the sweeping of spiritual thoughts here. The range of Shen Zhui's spiritual thoughts is less than a kilometer. It is really difficult.

"I was promoted to chief concubine, but I didn't get any substantial rewards at all. This is so abnormal." Shen Zhui frowned.

From Daliang Zao to Siche Shuzhang, he did not obtain the magical power of the Holy Word because there were already too many adventurers around him to share the difficulty of the task. However, there are still a few genuine talisman edicts and two high-grade civil official calligraphy treasures.

However, when the concubine grew up to be the concubine, there was no reward at all. This is very strange.

Of course, it makes sense to say that they should be distributed together at the end, but Shen Zhui always feels that it is not that simple.

"Is this really just a legend? Hai Qing and the others guessed it wrong themselves? Is what happened to Prince Liang just a coincidence?"

Shen Zhui wandered around the palace for a long time unwillingly.

Two months later, the war between the two realms broke out completely, and Shen Zhui had to give up his exploration and hurriedly left the palace.

In the final battle, tens of billions of Zhenwen monsters attacked the four cities and twelve mansions through the suddenly increasing number of realm passages.

As the chief of the concubine, Shen Zhui mobilized one billion Zhenwen people, and all the people were soldiers to defend the city.

All the adventurers are taking advantage of the last wave of opportunities to accumulate military merit like crazy.

However, the final result surprised Shen Zhui. The power of the Zhenwen Monster Clan was too strong, and the billions of Zhenwen Demon Clan could not defend it at all.

In just ten days, the city's defense line was completely destroyed and collapsed.

One city after another declared destruction, Yangzhai, Luncheng, and Zhenyi City fell one after another, and the adventurers were teleported out one after another.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood, blood flowed into rivers, countless corpses piled up, and the entire sky changed color.

In the end, only Shangqiu City was left. After Shangqiu City was destroyed, Shen Zhui looked back at the palace.

Before the Zhenwen Yao Clan attacked the palace, Shen Zhui was enveloped in a white light, and the entire secret realm of Shengyan Mountain came to an end.

Afterwards, according to the ranking of military merits, Shen Zhui was still number one on the list of meritorious deeds, and he had obtained two supreme divine powers, namely [Time Rewind] and [Space Solidification].

After the rewards were distributed, a crack popped out all the white light beams, and everyone returned to the world.

"What's going on?" Shen Zhui felt strange in his heart.

But he didn't have time to think too much, because because of his outstanding performance in the secret realm, the three Wuhou from the three frontier armies all showed up at the Daxia Academy and praised him highly.

All the adventurers who had benefited from Shen Zhui in the secret realm extended their olive branches to Shen Zhui in reality.

Venerable Jialan from Daxia Academy wanted to take Shen Zhui as his disciple, but he refused.

Shen Zhui didn't stay long in Daxia Academy and hurriedly followed Marquis Wu An back to the army.

Due to the border emergency, the sectarian alliance's army entered the country, crossed the Canglan River, and broke through the Jizhou defense line with overwhelming force.

Shenwei General Shen Zhui was ordered by Marquis Wu'an to lead all of Luo Xuefeng's 100,000 soldiers to Qingzhou for support.

Sitting on the Ruyi Battleship, Shen Zhui frowned. Half a year had passed, and now he had broken through to the seventh level of supernatural power because of the Heart of the Twin Worlds and the Holy Word Secret Realm.

But he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Sir, there is an ambush!" Yu Ziqi hurriedly walked into the marching hall.

"Ambush? Which sects are ambushing them?" Shen asked.

"They are Guiyuan Sect and Tianjue Sect, two venerables!" Yu Ziqi looked anxious.

"Venerable Tianjue, Venerable Guiyuan?" Shen Zhui's face changed slightly.

Venerable Tian Jue had sneak attacked him once when he was in Ciyun World, and the Guiyuan Sect was the sect that Shen Zhui had been looking for.

"It's not certain who will kill whom!" Shen Zhui's eyes turned cold. "Follow me and fight!"


Thousands of dragon-headed ships were arranged in a battle formation, and there were dozens to hundreds of light flying boats outside the dragon-headed ships.

They crowded around and followed Shen Zhui's Ruyi warship to fight against the two major sects.

As soon as the battle started, it became intense!

"Haha, Shen Zhui, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Venerable Tian Jue rushed over with a domineering aura, holding a short ruler.

"Shen Zhui, I heard that you have been inquiring about the whereabouts of my Guiyuan Sect. Now you can get your wish!" On the other side, Venerable Guiyuan followed closely behind.

