I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 6: Obtaining good deeds

Inform the local village and town officials of Liu Bin's death, and the local authorities will be responsible for the follow-up matters of the burial.

Then he quietly found the Hu Xing family and confirmed the adoption of Liu Bin’s daughter.

Officials came forward, and of course there was no problem with the orphan's adoption. The Hu Xing family repeatedly said that they had long regarded Liu Bin's daughter as his own, and helped the orphan to register her household registration. Shen Zhui left behind fifty taels of silver. , and left quietly.

Once the beheading order is issued, it means that the crime has been confirmed by the gods and Taoism, and the crime is basically killed on the spot.

The purpose of detaining and imprisoning a person and choosing a day to be executed is to prevent unjust, false and wrongful convictions and to provide a buffer time.

But in this world, once confirmed by the gods, Taoism, and law, there is no such thing as an unjust, false, or wrongful conviction, and there is no need to rely on methods such as questioning and beheading in public to demonstrate the deterrence of the law.

Of course, if you surrender, you will still have some time to say goodbye to your relatives. But how many desperadoes were caught without mercy even though they knew they were going to die?

In this battle, although Shen Zhui killed the ninth level Hou Tian, ​​the victory was not easy.

If it weren't for the silver scale soft armor that blocked Liu Bin's fatal knife, I'm afraid the outcome would have been to die together.

Especially when the essence of vitality in the body is exhausted, it will be difficult to recover without rest for more than half a month.

This also reminded Shen Zhui that against such an experienced desperado, it was still too dangerous to kill him beyond his level.

Relying on the mastery of ruler skills, I thought it would be easy, but I still underestimated the acquired ninth-level warriors.

After all, he had just broken through the eighth level of the acquired world, and his strength suddenly increased. His control of body strength and foot skills were not as good as when he was at the seventh level of the acquired world.

"You have to be more careful in the future."

When he went to the county government office to hand in the beheading order, Shen Zhui ignored the exclamations of the chief clerk and colleagues, exchanged the reward money for some small repayment pills, and hurried back home to rest.


"What? You said that as soon as Shen Zhui broke through to the eighth level of the day after tomorrow, he received the beheading order and killed a warrior of the ninth level of the day after tomorrow?"

In a restaurant in the city, Yang Wu and a few people were drinking wine. When they suddenly heard someone mention the news, they were shocked.

"Brother Wu, this matter is absolutely true. Li Er and I were both at the Law Enforcement Hall and saw with our own eyes that Shen Zhui called the Yi Zhan word order back to Master Liu. This matter has been spread. How could I tell lies! "

"Bang!" Yang Wu slammed the wine glass on the table, his face uncertain.

They are both at the acquired eighth level, and they also practice the "Blood Burning" technique. Although this technique is three points better than those at the same level, Yang Wu thinks that he cannot do it. He can kill a acquired ninth level person. warrior.

Which of the acquired ninth-level warriors who have committed crimes and escaped for many years is not a desperado and has no real ability?

But unfortunately, he was killed by a young boy like Shen Zhui!

"It has only been three years since he entered the martial arts class, but he has made rapid progress. He often makes amazing moves to leapfrog and win battles. I didn't expect that he would still be so terrifying when he reached the eighth level the day after tomorrow. How did this kid train?"

Yang Wu couldn't understand that if a normal warrior wanted to practice weapons and skills to a great level, which one wouldn't need to spend ten years?

But this pursuit only took three years!

"This person has arrested disciples of the Li family many times, and is highly valued by the county. There is no possibility of being won over by the Li family. If he is allowed to grow to the ninth level of the acquired day, who among these acquired warriors will be his opponent? I would have told the master family long ago I said I wanted to get rid of Shen Zhui, but my master never cared about it! Now that Shen Zhui can kill Houtian Ninth Level, do we still keep him?"

Yang Wu was calculating in his mind, and a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

The county magistrate and the major families in the city are already in a desperate situation. Innate masters will not take action easily, and acquired warriors are the main fighting force.

If the County Lord is really allowed to train Shen Zhui to the ninth level the day after tomorrow, I'm afraid the County Lord's power will become even stronger.

"You guys keep drinking, I'll leave first." With the decision made in his heart, Yang Wu quickly got up and left the table, rushing to somewhere in the city.


County government office, Mingtang.

Chief Liu was reporting to a figure in blue-clothed official uniform above the bright hall.

"... County Lord, the property taxes concealed by the Li and Yang families have been preliminarily investigated. Not counting mountains and forests, there are 13,482 acres of top-grade fertile land alone. Forty-two thousand acres of middle- and lower-grade fertile land. One hundred and seventy-one acres, with more than 8,700 households hiding tax avoidance."

"After nearly two years of secret investigation, these are the only things we found?" The figure in official Tsing Yi uniform was obviously dissatisfied.

"Your Majesty..." Mr. Liu's heart trembled, and he became more and more respectful to this terrifyingly powerful County Majesty.

