I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 112: You didn’t shout for surrender?

This Xing Kuizong person came out very neatly.

When Shen Zhui shouted for the first time, he appeared in front of everyone.

A strong man wearing black armor stepped forward and said in a deep voice:

"Qingyangzi, since your Qingyang Sect has been reborn and has won the favor of the Holy Envoy, there is no need to be so aggressive."

"You just finished choosing the Heavenly Demon Sect, and you didn't even stop walking. Why don't you come to our Xingkui Sect?"

"Friend Xing Dao, your Xing Kuizong only needs to answer whether you want to answer or not." Fang Ziyou said calmly. "Whether my Qingyang Sect is aggressive or not, I don't need fellow Taoists to worry about it."

"What a loud tone!"

There was a soft shout from the Xing Kuizong Mansion. The sound seemed high and close, and was extremely clear. The next moment, there was a bang, and a stream of pure starlight poured out of the house.

On the roof of Xing Kuizong, a tile exploded with a bang. A young man about twenty years old with a strangely handsome face rose into the air, flew dozens of feet, and was suspended in mid-air. .

"Are you the Fang Liang who killed Bai Yu?"

Master Shangqing glanced at Shen Zhui, his eyes revealing a bone-chilling chill: "You are so courageous! You keep fighting without stopping for a moment. I am not that good-for-nothing Bai Yu. Today, I will let you know what it means that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!"

Shen Zhui was too lazy to say anything more and waved his hand: "Do you want to fight or not?"

"Then come!" Master Shangqing suddenly rose into the air, flashed, turned into starlight and disappeared immediately.

"Huh? That's a bit of a surprise." Shen Zhui's eyes narrowed and he put away his contempt.

This skill alone is enough to show that the fighting power of Master Shangqing is extraordinary.

Even Shen Zhui had not caught any trace of Mr. Shangqing just now.

Also at the ninth level of supernatural power, Master Shangqing's strength is much stronger than that of Master Baiyu, and Shen Zhui feels more threatened by Master Baiyu.

Now that Qingyang Sect is considered by everyone to be related to the super sect, naturally no one will say anything about whether they are qualified to challenge it.

The two parties faced each other in mid-air and quickly entered a state of combat.

"Hmph!" Mr. Shangqing snorted coldly, then suddenly used his fingers to change the seals on his body, and shouted: "The Starlight Seal, the Dark Cave, appears!"

As soon as the voice fell, the starlight around Mr. Shangqing suddenly disappeared. In the blink of an eye, black holes appeared around him. All the starlight was swallowed up, and even the sunlight could not shine in.

In Shen Zhui's perception, the Master Shangqing seemed to have disappeared.

The origin of darkness!

Shen Zhui felt a shiver in his heart. He didn't expect that this Master Shangqing was actually the same as the black demon he had seen in Ciyun's world. He was the source of darkness in cultivation.

Very few people have succeeded in cultivating this extremely rare origin law. This is not to say that it is more difficult to master than the origin rules of time and space, but because cultivating this way requires extremely harsh external conditions.

If you want to understand the true meaning of darkness, you need to close your perception for many years and isolate yourself from the outside world. This is tantamount to practicing like a living dead. Many people often go crazy because they cannot stand this boring and lonely feeling. .

The strong men of the sect who were watching the battle also expressed their admiration.

“In the realm of darkness origin, Master Shangqing is indeed the best among men!”

"I've heard that Xingkui Sect has many talented people, but I didn't expect that there are even people who practice the dark origin."

"The Qingyang Sect's foundation is still not enough. Although Fang Liang has had adventures, after all, he is not as good as a big sect like Xingkui Sect. He cannot break through the dark realm. Fang Liang may be defeated soon."

"Buddhist sects restrain evil powers, but Master Shangqing's skills are amazing but not evil. I'm afraid Buddhist magical skills are useless against the dark realm. It would be good if you can protect yourself."


"Swish, swish, swish~" Forty or fifty black holes emerged and rotated in mid-air.

And Shen Zhui's vision also turned dark, and the surrounding turned into a starry sky.

"Whoops~" A meteor flashed past, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared in front of Shen Zhui.

"Bang!" This meteor hit Shen Zhui's body hard, causing Shen Zhui to groan and take half a step back.

"The attack strength is not too strong, but the source of darkness is too weird. Where is his true body?"

"Aren't you going to challenge me?" Master Shangqing's voice suddenly appeared in Shen Zhui's ears.

"Why don't you stay still? Hahaha~"

"What are you proud of!"

Shen Zhui snorted coldly, and the Vajra Dharma appeared suddenly. A ray of Buddha's light suddenly illuminated the night sky, supporting a Buddha's light field.

"Evil Star Impact!"

Mr. Shangqing shouted loudly, and a dark and evil meteor came out silently and shot at Shen Zhui quickly. A thick, dark, evil, and sinister aura rushed over the sky and covered the earth.


