I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 24: Join forces!

"Congratulations to the host, for killing the ninth-level suspect the day after tomorrow. The remaining 32 years of the suspect's life will be converted into prison terms, and 6080 good merit points will be obtained."

Hearing the system prompt, Shen Zhui frowned.

"This person clearly exceeds the strength limit of acquired warriors, but the system only multiplies it by 1.9?"

"That's right. I killed him when his strength was declining. If I could kill him when he was at his peak, it might be different."

"I cut him seventy-eight times, but I couldn't kill him. I killed him only after the opponent's strength was reduced. I was so reluctant to deal with a guy in the pseudo-Xiantian realm. It seems that my sword skills need to be developed. Only with the second style can it be possible to kill the innate."

Shen Zhui shook his head. In the realm of unity between man and nature, although he was powerful, and the cang-slaying style had been refined and tempered, and his body skills crushed the opponent, it still took him so long to kill the enemy.

Obviously, if you want to deal with a real innate master, your own strength alone may not be enough.

"The gap between nurture and nature is really not that easy to bridge."

Without thinking any more, Shen Zhui turned to look at Yan You.

"Yan You, how's it going?"

"I don't know. There seemed to be a layer of Fazheng barrier blocking the special token just now. It wasn't until just now that the county magistrate's order was broken. I don't know..."

Um? Yan You was suddenly stunned and turned to stare at Shen Zhui as if he were looking at a monster.

He was so focused on what was going on with the statue just now that he didn't even notice Shen Zhui's side.

When I looked at it now, I immediately noticed something unusual.

"Did you kill him?"

"already dead."

"How did you do it?" Yan You couldn't help but ask. He didn't even feel Shen Zhui borrowing his divine power just now.

Killed a pseudo-innate warrior just by relying on his own strength?

"Now is not the time to ask this, we have to leave quickly." Shen Zhui stared at the statue.

Guilty value judgment!


Shen Zhui's vision suddenly changed. In his eyes, the statue was no longer a dead thing, but came to life.

He could clearly see a ray of golden light constantly swimming inside the body of the statue, and a shadow that was struggling inside, as if it was in great pain!

On top of the phantom's head, Shen Zhui saw a scarlet value!

"One thousand! Oh my God!" Shen Zhui's heartbeat skipped half a beat!

Red means killable!

The numerical value becomes the remaining life!

One thousand means that this Yin God can exist for another thousand years!

What is this concept? !

The calculation of good deeds is level x year x 100.

Shen Zhui still doesn't know what level this Yin God is, but the latter part alone has a hundred thousand good deeds!

If the level base of this Yin God is four, then if this clone is destroyed, he can gain 400,000 good deeds!

"The base number of the acquired realm is 1, the base number of the innate realm is 2, the base number of the spiritual bridge realm is 3, and the base number of the magical power realm is 4."

"I wonder what realm this Yin Shen clone is considered to be in?"

Shen Zhui was a little excited, but obviously, it was impossible for him to destroy the statue.

Even if his and Yan You's positions were reversed, and he was the one who broke through the barrier of the idol with the token, I'm afraid he can't be counted as the one who killed it with his own hands.

"What a pity." Shen Zhui felt a little regretful. "I don't know how much I can get from helping."

If he didn't personally kill, but just assisted, it would be considered a good deed. Of course, Shen Zhui didn't know exactly how to distribute the method. He only knew that the greater the effort, the more he would get.

"The token is coming out." In Shen Zhui's eyes, the shadow became weaker and thinner under the strangulation of the token.

The statue is no longer as round as before and has become much darker.

The moment the shadow completely disappeared——


The whole temple began to tremble, and the statue exploded!

The cyan token suddenly returned to Yan You's hand, but the light was much dimmed.

"Let's go!" Shen Zhui no longer hesitated and hurriedly left the temple with Yan You.


At the same time, Taoist Xiangyang, who was flying to the branch temple he was guarding, was eagerly delivering orders.

"Chen Jin, Chen Jin, what's the situation? Remember to defend the ancestral hall, otherwise you will wait to die!"

"Wu San, Wu San, hold on, I'll be there soon!"


