I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 1: Dusty history!

Turns out to be the champion! "

"Excellent military exploits, bravely championing the three armies, this is compared to all the newly established Wuhou!"

"The titles of champions are unique. There are so many Five Virtues titles and prestige titles in history, but those who are worthy of the title of champion can be counted on one hand from the early days of the Apocalypse Era to the present."

"Champion candidate... Shen Zhui really wins the emperor's heart..."

"The recipients of this title will, without exception, be crowned kings and prime ministers in the end!"

"Huh, what's the use? It won't end well in the end..."

"You are jealous!"


The hall was quiet, but spiritual thoughts were stirring in the air, and they were obviously having a heated conversation.

The three Wuhou and the Grand Supervisor Long Xiao actually knew about it, but it was only natural to be surprised.

Not to mention the people below, even the three Wuhou and Long Xiao were shocked when they learned about Shen Zhui's title.

Because the Ministry of Ceremonies and the Central Committee will never ask for this title. From ancient times to the present, it has been appointed by emperors for a certain genius.

"The imperial court actually named me the champion!" Shen Zhui was also shocked by this accident and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"The first champion of the Great Zhou Dynasty was won by the peerless genius Yang An in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China."

"When Yang An was young, he was studious and studious. He was proficient in hundreds of classics and was praised by his teacher Li Sheng as a talented general. At the end of the Great Li Dynasty, Yang An was the county magistrate and was ordered to transport supplies to the South China Sea with his colleagues.

At that time, Nanhai was also in chaos. When he encountered thieves on the way, his colleagues abandoned their belongings and ran away. Only Jia Fu transported the things back to the county town and was praised by people.

At the end of the Dali Dynasty, troubled times came and uprisings occurred in various places. The puppet king Liu proclaimed himself emperor. Yang An led the county to surrender to Liu Jia, the king of Hanshan, and was appointed as a school captain.

But the false king Liu Xuan occupied two continents and after proclaiming himself emperor, he did not want to make progress. So he persuaded Liu Jia to break away from Liu Xuan and establish his own school. Liu Jia was unwilling to betray Liu Xuan, but he wrote a letter to recommend Yang An to the current Emperor Ji Fa. So Yang An bid farewell to Liu Jia and went to Dongzhou. After being introduced, he met Emperor Tianming.

Yang An's cultivation speed is very fast. In just ten years in troubled times, he climbed from the innate realm to the peak of supernatural power.

Emperor Tianming admired Yang An very much and appointed him as the general governor of Polu. He also rewarded him with a young dragon on the left side of the chariot and cultivated it with all his strength.

The people under Emperor Tianming requested that Yang An be transferred to Nantong Prefecture because he was new and appreciated so much, so that he could be placed in the rear and not give him a chance to make meritorious deeds.

But Emperor Tianming said: "Yang An has the power to repel enemy troops thousands of miles away. He has just received an important position and cannot be dismissed."

After the breakup of the Great Li Dynasty, the nine states in the world fell into war. After the Emperor Tianming pacified Dongzhou, he continued to use troops and worshiped Yang An as the general in the southern expedition. When Nanzhou was captured and the thieves Fangwai Yaoren were pacified, Yang An was the first to enter the battle. , invincible and defeated the enemy. When he was at the venerable level, he often had records of killing true gods, and all the generals had to admire his bravery.

In the twentieth year of the troubled times, the eight great kings and Zhending Mountain besieged Yang An's army. Yang An single-handedly defeated the eight true kings and finally killed the six kings! The remaining two people were frightened and fled to the sky. But Yang An was also seriously injured and dying.

Emperor Tianming was very sad. In order to commend Yang An for his contribution, he announced on the spot: "I heard that her wife is pregnant. If she gives birth to a daughter, my son will marry her. If she gives birth to a boy, my daughter will marry her. I won't let him worry about his wife."

This is the origin of fingertip marriage!

But the miraculous thing is that Yang An actually broke out of his cocoon and was reborn. After a year of recuperation in the rear, not only did he fully recover from his injuries, but he also made great progress from the venerable to the true god, assisting the Emperor of Destiny to conquer Yecheng, the capital of the pseudo-kingdom. Known as the number one master in the Zhou army!

In June of the same year, Ji Fa proclaimed himself emperor, and his reign was named Tianming!

It means inheriting the destiny of heaven and lasting forever!

Yang An also held the title of King Wu and was awarded the title of champion!

Soon after, the champion Yang An moved to the west and killed the twelve famous evil kings in history! Almost one person defeated the remaining forces and conquered half of West Antarctica!

