I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 37: Preaching in the Virtual God Realm

"Your Highness." When Shen Zhui arrived at the Xuantianmen passage, Tanlang summoned him. Since then, the body shape has also declined. This is what Shen Zhui told him. After he came out from King Zhao, he waited for him at the city gate.

"Ganlang, you're here quite early." Shen Zhui greeted him with a smile.

Shen Zhui was still very respectful and grateful to the guards assigned to him by Daxia Academy. After all, they had been guarding him since he was young. This also gave him an additional sense of belonging to his identity as the 'Pingyang King of the Great Xia World'.

"His Highness is about to travel far, and Tanlang cannot follow him, so he can only come to see His Highness off." Tanlang also said with some emotion. Watching Shen Zhui grow up all the way, this young man was originally only a weak magical power, but in the blink of an eye, he was not only stronger than him, but also won the title of Great Zhou Champion.

"It's a pity that no one else is allowed to enter these four secret realms except the magic weapon puppets." Shen Zhui also said with some regret.

The four secret realms are where the core base of the Great Zhou Dynasty is located!

Such an important secret realm certainly involves many secrets and benefits, so of course you can't just bring servants in.

The higher the level, the stricter the screening. If Shen Zhui was an idle marquis, there would be no need to enter the secret realm, and the court would probably not continue to investigate his family background. After all, there is already King Zhao as a guarantee.

However, because he wanted to enter the 'Secret Realm of Marquis Wu', in less than half a month, the imperial court used terrifying energy to investigate all five generations of his ancestors, and even his biological father was found.

Someone once joked that if an orphan wanted to find his relatives, all he had to do was become the Marquis of Wu of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he would be guaranteed to find his long-lost relatives in minutes.

"Your Highness, there is no need to feel sorry for him. Tanlang will always stay in the Marquis Mansion, waiting for His Highness to return." Tanlang smiled, hoping that the person he was following was someone who valued friendship, and it was obvious that Shen Zhui was such a person.

"Thank you." Shen Zhui nodded. In fact, Greedy Wolf can completely regain his freedom now. After all, the lower task of Daxia Academy is to protect Shen Zhui for a period of time. Now Tanlang himself is only at the fifth level of Venerable, but the other party is willing to stay, continue to follow him, and protect the Hou Mansion for him.

"Besides me, there is one more thing that Your Highness also needs to know." Tanlang said through his voice. "Your Highness is entering the secret realm of Marquis Wu now, and the protector cannot follow him in."

"But don't worry, Your Highness, you are absolutely safe in Wuhou's secret territory and will not be harmed in any way. Unless you go out to perform some mission or are released outside."

"The guardians dare not pry into these four secret realms of the Great Zhou Dynasty, so the guardians will continue to protect you secretly only when His Highness comes out." A small and exquisite jade sword appeared in Tan Lang's hand, and he solemnly placed it on Shen Chasing hands. "This is what the protector asked me to pass on to His Highness. Once His Highness leaves the secret realm and has this jade sword with him, he will rush over to protect His Highness."

"Jade sword?" Shen Zhui nodded and took it. This is probably a token. "Thank you senior for me."

"After a long journey, we must say goodbye. Greedy Wolf, please go back." Shen Zhui cupped his hands and said. "Please take care of my family."

"It's my honor, Your Highness." Tanlang returned the favor and left quickly.

"Buzz~" In the huge passage, a figure suddenly appeared. This figure had an extremely domineering sword energy all over his body. When he appeared in the passage, there was a sense of killing in the space.

"King Jianhuang." Shen Zhui said respectfully. Through the meeting with the Ministry of Industry, he also knew that it was King Jianhuang who led many geniuses to the secret realm this time.

"Don't resist, I will take you into the cave." King Jianhuang said with a smile.

"Yes." Shen Zhui nodded.

"Whoosh~" King Jianhuang waved his hand gently, and Shen Zhui's figure immediately disappeared into the passage. Afterwards, King Jianhuang performed a magic trick in the passage inside Xuantian Gate, which immediately echoed with the formation in the capital. A spatial crack that was as stable as a portal tore open. King Jianhuang flashed and disappeared in the passage of Xuantian Gate.


The World of Swords is the name of the cave world of King Jianhuang.