Shen Zhui punched out, and the breath of both of them was annihilated. The revealed figures of Shen Zhui and Master Shangqing both took a step back, and they were actually about the same level.

"Sneaky!" Shen Zhui frowned, and a purple light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Look at the Qi method!

The qi-seeking method of "Lotus Flower Dao Fruit" comes into play at this time.

People can use their origins to cover up their tracks, but they cannot cover up the light of their own destiny.

Unless the opponent has practiced a powerful method of converging luck, or carries some treasure that covers his luck, he will not be able to escape the detection of the Qi Watching Method!

Whoosh~ Sure enough, when he looked again, Shen Zhui found a purple-red light, moving and turning around him.

"Hmph! I found you!"

Shen Zhui dodged and immediately moved his body, pretending to be panicked, and slashed to the left randomly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Master Shangqing was fooled and revealed his body to attack Shen Zhui.

However, at this moment, Shen Zhui suddenly restrained his feints and struck back with a knife!

"Oops, I've fallen into a trap!" Young Master Shangqing secretly shouted that something was wrong, and immediately backed away, but it was too late, Shen Zhui's sword light was still contaminated on his body.

"Pfft~" A section of the arm was thrown away, and Master Shangqing's arm was immediately cut off.

"What a great attack in the east and west, his sword skills are indeed strong enough!" Master Shangqing was horrified. You must know that he was wearing a fifth-level primary magic weapon armor. Just like this, he was actually split open by Shen Zhui with a knife. It was simply unbelievable.

"Starlight Wuji, hidden!"

Mr. Shangqing's body swayed, and five phantoms suddenly appeared and rushed towards Shen Zhui at the same time.

"Huh?" Shen Zhui was slightly startled. This was the first time he encountered such a clone. Of the five phantoms, one is obviously real.

Moreover, he found that the opponent's luck light had disappeared and he could no longer observe the opponent using the Qi-gazing method.

"The reaction speed is so fast, you can control your luck all at once." Shen Zhui was secretly shocked.

It seems that not all of these sectarians are pustules.

In terms of combat experience, these guys who have been practicing for decades are indeed richer.

"Roar~" Shen Zhui raised his head and roared. The Vajra Dharma above his head suddenly roared, and out of the five clones, only one true body remained.

Vajra Dharma Prime suddenly punched boldly, and Young Master Shangqing also crashed into him with a palm.

After the bang, Mr. Shangqing was horrified to find that an extremely domineering force entered his body and instantly destroyed half of his body, scaring him so much that he stepped back.

The first time Mr. Shangqing thought it was a coincidence, but the second time he was confronted, he realized it.

The other party's power is far stronger than his own!

He has a seventh-level magical power, and he can blow away half of his astral body with one punch, and he is still a ninth-level supernatural power. What is the concept of this?

"Strength is not on the same level at all. What kind of fate did this Fang Liang have, and why is he so powerful? He had no reputation before." Mr. Shangqing frowned.

However, there are many people in the sect who were originally unknown, but he did not think about the extreme physical condition of their sudden rise.

After all, there is no problem at all with Shen Zhui's dark gold secret body as long as he doesn't expose his bones for others to see.

Coupled with the cover-up of the Wuxiang Divine Art, even if the Venerable cut open the flesh and blood and examined it, he would only see the normal martial arts golden body.

This is the mystery of the Wuxiang Divine Art after it reaches the third level. This is only possible unless the true god catches him and examines his flesh and bones.

Master Shangqing disappeared again, and Shen Zhui felt a little upset.

He is pretending to be good now and cannot use many things, otherwise he would have captured the Shangqing Master long ago.

He has always been so hidden and hidden, just like a mouse.

If you delay for too long, even if you win, people will think that there is only a slight gap between you and this young master.

And what Shen Zhui wants is to kill this person completely!

"We have no choice but to use a special move!" Shen Zhui was suddenly attacked by Master Shangqing once again, and Shen Zhui was heartbroken.

"No one has ever seen the sixth form of my Thunder God Technique. Even if it is used, there will be no doubt about it."

"Moreover, this move is a spiritual attack, and there are no traces of lightning."

Just when Shen Zhui thought about it carefully.


Master Shangqing waved his hand, and a space turned into a dark vacuum, and the surrounding area was shrouded in darkness. Even the outside world could not clearly see the battle in the center of the battlefield. They could only estimate the fighting situation between the two people based on the increase in fighting aura.

"Wind of darkness!" Master Shangqing's ghostly voice sounded, and countless rustling sounds penetrated into Shen Zhui's mind, hitting the soul's defense. At this time, Master Shangqing actually chose to attack Shen Zhui with his soul.

"Huh, what a trick!" Shen Zhui sneered again and again. The golden light of the Tower of Void in his mind was shining. The pagoda hung high, suppressing everything and remaining motionless forever.

"Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang~" the bell on the top of the tower sounded melodiously, and all the attacks that eroded into his mind were blocked. The powerful power of the soul began to sweep out, and he followed the trajectory of the attack and counterattacked.

Young Master Shangqing was greatly shocked. He could not shake the Void Golden Tower at all, and this was already his strongest killing move.

"This Fang Liang is so terrifying. His physical body is tyrannical and his power is incredible. Although he is only at the seventh level of my magical power, the strength of his soul is higher than my ninth level. And that pagoda... is it a secret method or a treasure?" Master Shangqing Already thinking about quitting.

He can't defeat the opponent. If he drags on, he may be hurt by the opponent.

However, at this moment, a strong aura suddenly erupted in the dark space, and heart-stopping thunder quickly swam in the darkness.

This aura disappeared so quickly that no one except Mr. Shangqing himself noticed it. And the next moment, this feeling was replaced by the deafening sound of dragon roar!

"Ang~" A roar came out in the dark space, as if it came from an ancient, primitive scream, shattering the dark space inch by inch!

The sixth form of the Thunder God Technique, Thunder Dragon Divine Sound!

A pure soul attack uses the origin of thunder to amplify the power of the soul attack.

Dragons are as powerful as prison, and the roars of the dragon race have a strong intimidating effect on all living things. Accompanied by the roar of thunder and thunder, the two merge into one, making this move extremely terrifying. !

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the Niehai Thunder Dragon roared, directly revealing the figure of Mr. Shangqing. He could no longer maintain the dark realm, and he fell down holding his head in pain.

Shen Zhui's control over the thunder dragon divine voice was only concentrated on Master Shangqing, so outsiders could not understand what methods Shen Zhui used to defeat him.

"What! Master Shangqing's dark domain has been broken!" Some people exclaimed, because they could see each other with their naked eyes, which meant that the dark domain was ineffective.

"Such a strong killing intent, such a strong disciple of Qingyang!"

"Look at that Fang Liang, he doesn't seem to be stopping!"

Swish~ Shen Zhui flashed and immediately pursued the victory.

The realm of darkness was shattering step by step. The moment he came to see Master Qing, his soul was on the verge of collapse and he was unable to resist at all. This is the best time to kill!

"Stop!" Elder Xing Yi of Xing Kuizong reacted very quickly, and a force of rules came down, forming a bridge of starlight. Instead of stopping Shen Zhui, he quickly wrapped up Young Master Shangqing and retreated.

He knew that if His Holiness tried to stop Shen Zhui, he might be blocked, but if he just saved people, there would be no problem.

But Shen Zhui wouldn't let him go!

"Qingyang Sword Technique!" Shen Zhui slashed at him with his sword, completely ignoring Xing Yi's attack and continuing to chase after Master Shangqing.

One knife after another, one knife is better than the other!

In the blink of an eye, the Starlight Bridge was shaken to the point of collapse, and cracks actually appeared!

With the origin of gold and Qingyang sword energy, shake the starlight of rules!

This scene made everyone tremble with fear!

Fang Liang was simply crazy. He actually dared to attack the Venerable. He had a seventh-level magical power, but he was so domineering!

The point is, under Shen Zhui's crazy attack, the elder of Xing Kuizong was actually stopped by Shen Zhui!

"Ka ka ka~" The Starlight Bridge broke, and in an instant, a knife penetrated the defense of the power of rules and struck Master Shangqing!

"Ah..." Mr. Shangqing groaned weakly, and then

"Bang!" The body exploded and turned into a piece of flesh and blood. The soul disappeared and appeared, as if it might die at any time!

"Huh~" Xingyi is a venerable after all. Although he was caught off guard at first, he finally reacted and dragged the remnant soul of Master Shangqing back to him.

After checking the situation of Young Master Shangqing, Master Xingyi's eyes were about to burst, and two of his three souls and seven souls were gone. His soul began to collapse. Even if he could be rescued, this Young Master Shangqing would probably become a useless person, idiot!

"Asshole! Damn it!" Lord Xingyi was furious and looked for Shuyuanwww.zhaoshuyuan. com stared at Shen Zhui coldly. "I told you to stop, didn't you hear me?"

"You didn't shout for surrender." Shen Zhui said innocently.

You don't even have the dignity to admit defeat, who knows what you are yelling about?

"You" Master Xing Yi was so angry that his face turned red.

"Elder Xingyi, I think you should come to the rescue quickly. My Qingyang Sword Intent will do great harm to the soul of the Demon Sect, like the scorching sun lying on the ice. If you don't rescue me, I'm afraid you will be unable to save yourself." Fang Ziyou took a step forward. He stood in front of Shen Zhui calmly.

"Poof~" As soon as he finished speaking, Master Shangqing's soul collapsed completely, golden light overflowed and turned into nothingness.

There is nothing left to do.

Everyone was stunned. Young Master Shangqing actually died under the protection of His Holiness? !

Who else among this generation of young people would be the opponent of this Qingyang Sect disciple? !

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