At its peak, when Yang An conquered the cities behind him, he almost didn't need to send troops. He only needed to send a personal soldier, holding the championship banner, and he could pass it on!

Good news is being spread back to Kyoto one by one!

People often hear the words of Emperor Tianming: "Winning the championship is like winning the artifact of the country!"

Fighting all the way, opening up territories along the way.

Seeing that West Antarctica, the last of Kyushu, is about to be pacified.

The powerful sects in the Jiuyou Realm finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The three elders of the three super sects, a total of 120 super strong men, were dispatched to sneak into Yiyang City, the capital of the last false king.

First, he pretended to surrender to Yang An. After the champion entered the city, he used the entire Yiyang City's millions of lives as a sacrifice to display the supreme magic circle.

A total of one hundred and twenty strong men surrounded and killed Yang An!

In that battle, Yiyang City, with a radius of thousands of miles, was completely transformed into a dead city and a forbidden area.

It is rumored that Yang An was first trained by Taishang Sect's heaven and earth oven for twelve days before all Yang An's divine power was exhausted. In order to relieve his hatred, he was thrown into the Liuhe Sect's artifact reincarnation hell, so that he would never be reincarnated.

Because Yang An was extremely talented at that time, his talent was too evil, and his strength reached above that of a true god, so even the Emperor of Destiny would not be able to reverse time and space and resurrect Yang An.

At this point, the first champion of the Great Zhou Dynasty died at the hands of the sect.

Afterwards, Emperor Tianming personally went to the Jiuyou Realm, but was persuaded by hundreds of civil and military officials to stop him before leaving. At this time, Xuanyue Fairy Island in the South China Sea reappeared, and the rebellion broke out again.

Because it was closer to Kyoto and the crisis was more serious, Emperor Tianming had to turn his attention to governing the South China Sea islands.

Since then, the Great Zhou Dynasty has continued to use troops against the sectarian world. It was not until five hundred years after the founding of the country that the Jiuyou Realm finally couldn't bear the growing strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty and had to retreat back to the realm and give up the land of the Great Thousand World.

Coinciding with the rise of Xia Wudao, he continued the great cause of pacifying West Antarctica. He only pacified one-third of the land and completed the great cause of becoming a king and was granted the title of King of Liang!

After that, no one could win the championship again.

Shen Zhui never expected that such an honor would actually fall on his head.

No matter how you look at it, you are just a small fourth-level Venerable. Even if you are extremely talented, a Divine Power Level is enough.

But this scene suddenly appeared.

"Is it because Marquis Wu'an completed the final restoration and completely recovered West Antarctica that he gave me this title?"

Wu'anhou has been granted the title of king, and the other two Wuhous have already been granted the title of Wuhou and cannot be changed. Among the three Wuhou, only he has made the greatest contribution. Thinking about it this way, it seems reasonable.

"Shen Zhui, you still don't accept the order?" Just when Shen Zhui was lost in thought, a majestic voice sounded.

Shen Zhui was shocked, quickly calmed down, raised his head respectfully and then bowed down.

"My lord, accept the order!"

"Buzz~" The golden light fell, and Shen Zhui felt his body being washed away by the golden light. Although the scope of the cave world did not expand.

But the seven world hearts suddenly shrank in size, and the seven star rings condensed into one again! The second wave of condensation reached more than half before slowly stopping.

Not long after he broke through, he unexpectedly broke through the first level again and became the fifth level of Venerable!

"Huh?" Feeling the scene inside Shen Zhui's body, Long Xiao and the two Wuhou nodded slightly.

The imperial decree of awarding comes with endless benefits. This gift is given by the fate of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Like Que Tianhu and others, after receiving the gift, their cultivation level has not only improved by one level. Blue Sea was resurrected by reversing time and space, so it was not upgraded.

For example, Lu Yuanwei climbed from the sixth level of the Venerable to the eighth level of the Venerable.

Shen Zhui's gift is undoubtedly the best among all, and it stands to reason that the improvement in cultivation level should be more obvious. But it is really surprising that his cultivation level has only improved by less than two levels.

After receiving the order, Shen Zhui continued to wait with some confusion.

Next, is the reward for the three Wuhou.

Marquis Wu'an was undoubtedly promoted to King Zhao, and part of the Jiuyou Mountains was officially designated as the territory of Zhao State. Afterwards, a special person will come to open the seal and set up the temple. From then on, the vassal states of the Great Zhou Dynasty had one more State of Zhao and one more King of Zhao!