As the true god's cave world, its area is very wide. The moment Shen Zhui was put away by King Jianhuang, he suddenly appeared outside a palace out of thin air.

It is said to be a palace, but it looks like a long sword. It stands directly in the center of the sword world and is connected to the barrier of the cave world.

Shen Zhui looked up and was secretly surprised.

"What a powerful treasure. I'm afraid that even my seven great treasures combined would not be as powerful as one-tenth of this divine sword." Shen Zhui said enviously.

"One tenth? You don't dare to think about it." Zen Xin's voice sounded in Shen Zhui's mind. "A king-level true god of King Jianhuang's level must have spent a lot of effort on building his own cave core."

"With the life-long efforts of a true god-level king, it is normal to throw in millions of good luck coins. If it is exaggerated, it is possible. How much did it cost you to practice the second level of Qi Jue Tian? Even one hundred thousand good luck coins are not enough. No!"

"Millions, tens of millions?" Shen Zhui breathed out. "is it possible?"

"Shen Zhui, don't look at the strong with your venerable eyes. How long have you been practicing? How long has King Jianhuang been practicing? For a king like him, it's not too much to earn half a million fortune coins every year, right? After months of accumulating wealth...hehe, I'm afraid I think it's all a little." Zen Xin said with a smile.

"It's terrible." Shen Zhui shook his head. Although having money does not necessarily mean you have the opportunity to improve your understanding of the law and increase your combat power. But it will definitely be able to create a powerful treasure!

He speculated that the top true god was just like a farmer who believed that the emperor was plowing the land with a golden hoe and eating three bowls of meat in one meal. It was not the same level of vision at all.

"Shen Zhui, this way." Just when Shen Zhui was sighing, a man in golden armor walked out of a door of the Palace of Swords. It was Jin Rong who he had met before.

"Master Jin." Shen Zhui greeted him with a smile.

"You can just call me Brother Jin." Jin Rong smiled. "Those who can enter the four secret realms all have some background strength. We don't do anything fake, just talk about the strength in the secret realm. Even if the prince is here, if he can't catch up with you in cultivation, he has to be honest. Call me brother, this is a rule set by His Majesty."

"Okay, Brother Jin." Shen Zhui smiled and nodded. The four secret realms cultivate the military strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Unlike civil servants whose strength is somewhat 'empty', military generals' strength is gained through their own cultivation step by step!

If it comes to status and official position in the secret realm, no one can be weak, so here, it only depends on one's own strength and talent!

"Come in quickly, we are about to set off. Everyone inside has been here a long time ago." Jin Rong said with a smile. "I know you have many doubts in your mind, and I will introduce you to the situation in the secret realm."

"Okay, thank you." Shen followed Jin Rong into the Palace of Swords.


The palace was thousands of miles in size, and it was already packed with people. Shen Zhui swept through it and estimated that there were tens of thousands of people.

"So many people." Shen Zhui couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Haha, there are quite a few people." Jin Rong laughed. "But the main thing is to enter the general's secret realm."

"Eight hundred of your generals from the three armies of West Antarctica have gone. This year is a harvest year for talents in all states in the world. The number of geniuses absorbed by all the generals' secret realms this year is almost 10,000."

"As for the Wuhou Secret Realm, there are fewer, just over nine hundred... Let's go, I will take you to meet the geniuses in the Wuhou Secret Realm."

"Thank you." Shen Zhui quickly followed.

As Jin Rong slowly came to a side hall, geniuses from middle and lower ranks of the venerable kept looking at him on the road, some with envy, some with admiration, and some with hints of provocation. But Shen Zhui laughed it off.

"I wonder where that kid from Kongyangzhou is." Shen Zhui said secretly. Kong Yangzhou also entered the general's secret realm, but this palace of swords was purely governed by the law of gold, and the law of space was respected, suppressing all spiritual detection. So Shen Zhui could only look for it with his naked eyes. It was really difficult to find Kongyang Prefecture due to the huge crowds.

"Good command."

"Commander Shen and Commander Jin are here."

"Commander Shen, congratulations."

People kept saying hello on the road, shouting one after another, making Shen Zhui confused. "Brother Jin, it's not that regardless of status, why do they..."