"It's not because of the incompetence of my subordinates. The land where the Li and Yang families are concentrated has ancestral temples and ancestral halls. Inside, there are Taoist teachings to hide the secrets of heaven, and innate masters are in charge. There are hundreds of servants outside... Unless the county magistrate goes to the City God's Temple in person. please……"

"Okay, I understand." The county official interrupted Mr. Liu's words. "Whether it is for me or for them, now is not the time to completely break up... just continue to send people to search other places."


"Your Excellency, there is one more thing. Do you remember Shen Zhui from the Wu Banfang?"

"Is it him? Of course I remember. Speaking of which, I took office here in the same year as that kid entered the martial arts squad room. I remember that he had reached the seventh level of the day after tomorrow at the beginning of the year, and it was mentioned that he was promoted to the ninth level of criminal arrest not long ago. Why, but now Is the matter causing criticism?"

Master Liu shook his head and said: "No one dares to dispute your personal order. But Shen Zhui received a beheading order from a ninth-level warrior yesterday and returned successfully today."

"Huh?" The county magistrate's voice was a little surprised. "He is the seventh level of the day after tomorrow, but he can kill the ninth level of the day after tomorrow?"

"Back to the county magistrate, Shen Zhui has reached the eighth level of the acquired world. I think it was the Great Return Pill given by the Lord that helped him break the mirror."

"So that's it. It's already the eighth level of the day after tomorrow. I thought..."

After pondering for a while, the county minister said: "It's not bad to have such a performance, but it's just a little short of it and useless to the overall situation... Go to the warehouse and give him ten more Great Return Pills. The rest Don’t worry about it, the focus is on checking the Li and Yang families.”



At this moment, Shen Zhui, who was recuperating at home, didn't know that his killing of the ninth-level warrior the day after tomorrow had triggered various actions. He is concentrating on making nourishing medicine at home.

The knife Liu Bin made before he died broke through his iron ruler defense, and the remaining force left a slash mark on the silver scale soft armor, but the shock damage to the body was limited.

The sixteen vitality essences that he burst out at the critical moment were what caused the serious injury.

It's like a person who has lost too much blood may appear fine on the outside, but will become very weak on the inside.

"Now that I think about it, in fact, for the last move, I only need to activate the essence of eight vitality, and then rely on the defense of the iron ruler in my left hand and the silver scale soft armor to block that killing move. But I am in a critical moment, and I am a little panicked."

Watching the charcoal fire crackling and exploding in the stove, Shen Zhui summarized the battle.

Both hands have iron rulers, one for attack and one for defense, originally aimed at swords and weapons.

Especially since he has mastered the ninth level of Iron Ruler to the seventh level of Iron Ruler Shadow, the situation has been achieved!

If you attack, it will be continuous; if you defend, it will be watertight.

There's absolutely no need to be so cautious.

"If I had perfected my body skills, I wouldn't have had to take the knife directly and just dodge it. It's a pity that I've perfected my foot skills, but I still haven't been able to break through with this "Flowing Cloud Step"."

"If you can reach the Great Perfection Realm, your body will be able to move freely in a small area like flowing clouds, and you can move forward and retreat freely whether you are attacking or defending. I don't know what went wrong..."

Shen Zhui was a little helpless.

"Could it be that my control over the strength of my legs is not up to par yet?"

Shen Zhui thought it was very possible.

Human hands must be used more often than legs and feet, and their flexibility is stronger than feet.

As the saying goes, it takes three years to practice the ruler method and ten years to practice the body method. Find the book www.zhaoshuyuan.com to say that the difficulty of practicing the body method is more difficult than that of the ruler method.

How important is body technique?

In a battle of the same level, the warrior with stronger physical skills will always win!

The division of realms of body skills is also more direct and crude!

On the premise of not exceeding two small realms, limiting the range, moving and dodging a hundred times, and being able to dodge twenty-five attacks from warriors with the same level of movement is considered a beginner.

A person who evades the moves of a warrior in the Xiaocheng realm fifty times is considered a Xiaocheng.

If you avoid seventy-five attacks at the Dacheng realm, your body skills will be considered Dacheng.

No matter what level you are in, you can dodge all the attacks, and your body skills will be considered perfect.

Of course, if the level gap is too big, for example, if a martial artist at the peak of the acquired world trains his body skills to a perfect state, he can only be invincible in the acquired state.

If an innate master attacks, it will be difficult to dodge, because the physical speed that the two burst out is not at the same level at all.

There is also a narrow terrain, or there are enemies on all sides, so there is no room for display.

The realm of Shenfa represents the success rate of evasion.

The realm of chifa represents the strength of the power that can be exerted based on the control of body strength.

The essence of vitality is an explosive killing move.

These three are the foundation of acquired warriors.

"I don't know how much good deeds I have gained by killing this Liu Bin. If I can use the time of understanding to raise my body skills to the realm of Dacheng, then it will be much easier for me to take on the case of the ninth level of the day after tomorrow."

With a thought in his mind, his own data appeared in front of Shen Zhui:

Shen Zhui: The eighth level of the day after tomorrow

Skill: The third level of "Burning Blood"

Martial Arts: "Nine Levels of Iron Ruler" Dacheng Realm

Shen Dharma: "Flowing Cloud Step" Xiaochengjing

Good deeds: 7600

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