The projection of the venerable cave world descended, intending to crush Shen Zhui with the power of rules.

"Roar~" Shen Zhui roared, and the Yinglong body flew up from the Ruyi warship.

The four origins of wind, earth, thunder and water all covered thousands of miles, and after a moment, they evolved into absolute space!

Ying Long's overbearing talent and magical powers were clearly displayed at this moment.

"You are the only ones who dare to intercept me!" Yinglong roared angrily and performed the Eighteen Mountain-Mounting Moves.

Venerable Guiyuan and Venerable Tianjue met the enemy together and attacked Shen Zhui.

Shen Zhui used the magical power of the Holy Word to use [Space Solidification] to immobilize Venerable Tian Jue.

At the cost of enduring a killing blow from Venerable Guiyuan, he first beheaded Venerable Tianjue under his claws.

Venerable Guiyuan wanted to escape, but was stopped by the Holy Word's magical power [Time Rewind]. He watched helplessly as his body fell back to its original position and was sent to Shen Zhui's dragon claws.

"Bang!" The two great sages were chased and killed by Shen within half an hour.

Our own force formed a large formation, chasing down the men of the two major sects along the way.

An hour later.

The law enforcement team accompanying the army caught a woman in white clothes like snow and came to Shen Zhui.

There were traces of blood on the woman's body, her face was full of black energy, and she was practicing pure magic.

"General Shen, this woman said she knows you."

"Huh?" Shen Zhui glanced subconsciously and found that this woman was very similar to his adoptive mother, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"My, my name is Shen Xinlan." The woman was a little panicked at this moment. "Don't kill me, I am your sworn sister, Shen Zhui, General Shen, haven't you been looking for me? Let me go and spare my life!"

"What?" Shen Zhui was shocked. He didn't expect that the sworn sister he had been looking for for so long would appear in this way.

"She killed many of our brothers..." Zhang Qing from the law enforcement team whispered. "But if General needs it, I can..."

"How many of our brothers has she killed?" Shen Zhui asked coldly.

"Fairy Demonic Sound is a seventh-level supernatural power. She has killed a total of 3,542 people from the beginning of the war to the present. She killed ten titled captains in this battle." Zhang Qing reported.

"Has she been soul-detained by the Guiyuan Sect?" Shen Zhui asked again.

"She is a genius within the sect and has not been subjected to soul imprisonment."

"Do you still remember the past before you were eleven years old?" Shen Zhui asked, but this sentence was directed at Shen Xinlan.

"Remember, remember!" Shen Xinlan seemed to see hope and struggled to say. "Brother, save me!"

"Since you are not under the control of Soul Restriction, and you remember the past before joining the sect, it means that you killed people completely of your own free will, and no one forced you!" Shen Zhui said in a cold tone.

Shen Xinlan seemed to feel something was wrong and quickly defended: "No, that's not the case..."

Shen Zhui looked at the top of Shen Xinlan's head with his delusion-breaking eyes, and the blood value was sky-high.

Suddenly my heart was filled with despair.

"I will tell my adoptive father that you died a long time ago." Shen Zhui closed his eyes in pain.

"No! You beast, ungrateful thing, my father raised you!" Shen Xinlan cursed with a ferocious face.

"Take it down and kill it!" Shen Zhui opened his eyes and shouted.

"Pfft~" Shen Xinlan's head flew high into the air with a slash of her sword.

The rush for reinforcements continued. After a moment of rest, Shen Zhui continued to order his soldiers to rush to Qingzhou.

However, before he could reach Qingzhou, he was hit by more than a dozen lines of interception and defense.

Shen Zhui was trapped halfway and had to fight and retreat, returning to Wanfeng City.


The situation continued to deteriorate in just half a year. The Jizhou Army and the Qingzhou Army were successively destroyed by the huge sectarian forces, and the Marquis Shenjian and Marquis Dingwu were killed one after another.

Only the Wu'an Army is still struggling on the border. However, due to the defeat of Qingzhou and Jizhou, the Wu'an Army has become a lonely rock in the torrent of sectarian armies, barely holding on.

Time passed slowly, and Marquis Wu'an, with his amazing combat power and command strategy, led the remaining troops to persist in the vast Jiuyou Mountains.

In the fourth year, I finally received news from the Zhou Dynasty, only to find that Liang Wang Xia Wudao had already rebelled...

In the fifth year, war broke out across the land of Kyushu, and the central court was torn apart.

The temple was destroyed and luck collapsed.

In the sixth year, Lu Yuanwei, who broke through to the supreme level, was besieged by the Liang King's men, trapped in Fengshanling, and beheaded by the prince Xia Jing.