"Haha." Jin Rong laughed. "That's just regardless of the outside world's status, there are certainly status divisions within the four secrets. The strong will get more resources and higher rights and status."

"All the venerable general-level secret realms who come in are unified soldiers of the Jinwu Guard."

"The geniuses in Wuhou's secret realm are only soldiers at the beginning, but as long as they pass a few trials and tasks in the secret realm, they can immediately obtain the position of Jinwu commander and gain more resources. There are also General Jinwu above them. ."

"When we see the true king's secret realm, we can just call him true god. As for the god king, he is the one who rules the three major secret realms below. We basically have no chance to see it."

"Of course, Brother Shen, you are extremely talented and have defeated Yang Lin, so when His Majesty awarded you the reward, he directly gave you the position of 'Jinwu Commander'. Unlike me, who has struggled in the secret realm of Wuhou for twenty-nine years, I just got this position." Jin Rong said with emotion.

"That's it." Looking at the envious glances from around him, Shen Zhui nodded.

There is time acceleration within the Four Great Secrets, and the comparison with the vast world is normally ten to one.

In other words, seventy years have passed in the secret realm, while only ten have passed in the outside world. Of course, geniuses can also apply for higher time acceleration if necessary.

It is usually said that it takes seven years for Marquis Wu and three years for the general to gain enlightenment in the secret realm, which refers to the time in the world. In fact, it is seventy and thirty years respectively in the secret realm.

"I climbed up from the general-level secret realm." Jin Rong was quite emotional when he mentioned this. "That was my last year in the general-level secret realm. I had never made any breakthroughs before. But in the last year, I was lucky enough to get something from a mission, so I managed to break out of the 100,000 geniuses."

"The competition in the general-level secret realm is too fierce. It has always maintained a scale of 100,000 people. The competition is more cruel than the Wuhou Secret Realm and the True King Secret Realm. Because many resources have to be fought for by oneself, unlike the Wuhou Secret Realm and the True King Secret Realm. In the King's Secret Realm, those who are born strong will receive many preferential treatment. The general-level Secret Realm can only be competed through repeated tests and life-and-death missions."

"Look at the people absorbed this time. There are 10,000 people added to the general-level secret realm. That's all because the original geniuses fell and were eliminated! You can imagine how cruel it is inside."

"That was really intense." Shen Zhui also lamented.

No one forces these geniuses to take risks, but in the face of great opportunities, who doesn't want to take a step forward, and who wants to succumb to others? If you want to get ahead, you have to compete with whoever works harder and whoever is more desperate.

Since it is all about fighting, there will always be people who die unexpectedly or are eliminated.

However, everyone is mentally prepared. Each genius is at the lowest level of the peak level of supernatural power, so they are very calm about this.


I followed Jin Rong all the way to the small side hall next to it. It was empty, with only a few people here. Opposite there were many portals attached to the high wall, like many stacked rooms.

"Brother Jin, don't you mean to introduce people to Wuhou's secret realm? Why are there so few people?" Shen Zhui asked.

Jin Rong was also stunned, and quickly took out the token in his hand, then smiled and said: "So that's it, they all went to the Void God Realm to listen to the sermons of True God Nuohe."

"In the Virtual God Realm, is the True God preaching?" Shen Zhui was a little confused.

"The Virtual God Realm is similar to the Zhenwen Realm you entered at the Moon Flower Banquet." Jin Rong said while leading Shen Zhui into one of the portals. "With just a trace of spiritual thought, you can enter a place that feels like the real world."

"Like many famous spiritual worlds, such as the God of War World, the Zhenwen World, the Flame World, and the Virtual God World..."

"The true text world is where the power of the Holy Word reigns. The flame world is a world that specializes in understanding the laws of fire. They are corresponding cave worlds created by strong men and powerful people. Of course, those are relatively partial and must be possessed at the same time. 'The entry of spiritual thoughts' and extremely strong tolerance. Among them, the Virtual God Realm is the most powerful one!"

"The Virtual God Realm can even accommodate the entry of divine thoughts at the level of god kings, and even god kings can display what they have learned in it and conduct enlightenment. In the eyes of god kings, it is a perfect operation of laws, and there is no Any restrictions are almost the same as the rest of the world."

"It is rumored that this Void God Realm... was created by His Majesty's Cave World!" Jin Rong said with an enthusiastic look.