His words stopped suddenly, Taoist Xiangyang suddenly felt something, and found that a red light flashed suddenly in his body, and then disappeared.

"Oops!" Taoist Xiangyang's face turned pale. "The branch temple was destroyed!"

"Trash! A bunch of trash!" He hurried forward, his eyes red.

"Those intruders must be killed, otherwise if the head of the family blames them, they may be doomed!"


In the square in front of the ancestral hall.

Just when Shen and Zhui destroyed the statue of the sub-ancestral temple, Han Mao also felt a change.

In the original battle, he killed five people in a row, leaving only two Houtian Peak and three ninth-level warriors.

But red light appeared one after another on the opponent's body, and his strength increased. Although it was not exaggerated to be comparable to the strength of the innate realm, for a while, Han Mao actually failed to capture these five people who cooperated tacitly.

Seeing that the divine power in his body was gradually disappearing, Han Mao had to pay the price of his longevity to borrow more divine power.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the red light on the five people suddenly dissipated.

The increase in strength disappeared instantly, and there was a brief pause!

"Yan You and the others succeeded, haha, what a great opportunity!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Han Mao rushed towards the two acquired peaks, slashed through them with his sword, and killed them instantly.

"Cousin! Mission accomplished!"

"Brother Han, let me help you!"

Then Shen Zhui and Yan You came out, and the three acquired ninth-level warriors were killed by the three of them in less than ten breaths.

"Okay, meet up with Zhao Hu and Zimo and leave here quickly." Han Mao felt that the power in his body receded like a tide, and he suddenly became unsteady on his feet.

Seeing this, Shen Zhui quickly stepped forward to stabilize Han Mao's figure.

"Cousin, are you injured?" Yan You was anxious.

"I'm fine, retreat!" Han Mao growled.

"Let's go." Shen Zhui and Yan You supported Han Mao on the left and right, and quickly walked down the stairs towards the ground.


On the ground, next to the rockery.

Zhao Hu and Rong Zimo guarded the entrance, and a dozen corpses fell in front of them.

Fortunately, most of the people on the ground were not very strong. Previously, they had teamed up to kill the ninth level people guarding the entrance. Now the two of them were dealing with a bunch of seventh and eighth level people. Although it was not easy, it was still relatively safe.

"Ding ding ding~"

Zhao Hu and Rong Zimo stood back to back, blocking the arrows from around them.

Now no one dares to get close enough to die. They just surround them and shoot with crossbows.

"Fortunately, these powerful crossbows and arrows were damaged by moisture in winter. They didn't have much power, so they didn't dare to step forward." Zhao Hu laughed.

"Brother Hu, I don't know what happened to Brother Han and the others down there. If we wait any longer, I'm afraid the innate master will come back." Rong Zimo was a little anxious.

"What are you afraid of?" Zhao Hu said nonchalantly. "You and I both have tokens in hand, but with the power of the temple, what do the innate masters have to fear?"

"Brother Tiger, don't forget that there are three locations for this mission. According to the order, this is the weakest one. If you use your divine power too early, you may not be able to recover."

"The worst thing is, I will lose a few years of my life!" Zhao Hu said through gritted teeth. "I hope that an innate master will come over and let me have a good killing!"

"..." Rong Zimo was suddenly speechless.


Just when Zhao Hu, Shen Zhui and others were about to meet up, Taoist Xiangyang was about to fly to the manor.

Taoist Xiangyang's arms suddenly trembled, and a bloody token suddenly flew out of his arms.

Before he could make a move, a shadowy figure wearing a red Taoist robe appeared from the token.


"Master." Taoist Xiangyang looked serious. "Master, I am incompetent..."

"No need to say more." Li Mingtai stared at him coldly.

"I already know about this. Go quickly and hold those five people back."

"I have ordered Mu Dao and Heifeng to come over and help you. You only need to hold them back for a moment. When the three of you gather together, you can kill these five people!"

"Mu Taoist and Hei Feng will also come? It seems that the master is really angry." Taoist Xiangyang was shocked and quickly nodded in agreement.

"Go ahead and pick off these people's heads. I will send someone to deliver them to Wei Wenhe!"

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