In the seventh year, Liang Wang Xia Wudao and Wu'an Hou Zhao Xing fought a decisive battle in the center of the Canglan River. Life or death was still a matter of course...

His adoptive father and mother were killed in the war.

Shen Zhui, who was affected by the true god's fighting power, died. He relied on the golden cicada to escape from his shell and was resurrected in a secret passage in Dayuan Mansion.

Due to the loss of many treasures and resurrection, Shen Zhui lost the ultimate golden body, the seven clones of the magical power of the great avenue, the blood-source divine armor, and the heart of the world...

His cultivation level has also been reduced to the fourth level of supernatural power.

In the eleventh year, Shen Zhui changed his identity, practiced hard, and wandered around looking for opportunities. At this time, he discovered that the world had already entered a state of division among heroes...

People are displaced, sects rule in darkness, and human lives are regarded as weeds...

After thirty years of hiding in the south, Shen Zhui finally broke through to the realm of true gods! And he conquered a large number of foreign forces and became the overlord of one party.

However, at this moment, Shen Zhui returned to Liang Kingdom again and began a twenty-year assassination journey!

As long as they were members of Prince Liang's palace, regardless of their direct lineage, they were all killed by Shen Zhui in a sneak attack.

In twenty years, the descendants of Prince Liang's family were killed in a gap!

In the twenty-first year, King Liang was defeated by Shen Zhui and was thrown into the deepest part of the heavenly prison. His soul suffered the torture of eternal darkness...

In the 22nd year, Shen Zhui, who took over the vast territory of the Liang Kingdom, used the help of conquering foreign races and the remaining frontier forces to sweep across the territory of the Liang Kingdom. He established himself as the King of Zhao, with hundreds of millions of troops and countless sages and supernatural powers under his command.

At the moment before he ascended the throne, all the lights and shadows below suddenly rippled faintly, and time seemed to have stopped.

Only Shen Zhui, who is sitting on the throne, can sense everything.

A young man in white appeared in front of him, looked at Shen Zhui and asked: "You have a strong foundation in the south, why don't you travel hundreds of millions of miles to return to the Liang Kingdom and make sure to destroy the King of Liang? If you want to compete in the world, the Liang Kingdom does not seem to be Not your primary target for annexation.”

"If the King of Liang does not rebel, the Western Region will not collapse in three years."

"In the land of the Thirteen Mansion, no one will be devastated."

"My relatives and mentors will not die unjustly."

"How can I bring peace to the world?"

"Put yourself in the shoes of King Liang, what would happen if you were exchanged with King Liang?" the young man asked again.

Shen Zhui replied calmly: "Fight to the death and never retreat."

"Are you satisfied with Dazhou's rules?"

"At least it's better than Daxia, better than now."

"After three years of experience in the secret realm, do you know how Daxia perished?" The young man changed the topic.

Shen Zhui said loudly: "There is no distinction between civil and military forces. If you want to conquer the world, you don't know how to govern the world. Although the country is big, it will perish if it is warlike."

"Although the country is big, it will perish because of its willingness to fight..." The young man in white murmured to himself.

"I hope you will remember today's words and make good use of any power you get."

The whole world suddenly collapsed, like countless broken glass falling.

Everything around was empty.

Shen Zhui found that a huge stone statue appeared in front of him.

He found that he was still in the palace, but he didn't know when he came to a simple palace.

There are large pillars with phoenix patterns on both sides.

There is a plaque hanging high on the palace beam.

Jingyang Palace.

The palace of the Second Emperor of Daxia.

"This, this is actually the cave world of the last human emperor in Daxia? What I just accepted was his test?" Shen Zhui was in a trance.

A golden figure appeared in front of the palace door, looking at Shen Zhui with a smile.

"The great concubine, Chief Shen Zhui, accepts the order!"

"I'm here. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com" Shen Zhui knelt down and saluted respectfully.

"I give you the title of the twenty-fifth king of Daxia with a different surname. Since you started in Pingyang, I will make you the King of Pingyang!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Zhui felt some strange power appear around him, quickly sweeping over his soul and body.

"Enjoy Bading Incense."

Boom, in Shen Zhui's cave world, the Lake of Luck grew rapidly, and the originally small green buds of the Lotus Heart of Luck suddenly swelled and bloomed into a white lotus.

"Give you a supreme magical power [reverse time]."

Shen Zhui felt a pale golden ancient book appear in his mind.

"You can go to all the ruins of Daxia, and the survivors of Daxia must listen to your orders!"

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