In addition, Marquis Shenjian and Marquis Dingwu both received additional official promotions. For example, the Shenjian Marquis took the post of transport envoy to the Three Kingdoms from Zhao State to Liang State to the east of Hanshan State. Ding Wuhou was a deputy.

With the promotion of official rank and the new founding of the State of Zhao, a large number of goods transactions and military supplies had to go through the hands of these two people, and the actual benefits were immeasurable. His status is so high that there is no need to mention it.

Moreover, a large number of his family's children and relatives were awarded titles and titles of wives. It can be said that one person has achieved enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

In short, apart from not being promoted to kings with different surnames, the actual benefits received by the two Wuhou were quite generous.


After the Tianxin Palace awards are over, it will also be put on the agenda to go to Beijing to report on the work, receive substantial awards, commendations, inform the world, conduct rituals, etc.

However, as soon as the news about Tianxin Palace came out, the most shocking thing was not the fact that Zhao Guoli was granted the title of King of Zhao. Because this has long been expected.

But when Shen Zhui was crowned the champion, it completely shocked everyone!

"What, General Shenwei, was given the position of Marquis of Wu, and was a champion?!"

"Oh my god, champion, what an honor this is, how could it be given to him..."

"It is true that the bravery of the three armies here is true, but there are so many generals in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and there is no second one in 800 years!"

"What kind of luck did Shen Zhui get to be able to win the title of champion!"

"How did the civil and military officials agree?"

"Nonsense, this title of champion was established by the Human Emperor, why does it need to go through hundreds of officials?"

"It's incredible..."

The news quickly spread to all parties like birds.

No matter who it was, they were all shocked when they heard the words "champion candidate".

After that, there were completely different reactions, some were scornful, some were envious, and some immediately sent people to find out if Shen Zhui had any relatives, hoping to take the opportunity to make friends.

"Bang!" In Prince Liang's palace, Xia Feihu threw a spirit pot to the ground, and the delicate spirit pot immediately fell into pieces.

"How is it possible, how can he be the champion!!" Xia Feihu roared, his face a bit ferocious.

Whether it is Que Tianhu or Lan Hai, the Qingzhou Army and the Jizhou Army must have a Wuhou, but he has no idea.

But Wu Anjun... Since there are two Wuhou, why doesn't he, Xia Feihu, have a share?

In terms of strength, he thinks he is no worse than Lu Yuanwei Shen Zhui!

Moreover, even if it is Lu Yuanwei!

Then Shen Zhui, how could he be made a Marquis of Wu?

Still the only champion!

At this moment, Xia Feihu was simply crazy with jealousy!

"Father, why do you tell me, Prince Liang's Mansion, not to touch Shen Zhui?"

"Otherwise, how could Shen Zhui get such credit in the battle for destiny!" Xia Feihu gritted his teeth.

He didn't understand that Prince Liang's palace had lost all its majesty on Shen Zhui, and even the crown prince and young master had died, yet they actually allowed Shen Zhui to do what he did on the battlefield.

If the Liang Prince's Mansion had caused some obstacles, why would this happen? !

Now that the situation has been decided, it is impossible to move Shen Zhui again unless his father takes action himself.

"Hey!" Xia Feihu let out a long sigh.


Luoxue Peak, inside Shenwei Mansion.

"Hahaha, boy, you are amazing now, the champion! Tsk, tsk, in the past 800 years since Yang An's death, you are the only one!" Cheng Jian landed in the mansion with a smile. Although the Shenwei Mansion does not see guests, Cheng Jiao is not a guest, but one of his own. In addition, he is Shen Zhui's uncle, so of course he can come in.

"Uncle Master, even you are here to tease me." Shen Zhui said helplessly. "Now that my disciple has been awarded the title of champion, he has been pushed to the forefront. I am afraid that he will not be peaceful on the way to Beijing."

"In comparison, I am more accepting of being granted a title of divine power."

"It's a bit abrupt. Logically speaking, you are not related to His Majesty. Even if you are talented, it is not so important in His Majesty's eyes." Cheng Jian said, holding his chin. "However, you are only twenty-two now. You are so young, you have such talent, and you have made such great contributions. In my uncle's eyes, it is very suitable for you to be the champion!"

"Uncle Master, thank you." Shen Zhui smiled bitterly. In Cheng Jian's eyes, of course he was a good person, but others didn't think so.

Maybe, now all the masters in the world are on their way to challenge me.

If he could beat himself as a mighty champion, wouldn't he become famous all over the world immediately?

You can imagine it with your buttocks. On the way to Beijing, there will be all kinds of challenges and all kinds of troubles will follow.