"What, even the divine thoughts of the God King Realm can enter." Shen Zhui was startled.

When he was in Daxia Academy before, it was not like he had never seen this kind of cave world where spiritual thoughts entered. He also practiced in the God of War world for several years.

However, the God of War world was created by the true god, and it only provides spiritual bridge realm, magical power realm, and the cultivation of the venerable ones. If you go any higher, it won't work.

Because after reaching True God, you can find that the understanding of the rules and laws in the God of War world is imperfect, and practicing it will not have that effect.

However, in the Virtual God Realm created by the Human Emperor, even the God King Realm can be used and comprehended in it without any flaws?

How strong is the Human Emperor? ! Shen Zhui couldn't help but be shocked.

"The world is too vast and far away, and it cannot withstand the hardships."

"But as long as the spiritual thoughts enter, you can recover no matter how you toss it. Moreover, the distances between each other in our great Zhou Dynasty and the territory of Tianwaitian are not short. If there is any news, it is extremely inconvenient to deliver it. And in the Virtual God Realm There is no such restriction at all.”

"Just like the true god preaching." Jin Rong took out the fugue order issued by the Ministry of Works and motioned to Shen Zhui to follow him.

"The true gods guard one area, and the territory is extremely wide. Even teleportation takes a long time. When entering the virtual god world, even if one is in the West Antarctica and the other is in the eastern continent, you can teleport through the virtual god world. Meeting, face-to-face teaching experience.”

"We arrived just in time. Just half an hour ago, True God Nuoan was giving a public sermon in the Wuhou Secret Realm in the Virtual God Realm." Jin Rong said with a smile. "Brother Shen, learn from me. When you go in, you will be introduced and listened."

"Yes." At this time, Shen Zhui also understood why the Ministry of Industry had previously spent so much effort to create crown uniforms, tokens, etc. This fugue token is the only certificate connecting the Human Emperor to the virtual world of gods.

"Om~" The spiritual thought formed a complex secret pattern and was printed on the token. Then there was a slight traction, instantly bringing up a trace of spiritual thought.

The next moment, Shen Zhui appeared above a suspended city. The suspended city was floating under the endless night sky, with no end in sight.

"Shua~" There was another figure beside him, it was Jin Rong.

"Look, this is the secret realm of Marquis Wu in the Virtual God Realm."

Jin Rong pointed to the hanging city: "This city is also called Wuhou City. In addition, there are General City, True King City, and God King Palace in this starry sky. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com corresponds to the four major secret realms in reality. Each city is extremely huge, tens of billions of miles wide, but it is very convenient to teleport through the token."

"It's breathtaking." Shen Zhui couldn't help but say. After he entered, he immediately became familiar with his body. Different from the unified venerable-level body in the Zhenwen world, he was completely at the peak of the fifth-level venerable level in it.

Not only does he have seven hearts of the world, but he also has a golden body in the extreme realm!

For example, he can use all the "Five Elements Penetrating the Sky", "Nine Revolutions of Star Art" and "Invincible Sword Technique" that he has learned!

In this world, the laws operate extremely perfectly. Shen Zhui feels that practicing cultivation here is no different from the outside world, and it is even easier to comprehend.

"This is much better than the God of War World or Zhenwen World." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

In his heart, he admired the Human Emperor's terrifying strength even more.

"It's quite magical. As long as you don't throw away the Fugue Token, you can connect to the virtual god world in the outer world and even in some secret realms." Jin Rong said with a smile. "Even King Jianhuang's Cave Heaven Barrier cannot prevent the Divine Movement Order from connecting to the Virtual God Realm. Since the birth of the Virtual God Realm 800 years ago, there has never been a situation where the connection cannot be made. As for other Zhenwen Realm and so on, That’s different, the true God is enough to restrict the entry of divine thoughts.”

"Okay, I will take you to your residence in Wuhou City later. Now go listen to the sermon of that senior Nuo An." Jin Rong urged. "True God Nuo An is good at the laws of time and space. This kind of opportunity for a top true god to preach is not common even in Wuhou City. We can't miss it."

"Okay." Shen Zhui also smiled and nodded.

Whoa, the two people immediately disappeared over Wuhou City.

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