"Zhui'er, how about you ask King Zhao to tell His Majesty that we should no longer be champions?" After their adoptive father Chen Shan and his adoptive mother Wuniang came out, they saw their son in such a difficult situation and said worriedly.

Shen Zhui's official position has been great enough, and they are very satisfied. The most important thing is that they just hope that Shen Zhui can be safe.

"Mom, you can't just do whatever you want to be an official in the imperial court, and push aside whenever you want." Shen Xinlan supported Wuniang and said softly. Now her seal has been lifted long ago. After spending more than a month together day and night, she is no longer so resistant to her identity. At least, Shen Zhui didn't hear the slightest hint of reluctance in the mother's voice.

"But, it's so dangerous for Chai'er to be the champion..."

"Don't worry, stepmother." Shen Zhui said with a smile. "Just a little bit, it's not that exaggerated."

"Speaking of which, even if I don't become the champion, challenges are everywhere, so it would be better if I become the champion."

Shen Zhui's consolation slightly eased Wu Niang's worries, but obviously it would not be completely gone for a while.

On the other hand, my adoptive father Shen Shan is stronger. "To be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister, this is what many men dream of!"

"You and I should both be happy for Zhui'er to achieve this achievement. Why are there so many depressing words? Don't mention it again!"

Wu Niang immediately fell silent, glared at Chen Shan, then turned around and returned to the back room.

Seeing that the majesty of the parents had no effect at all, Chen Shan couldn't help but smile awkwardly, and quickly went back to the house to comfort his wife.

Cheng Jiao laughed, and Shen Xinlan and Shen Zhui were also dumbfounded.

"Sister, when will we be able to break through?" Shen Zhui looked at Shen Xinlan. His sworn sister is also a genius with two original marks. She has peak magical power and is only one step away from the venerable level.

"It will take some time..."


Just when Shen Zhui and his family were enjoying a peaceful life.

Tianxin Palace.

The three Wuhou and Long Xiao gathered in a study room.

"Brother Long, your majesty rewards Shen Zhui as the champion, but does he have an ulterior motive?" Shenjian Hou Lan He asked. The fact that Shen Zhui was awarded the title of champion was really beyond their expectations, and they couldn't guess what the Human Emperor's intention was.

Long Xiao kept silent, and the old god sat comfortably.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Marquis Dingwu tentatively said to Marquis Shenjian: "I heard that after that man passed away, His Majesty once said that the one who pacified West Antarctica would be the champion. Brother Lan, why do you ask this?"

Long Xiao opened his eyes and glanced at the two people who were singing together, and said calmly: "You two, His Majesty has never said such things. Don't believe the rumors easily."

"Ahem..." Seeing that their intentions were seen through, the two Marquis Wu couldn't help but cough to hide their embarrassment.

"Shen Zhui, it is possible that he is the reincarnation of that person." Zhao Xing suddenly said.

"What?!" Marquis Dingwu and Marquis Shenjian were both shocked and their eyes widened.

Obviously, the 'that one' that Zhao Xing is talking about refers to Yang An, the first champion of the Great Zhou Dynasty, who was known as the strongest man in the army at that time!

"How is this possible? According to the historical records, it is not said that the person who was taught by the Heaven and Earth Furnace lost his entire cultivation, and also had his three souls and seven souls wiped out by the reincarnation hell..." Marquis Dingwu murmured to himself. , this guess is too amazing, and after 800 years, is this possible?

"It may not be impossible." Shenjian Hou glanced at Long Xiao and took a deep breath. "Shen Zhui's talent is very similar to that of the one back then, and his climbing speed is no less than that of him."

"Perhaps that soul has entered reincarnation and has not completely disappeared as rumored."

"Could it be that His Majesty saw that Shen Zhui is..."

"That's enough. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com" Long Xiao's eyes were like lightning, and he stared at the two Wuhou with a somewhat scary aura.

"You should no longer presume on the Holy Will!"

Marquis Shenjian and Marquis Dingwu both had stern expressions on their faces, knowing that they could no longer continue testing, they quickly raised their hands to the sky, saying they did not dare.

"Long Xiao, don't be too nervous. You and I are just getting together to talk nonsense after drinking. You don't have to take it seriously. Since you can't say it, then don't say it." Zhao Xing said.

Long Xiao snorted lightly, dismissing the matter, and the atmosphere relaxed slightly.

After a pause, Long Xiao slowly said:

"Three of you, now that Shen Zhui has been crowned champion, there are some things that we have to explain clearly about Shen Zhui's arrangements."

"Appreciate further details."

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